A beautiful tribute to your father. It brought tears to my eyes. I am sorry for your loss, I love how you take and remember the memories that will be forever in your heart. It is those precious memories that get you through daily. Jack sounds like he was very talented. To be able to make a violin just from reading books is a great talent. That he learned to play by watching and listening to others I love that. The memory you shared of you and your father playing music together is so touching. It is hard to let them go, but you don't want them to feel pain anymore. He must have been waiting on your birthday, and it is so heart felt how he sung Happy Birthday to you. That is a memory that no one can take away, and it is a priceless memory at that . May God bless you and I loved the story. skymac.
Oh my J.A. this is an awesome story. You can just feel the victim trying to reach anyone. It would be so horrible to be alive and everyone thinks you are dead. To know that they have declared you dead, and you can still hear everything all around. If only the tear could have rolled down the her cheek when Natalie was looking. The story shows just how cold people have become, her husband, a doctor, and can kill his own wife so he can marry someone else. You can feel Mary's anguish makes you just want to shout "She is alive'! It is a thought provoking item, makes you wonder how many people have been buried alive. I know that in the old days they placed a bell, before all the medical advances came along. I can picture the friends standing there over the coffin saying that she looks so alive. That is when Mary wanted to scream and say I am alive help me. It would be one of those moments you would want to pinch someone or throw something at them to get their attention. But the drugs that her husband gave her made it seem that she was dead. No movement at all, and when she could no one noticed. Natalie thought she seen her blink, but blamed it on her working a double shift. I would love it if Mary started screaming and beating the casket when the grave diggers started to bury her. Keep up the good work. It would be a cliff hanger if the grave diggers discovered that she was alive, then she bribed them to keep quiet and sought revenge on her scum bag husband.
Like you stated you could either be made or broken, and Thomasin took the time to make each student feel like an individual. Not comparing them to one another, not pushing others to be like another. She wanted her students to be one of kind and to help them reach their true potential. She encouraged and not discouraged. These type of people are very rare. They are so unique in their own way, and that is how they bring out the best in us. They make us not be afraid of who we are, and encourage you to pursue your dreams. Hats off to such wonderful mentors.
Now that is true love and truly funny. I needed a good laugh for the day and I sure got it by reading your item. Yeah you read of love in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet play, but true love is sacrificing things for the one you truly love. Including hot water, and the next on the list would be lack of sleep. We live with a teenager and she will drain the hot water heater so you have to wait at least two hours for it to warm back up. You done good letting your wife take a long hot shower sounds like she needed it bad and you put her before yourself, that is what marriage is about. It is what your spouse needs and your children you put yourself last on the list. Now that is truly true love. Puts me in mind of someone getting the water hose saying the water is warmer, than that in the shower so funny.
I can totally relate to this item. You get to sleep late one day a week and it is Saturday and knock knock louder and louder. You are thinking someone is going to take out the door. It is someone wanting to put a sign in your yard for the upcoming election. Normally we have at least four people ask if they can do this. Of course no is always our answer. Then you are aggravated from being woke up, and need coffee not conversation. Good job on this the girl scout cookie part I love. My daughter sold them for years and those cute faces holding up the cookies always does the trick. I love the part where Chase doesn't get up and bark he just lays in his comfortable spot.
Very funny story especially the part about the dog that the owner could drag around a 30 gallon garbage can to collect the goods in. I know we all have encounter folks that to us as children are grumpy. As we get older we find that they had ever reason to be with all the neighborhood kids playing football on their beautiful grass and killing it. Now I know many times there are people who are just right down grumpy and many will admit it.I love how you realize toward the end of the story that Mr. Wasserman had done a lot of good things in his life. That he took excellent care of his ailing wife and helped his neighbors and friends on a regular basis. He helped maintain the church and sang just a good fellow in every sense. Sometimes we become set in our ways and it takes those that love us to be able to get along with us as we get older. I know as I age I am going to be joining the grumpy old women's club for sure.
It would be so hard to have to leave your loved one in such conditions. Maybe at the time they did not have the means to support themselves or their parent. It would be hard to try and make it as fast as you can to help them. You would want to do things immediately but sometime that just is not possible. The son kept the promise to come back it sounds like the dad was frail by this time. I love how it said that he saw a smile not a frown. A promise kept in this day and time is worth more than anything.
I love how the twin sisters are so different but stick together no matter what. Love the competition that they do for Halloween. Whoever has the most candy had to give the other their most prize possession. They were so much different but expressed themselves well. They respected each others choices that they made and supported the other. I love about the tiara how they stated if it didn't have an owner the person would be doomed. Then years later Melissa and Bertha lost their parents. Bertha had married Joey and now was divorcing. She was on her way to court to get custody. Melissa wasn't going to go with her but had changed her mind. She had kept her self cooped up since Rebecca had died on 9/11. The girls were going through the motions of everything together they were trying to deal with their grief. They soon came up on the hocus pocus box. The tiara was inside. They decided to pass it on so that they other would not be doomed they passed it on to Saoirse Bertha's daughter. The girls laughed like they hadn't in forever and happiness finally filled the house.
