Impression: Well, for starters, I must congratulate you on your Dear Me 2025 entry as this is a difficult thing for many to do, myself included, and here you are with this thoughtful ,and encouraging reflection on your life's movement from 2024 and onward.
What I loved: You know, to take on this idea that you should keep mirth in your life, and dance, not a literal interpretation but just to keep enjoying your life as you live it, dance through the hills and the valleys of your life, well, this is a great idea. And I think you are definitely on track to achieve the goals you've set for this coming year too!
What needs work: Nothing needs rework in this letter.
Final thoughts: Life has thrown you a few curveballs this past year, as you self disclosed but you are staying focused and have a sharp focus on staying on goal. How important this is to the achieving the success of these goals you outlined for this year, but I think you totally understand this to be true.
Impression: With your entry, "Dear Me 2025", I could see thta you are a youthful(ish) writer who has been deeply inspired by the sounds of One Republic and Imagine Dragons, I could feel that you were pleased to share your thoughts on your writing journey for 2024. It seemed that the year had been a rollercoaster for you but can confidently say that creating your music stories portfolio was one of your prouder accomplishments, among others, last year.
What I loved: I just loved that there is so much passion that fuels your writing. You seem to take from the energy of the two bands like One Republic and Imagine Dragons, and it often seeps into your work, giving it a rhythm an med vibrancy which seems to resonate with your readers. From themes of resilience and hope, there is fusion of music and storytelling which feels like a natural progression that you captured in your portfolio. It is such a pleasure to read this!
What needs work: There is nothing that needs rework from you.
Final thoughts: Now, let’s not overlook the challenges faced throughout this trying year. Like many creatives, I encountered moments of self-doubt and frustration. However, music was always there to lift me up when I needed it most. Those catchy beats and powerful lyrics reminded me why I started writing in the first place—because stories matter.
In conclusion, your letter to yourself for 2025 seems like an achievable, and believable endeavor that I send good wishes for your success in 2025! Here’s to many more years of growth, creativity, and musical inspiration! 🎶✨
Impression: I am struck by this amazing feeling that I am in the presence of age and wisdom as I read your Dear Me 2025 letter.
I wished to congratulate you on your entry but I understand that this is a necessary part of moving daily and positively in your life. Because of this necessity, we gain on the other side with so much insight in the truths of our lives.
It is true you cannot plan to far as you age because life tends to rear its head and a wave will wash your plans so far off shore that you are just grateful that you remain once you can get your bearings.
What I loved: Your ten item list is a gift in its simplicity and brevity. Though it seem short, it is encompasses a large portion of the daily repitions of life. I think that this is so important and you outline this in a great and achievable way.
What needs work: Nothing in this work needs editing.
Final thoughts: I am truly encouraged by your willingness to continue to do in the face of loss, impactful loss in your life. You've chosen to move and do, while you could choose the alternative, and be in your right to do so. Yet, again, I am encouraged, and I do believe others will be, through your insistance to live and do.
Impression: To begin, I would like to congratulate you on your successful entry to the Dear Me New Year letter to ones self, which I see as an achievement in itself. I'd also want to say that I love the energy and clarity in your goal setting letter. You've nailed the balance between ambition and practicality, which is so key for sticking with goals over time.
What I loved: Your letter outlines some specific items to focus on, some writing you must do to reach your self imposed deadline and by giving end dates, there is specificity to the goals. These are sure to be reached this year...with laser focus and the will to complete.
What needs work: There is nothing in your entry that needs rework.
Final thoughts: You've built a roadmap for success that is structured and defined. This will be a transformative year for you. Remember, progress aims at perfection but if a goal slips, adjust the timeline for added needs - it is YOUR plan.
I'm cheering for you that you will make 2025 that productive year that you spoke of in your letter.
Impression: Let me begin with offering my congrats to you for your Dear Me 2025 entry. Major kudos to you for putting together this thoughtful plan - it's clear you're putting together your plan with intention and heart. This important step moved you in a definite direction for starting your goals completion for 2025.
What I loved: I enjoyed how you focusing on health and balance in your goal setting. And with hydration and sleep in your plan - it's the Chef's kiss. Your future self will thank you for those 7 - 8 hours rest.
