Dear Neena,
my heart goes out to you . my nephew Chris was a beautiful healthy baby boy and and when he as two everything changed. he lost his ability to speak ,cried threw tantrums after countless doctor visits ., They finally reached a diagnosis . Chris had a form of autism called Asbergers. the struggles we endured to help him
were emotionally draining. because of Chris I developed a keen interest in working with Autistic Children, and have read up extensively on the subject.
I am a regular educator who has recently decided to persue a second degree
in special education.I kno it is hard sometimes to see progress in this special learner but the key is persistence and early intervention as soon as the diagnosis
is made. I am happy to say that our Chris is doing very well in school and in life
also .The use of the ABA mehtod has been found to be very successful with this kind of child. Lastly, your poem is touching and heartfelt thankyou so much for sharing it with me.Remember also that God never gives us more than we can handle and he knew exately wwhat kind of mom your child needed when he chose you!become an advocate for your child and his condition. We must become their voice!!
Sincerely Rainbow Writer
Ps there is so much this Chrystal Child can teach you look for the lessons!
This was an excellent story and I throughly enjoyed it. I especially liked the part when the mom would not take no for an answer and risked her life to be there for her son in his last hours. Being a mom myself ,
i know excately how she feels we surprise even ourselve s when it comes to what we will do for our babies.I think you should submit this story to a magazine . best of luck in all your future endeavors!
write on you have a gift that needs to be shared with others.
hello jenny,
this is a well written and heartfelt poem about
a devastating event in our lives . It is also a topic
very close to my heart. I was born in nyc and lived there a good part of my life so this event touched
me personally. four months after it happened I and mytwo brothers visited ground zero. the silence was
palatable as if the world was holding its breath and waiting to wake up from this awful nightmare.we dident
and we realized this really happened.
I liked your last line about standing united as a nationexcellent point. we need to do the same for those in that terrible vt incident.
I admire the courage and strength of these students
in the light of a very sad chapter in their lives.
I also wrote a poem about both events myself
as a sort of way to heal and understand what happened.
please check out my port when you have a chance
and let me know your thoughts.
with regards Rainbow Writer
ps I hope to see your port grow.
hello lady brooks,
I was so incredibly touched by this poem it is the best poem I have read in a long while. Love is not
an easy topic to write about but you have mastered this subject with flying colors.!!
my favorite line is the last one about hearts blending
and melding and eternally joined and held.
I know all about this topic as I too have been fortunate to find
someone whose connection with me is like that two
hearts one soul. That is the essence of a soulmate.
Thanyou for sharing this amazing poem with me
it is truely the mark of a very gifted pen.
with regards Rainbow Writer
hello harry,
what a fascinating story you wrote.
God does work in mysterious ways when he sends us
messages . My mother in law also has a deep connection
with hummingbirds she swears they are gods little
messengers . A fter reading this delightful story,
I believe her. I especially enjoyed the part about
the visit of the white hummingbird to let the mom
know without a doubt that her daughter would be ok.
I will be sure to share this story with my mother in law Dee. she will really appreciate it i am sure.
thank you for sharing this story at a perfect time.
It will stay with me always.
with Regards Rainbow Writer
cass, I can really identify with the feelings expressed in this poem. the hardest thing is to watch
someone you love make the choice to be with someone
else and not with you. it is one of the hardest things
to endure. everything happpens for a reason and even
though our hearts may be breaking in two , if we truely
love this person we must sometimes learn to let them
go. life is funny sometimes it is not a matter of it
being the wrong person but, not the right time to be
with them. other times it is for the best.
we never really know the answer to this question
but we must think if it is meant to be it willbe when
the time is truely right. I really loved your last
stanza where you wrote about flying away on wings of golden fire beautifully put.write on you have a real
knack for this kind of writing.
best regards R.W.
kenzie, this is a beautiful poem well written
and heartfelt. it is also very true. I am very fortunate to have a very special friend in my life
who is there for me as I am there for her.
we have both been through a lot but we both know that
no matter what happens in our lives, we can lean on each other and get through it. I thank god every
day for giving me such a wonderful friend.
Abrham lincoln once said the better part of our lives
is our friendships. this is so true theyadd color
and simple joy to our lives.
with regards R.W.
dear mr buxton,
I thought this was a very interesting story with the
potential for a sequel. there is a lot you can elaborate on here. for example why is the cottage
haunted ? prehaps a trip to the library to find out
about the previous owners would be helpful.
or you could write a story with a charactor who decides torent the cottage and what they experience while they are residing there.another angle to consider would be having someonecome,t
arrive who would agree to help danny to rid the house of this unwelcome
spirit who has taken up residence in the cottage.
there are many ways you can direct this story
I hope this is helpful for you. write on
this is a great start looking forward toyour next
installment of this story.
with regards R.W.
p.s I was thinking you could also incorporate these
ideas in the story you have already written.
tanzen licht, this is abeautiful story
I really enjoyed it sometimes things happen that way
poeple are meant to be from the first momentthey
meet. you write with strength and conviction
and express your self very well.i really liked the
way you chronicled the journey of these two lovers
to the day of their wedding. what a happy surprise.
we should be so lucky as to find someone like that
those are truely the very best relationships
those that start out as friend s and develop into a lastinglove.because you truely have the best of both worlds.
with regards R.W.
p.s do you speak german Iam curious I myself am fluent
your name means dancing light in german
donna , this was a wonderful story well written
and very moving. children are amazing with their honesty and uncanny ability to size up a situaation .
my two are constantly teaching me the important. things in life.I especially enjoyed the part where
the roles were reversed.the lessons we learn from our children are often the ones that matter the most.
