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I just go with the flow.
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Psychological Thrillers, Drama, Certain Romance
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Sci-Fi is painful for me to read. Nothing personal but it's not my thing
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Novels because I don't want to commit to it. I'm struggling to finish my own books. A novel is too much for me
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Review by Dominique Author IconMail Icon
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Rated: E | (4.0)

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Hello Moarzjasac Author Icon!!
Thank you for sharing your poem with me, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your words!
Keep in mind; I am not a professional, my suggestions are just that, suggestions. Do what you feel is right for your writing! Any advice given is with love and a desire to help you become the best writer you can be.

I didn't notice any glaring grammatical errors or spelling mistakes, which is awesome. Good job! One thing -- so very small and silly that I noticed -- was a double space instead of a single "I keep on traveling"


You had an excellent word choice, avoiding boring, dull language.

These lines: "She glitters like diamonds yet she cuts just like glass. As she pokes in the fragments of the years that have passed." Those lines had an incredible rhyme, rhythm, and flow to them. They outshined the whole poem. They really did. Then, you followed through with another line that was similarly great, "Words have been spoken Opportunites lost It is all a changing regardless of cost" That line was a good follow up from the previous one. I'll get into details of it more a bit further down, but as far as rhyme and flow, you did awesome.*Smile*


My Favorite Part: I loved the 2nd half of the poem. Basically from "she glitters..." to the end.

What I liked least: I wasn't a fan of when you used a. Like in these two spots: "It's all a changing." "I keep on a going"
My Suggestions: The first half of the poem didn't seem to match the 2nd half to me. I love them both, but one rhyme and one doesn't. The 2nd half rhymed and flowed really well and the first half didn't rhyme at all. It doesn't really have to rhyme throughout so really there's nothing WRONG with your poem, but it just stood out to me and seemed misplaced.

It reminded me of: That yes, we always do think the grass is much greener on the other side. But life is wonderful right where I stand. (or sit, precisely.)


It was extremely creative and original. I loved reading your words and thoughts.


You held my attention and piqued my interest into wanting to read more of your work.

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by Maryann Author Icon

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Review by Dominique Author IconMail Icon
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Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey, ridinghhood-p.boutilier Author Icon! We meet again. How are you? Turns out, we're swapping reviews because I am after you now in the 'I Write in 2019' forum.

Wow. That's my initial reaction. I was immediately sucked in. I read this slowly, sucking up the words as I would for an intense novel. Although this is just the beginning, a mere paragraph, I can see this going somewhere. I hope you turn this into a novel. I see you wrote short story. I suggest forget about calling it a short story. It has the feel of a novel. I can't explain how or even why, it just does. It was interesting and seems like it would be a great thriller / dystopian / drama mix novel.

The main character will play a large roll in how this story plays out. I am interested to see where this will go.

It's clear you're a talented writer. I look forward to reading more of your writing.

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#1300305 by Maryann Author IconMail Icon

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Review by Dominique Author IconMail Icon
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Rated: E | (3.5)

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Hello {suser: !!
Thank you for sharing your story with me, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your words!
Keep in mind; I am not a professional, my suggestions are just that, suggestions. Do what you feel is right for your writing! Any advice given is with love and a desire to help you become the best writer you can be.

I notice a lot of grammatical errors. Commas and basic structural or punctuation errors mainly.

She had never been happier, drink in one hand and the other on Adam's curly locks she pressed her lips on his and grabbed his keys to drive. ---> Like for instance, in this sentence. After 'curly locks,' you either need a period or if you wanted to push the sentence into one, a semicolon (;).

Adam stumbled to the back seat of the car. And she motioned him to come to the front. ---> This would be better as either one sentence or two sentences but erase 'and'.

She sighed and looked up at her psychologist. "I.. I... was... drunk.. " ----> After drunk you only put two periods instead of 3.

But still [add comma] she was afraid to get close to anyone in that room.

I'm sure everyone told him I am a threat to his existance. ---> existence

The doctor exhaled deeply and was about to call it when she heard a soft beep of a heart beat. --> heartbeat

A confused look creeped on her face. ---> crept

Well that explains a lot. She thought. ---> Well, that explains a lot, she thought.

But still [comma] she couldn't comprehend the words coming out of the officer's mouth and on top of that in a car wreck.