Now, on to spiritual health. This part really impacted me. Carving out the time for reflection, meditation, or whatever fills your soul is so important. Next, we talk about finanacial health. Budgeting and saving can really feel daunting but you're already winning by naming this a priority. Also remember, small steps lead up.
What needs work: There is no need for rework.
Final thoughts: Your letter to you sounds confident and self sufficient, and I'm here for it! My advice though is celebrate tiny wins. Oh, and win life gets chaotic (because it will), revisit this letter. It's your North Star.
Go back and remember how you got here and celebrate the journey.
Impression: Let me begin sending a congrats your way for your Dear Me 2025 entry for the contest. That is one of the first steps to establishing some thought towards goals that need outlining and a dates for start/end. Your 2025 goals - this plan is like a cozy blanket of intentionally maixed with a dash of ambition. Love this vibe so much!
You've got some strategic goals that involve your cybersecurity and networking expertise and how to continuously stay up to date on these rapid changes within this ever evolving field. Your social media goals while aiming for intended engagement without the mindless scrolling that can eat up so much of your time (and energy). You're going for progress, not perfection.
What I loved: What I loved was your insistence in more community engagement here at As you manage many different activities, always keep track of your limits and set up gentle boundaries to guard against this in your journey.
Make sure you listen to your energy levels and stay mindful of when you need to decline any more duties.
What needs work:
Final thoughts: Your 2025 blueprint is all about growth without grind. It's okay to adjust as you go - life's a draft, nothing is chistled in stone. Keep your curiosity alive, lean into what lights you up, and trust that small steps add up.
Here's to a year of learning, creating and thriving - on your own terms.
Impression: I just want to start with a congrats for your 2025 Dear Me entry for this year's contest. You know you entered, and not many people delved in, and organized thoughts to arrange a idea for their letter but you did. And what a creative turn your story took! :D
So, let's take a peek at your 2025 goals - because, wow, you've packed into this with ambition, growth, and a whole lot of heart. I'm already cheering for you.
We'll begin with personal growth - Keep rocking that progress with your weight loss journey, one healthy choice at a time. Remember, it's not about perfection - it's about consistency. Celebrate the small wins (hello, veggie-packed meals and post-walk endorphins). Remember to treat yourself with the kindness you deserve.
Spiritual goals- Carve out moments for spiritual reflection, prayer, or whatever fuels your soul. Think of it as mental yoga - stretching your spirit to stay grounded, grateful and ready to shine.
Cryto Currency goals - Time to geek out on blockchain basics. Dive into the podcasts, YouTube tutorials, or a beginner's course. No pressure - just soak up the knowledge and enjoy the ride.
5 Book Challenge - Whether it's a swoon worthy Shana Galen romance or a memoir that makes you laugh/cry, let those pages transport you to hidden places for adventure. goals - Daily visits, forum fun, Anniversary and Angel Army reviews, Newsletter goals for adding more value to your interactions on, you plan to fill up most of your days with work, community and connections.
There are publication goals for 2025 that involve you finishing final edits, publishing those edited works, going over a nearly finished work and utilizing more marketing infomation to broaden your knowledge base to make you even more formidable.
What I loved: I loved that you stacked your goal sheet so much that even a summary of the goal list with a few words is just a small glimpse into the workload you are setting up for yourself. But it will definitely keep your life full and fun.
What needs work: Nothing from your writing needs rework.
Final thoughts: This is your year to grow, to create and to thrive. Some days will feel effortless; others might need a little extra coffee (or chocolate). But remember, - every tiny step counts. You're building a life you love, one goal at a time. I can feel it. You're going so far this year.
Impression: I just want to begin with a congratulations on your Dear Me 2025 entry, as this is a start of a journey into new things. Just want to give you a high five for setting such thoughtful, meaningful goals for 2025. Healthier eating, daily movement, along with dedicating time to reflect through your journals? You're not just building healthier habits - you're investing in a happier, more balanced version of yourself. That just sounds like fantastic goal setting.
What I loved: I just loved that you observed that you needed to eat healthir and set out to develop a goal for the new year that would address this in your life. And you identified that you wanted to start the habit of daily exercise. By beginning it now, in June of this year, you will be surely in a six month stretch of improved physical health.
