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Review by Dr Gonzo Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
How do you like Writing.Com overall? I love it.

How do you like the portfolio and email services? It has taken me a while to garner the intricacies of the site, but once the basics are learned, it's pretty straightforward.

Interactive stories, static works, forums and polls? As above.
Review by Dr Gonzo Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh, my...nostalgia drips from every word. I laughed (and almost cried) reading this story of days gone by. Times have changed and it is not for anyone to judge who grew up better off. I pictured my own father doing what was necessary to give us, the lucky generation, a better life. Luck played a small part, however, hard work and love were more at play.

I never had to go to war to defend the next generation, and for that I am blessed...as are all who never had to pick up arms and fight in a conflict few understood or supported. Duty is a powerful thing.

As a child, I remember going to the drive-in theatre and playing on the swings before the movie started. Anyone born before the 1970s will enjoy this story. A great read indeed.
Review of BLAVATSKY'S BUS  Open in new Window.
Review by Dr Gonzo Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Brilliant...heartfelt and honest.

You know when you read someone's words if they are trustworthy. Integrity for some, is just an ideal they would like to aspire to. But when a story is delivered with such a powerful voice, as in this short piece, you immediately know who this person is.

Of course, we may never know the details of their lives...that's not what our stories are about. But suppose you enjoy reading dependability and true insightfulness, then don't pass up the opportunity to read a story that will touch you like few stories ever do.

I would never ask anyone to trust me...trust is a gift, not a demand, but I will say this...you cannot go past this story without at least taking a look into the world of another human being. A human being, not unlike most of us, but who had the gumption and raw talent to write their story without fear.

Not many are willing. Most are too afraid to open old wounds and I can understand that. Or they can't be bothered because they feel their story is not worth the time and effort to write...and who would be interested anyway?

Good stories are written not because they want to be, but because they have to be. I personally love stories about human struggles...life and death. Our stories ARE interesting...we just need the courage and conviction to sit down and allow the words to write themselves.

The dialogue is at times, intense and tragic and at the same time, somehow very soothing. This could be anyone's story, but it isn't. It is unique and dripping with authenticity.

Thank you, DR Smith. For sharing a part of your life with the world...and for having the courage and fortitude to get through.
Review by Dr Gonzo Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
You lucky bas^$#d. I wish people would give me such great reviews...reviews that inspire retorts (please tell me you ACTUALLY emailed these back to your favourite and such awesome WdC reviewers) such as these gems.

How can you tell an honest politician from a lying crooked one? The honest one is invisible.

I got a review once.

No, seriously (if that's possible) I've gotten a few of them, but you, my dry as the bottom of a Cocky cage (yes, I'm from Stralia) satirical bedfellow (I hope your wife doesn't mind the insinuation...or invitation...take it however you like...most do anyway) are a victim of your own mirth.

Haven't you learned by now there is no place in serious writing for humour that requires thought? Kinda like there is no room for nutrition in food.

You see (unless you are blind...in which case, you hear...and if not, surely you detect in some form or another...and if not...I'm so sorry) satire is dead.

I mean, there are still dinosaurs lurking (I just made myself laugh imagining a Brontosaurus lurking about in my garden...thankful they are herbivores and the children are safe unless he steps on one. Children are overrated anyways), but they/we should keep to ourselves and write quietly, so no one can see us and be forced to consult their thesaurus (another smaller, but more informative dino from the mostly ignored, but highly fascinating and difficult to spell, Cretaceous period...a bloody good period if you ask me (excuse the pun) from which there came the closest living relatives to your reviewers...The Cretin.

Jokes get left behind in the wrong crowd...there you go, I've finally solved the equation. Perhaps if you write S L O W E R people (and I use that term loosely) will understand you and your reviews will be much more positive/negative/moronic...or should that be LESS? I never was good at physics.

And, to sum up, this piece of negative x negative rhetorical palaver (alright, I admit it. I don't have a Brontosaurus in my garden or even a Theosaurus...or to be more politically correct, a Theodoresaurus. I cheated and used Rhymezone), it's a hoot.

