Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/raedwards
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24 Public Reviews Given
24 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review of Dessert Disaster  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
FANTASTIC, the meal was saved thanks to your mother's help previously with ruined deserts. So, you made it to work. Remember to lower the volume of the music to a scale that you will be able to hear the timer.

You did it. Fantastic, the people loved it. You have skills, that you did not know you had. Great work. It sounds like you have been able to make the food that you wanted to do. it is good to know. Keep on a cooking. You have skills.That can not be denied. You are skilled.1
Review of The Dam Town  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
That was cute. You have quite a problem with the law don't you. You should have remember not to get a contempt of court validation. You seem to be doing well, now. Thank you for reading my stories.

You have quite a ways of writing yourself. Were you a police officer, or just a dispatcher. I found this story to be very good. Stay out of trouble, I don't know any bails bondsman. So, I can't help you out.

Keep at it. You are able to cause me to laugh at your predicament as they come to you.
Rated: E | (5.0)
That was unique. I hope you don't have to tell them the name of the tow company any time soon. Your story is able to draw the reader in to the delimna of being a dispatcher of a police station. So, you had a heck of a time working with that company.

I see what you mean. It would be trouble some indeed to do this. How are you doing now that you have left the town where it was working. Have you have had anything interesting to happen to you. The story was very good, you have brought me a laugh. Keep a smile on your face as you go through the day.
Review of Swamp Water  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is intense. The boy wants to save his brother, he has taken quite a bit of damage from the attack made by the man who wants to kill him. You have shown us what he has faced. The damage done to him by this monster who was intent on killing and than his brother.

When he tells him this, he is driven to kill the man. The man is like a brick of iron, the only things that he can damage are his eyes, which he destroys one of them. He fumbles from something in the muck where he was to lie.

He found a dagger which he drove into the monster's body. He killed him using that dagger to protect himself. He walked away from the body, takes his place in the drivers seat. He finds a rifle with which to kill the other people who wish to kill his brother. He wants to protect him and he will.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This was good. It seems there are idiots every where. When I was working in the food court of eatonplace. A gent bought himself a tarantula and proceeded to take it out of its box to allow it to walk across the table.

I saw this and approached, my job was to clean the tables. Feeling that the other customers may not like this happening. I proceeded to tell the gent, that he should put the spider back in its box. He took offense to this happening, He said,"All I did was open the box and let it walk across the table, what's wrong with that?"

"Well, the food court is for people not spiders!", I said as I looked at the spider as it headed for the edge of the table, I brought down a tray to keep it there on the table.

"He's done nothing wrong," another customer said as she pointed at me as if I was doing something that was wrong.

Another staff went and got security to be there, to talk to the customer and have him do what I was asking him to do.

A security officer appeared, he said,"Sir, you should put the spider back in its box!"

The woman defending the customer said,"Leave him alone. Allow him to eat his meal with his pet who he is enjoying to have it accompany him."

Security and I made the spider walk back to its box. The customer filed a complaint which went no where. Management agreed with us, that the spider should have stayed in its box. Until the owner took it home.
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
That was unique, bringing back memories of my youth. When I was a teen. mini skirts were in fashion for the girls, Ts for the guys and jeans. I take it you were about my father;s age and mom.

But I do remember the r&R and the burgers that you could call burgers. Triple thicks yes. I remember those too. If I bought a rose for you what would you do? I can dream of you. Ans you can too.

The things we remember are what we can remember and dream of. Love is what your heart does. be true to it. Don't be blue, love is what you do? With those you remember to have dreamt of/Beleive you are a beauty. Be true to your heart. It is your art. Sweet dreamer, you be.

Listen to your heart and dream of beauty you be. Do not believe you are old. what is time but an allusion. I may look 40, but I am not. Your looks are one thing, but a blind man can see'what beauty is.

Time moves forward.
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
The date is going well. I hope the meal was good.

I have had days like that. Trying to find something to say to someone. That will allow them to know more about you, and present you in the best light. At one time I was speaking with someone working were I worked.

I passed her and said,"Put my money down on the fourth horse race. " A few times she knew I was joking?"

Some talked to the boys in blue, and suggested she was a book. She has nothing to do with the track or any other gambling details.