When you create your diet journal, it will help to document the development of change in your life and it will show the journey you've made along the months to better health.
Lastly, I love the prayer journal. Whether its gratitude, reflection or spiritual connection, a prayer journal is a heart to heart with yourself (and maybe a higher power). It's a space to air out your concerns, celebrate the joys or just to breathe. Little moments of mindfulness add up to big inner peace.
What needs work: There is nothing in this entry that needs rework.
Final thoughts: I really think you are definitely on the right path to success this year. But remember: if you get off track, don't consider this a failure; they are part of the journey. Forgive yourself. Adjust what isn't working and know that with a steady focus, you'll get back on track.
You're not just making resolutions - you're building a lifestyle change. And that is worth cheering for. Here's to your year of growth, grace...cheers to your best year yet!
Impression: Your short story of a woman who chooses to live alone and has been alone since both parents passed on at age 17, she's grown used to the quiet. However, she doesn't mind if she adds mechanical sounds, just noises to help fill the void, the space while she lives in her home. After she is alone, on her first night, some weird things start happening..but she sees a trend, a theme from a movie seen by millions of families. She will unmask whoever is pranking her house, invading her life...and the game is afoot.
What I loved: I thought this story did a good job with showing a differnt minded woman who won't be driven from the home she's bought but only has a mind to unmask the offender. Good going for her!
What needs work: Nothing needs rework.
Final thoughts: I definitely found myself on the sofa cheering for this character and I'm sure instead of running screaming away, the ghost or person who is trying to drive her away will find themselves homeless instead. This determined story will be a great read that I hope you enjoy as much as I did.
Impression: This short story is full of excitement, sci-fi drama with a husband and wife team who strumbled upon a billionaire's property viewing his hidden tech, this puts them in a bad place. The billionaire lays out the parameters for their unhindered stay on his property as long as they keep their eyes out of his private work. As always, they comply until they don't and things take a turn that might change the course of their lives...permanently.
What I loved: I can appreciate a curious husband and wife team but it's amazing that this command cannot be maintained due to their overly bored nature. Adventure awaits!
What needs work: What a fun and twists and turns this story weaves for the scientific duo. I will keep it brief to say that I think you will enjoy this read. This lively story will be a great read that I hope you enjoy as much as I did.
Final thoughts: Well, as it is often said, curiousity killed the cat, it often kills grant funding because the scientist husband and wife duo forgot the rule: he who finds the gold makes the rules and they were unwilling to just listen. That stuck out for me that often if you are unwilling to listen and just do what is said, maybe, just maybe things can work out. But we know, this story, left on a clift, doesn't end well for the duo.
It kept me thinking as I hope it will for them, which means it was interesting. Hope the readers will find this work intriguing too.
Impression: Your short story is full of surprises, bullies (no way!), and a tentacle monster that happens to help those in a tough jam. But that's later in the story...retribution is swift and final. The flow of this story is solid, stays focused and integrates with fluidity, the photo prompt for the contest.
What I loved: When the story involves a good ending for the down trodden person just living life. Not causing trouble but just hated for no reason but whatever the real reason, justice is served.
What needs work: Nothing needs rework.
Final thoughts: What a solid moving story that I found myself cheering for the one who survived the evil trap only to live on cured of the fear of water, and now with a new found love for the lake. This wonderful story will be a great read that I hope you enjoy as much as I did.
Impression: Your short story is a delicious little gem of story with a sick mom and her only son burdened with school and her care as its not enough to help heal her sickness. Enters a young man, deemed a Warlock who claims good intentions until the son's in a desperate situation that calls for immediate help. There's twists and turns but good wins out in the end. A pleasant story with a feel good ending that utilizes the photo prompt with ease.
What I loved: When an evil plan doesn't work as planned and the person who seeks love and family wins. There's just not enough of it in the world for it to get boring.
What needs work: Nothing needs rework.
Final thoughts:Love saves the day and good comes out on top. Family bonds are stronger than death and love wins over all. This hope building story will be a great read that I hope you enjoy as much as I did.