It helps to remember that and listen closely to the
voices of our children.
thankyou for sharing this heartfelt story with me.
sincerely R.W.
donna , I loved this story !!
it is beautifully written and very heartfelt.
the saddest thing is to lose a sibling but the blessing was you had 12 wonderful, memorable years
with him. I lost a dear friend to leukemia after
h.s .her name was donna and I think about her still
today almost 20 years later. How wonderful you were
able to honer him when your son was born.By giving
him jimmy as a middle name.
thankyou for sharing this wonderfulstory with me.
with warmest regards
hello ihayes,
isin,t our god an amazing god. he can perform
miracles in the most hopeless of situations.
this is a truely inspirational storyof the power
of gods love and his infinitegrace.I have always
lived by the adage let go and let god.
this is not easy to do sometimes but we must realize
god is working for our best interests even if we do not
understand it yet.I feel this story was guided by
his hand as a testimony of the amazing things he is capableof.I think you should consider submitting
it to guideposts or an appropiate christian magazine
I m sure they would welcome such a story.
writeon you have a gift that should be shared with others.blessings
danny boy ,
you were holding out on me you have the heart of a poet
my friend. I loved this poem the imagery and the words
and the emotion it stirred in me .
my favorite line was the last one of the man crying
like a babe. I almost criedtoo when i read it.
war is a terrible thing , mans inhumanity to man,
our focus should be on finding ways to solve our
conflicts peacefully and with diplomacy.
thanks for sharing this workwithme it is truely
a priviledge to read it.
with regards r,w. (alias pen)
khalish this is a beautiful written poem sorry I did not check out your port earlier . It waswell worth the visit. I loved this poem because it echoed excately
what I am feeling now. I do realize as my grandfather
would always say , everthing happens for a reason
we do not understand it now but one day it will
become clear. on the other hand, some things that happen in life are never understood at all.
That is the infinite beauty of life.
I remmber the words of Ghandi that are written on a
wall be the change that you want in your world
please forgive me if I failed to quote that incorrectly sir . I would not change one thingabout your work.
truely the mark of a very gifted pen.
it was a privledge to read your work.
with kindest regards R.W.
julie this is a beautiful poem .
very moving and heartfelt You write with such emotion
I .m sorry to hear about your mom.
I lost my grandmother one year ago in march
she was like a mom to me she helped raise me also.
there is not a day that goes by I dont miss her
and thinkof her.Heres a big hug for you from me
remmber they are always with us in our hearts and our memories. thank s for the IM i chose the name
because of a story I am writing a fairytale
actually. It has princesses and a dragon and an evil
wizard. sorry it is not an item on my port.
I have special plans for this story it is being sent to an agent in nyc in april that I queried she wants
to represent me and my work glory day!!!
take care aussie girl love from the USA.
this is a beautiful written poem . yes Jesus is the
keeper of the light.
what I liked about your poem was the way it was worded
and the way it flowed from one line to the next.
this is not an easy feat but is the mark of a very
gifted writer. I myself feel the gift of communication
through the written word is a gift of god.
there are times when I write when I know god
is holding the pen and putting the words in my mind
that he wants me to write.
do you feel like that too sometimes? My favoite part of this lovely poem is the last few lines where
you speak of jesus being our lifelong guide and the
part whereyou say I am the way and the key. very
aptly put. thankyou for sharing this piece with me.
gods blessings to you
Rainbow Writer
dear Melissa,
this is a well written poem I enjoyed your word
imagery. WE all go through times in our lives
when we cant find a place to call home. We wander restlessly never really growing roots.
We look for our place in this world to belong .
the journey is often long and hard and we are weary.
but remember after every storm there is a chance
of rainbows. the promise of new hope, and new beginnings. Rain like our tears is very healing
and as I was always told about the tough times
in our lives , this too shall pass.
keep writing thankyou for sharing your work with me.
sincerely Rainbow Writer
dearest Kenzie,
how nice we are of a like mind. God is in the house!!
praise god! sometimes in times of trouble all we
have is our faith to leanon! I really enjoyed
reading this story .I gather it is true. the best
stories I feel are the ones taken from our own
experiences with our awesome god and the miracles
he allows to happen in our lives ,if we are strong in our faith. I belong to a wonderful church and have recently started teaching sunday School.
This story really touched my heart.
thanks for sharing with me
your sister in CHRIST!!
This is a darling little poem fancy.
I used to teach preschoolers and I think this would
really appeal to that age group.
Ialso liked your use of the rainbow letters in the front of each stanza. I could see myself reading
this to my class , as a precursor to an art project
or an egg hunt . It might also be a fun way to end
a theme orientedlesson. the children could also
draw a picture about the poem after it is read.
I am a teacher and am always thinking how such things
can enrich a unit or topic.
thankyou for sharing this piece with me
p.s have you ever considered writing for children
I do in my spare time. one more thought this might
make a darling picture book for children.
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