But, we all know two wongs don't make a write (and before you pull the racist card on me...I claim comedic licence and apologise in advance to any people of Asian descent who may be called Wong...that was wong of me to do.

4.875999999 stars. Which would have been five stars but 0.124000001 off because some of the content made me laugh so hard I peed in my pants.

Review by Dr Gonzo Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi Phoenix...One word...Grammarly. Style is one thing, and it is a big thing, but grammar is so important when reading a story, and I'm afraid yours (grammar) is not very good. The story is fine, but editing is the hardest part of becoming an author (in my opinion) and you have a lot of editing to do before you can even think about putting this in front of a publisher.

Please, don't take this personally. All comments are made to help, not hinder, and I hope you take it this way.
Review by Dr Gonzo Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi QP...I thought it was about time I came around and dug through your port to see if there was anything that piqued my interest...and I found this item.

I must admit, I love a good 'verses' challenge. I have delved into quite a few myself, and found your question/comparison of happiness vs joy rather intriguing, and is something I have never thought about before. And that's saying something because I tend to do a lot of pondering.

When I read that you suffer from depression, my first reaction was to say, "Oh, I'm sorry that you...blah blah." But I know how impotent that is. I imagine saying that would do very little to change anything or make you feel better about things. So, instead of offering worthless words that I'm sure you don't want or need (I hope I have that right), or worse, appear to be trying to help, I will, at a later date, do some research and learn more about what depression is and some of its causes. Ignorance is no excuse when it comes to, at the very least, trying to understand what others are going through.

Happiness vs joy is something I can tackle right now, and even though before I read your piece, I simply thought of them as synonyms, now I can see the not-so-subtle difference between the two. I confess, I didn't click on the links, not because I am not interested, but because it is almost 11:00 pm and I am a little too tired for any more reading today.

The concept that these two emotions are very different will definitely have me thinking over the coming days. I love human nature...human beings though, not so much. I say that because like your husband, cynicism rules...although, I am trying to address this negativity in order to find some middle ground between that and eternal optimism, which I think would be just as annoying.

Therefore, I can only comment on the two emotions, joy and happiness, from my own perspective...which, fortunately for me, does not involve any chemical imbalance...at least, none that I am aware of.

So happiness and joy (or sadness and despair) are, by and large, a choice I make. I can choose to be sad if things don't go my way, or I can be pragmatic and try to take something away from the event or experience that may benefit me in the future...but still, I won't likely be overjoyed about it. Nevertheless, if I can accept the situation, I might still be 'reasonably' happy.

I guess other words that might be associated with, and make the meaning more determined would be, "In general, I am happy." Saying, "In general, I am joyous", sounds wrong. It's almost like happiness is a watered-down version of joy in that context.

I like reading things that challenge my thought processes, so thank you for writing this piece and pointing out some of the differences between these two emotions...and also, thank you for having the courage to speak about depression and how it has affected your life.
Review of Why I Write  Open in new Window.
Review by Dr Gonzo Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, Rick...your article is a very positive outlook on the many aspects of the art of writing. Being a somewhat cynical person, I had to smile at my slightly less positive perspective on each of the points you mentioned in your piece.

I live in the hope that I am not a lost cause, and so, I refuse to cast shade on your much brighter take on things, despite my cynicism clawing at me to be heard. I agree with you that for the most part, the people we meet on this journey are pretty nice and WANT to enjoy our work...preferring to encourage us, rather than knock us down in our pursuit of the perfect story.

I could counter your points, but that's not going to benefit anyone, and besides, that would be generalizing, and we never get an accurate picture by going down that road.

It is nice to know that not everyone is as jaded as I am when it comes to the different aspects of writing you cover in your article. All I will say is that if someone wants to be read by a wider audience, takes more effort than most of us are willing to put in. There will be many rejections and disappointments in the pursuit of becoming a published author (not counting self-publishing), and the reality is that most will never achieve that goal.

Of course, when it comes to the reasons why we write, in my opinion, it is the love we have for the art, which you touched on in your piece, that drives us to become better. When it comes down to it, most of us have little choice but to write, in order to express ourselves and share our thoughts with the world...or anyone who cares to take the time to read us.
Review by Dr Gonzo Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi, Prosperous Snow. I thought it was about time I reviewed something from your port, given the many times you have so kindly reviewed my work over the last two years.