Your entry,"The Maniac Across the Lake", is being reviewed for the "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest" [ASR] contest for this month.
Thanks for entering!
Impression: Your short story is full of angst and confusion for a joyful time never known due to jealousy and bitterness. There is such sadness for the man who is driven to madness, the man who only wanted to wed the woman he loved. The story took such a dramatic turn that I forgot about the lake house. No, I jest. The story prompt was used beautifully and wa intergrated into the story line.
What I loved: I love a good story that draws you inside and won't let you leave. This is how invested I was by second paragraph. I did feel that he was unfairly charged with being a "maniac" though he just disappeared. The home no longer had any value nor would he want to stay in the place where death made an indelible mark.
What needs work: I didn't see anything that required rework.
Final thoughts: A very haunting story that used the photo prompt with relish and left the reader wanting more. This wonderful story will be a great read that I hope you enjoy as much as I did.
Your entry, "Win Some, Lose Some", is being reviewed for the "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest" [ASR] contest for this month.
Thanks for entering!
Impression: Your short story sets the scene of hope for a better future from a past that was hard and unforgiving. Through a series of financial exchanges, the family's fortune changed for the better...but, well, I guess this is where the title came into play. It's a bittersweet feeling story that desperately tries to educate the viewer, along with the family, that some higher force was calling for their lives but they failed to heed the signals in time. I felt tense throughout this story and I think that others will too.
What I loved: I enjoyed the story's pace and imagery. I even enjoyed the view of the lake front house. That's all I can say that I loved though. It was well written and that is always a plus.
What needs work: Nothing.
Final thoughts: Tension, suspense, sadness and evil spirits all have a part in this buoyantly moving story. It is a story you'll love to hate but sometimes that's what a good writer does with their characters or villains. This heart stopping story will be a great read that I hope you enjoy as much as I did.
Your entry, "An Old Party Every Year", is being reviewed for the "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest" [ASR] contest for this month.
Thanks for entering!
Impression: This short story of a haunted island mansion that reappears once a year and its very sighting means another set of the town's residents will disappear. Enter four kids determined to find answers, even if their lives are forfeit from finding the truth. Tension is in the air, curiosity is in play but danger, grave danger in store for the curious kids. Not sure if they will succeed but they will be forever known as the brave four!
What I loved: I loved that the kids banded together to investigate the spooky haunted mansion, all were brave, even if it placed them in harms way, they had to know.
What needs work: Nothing I read needed rework.
Final thoughts: Adventure is in the air but four brave kids step forward for justice. I love a good story where the young kids fight a monster...will they succeed? You have to read this great story to find out but you'll want to, yes, you'll want to.
I'm reviewing your short story titled, "Right Thirst" for the Daily Review. Let's move on with it...
Impression: This is the story of a young deer that learns to act on his desire, face the threat of death but succeed with his life, and courage intact. This deer truly quenched his thirst today. Through this success he can go forward bravely many more times into the crocodile's realm.
What I loved: I loved the imagery of the deer stepping into crocodile terrain to drink a few gulps of water and rejoicing at the end with its reward. Felt real nice to see the deer win so soundly at the end.
What needs work: Nothing needs rework.
Final thoughts: This was a feel good story of quenching not just a physical thirst but motivationally, it encourages others to step out and face life's challenges and win.
When you stay thirsty, you always seek to quench life's thirst.
Very nice job today! I enjoyed reading your work and hope you enjoy the celebration this week!
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Impression: You said a whole lot in a few words and that is a difficult thing to achieve. Most people run from death but this character we see here has had many interactions and is not afraid and it would seem, they are "friends", though who is a friend of Death?
What I loved: I really enjoyed the quirky mood of this story. Death lets your protagonist down, many times but she still waits for him to visit her. Very interesting look at Death from this perspective. The cat, Pete, was also an intriguing addition.
What needs work: I didn't see anything that needed work.
Final thoughts: I thought this was an imaginative use of the prompt and really integrated into the theme of this story. I definitely see the idea from the prompt in this story that the truth is really not desired here. Great story!
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Impression: This is a honest reflection into a world mental enlightenment and a grappling with normal life fallacies.
What I loved: The honesty behind your work. You really want your readers to understand you.
