Hey, there, JJ!
I made it through! We just had like a week with 100ºF every day and I was miserable. No way I could sleep or rest until the sun went down--and then I gotta go to work!
But a nice cool is back, so I'm alive again, not a commatose veggie lying on a couch anymore. At least until next week.
So here I am for "Angel".
You're gonna find a lot of comments on commas. I know what you think about them, but I just thought to let you know how those things read for me.
And a couple of hyphen thingies, too. Man, I was about to ship your silver medal!
Okay, you should be receiving an email along with this review, so you just reply to them together whenever you can.
Now, I'll put on my picky eyes

, rub my hands together and dive in.
An ethereal voice filled the air.
Question(s): a computer's voice? One of the pilots?
"Have a seat Vit.
Typo: missing comma before "
The ear-bud has a vibration sensor that picks up movement in your larynx. Even a whisper can't get by this gem.
Nice toy!

By the way, missing the closing quotation mark.
Then, as with most high-tech gear that did not shoot or blow shit up, he lost interest.

Tell me about characterization! Loved this!
it's critical that we all remain mushrooms

I'm not sure what you mean, but it's another bit I loved anyway.
I just pictured Sam, Vit and the others I still don't know standing very still, only their eyes moving, trying to go unnoticed.
"a military installation in Nevada.
Isn't there a missing "
to"? Like,
"...deliver you to a military..."
As you have already guessed, The General is attempting
Two things here:
First, I don't think Vit has enough elements to guess this. Yeah, he's been picked up. Yeah, it's Angel. Is it mandatory that these two elements together mean the whole team is coming back together? Couldn't it be a solo mission or summoning?
Second, wouldn't they call him "
Oz" when talking to each other like this? Or maybe Angel is always too formal to call him that--I still don't know the guy enough. Or is there somebody listening??

If so, should Angel warn Vit about it or Vit knows better and doesn't need any warning?
---Have you seen the philosoraptor's memes? I'm sending you one on the email because I can't attach it here. Well, that's how I'm feeling!
Befoer Vit could ask
Ooops, typo:
his time saving abilities
Oh, it's been so long!
an ATF operation against cocaine drug lords.
Curious: the ATF deals with these things? Thought it was DEA sole turf.
Locker, shower, new clothes, should you feel the urge. Second door is the kitchen, veggies, sandwiches, and drinks.
Can I make it to Angel's pick-up list? I want a ride on this baby!
Even I need to sleep."
Nah. Sleep? He just failed to achieve the Employee of the Month Award.
A single image of a stout man with shoulder-length black hair enlarged on the big monitor.
I think you need another verb to go with it. Like,
got enlarged or
was enlarged.
That would make the sentence passive.
I don't know about you, but I don't give a damn about passive. Yet I know many of your country-men do and can't help tearing their hairs at the slightest hint of passive sentences.
In case you belong to that club, or sympathize, you can use
"filled the big monitor" or
"showed/appeared on the big monitor."
He stood sideways with arms crossed, his forearms bulging. A small tattoo rippled in sinew held the inscription, Fuck Custer and the horse he rode in on.

Oh, tough guy! With a touch of rockstar! Can you picture this man posing as a mushroom? Well, a tattooed mushroom.
-->sorry, can't helpt it! Now I'm gonna have the mushroom thing popping up in my head every five lines!
By the way, I'd italize the tattoo text, or give it at least single quotation marks. By the other way, I loved the detail of fucking the horse too!
"a fitting epithet for my epitaph."
I'd italize this too.
A red line with a blinking green dot stretching across the Gulf of Oman and into Afghanistan
Man, I'm a lost cause today. This caused a flashback to Sleepless in Seattle movie and a young and still-beautiful Meg Ryan on a plane! I'm so very sorry!
"Welcome home, Vit. Should be there in about ten hours." Then the screen went black.
Home or
back? By the way, Vit's question made me laugh. Did he think they picked him up for a picnic?
leather lounger sorting out
Dull mandatory comma missing here, before "
He had spent a lot of time on planes, but never for two solid days.
Errr... that "
for" bumped me, like, it doesn't match the verb, "
He'd been a lot (...) but never for two...
He'd spent a lot (...) but never two...
A small alcove
You've already used "
alcove" at the very beginning of the chapter. Unusual word, so the repetition stands out. Don't have the silghtest idea if there's any other word for what you mean, but if there isn't, how about changing
"A" to
Also, it's another sort of passive sentence.
In case you want to change that, a suggestion could be:
"There were two seats and a table in another small alcove".
However, the "another" + "
small" sort of bumps me, because it emplies the first one is small too.

