Hello Jeff
I came across your poem while browsing the list of those with anniversaries today, and thought I'd stop to read and review.
My first impression: I read this poem several times, and got the feeling that its direction changed from the initial lines, which is totally fine, except I found myself lost. It seems to be a love poem of sorts, but it loses something in the message along the way.
What works for me: This poem is definitely a good sounding poem. The rhyme and rhythm work together well to make this poem easy on the ears.
What works for me: The following lines are what drew me into your poem. These are excellent starting lines that sparked my interest and made me want to read on. They are written very succinctly, with just the right words needed to get your points across.
Dwell not upon this choice tonight,
but weigh decisions wrong and right.
When gentle touch and tender kiss,
progresses to a night of bliss, grammar: should be "progress"
what outcomes can become of this?
I wish I had the answers.
This sounds like two people are planning to get together and perhaps make love. There is talk of a gentle touch and tender kiss progressing to a night of bliss. Then comes the question of what outcomes may come of this. This is a very good question, as there may be many different consequences to the pair hooking up: they could lose the friendship, get even closer, become pregnant, etc. And wanting to know the answers ahead of time is something to ponder, but you can't know until the deed is done. Fair enough.
What doesn't work for me: What I struggled with was how the questioning period written in the following lines was laid out.
Why can't there be a list?
Will life sync up like dancers,
or ball into a fist?
I assume that the speaker is going through his mind about the previously mentioned outcomes and is trying to weigh (as he suggested) the right and wrong of the deed. These lines seem to have been written to fit into the rhyme. They are written as if they are opposites of each other, but they are not.
Our single path may split and fray,
like prisms shone with light.
These lines seem to be saying that one of the options is that we may spit up afterward. But this splitting is described using the image of something beautiful.
No matter what the choice you choose,
my love will hold you tight.
After stating that he didn't have the answers about what may happen, and exploring some of the possibilities, the writer states emphatically that his love will hold you tight. It's confusing to me, then, if the writer knows or doesn't know the outcome (as previously stated).
Disclaimer: It may seem that I am picking on you, but I'm really not. I'm sorry if this review seems harsh. I reviewed your poem the way I review my own, and the way I hope that others review mine. My only motivation is to help. This is your poem and you can leave it just as you wrote it. You are the only one who knows what you intended to say.
Overall opinion: I think the first 6 lines are such a great start for a fantastic poem. But I think you allowed the poem to go into another direction, putting more emphasis on the rhyming of the lines, than the sense of the message. If I didn't think this poem had potential, I would not have taken the time to review it. I urge you to edit.
I wish you well with it.
Keep writing,
A Review from: "Positive Hearts Reviews Group"  