What needs work: I found nothing that needed rework.
Final thoughts: Your story beautifully captures the raw emotions, triumphs, and setbacks experienced by the protagonist, leaving your readers with a profound understanding of the complexities surrounding mental health. You and Van Gogh are distant cousins, bound together in the spirit world.
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Impression: An intriguing view into a life that was transformed by overhearing one thing that set off this main character into a life full of living, adventure and wealth. To go from a life lived through fictional characters to you living the life others only heard of.
What I loved: Her transformation from a perceived matron into a desirable woman draping the arms of wealthy men. That works for me!
What needs work: There is nothing from this story that needs rework.
Final thoughts: This is a really surprising foray into a new world full of new possibilities. It took me by surprise but that is what I get for having a standard expectation of a really good character.
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Impression: This story is a great story of a person who has a gift for massage but deeper than that, for understanding the complex needs of a female from all of the years he'd been raised with his three sisters.
What I loved: This character never focused his activities on himself but on the needs of the people whose life he touched.
What needs work: There is nothing that needs rework in this entry.
Final thoughts: This introspective narrative, authored by a sensitive and insightful writer, beautifully captures the far-reaching impact of human connection and compassion. Your story really caught me with its wonderfully charming message and I just fell for it.
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Impression: This story of two young filly horses called Morgan were of a horse that allowed their master to care for them and the other, got less good treatment due to its resistance to letting anyone care for them. It was a useful to include these for illustration.
What I loved: I liked this one as much as I had to devour it swiftly for its length.
What needs work: There is nothing from this story that needs rework.
Final thoughts: You beautifully weave together the contrasting journeys of two captivating protagonists. This meticulously crafted tale takes readers on an emotional rollercoaster, delving deep into the complexities of horse nature and the choices we make.
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Impression: A story of a space being named Hancron who is enjoying his life, and the other DeathBringers want both him and the other DeathBringers estinguished. A sci fi journey into mayhem and death.
What I loved: The horror and intensity of the DeathBringer who brought death to many victims.
What needs work: The story does not need any rework.
Final thoughts: This spine-chilling narrative takes readers on a heart-pounding rollercoaster ride through a universe plagued by an unimaginable entity, the DeathBringer, whose sole purpose is to inflict death upon its helpless victims.
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Impression: Strayed from Normalcy, never coming back story is a captivating and thought-provoking journey that takes readers on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. The author masterfully weaves a narrative filled with unexpected twists and turns, pushing the boundaries of what it means to lead a conventional life.
What I loved: The emotions that are showed in this story really explain determination and insistence on never returning to a normal life.
What needs work: Nothing in this story needs rework.
Final thoughts: The moral of this story: You can believe in something small, and turn it into something big, quote from the author. This spellbinding narrative takes readers on a journey they never anticipated, venturing far from the realm of normalcy and thoroughly exploring the consequences of such a decision.
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Impression: The protagonist, a skilled and determined female operative codenamed Green Dragon, personifies strength and resilience. Her character development throughout the story is truly commendable, as we witness her growth and unyielding determination to complete her mission successfully. It is a solid story and really kept me interested till the last word.
What I loved: I really enjoyed the movement of this story. It was crisp, it was intriguing and I stayed involved.
What needs work: There is nothing from this story that needs rework.
Final thoughts: This story presents an enthralling tale of espionage, centered around a female operative on a high-stakes mission for the esteemed Agency. This riveting narrative combines action, suspense, and a sprinkle of mystery to deliver a captivating read.
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Impression: This story is an interesting take on the quotation prompt as I am searching for the area where this meshes with prompt. I will say that it is a beautiful writing on the month of November, which I happen to love as a month. it is a special month that usually ushers in the snow and frost and snowmen. It is a great month and would be amazing to spend in Norway, as you discuss, in November.
What I loved: I loved thinking about the mountains of snow to see in a country like Norway. It's magical, it's cold and fluffy snow is everywhere. This story really brought this out for me.
What needs work: There is nothing from this writing for rework.
Final thoughts: November, one of my fave month's of the year, is a special place to be in the country of Norway. The very cold nights, the glasses of vodka to stay warm and the beautiful countryside all around.
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