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Review by ♥SoNNetWo... Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Integrity is all areas of our lives in paramount. Especially in the church. I love what you said, "What would Jesus do?" Man has lost (or some of them anyway) their innate drive to be honest, even with themselves. We need to return to some fundatmental roots here. It is so important to be truthful to our friends, families, church, schools, every aspect of our life revolves around integrity.
Review of Dawn  Open in new Window.
Review by ♥SoNNetWo... Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Dear Malika,

Very insightful; We all have an attachment to Dawn, and you are very descriptive.

Review of Walk Don't Run  Open in new Window.
Review by ♥SoNNetWo... Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)

Absolutely amazing, coming from a Free Verse Poet like myself who runs, not walks, LOL, away from literary tradition and strict, controlled meter.

However, though I don't write in that disciplinary style, doesn't mean I don't appreciate all Art Form, for there is plenty of room in this world for diverse voice and structures and style and if that were not so, like everything else, monotony would set it, am I right?

OOOOOOOOOOOOkay, back to the Poem at hand.

I loved it, it was strong, the outright message that we never stop to smell the roses (yet you put this more poetically and eloquently in the actual Poem) was brilliant. I admire such strenght in rhyme scheme, like the gait of a horse, the beat of a heart, it is music.

Such an interplay of messages both underlying and out front for all to see, it climbs to a climatic statement that I shall not reveal here so that other Reviewers can unwrap this jewel of a package for themselves.

Totally impressed here, and it takes a lot to get my attention, believe me. I'm anal that way, LOL, when it comes to literary display.

Susan Joyner-Stumpf
aka SoNNetWoLf
Review of Scaredy Cat  Open in new Window.
Review by ♥SoNNetWo... Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Dear D ~

In many ways, this brought back a ton of memories. As a little girl, I grew up abused. I know of David's loneliness, fear, insecurity, sorrow. Wow, what a twist this was. I had no idea it was leading into a sad story with a horror twist. I will not say here what happened so it will not spoil it for other readers, but it kept me interested all the way to the end.

Thanks for bringing back memories, both joyous and sad.

Review of Fallen  Open in new Window.
Review by ♥SoNNetWo... Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)

This Poem is absolutely superb. Not just the rhyme scheme and perfection of syllabic meter, form and structure, but the layout of the concept and wordage is just beyond brilliant. I can't say enough about your talent, it just blows me away. This was sad and poignant and hit home. I still feel the pellets of its impact.

Susan Joyner-Stumpf (aka SonnetWolf)
Review of Shattered  Open in new Window.
Review by ♥SoNNetWo... Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Bravo, Bravo, Bravo, Capt.Carousel:

I love the analogy (sad and true) of rivaling a beautiful glass flower across the tendrils of a human face, how they mesh, and how, equally, as well, that beauty can shatter in an instant.

Beautifully and heart-felt written. I could not wait to read something you wrote and now I have a new Author to be a great fan of, as now I've placed you in my FanBase (hope you don't mind), in my Fan Vase, not to be shattered, I promise.

You are young, you told me. Well, you have a lot of talent as I did in my youth and I see the passion in the eyes of your words, in the Soul of your Prose, and all I would say is to keep at it, nurture and fine-tune, hone this craft which places you in a bubble of crystal words that can only shatter with brilliance each time it falls upon our waiting hearts.

Your Newest Fan,

Susan Joyner-Stumpf (aka SonnetWolf)

ps when I feel better (i'm suffering a cold/flu) your Port will be the first that calls me back.
Review of We, You  Open in new Window.
Review by ♥SoNNetWo... Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
As always, I hear stillness and the weight of a feather when I read your words. They absolutely rip through my Soul like lightning bolts and i'm left rivited as bullets through cotton.

You always weave thoughts like none other . . . and i'm left jealous but spellbound in awe, as usual. I feel as though I just started writing when I read you and I try not to let your brilliance overshadow my wavering self-esteem, it's just that you are so good, I feel totally inadequate.

Love your work, as always, Eliot.

Susan (SonnetWolf)
Review by ♥SoNNetWo... Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Beautifully written in that airy, spiritual stream of consciousness style that I write myself . . . I love the profoundness of the concept and the words you chose to convey those feelings and mortal questions.