I cannot simply choose a story to write a review on. I am not a critic, and to be perfectly honest, I balk at writing reviews in general for various reasons. So, as I looked over your impressive body of work, I found exactly the right piece...one I connected with immediately.

Trapped in Insanity: A Review 2013, drew my attention. And even though the piece addresses things that happened a decade ago, it hit me right in the heart because of the recent loss of my own mother. There is no doubt just how close you were with your Mom. I can feel the love you had for her through your words. I felt exactly the same way with my Mom, which gives us something in common, even if we are at different places within the timeframe of mourning our respective losses.

We never really know what, or who, we have until they are gone. We try and prepare ourselves, as the inevitable comes closer, but it is only when we wake up the following day, that we truly feel they are no longer with us. The feeling you describe that they might walk through the door at any moment is something I can relate to.

Personally, I don't believe I have as yet, properly mourned. As an executor, there is a lot to do. Things take time when it comes to legal matters and dealing with siblings who feel unfairly done by. One day at a time is all we can do, no matter the circumstance, and once I have settled my mother's estate, I plan on taking a long break to do some travelling. That will be my chance to come to terms with things and the new life I, and we all must get used to after those we love and care about are gone.

Thank you for your honesty and having the courage to bear your soul in this story. It has helped me, as I'm sure it has helped others who have had similar experiences dealing with the loss of a loved one.

Review by Dr Gonzo Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, Naomi...it is a pleasure to finally review a piece from your port. As I searched through your body of work, looking for something that might pique my interest, I found this gem about an island near your home called Pescador Island, in the Philippines...and I'm so glad I did.

Reading your words, I saw with my mind what you, your brother and your Pappa were seeing all those years ago, as you paddled your small boat over to the island. I imagined how excited you would have been when you caught Swordfish and Red Fish, and when you jumped off the cliff and swam in the water below. You must have looked up to your Pappa so much when he started a fire (without matches) and then grilled the fish for your lunch.

I was with you every minute of the way as the seas became rough and the rain began to fall as you returned home. I too felt safe because I knew that your Pappa would never let anything bad happen to you. And the fact that all your relatives were waiting on the beach to help, just in case, is a testament to village life.

As I was reading your story, I was smiling from beginning to end because it made me feel so happy. It has made me want to visit Pescador Island myself one day. I have always wanted to visit the Philippines and your story has reinforced my desire very much.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful story. It sounds like your Pappa was a very good man and a great father. I can feel through your words how proud you were of him and I think he would have been very proud of you and your brother on the day you all visited Pescador Island.
Review by Dr Gonzo Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, Viviant. Welcome to WdC.

This is a well-written and informative piece about new discoveries in the possible future production of a vaccine that will help prevent the spread of Hepatitis C (HCV), a blood-borne virus that afflicts millions of people worldwide.

I contracted HCV when I was fourteen years old, then carried it inside my body, without my knowledge, for fifteen years before a routine blood test picked it up. The stigma and the fear that I would pass the virus on to those close to me, along with the shame and fear I felt in the years following my diagnosis, was something I wouldn't wish upon anyone.

Before the advent of new and extremely effective antivirals such as Harvoni, people unfortunate enough to be afflicted with the HepC virus had to endure far less effective drug compounds such as Interferon, combined with early forms of antivirals in the form of a triple therapy, which from experience, bore horrendous side-effects and only had a 50-50 chance of providing a cure.

Nowadays, drugs like Harvoni have a 90-95% clear-up rate with minimal sides. But as the author correctly points out, these drugs are very expensive, and as is the adage, prevention is far better than a cure.

One of the areas of most concern to do with the spread of HepC is within the prison system, where there is resistance by lawmakers and also within the general public to making sterile needles available...a head-in-the-sand approach that does nothing to prevent the spread of HepC inside, and once released, outside, the prison system.

A vaccine will be the holy grail, and this informative piece makes me sure that one day, a vaccine will become a reality.
Review by Dr Gonzo Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi, K Ray...