I love it number one because I love animals. They feed the cat as they walked their dog. I love how the cat was like one would come alone and then sometimes the girl would come. The cat wanted them to all be a family and was telling how the guy said that he loved the girl so much. Boots called by one and bootsey by the other wanted them to name them one name and chose it together. I like how it said that bootsey had no roots since it's family had moved away. Just a lonely empty porch that at times gets cold and lonely was looking for a family and had chosen the couple with the dog Sammy. Sammy loved to chase the squirrel and bootsey wanted to tell the dog to look up and it would find the squirrel. good job. Puts me in mind of how sometimes humans feel. So lost and alone and many have no place to call home. It is so sad and others walk by though and act like they are not there. Many hearts have grown cold in this fast paced world, but there are still those with soft and warm hearts who care like Sammy's owners. We have a little black cat that took up at our house we feed the little thing when it appears and give it fresh water.
I am going to give this a shot hopefully we have it almost right. I am thinking a person has a friend and they truly want it to be more. They dream of what it would be like to tell the person how they truly feel. That they would like to be more than friends. But in the same thought they fear what could happen. That if they cross the line their friendship could be ruined forever. That if they confess that they want and need more than friendship that the person may reject the whole idea and then things would be changed forever. At one point in my life I took the chance and told my best friend how I felt. He is still my best friend and husband. I know in some cases it has went the other way, but I am thankful that my best friend is still that to me today and so much more. He is truly the love of my life.
This one made me cry. It is beautiful and you can tell the pain of the parent having to let go. They love their baby Courtney. The poem shows the love they have for their precious baby they want her to be happy and not know any more needles, doctors, hospitals, and surgeries. To set their little angel free had to be the hardest thing they ever had to do. I love the part of the soft pink pony and she is riding on her own little cloud. The description of lollipops, chocolate bars, and gingerbread homes is so precious. But my favorite line is because after my mom passed I placed wind chimes outside they bring me joy when they ring because I think it is her sending beautiful music our way.
Her laughter pleasing, like wind chimes.
Very good story one with a very eye opening side. You can be the most gentle and loving person in the world, then you start drinking and the alcohol can turn you into a monster. You will do and say things that you would not if sober. Even hurt the very one that means the world to you. Some can handle their liquor and some can not. It can make someone become violent, where others they are calm as can be. It is like playing with fire you never know when someone you love will be hurt by your actions under the influence. I love the part where the guys started filing out one by one. They did not know the mans name but he had left a lasting impression.
Love the line I am a proud survivor, because sometimes it takes all the strength that one has to get through the most difficult times in life. I love the title to sew gently because it is completely broken and going to take time to heal. The green eyed monster is a big thing that hinders a relationship. unfaithfulness has no place in a love that is true. I love the part of the promise on the left hand that put cold cash in their hand. good job on this item. The person's pain is truly expressed that they are on the mend slowly but surely.
Good observations. I agree love is not easy but if found the price is worth it all. there are many times we have to say we are sorry for hurting those we love. If pain exists it should be something that both feel together and helps each other get through it. Fear should not be a factor, reassurance is always better than fear. Letting the love of your life know that you love and cherish them daily it means more than a dozen of roses. Love does contain loss, but if it is true love the loss only comes when death parts the love of your life from you. Yes love comes at a price, because anything worth having is worth fighting for daily. It takes work and commitment.
Grandparents teach us so much and love us unconditionally. It is such a joy to be loved no matter what you do wrong. They give advice that is full of wisdom and try to guide us to keep us out of trouble. The stories of the old days stick with me till this very day. My mamaw rocking me and making a peanut butter sandwich is my last memory of her. But what memories. Saying good bye to them is the hardest thing of all. The pain that you have lost your best friend, the person who loved you so much. It is hard to see them go from that strong person to a frail being. Knowing that they are at peace gives great comfort. It is the memories of summers spent watching the lightning bugs on the porch at night that get you through the hurt. Loving memories that no one can take away I agree.
Very sad story but full of wisdom. True healing begins with forgiveness. When we are bitter and full of anger we punish ourselves also. When something happens in our life that we have no control over we always question what we could have done different. We always try and find a way to blame ourselves and others. Then we point the finger back at ourselves saying that there had to be more that we could have done. In the end Selena found the way to true peace is forgiveness. That finally the healing could begin by forgiving the young man who hit her daughter Angela. It would take a lot of faith, but through God's love, mercy, and grace it could be done. Healing will take a mighty long time but will eventually come. The pain will still be there, the thoughts of grandchildren that will never be and the accomplishments her daughter will never get to finish.
Wow talking of living with deep regrets. That would be a hard thing to live with. Knowing that you survived the wreck and your husband didn't . That you are left with the final words spoken I want a divorce. The scars that cut the heart are much worse than the physical scars that ever exist. Knowing that you spoke words of ending your life together, not knowing the end result. You would feel bad, and probably would always see the scars as a constant reminder as your punishment. It sounds like the woman has to forgive herself, and try and move on. Not saying in anyway that will be easy. Sometimes things are spoken and no one can ever predicate what is coming their way. Teaches a good lesson for sure to think about what we are going to say. Because once the words are spoken it can not be taken back regardless and in cases like this we can't say we are sorry for causing pain.