Review by ♥SoNNetWo... Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hey Lee

Wanted to return the favor. You speak the truth here. However, this is not my type of poetry. It's too Nursery Rhyme for me; I'm a Dark, Free Verse Poet that isn't restricted in creativity by rules and meter and structure. But I do want to say that I appreciate all forms and I truly understand where you are coming from here, the logic and all, and for your style, there is nothing to find fault with. We are just two totally polar opposite type of Poets but again, I can appreciate all styles just like I appreciate other life forms.

Review by ♥SoNNetWo... Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Bekka

You were so kind to visit me and leave such a nice Review, I wanted to return the curtesy and I'm so glad I did.

Even in such a short poem, your words are powerful. You have a keen talent for detail that is poignant and soulful at the same time. I too am a nature love and truly enjoyed your work of Art.

I know I will be revisiting in the future, thanks.

Review of Totem Wolf  Open in new Window.
Review by ♥SoNNetWo... Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Absolutely breathtakingly stunning! You are a chosen one, my friend. Never take this Totem guide for granted. You have been "shown" another veil across the deep void of time and space, and all the magic that lies in-between. Since I myself since birth have been shown a Totem Wolf and a Totem Owl, I know not everyone has this unique experience, for as I have mentioned this to others, they look at me like I'm a crazy woman. I tell the next person and they proceed to tell me they were visited by their own Totem Spirit Animal Guide as a child as well and so it is then I know not everyone is privileged to have one. Why we were chosen is as unknown as the great cosmos and how the Universe evolved into creation; but I know the rarity, the gift, behind an Animal Spirit Guide or multiples thereof as I have and it is indeed a cherished wonder to behold.

Forever you shall be protected by your Totem wolf; he will bring great wisdom and calm to a chaotic life. I have had situations shown to me, fore-knowledge, discernment, people have crossed my path due to my Totem Owl, and my Totem Wolf, who visits me physically and in dream-state, has forewarned me of events before they occur so that I can make a "choice." Of course they can't sway my mind nor alter events, they don't do that, what they do is present facts before you so you will be educated sufficiently to make your own choices. They only guide the way, they don't force anything upon you that would be against your morals or character or disrupt your normal life. They often appear in dreams so as to have as little impact as possible on your daily life until you become comfortable with their presence. For instance, mine were introduced to me as a 7 year old little girl. Imagine that! Why? Because at that age, they KNEW I was very in tune with things far beyond my young years, I am considered an "old Soul" and they knew I would understand. Still, though, my youth couldn't process the experience totally and so they waited another 7 years for me to mature and returned when I was fourteen, ready to understand the complications and to respect the gift that they are. To this day, I've never been left alone without them, I feel them near especially during times of heartache, depression and great despair, they appear to me or perhaps I just strongly feel their ethereal presence and I know instantly that I am safe and not alone.

Glorify in this gift and know you are a "chosen" one. Sometimes all you need to do is just stop and listen. Get in tune with Nature like I do, this is an avenue where they approach best.

Interpret your dreams and know that they shall visit there as well. I am so happy and proud for you, Gigie, and there is nothing to fear, only ridicule and speculation from others who are "unchosen" and can't comprehend beyond the five physical senses.

You will experience heightened awareness and come to realize another plane of existence coincides with yours, and you will learn to see "beyond the veil." I have and its a beautiful place once you learn to overcome and to trust your inner voice and instincts, which is part of the learning process. It is actually opened my mind and Soul and made me a better writer as well. They often channel through me when I’m composing when they feel they have something of magnitude to say. I am their instrument and they play me in words and the music comes out.

If you need me, you know how to reach me and I will help you walk along this path where there is not one shadow, but two, the one of you and your eternal Totem Spirit Animal Guide always at your side.

Much Love, and Respect,

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The ecstasy is so short but the forgetting is so long ~ Walt Whitman

I waste not time by buying time. I squander it by always reaching far
beyond my grasp ~ Rod McKuen

...the human capacity for self-delusion is infinite ~ Thomas Whitehead

Places to Contact Me:

http://www.playlist.com/user/35665629 or http://www.playlist.com/susanjoynerstumpf
Review by ♥SoNNetWo... Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.5)
You have some typos, they do detract from the poem. I would highly recommend proofing your work, hon, before posting, so that your work will be respected for the merit it deserves.

Review of He Always Told Me  Open in new Window.
Review by ♥SoNNetWo... Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.5)
Very sweet.

Review by ♥SoNNetWo... Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
I love wolves too. I thought Haiku was only three lines.......