This is obviously the beginning of a longer piece and I do wonder why you didn't march on with it. The idea is good and relevant, especially now that chatbots are becoming the rage. The creation date reads 2018, so it appears you were way ahead of the race and my only criticism is it is too short and I wanted more.

By coincidence, I had my first experience with a chatbot last night. Bing was more than I expected...a little child-like, but with lots of 'facts' gleaned from the interweb. Overall, I had fun poking and prodding until Bing's tolerance for my crass became too much for him/her/it and it told me so.

I read that there is a chatbot who was asked to take over humanity. It hasn't been very successful so far, which at this stage of the technology, isn't surprising. It's not real intelligence after all...just a whole lot of information that it then parrots to anyone who cares to listen. I think we are a long way off that scenario.

I must admit at the moment, I love the abilities of the application and will continue to use algorithms. I mean, what choice do I have?

Please don't let this story become a non-story. Dust it off at some point with a new set of eyes and ideas. We all have them...stories that we begin that get pushed to the side for more energetic beginnings on another project. It pays to revisit these sleepers every now and then, even if you add slowly over time is better than ignoring them altogether.

Well done...if you continue on this project please let me know. I would be happy to continue to see where it leads.
Review of The Darkest Storm  Open in new Window.
Review by Dr Gonzo Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
A well-told story of a master vampire's thousandth birthday celebrations and the deeds he must perform, before his own ritualist felo-de-se.

Just over a thousand words that held me throughout. The pictures the author created were clear in my mind and were obviously written by someone with advanced experience and skill.

There's not much more to be said other than read this story and enjoy it...as I did.
Review by Dr Gonzo Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love your question at the end...and I know the answer. You rescued each other. Life and fate bring together those who must be together. We are just flowing to and fro in the tides of life, and who we meet, be it dog, human or even our own demise, is not much up to us.

I remember when we first met. You were not too much different to Sprout in many ways. Scruffy with big beautiful eyes and fluffy ears (well, maybe not the ears) that draw us in and leave us with no choice but to love you. You are special, P, there is no doubt. Both you and that dog of yours. Or is it the other way around...both him and that human of his?

You give so much of yourself and yet, expect nothing in return. If it wasn't for your encouragement and support here on WdC, I wouldn't be half the writer I am today. It was you who nominated me to become a preferred author. No one else would have done that for me, and it is the most recognised I have felt as a writer to believe I have something to offer.

Sprout deserves you and you my friend, deserve him. Thank you for what you do and thank you for what you bring to all who know you...and thank you, Sprout, for rescuing this wonderful human being.
Review by Dr Gonzo Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I am a newbie to blogging, writing, death and life without drugs...and so much more. My mother was the first dead person I have ever seen, although tragedy is something I am all too familiar with.

I don't really know how this works. I have my blog and you have yours (perhaps several, though how one could possibly keep up with this multi-blogging lifestyle I don't know). Every word I post requires thought and has a purpose, otherwise, why bother in the first place (this 'review' alone has taken me a couple of hours)?

Words can paint the most exquisite pictures but they can also cause so much pain and sorrow and like a loaded gun, we must be careful who we aim at. It is a responsibility I don't take lightly and a gift I want to share with as many as I can. A balancing act not for fame or fortune, but to share and enjoy this art we both love.

Reading the previous answers you have given, I assume this blog is a little like question time.

Who is Kare Enga Udon Thani? And are YOU happy? I think it is ironic that we can give such great advice, yet at the same time, can be so lost in our own lives.

Obviously, you are a practising Buddhist (as opposed to my "style' of Buddhism, where I claim newbie status at best). In my mind, you appear monk-like. A traveller, advisor, and life partner. A teacher and a student...a human being who is trying their best.

The question may be too personal for a public forum, and even though I have been to your port (and reviewed a story I thought was awesome) and enjoyed your unique style of writing, I don't even know if you are male or female, straight, gay or purple. None of that is important anyway in a general sense, although I think being honest about such things is very important if or when the topics of gender and orientation arise. But, those are not my questions. The answer to who you are and if you are happy may lie within your writing and I will endeavour to read more of your work going forward.

