Ello, Gacoky.
I am reviewing your work today as a judge for the "Hook Us!"
contest. Please bear in mind that these are soley my personal opinions. Feel free to use what you find helpful and disregard the rest.
Initial Impressions
: Wow. This sounds like a truly powerful story. I love that it is somewhat inspired by true events, and the plot sounds like it would be thick with emotion. All in all, it sounds like a fantastic character driven story.
: Shep is good natured man, but beneath the surface he is tormented by the ghosts of his past--ghosts only he and his brother know. He tries hard to keep his dark childhood secrets at bay but then he meets Kathy. Both struggle with the word love...and both must fight to overcome the obstacles and hurts they've faced in order to share a life together.
What Worked
: The high emotional potential of this book. Many readers love to draw a deep connection with the characters they are reading. It's more than just a traditional romance, it's fueled by haunting pasts and the need to overcome the past before you can find your future. Based on the success of Nicholas Sparks and the like, I think this would appeal to a wide range of people. You did a nice job setting up the hook. I certainly wanted to take the bait!
What Didn't
: The last paragraph threw me off. This is a bit of a no-no as far as queries go. It's unprofessional and assumptive. Any agent or editor knows the pros and cons of publishing shorter novels. This is what they do day in and day out for a living. Instead, I would focus more on the wide range of people this would appeal to because of what it contains. I'm not trying to come across as harsh here, but this is your chance to sell your book based on the merits of what you've written, not on the cost efficency of it all.

Make sure you italicize your title.
While I admire your love for your father

You also slip into a bit of informality here. You want to keep things as professional as possible and keep the center of the focus on your novel, rather than yourself. I'd consider trimming this part.
~~~> Many people take love—genuine, unconditional love—for granted, but it is something that I cherish. Yes, my father was the inspiration for this story, but more so, he is the inspiration for the man that I want to become. It wasn’t easy for him, but just as, Beautiful Sacrifice, shows us, it’s possible, and possible breeds hope, and hope breeds love.
Many people take love—genuine, unconditional love—for granted. It's not always easy to find, but Beautiful Sacrifice shows us it is possible. With possibility comes hope, and hope breeds love.
In closing, I'd just like to say thank you for entering. Query letters are never easy to write, but they are one of the most important pieces of writing an author ever does. Congratulations on making it through the first round. I wish you the best of luck in the second.
~Best wishes and happy writing!~

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