First Impression:: Wonderfully intriguing! I'm dying to know more. I usually write my 'first impression' down after reading it only once, but I got so sucked into the story that I was on my third read before I realized that I hadn't written down my first impression yet! I found your unnamed character both unique and easy to relate to at the same time. And his/her condition (paranoia?) is endlessly interesting.
What Worked::
I was surprised to find I really liked the unique way you used indentation and paragraphs. Usually I find things like that distracting, but you seemed to have a rhyme and a reason to it, and it actually furthered the reader's understanding of your meaning. Very creative and stylish! Also, I like how you seem to be jotting down the character's thoughts as they come. People rarely think in a straight line, and likewise your character doesn't either. It's realistic and makes the character all the more believable. Nice work!
If I understood your meaning correctly, the aim of the story wasn't really the door at all. It had more to do with the character's condition and the way the world perceives it. Whether or not the tapping on the door is real, the fear that the character feels when he/she hears it doesn't change. And I sensed that you were trying to bring to light the fact that just because something is 'all in your head' doesn't mean it isn't scary. I had to read the story several times to grasp this theme. Perhaps if you went into a little more depth towards the beginning when the character says 'I'll hear what I want to hear, is the explanation I've been told.' you could illustrate the theme a bit more. I'd also like to know how the character feels emotionally about society's view of his/her fears. Just something to consider

Favorite Part::
'I secured the doorstop beneath the door- just in case. I really hated ‘just in case’ because it meant that it could be the case; that I needed a backup plan at all, especially one so apt to fail.'
I really liked how, in a stressful situation like this one, the character is contemplating their dislike of a certain phrase. It made me chuckle, and shed some more light on your mysterious character's personality.
I hope you found my suggestions helpful! Please keep in mind that these are just my humble opinions and that you will always know what is best for your piece.
Write On!