Is it? So am I at a complete loss here.
Vit's first exploration was the fridge which revealed
I could use a comma after "
But in the back, a wondrous thing that
How about a verb here?
"He found a wondrous thing",
"there was a wondrous thing"...
seven years, a giant bucket
Err... I'd change the comma to colon or emm dash, to highlight this part of the sentence.
Oh! Never heard or read this word before! Definitely writing it down for future use!
gastronomic delights had wrapped him in a warm-blanket and was threatening to tuck him in.
I would so take a nap after this...
big enough to accommodate Vit's six-foot-seven side of beef.

That's finesse for you!
Levis, a Green Bay Packers
Not sure about this one, because you Americans have a lot of rules for names of series or books or whatnot, but I think the brands should go italized or something.
a private thing—emotion
Oooh, I liked this little insight!
he felt like a line in a screenplay written long ago. The impression was fleeting, but it was also unsettling.
Really? Isn't he a soldier, used to be moved around as his senior officers think fit? And given his line of work, is it really unsettling to find proof this moment of his life had ben planned ahead, maybe years ago? "Let's keep a craft ready, with room to accommodate these big men in case we need to recruit them back all together in a hurry." Is it too crazy, that Oz had this idea years ago, when he started with his secret development of new war machines?
The opposite wall locker
Oh, you, relapser...
opposite-wall locker or
locker on/against the opposite wall.
several stinger missiles
Err... Should Stinger be capitalized? ---I remember they capitalized it when I played X-com (if you didn't play it, you should go vintage and try it, best pc game ever).
For the first time in recent memory, a sense of being old and inadequate washed over him.
I like that Sam felt the same.
Fucking great, another generation-Y social misfit,
I'd capitalize "Generation"

At least he introduced himself referring to Star Wars. Maybe not everything's lost.
By the way. The pilot of such a secret cutting-edge piece of military craft... would he be so informal right from the beginning? I mean, even if he's heard of Vit and he's dying to ask him for an autograph or make an impression or ask him out on a date... I don't know, I expect a cold robot stirring the plane, especially if they're going to war zones. And would he introduce himself by his first name, like greeting one of his pals? Hey, man, I'm Han. Hey, bro, I'm Vit.

I liked the line, but I'd keep it for later. End-of-the-flight later.
The pilot and the co-pilot seats were empty.
Call your priest.
what the fuck!? 
Now you can confess you've heard a blasphemy and be purified.
---I almost did, the one time I heard Morgan Freeman say "fuck" in a movie. I was traumatized
He stared open-mouthed
You can say all this with only one verb:
gawked! (ta-da!)
special order just for you my man
Needing a comma before
"my man".
By the way. Again. They talk like teen gangbangers hanging out at their corner. I just can't feel it from remote pilots recruited for an ulta top-secret project. I mean, maybe they talk to each other like this when they're off duty, but not in this situation--not to Vit, at least.
He had missed his usual midday nap
That's called aging, my friend!
Angel said you used to have a thing for Kentucky Fried. There's two buckets in the fridge, special order just for you my man.
I think Angel should order them to pack the KFC for Vit. And get the Bestie of the Year Award. He looks that kind of efficient.
He does the target-laser locking and sometimes, the shooting, but not on this platform.
Hum... what about checking the commas location here? If you ask me, I'd have it like this:
He does the target-laser locking, and sometimes the shooting, but not on this platform.
He does the target-laser locking, and sometimes the shooting--but not on this platform.
or even
He does the target-laser locking and, sometimes, the shooting, but not on this platform.
Ha! "
Platform" makes me think of console games! In Spanish we use "platform" as a synonym of console.
hell-fire missiles five miles out
And I'd add a comma after "
missiles", to bring a little pause to the sentence.
iso pod monitoring
Duh, you're so gonna hate me! Missing mandatory comma before "
He grinned and left the cockpit,
Just like that? No, "
Okay, see you guys" or anything to put an end to the conversation?
filler up
"Thanks guys."
Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, but you really need a comma before
sleep did not take him right away.
I like this bit a lot. Tells me Vit's human.
Something in the world had changed or was about to change.
Oh! I like this so much! It sends me back straight to Sam's thoughts!
Okay, and that's it for Angel, another rock solid chapter of the kind I love and enjoy to no end--no matter how many little things I commented.
It keeps the intrigue building up and feeds the curiosity to meet the rest of Sam's team--that Redman guy! I so wanna meet him!

. Especially, it fed my curiosity about what Oz has in store for them! I have my own theory: he's sending them to the island, because somehow Merci's presence there is gonna trigger some big fireworks and they have to be there to save the day. But I can't wait to find out if I'm right.
There's a lot of descriptions about the plane, and despite my being a description-hater, it flows perfect and doesn't get boring or stalling. Since it's such a unique craft, every description adds to the story. Which, for me, is a great achievement.
So, now to the email, with a little comment on the new chapter order and the philosoraptor to show you how this review made me feel.
Hope you're getting some winter over there, and you're enjoying your long, long nights with a good fire, red wine and playing loads of Fallout!