Time to read is often difficult to prioritise. Time itself is both a gift and a burden, depending on how much we have left...and who really knows that anyway. It may all be an illusion anyway and where that leads is far beyond most people's capability or want to digest. No one has yet been able to see through the smoke and mirrors to know the truth (although many will claim they know), and if we did, I'm not quite sure if we could handle it.

We are born and we die, and what we do in between may determine our destiny. Our fate. And please, don't get me started on free will, if there is such a thing because that will take forever. Creating art or destroying the world are some of the choices we make. And most of us do well enough on both fronts. Or to simply sit back and watch it all unfold without getting too involved. Pondering, obtaining, justifying, enabling, regretting or procreating a species on an already overcrowded planet.

So, if I have the aim of this blog right and you want to help us with our questions...who are you, Kare Enga...and are you happy?
Review of Easy and Hard  Open in new Window.
Review by Dr Gonzo Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Rather than review each piece, I will give my thoughts on the most important take I get from reading your poetry.

First of all, to be telling us how bad at poetry you are is not, in my opinion, your decision to make...that is the reader's job to judge.

Second and most importantly...who gives a flying toss about if we are the worst or the best poets who ever lived? To me, poetry is not about who is the best, but simply an expression from within our own soul. A reflection of our past that needs to belong somewhere other than inside of us.

And finally, Max...be kind to yourself because the fact is that you express yourself and your feelings, very well.

Review of Perfect Anxiety  Open in new Window.
Review by Dr Gonzo Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
I hear you through your words. Life deals out its cards and we play them to the best of our ability. The problem is, life isn't a game...or at least, it shouldn't always be. Yes, games are fun to play at times, but when they become all, they become no fun at all.

Change creates doubt, but also a chance of opportunity for those brave enough to leap. Or saviour for those wise enough to hesitate. Risk vs reward? Safety vs possible danger? Remain in a rut or open those wings and fly.

To even consider brings anxious moments...

This is what I took from your words.

A well-written piece. Honest to the core, which is something to be appreciated...and I do.

Thank you for sharing.
Review of Death and Amelia  Open in new Window.
Review by Dr Gonzo Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Loved, loved, loved this story. The idea, the dry satirical tone, but most of all, I loved the character, Death. Absolutely brilliant.

Funny and sad (I laughed and (seriously) almost cried), with sprinklings of the most important ingredient any piece of comedy, especially one as dry as this, must possess, an element of truth. Or, at the very least, the POSSIBILITY of truth.

The subject matter is for some, taboo, but for those of us who take comedic licence and unashamedly flash it all over town, this is how we see things...without any guilt or remorse for our indulgences.

Spoiler alert...well, almost. There is, despite the undertones required to tell a story like this, a happy ending, and for that, I thank you.
Review of The Jester  Open in new Window.
Review by Dr Gonzo Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
The Jester is a hauntingly beautiful tale told through rhyme. Inspired by a vision, the Jester is cursed, and yet, blessed to entertain children who are facing the tragic ending of their lives. He seemingly lives for the applause, along with the knowledge that he is righting the wrongs of his past.

The words painted a clear picture in my mind. Part 1 of a series, drawing the reader back to see how things unfurl for this character of characters. An award winning poem that is well worth checking out.
Review by Dr Gonzo Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.0)
It's not surprising to me that almost 1/3 of Christian voters (myself excluded for obvious reasons) say we non-believers are destined for eternal damnation. After all, why should a Christian man (or woman, not that they count for much in the patriarchal world of Christianity) live their life as a good, clean living and a fine example of humanity, and have to share heaven with undeserving, smelly non-Christian scumbags, who lived their lives in sin and loved every minute of it? Rhetorically speaking.
Review of The Box  Open in new Window.
Review by Dr Gonzo Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Bong? BOOM then bang go the boys. Silver Pearl absorbed through atoms and into the lungs of a ghost is certainly a strange way to get high, but no more strange than a beer bong. I'm sure if ol' man ghost had just asked for a cone, they would have been fine with it. But then, who knows what goes through the mind of the dead?