You fit all the requirements in for the story. I love how it uses the fruitful fields as a story line. Then Abby finds out that she is barren. I take it that the brother-in-law was the spiker of the tea. Abby was broken hearted by not being able to have children and her husband was angry. Both sets of feeling are to be expected, but the tea being poisoned is horrible. It was a good thing the vet called and told her it was tested and was poison. I guess what is fair for one is fair for the other in Abby's eyes. I assume when she cooked some very special ingredients were included. good story.
I love the story. Put you sitting right in the country on a summers night enjoying the beauty of God's creation. I like the part of blessings on the crops, and that regrets are thrown away, and the changes that a person wants to make in their life. I love the description of the crows and flying through the sunshine in the evening place a beautiful imagine in your mind and very peaceful. How the passing of ones are honored and bulbs planted to remind that of rebirth. Beautiful and how the harvesting brings thoughts of marriage and hope chest. How the canning season makes one think of how to preserve thoughts and memories, something we need to do daily. Good job enjoyed it greatly.
I love the story it is sad and beautiful at the same time. How Joe saw Vi and seen the sun shining down on her . I love how he stated that God has sent her to him. I love how Joe said that he needed a wife and Vi told him he was crazy. How he said that he would pick her up in a brand new 1935 Ford. I love how Vi told him it had to be white that she hated black. Then they got married a few weeks later. I love how Joe took a yellow rose everyday. Vi still told him he was crazy, and he would tell her that she didn't see the angel that he seen in her. As the years went by they had a boy and girl and when she was exhausted from labor, Joe told her how beautiful she was. She couldn't imagine being beautiful with no make up or anything. Then after Joe retired they moved to Florida and retired there gardening and warmer weather. Then after 47 years of marriage Joe passed away. Vi was so lonely and what would have been their 50th wedding anniversary, she seen a reflection in the mirror. She seen a beautiful woman staring back, then she seen the light shining. She said Joe is that you? Then she touched the mirror and seen the image again and went to the other side. Vi begin to panic Kay and the kids were coming. Joe said don't worry about that. Joe was dressed in a white suit and had a yellow rose they were once again reunited.
It seems like Chase brought many things with him. He brought love and energy and taught some life lessons in the process. I love how you explain that Chase ran after the birds, geese, and raccoon. He didn't care if he ever caught them, he just done what he enjoyed. The thrill of running and chasing the animals made him truly happy. He didn't have to catch one to be happy. It didn't matter to him. Chase shows us that we can be happy with the little things in life, and that sometimes we chase things that are not worth our effort. Just to take the day that we are given and to make the very most of every moment. Chase shows us to pursue what makes us happy and to let the other things pass on by. My favorite line because many times we pressure ourselves and don't truly enjoy our life.
To understand and appreciate life as a gift.
Now that would be a story to share with the grand kids one day. You work as a security guard, and make your rounds and then a story comes on the tv that aliens may be in the area you are patrolling. Then you get the call from one of your guards that everyone should come to a certain spot right away. There stands an alien watching them with big black eyes. The alien has device on it's wrist and babbles into it. Then a whining sound is heard and when the guys turn around the alien is gone. Then Derek is like we need to get back to work just like nothing happened.
I guess that it would seem odd that a person becomes more cheerful and you don't know why. Bill had served in the war and now that it had ended and rationing was over work was becoming available again. But work for those who had come home with permanent injuries work was limited. Ivy wanted to know if her husband was alright. He said can't a man be happy in his own home. Then he winked at her and she left it at that. I guess glad that he was returning to his old self and being cheerful and happy. When he read the paper and it told the story of Scotland Yard being robbed it would make you wonder as the reader if Bill wasn't happy because it may have had part in it. Then when he gave Ivy a five-pound note it made the reader curious. He could have worked over time but is made a great mystery to question if he had been to Scotland Yard.
I am truly thinking that this could be dealing with depression. How it engulfs ones life and takes over everything. All happiness that you have ever known seems so far away. That the dreams that you pursued seems lost forever. The darkness that overcomes one with depressions seems that it will never end. You feel like no one cares, that you have not a friend in the world who truly understands. I know that the night is the worst, it is so lonely and dark. You just feel overwhelmed and can't wait for morning to arrive. It makes you feel like you haven't slept , and the feelings of utter despair just real the night and make you miserable and aching for the arrival of the morning sun. I hope we got this right could be way off base. It just seems that the misery appears often that is why I hit on depression.
That would be ironic that you travel through time and your ship has trouble and tears up. How would you get back? You would feel doomed. Then someone walks up and asks can I help you with your machine, then Anders asks we are in 70 million BC? Then he asks the man who he is. It turns out that he is from England and has traveled in his time machine and offers them a lift pure luck, one would be so relieved.
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