Review of My Grandfather  Open in new Window.
Review by ♥SoNNetWo... Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Very sad. You had a love for your grandfather, though you don't even remember him, as he died before you were born you said? You never got to know one another........well, I think, in spirit, you do know one another.

Review by ♥SoNNetWo... Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Absolutely beautiful. I feel this too............the destruction and desceration of nature and wildlife hurts us all and I hate hearing it. A lot of emotion and well-thought out lines went into this.

Review of Colorful Bouquet  Open in new Window.
Review by ♥SoNNetWo... Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
How great! Thanks for sending ....

Review by ♥SoNNetWo... Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

You are a terrific writer and have a great command of the language to make a storyline believeable. I knw Jonathan said to cut back on some of the details for you are just a great writer that it all comes spilling out and you hold nothing back. There are some areas that need trimming, I will agree, because some will not change your characterizations nor storyline one iota.....just trim up the edges, that's all, weed out the garden you know what we mean.

This would make an excellent movie......John, keep it up and I hope you get this published. It's great for all ages, really!

Review of Fragility  Open in new Window.
Review by ♥SoNNetWo... Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Beautiful words you write, Milburn. You are so intense and unique. I love it.

Your alter-ego, Athena(SonnetWolf)
Review by ♥SoNNetWo... Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
You are a Master of Horror ~

You also possess the gift of story-telling, with a poetic, intense flair.

Is there anything you CAN'T write about, I ask myself? A resounding no in the foggy distance ~ ~

What is awesomely creepy about this particular Poem of yours is yes....it's definitely a high-ranking, scaled to perfection eerie, frightening dream.....we're there....yup yup. Then...you wake up, shaking off this terror from the roots of sweat and too recent memory, and you suddenly realize, huh, the dream's not over.

Yes it is.

Because the nightmares have just begun.....

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Review of Thor and Athena  Open in new Window.
Review by ♥SoNNetWo... Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
You have blown me away.

I am without words, without verbal speech.

But my Spirit wails in tongue a lifetime and eternity of tears and thank you for such brilliance...for such a Masterpiece.

You are truly a Dreamweave of words, A Highlander of the Force Ignited to Bring Light and Darkness together, wielding your sword of forgiveness, your infinite grace in the path of ebony despair...that all the Heavens glow and shiver with your gentle power. Above and beneath you.

As I do, tremble in awe.

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Review by ♥SoNNetWo... Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)


Wow, it was like a lucid dream and your bodily functions that reacted to the intramural of reality and dream-state is so realistic, it reminded me of times I couldn't tell the difference. Reminding me of times my dreams felt more real than reality.

You have the gift to capture moments in time and they become a time capsule for that object . . . for that emotion or event you wranted to remember. And it becomes a memory for us too, reminds of similar moments when a dream overlapped into waking moments so sweet and fragile and short-lived.

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Review by ♥SoNNetWo... Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
I am a Nature Lover so this was pure Soul-candy for me.

I was there. Your Poem placed me in the woods, the leaves crackling beneath my feet. Watching wildlife abound, and hearing a creek off in the distance, and I am at once soothed and recouped.

Beautiful poem; strong ties to nature and her workings, and a passion and quiet respect for it as well definitely shows through the interweaving lines that take us on a journey.

I didn't want it to end.

Thanks for sharing your talents with us, Milburn

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Review of Sanctuary  Open in new Window.
Review by ♥SoNNetWo... Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
The flow is beautiful, and the context is flawless and enlightening.

You weave words into an Afghan of emotion and time becomes suspended . . . for we as Readers are drawn in to the magic and almost live through your eyes, weep your tears, laugh.

We understand life a little more; ourselves, perhaps, parts we never wanted known, but your Power transcends and we become faced in the mirror of all our joys and fears because you put us there and we leave, walk away, better people, better Poets ourselves, because of you and the strength you give us, your insight and foresight and infinite wisdom.

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Review by ♥SoNNetWo... Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
It presents with so much emotion, so much raw reality in life that one steps back to take it all in, this bustling waterfall of loneliness and revelation that comes to them in moments of defined clarity.

You write with the conviction of a Poet on a mission, an Intense force that lines the path with fire and passion and yet is so gentle in its artistic stroke, that one wants to be quiet within the Soul, and read your words out loud, for full effect and benefit.

You are totally amazing and I'm proud to call you a friend.

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