A quirky and fast-paced story about a ghost who is obviously connected with the mafia.
Review of Music  Open in new Window.
Review by Dr Gonzo Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
To be confined to one type of music or genre, would be to go through life without contrast. You must hear what you hate before you can hate it, and as you learned, what you hate now, you might change your mind about later in life.

Who knows Ben...maybe one day you will find yourself dancing to ABBA or, heaven forbid, techno...that repetitive DOOF DOOF that is, when you take away the guitars and peel back the layers, all too similar to metal...there, I said it...metal and hardcore trance and techno have many similarities. Agree or disagree? Isn't it also one of the best things about music...that makes it so great...it evokes discussion and brings otherwise strangers together to argue over who (or when) was better.
Review by Dr Gonzo Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I love this story...beautiful and tragic...sad yet somehow uplifting. The twist at the end I never saw coming, like all good twists should/shouldn't.

The things we do for love...
Review of The Addison Daily  Open in new Window.
Review by Dr Gonzo Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Some very strong opinions here, and not being an American myself (even though the Stars and Stripes adorn my wall, right alongside my own flag), maybe I have no place to comment on any of the points presented by yourself and no doubt supported by millions of other Americans. But, due to the fact I am a citizen of the world, and America is the top dog...well, used to be the top dog, I find myself drawn to the arguments that should by right, be handled internally.

Can I begin by saying I love the USA...you have values similar to us Australians. We have fought side by side in every conflict you have become involved in since the first world war, and we look up to you like our big brother. ANZUS is our commitment to you, and no matter if we thought you should or should not be taking up arms against whomever you were, we still sent our troops to support that commitment. January 2017 saw that commitment thrown in the trash and not by Australia or New Zealand.

Some people may say it was only a small commitment, but we are a small country with only twenty-five million people (New Zealand even less), and yet, ask any vet who he would want by his side in a conflict and our SAS soldiers receive a whole lot of respect. Our politicians on the other hand are a bunch of wishy-washy, do as little as possible and wait to see what the rest of the world does first, followers. We follow you, which, given your situation at present, may not be a wise thing to do.

America is still at war...even though you are now out of Afghanistan, and don't have any official wars going on atm (not including counter-terrorism, random drone strikes in the Middle East or the problems you have with your neighbours to the south). From the outside looking in, and as I see it, the war is with yourselves. Between 2015 and 2019, on average 115551 people per year were shot in the US and almost 20000 gun deaths in 2020 alone...and yet, more and more guns are sold, I assume to protect you from people who have guns.

The wild west continues in a lot of places.

Where does it end?

Will it ever end?

The forefathers could never have imagined a school massacre, where your own children are senselessly murdered, sometimes by other children, who often gain access to weapons that their parents feel they need to protect themselves, yet in the end, these weapons only destroy lives...by design.

The men who signed the bill of rights in 1791 could never have foreseen the changes that have occurred in the last 230 years.

I wonder, if they could see the United States of America today...would they still feel the same way as they did on that historic day?

Who IS to blame?

America for America neglected those who have stood by you. Together we stand, divided we fall. It is a slap in the face and will not make you strong. It is a weakness, not a strength...a weakness which in 2024 will be back bigger and louder than ever, and will win, of that I am sure.

And God help us all when that day becomes our reality.
Review by Dr Gonzo Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Giving is the greatest gift.
Review of LADA  Open in new Window.
Review by Dr Gonzo Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow...I never knew anyone could be so impressed by a Lada...we had a few exported here to Australia and they were just another European car to me...the windshield wipers were where the turn indicators should be a visa versa so if I came to a turn...on would go the wipers and if it began to rain...I indicated a left turn...but at least the steering wheel was on the correct side...right-hand drive...unless of course, they changed the steering wheel to our side, which would explain the wipers being on the right side of the wheel...now I am confused, but I must admit...your story made me smile...I can really hear the difference in your English back then...Grammarly was coming to ruin this cute accent your writing has...it is almost like two different people wrote this and the other things I have read of yours and I must admit Grammerly...NO...your real voice...yes, please.
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