The police came by to take her in for questioning.

The only books she knows about is the one in the library or book store. She was not impressed with me doing that to her.

She wagged her fingers at me as if to suggest she was cursing me.

I had fun when I was young lad.

I hope your date worked out for you to get to know him better. Take it easy.
Review of My Defeat  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
This is touching. You feel pain as you see her with her lover as they walk the streets. You smile as they move through the streets. You remember her, your love is fickle. It has ended when she met the other person.

The person whom she loves. You protest, but it is not enough. Look at what love has cost. Belive you are worthy of love, you are. But you must allow yourself to greive to cleanse your heart of the pain you feel.

Look at what you had. You had it all. You have cost yourself your love. Dust yourself off. WAlk with your head held high. Be confident. You can be loved,
Rated: E | (5.0)
So your day wasn't ruined. You had some time with your love. Love the way you this poem. The day can be good, all you have to do is believe. In your heart that you will find that you are loved by the one who means the work to you.

Love is what we so often do. At times, our hearts make a mistake. That is possible, and logical but when we find the person we wish to be with we are.

The stars in heaven look at us as we partake in our beauties hand and what the desire for us to know. LOve is all we can do? It smiles as we look at it. Carries us to dreamland. WE dream of love that is there.

All we have to do is smile. It is with us, this love we feel. We often ask is it real. well are you real, we can kiss each other, make love. And do we dare ask is it real. We feel it in our hearts and minds.
Review of Griffin's Blade  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
just got back my computer the other one broke down. I donèt know how I would break it to you. Sob, get me a cleaned.

I could not get back to writing,com. Until now. This story is good. I like the way that you have developed it. The were wolf story was good. You were able to heighten the readers desire to want to know what has happened to him.

The detective who just joined now believes in the werewolf and other supernatural beings. They have to find the griffin's blade that was stolen from the house that the other person (vampire) was in.

It looks like it is good fit. How have you been doing? I apologize for not getting back to you sooner. Take it easy on yourself. Keep plugging away at those keys
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is very good. You have been able to allow us to understand what you are saying. The past is behind us. Let us look at the beauty of your words you have written there, they allow us to experience what you have eluded to us finding there.

The past is filled with things we can not change, things that are before us before our dreams and what we have dreamt about. Look at what you have achieved here. Truly look at the beauty that your words have brought to us.

The things that you wish are able to be found there. The past is before each of us, we see the past differently, some see failures some see things we can achieve or try to change to be better for us.

Believe you can do this, why because you can. How did you learn to walk, by trying it again and again until you succeeded. Didn't you. Congradulations.
Review of The Squirrel  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
The squirrels are our friends. They ate roots of plants and plants as well. The squirrels enjoy getting your goat. I did indeed say, "Goat!" They have to enjoy your frantic attempts at removing them. You do this, they do that.

It is a game of chess. They have moved a pawn to open the queen to be able to move out and attack another game piece on the board. They are having fun as you are not. Just join them in their game play.

RElax and take it easy. You are but another person whom they wish to play with. Your story is good. You have been fighting far to long. Put up your feet and relax, see what the little bloghters are going to do next.
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
It is a little long winded. You are able to allow us to imagine that the tootsie roll is alive, as is the pencil sharpener. Your description is well founded, you have allowed me to understand these details that you are writing about.

The girl is a Maria, she is young girl. Another Maria comes into the shop to see Betty Sue. She explains that they have known each other, and she is her daughter's daughters mother. Your story is interesting
Review of The Game  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is ominous and has a feel of dread within it. The way that you have been able to draw the reader into the story. Is good, we are waiting to see what will happen to the intruder. What game are they playing.

We do not know what will come. They have begun playing the game. The man who is handling the cards seems to be aware of what they are doing here. The reader feels left out, but their curiosity is heightened by these words you have used to tell us about what the man seated at the table, The only thing that we know is really is that he plays cards and has a ring on his finger.

I am interested in reading this story.
Review of Liel  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
That was cute. I had to laugh. Your story is able to motivate the reader into thinking of something to help him or her try and see what you are writing about. I enjoyed your story you wrote here. Thank you for the story. I appreciated it.
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