The officer [add comma] not at all surprised with her response [add a comma] briefly answered,

Jason heart tightened like a fist. ---> Jason's

But He was paid to do his job, even if it meant keeping her away. --> this was clearly, a typo.
"Sorry Jason, But I can't do this anymore," --> another capital mid-sentence. Here, there's more than that though. The sentence should be written as such: "Sorry, Jason. I can't do this anymore."

"Hey [add comma] you okay? You zoned out there for a second."

Tina, not the person she wanted to see and the last person she wanted to be noticed by. So she quickly snuck out the back. --> I suggest: Tina. Not the person she wanted to see, and the last person she hoped [something in place since you just used wanted] to be noticed by.

Adam not at all amused with Tina just half grinned. --> Adam, not at all amused with Tina, just half grinned.

Adam thought for a moment, and realized he didn't know who she was. ---> No comma after moment.

"How can you not know [comma] baby?"

"How about tonight you and me have our own little party." ---> you and I

"Adam [comma] what's wrong?"

"I'm fine [semicolon or period] just go home."

First an alcoholic, now a addict. ---> an addict

The agreement was that she see Jason for 6 months and she would be clean. ---> sees

The fact that she killed on [one?] person and injured her boyfriend to the point where he didn't remember who she was?

"What are we doing?" Adam half dazed asked. --> Adam, half-dazed, asked.

"Babe [comma] slow down, [period or semicolon] you are drunk."

She caressed his bleeding forhead. ---> forehead

"911 [comma] what's your emergency?"

"Um Um, Ahh, Help us please. It hurts real bad." ----> This would be written: Um, um. Ahh... (or period) Help us, please! It hurts really bad.

"Okay [period] can you tell me where you are?"

She looked up, [remove comma] and stumbled for a moment.

Her eyes opened at the sight of Adam still lying there unconsious. --> unconscious

She could here the woman on the other line, but she couldn't respond and she just laid there, Her hand still holding the phone. -----> This would be written: She could *hear* the woman on the other line, but she couldn't respond. She just laid there, still holding the phone.

You keep adding 'and's' and 'but's' that are unnecessary and mess with the flow of your writing.


The characters were believable.

In between 'sections' where you divided it by "---" it seemed choppy and didn't flow into the next. I was confused because you used that and also chapters.


What I liked most: The story line was excellent. It has a lot to offer and a ton of potential. I was interested in the characters and plot.


What I liked least: Grammar could use grooming.
My Suggestions: I'm not an EMT or anything, but I do know that they use certain terminology. Maybe consider referring to the injury as a "puncture wound" or saying "punctured the skin" or something along those lines instead of stabbing her side. This is just a suggestion, as I said - I'm not an EMT!

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by Maryann Author Icon

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Review of Blindfaller  Open in new Window.
Review by Dominique Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

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Hello IceSkatingSugarCube Author Icon!!
Thank you for sharing your story with me, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your words!
Keep in mind; I am not a professional, my suggestions are just that, suggestions. Do what you feel is right for your writing! Any advice given is with love and a desire to help you become the best writer you can be.

In the beginning, before I was sucked into the story, I noticed a little bit of awkwardness with wording more than anything. Once the story stole my attention, I wasn't paying attention to spelling or grammar anymore - which is a good thing!


The characters were believable.
Sara was humble for someone passing away. She reminded me on my grandmother when she had breast cancer -- she didn't make a fuss, didn't want to tell the world. People like that are so strong. It's easy to want to fold and grab everyone's attention when you're in that much pain and in a situation such as Sara but she didn't seem like that at all to me. She seemed to have a sense of peace. Maybe it was because she had family there who love her.

Becky is strong and there for her mother no matter what.

Skip is believable as well. He's in the situation where his mother in law is dying. Does he want to go there every day? No. But he's a good man for keeping his feelings to himself and being there for his wife in her time of need. He doesn't have to -- especially when it was made clear seeing her is hard for him. But he would have been kind of a jerk if he ACTED on those thoughts. Having them isn't bad -- it's what you do with the thoguhts that count haha.


What I liked most: This story was beautiful and horrifyingly sad - everything a Cancer story should be. I lost my mother to ovarian cancer at a young age (17) so I related to this story in more ways than I wish I did. You hit the nail on the head with the emotions, in ways that only someone with experience really could. Cancer is a terrible thing especially when it's taking over someone you love. The way this is written is incredible. You captured me right away and stole my attention.
My Favorite Part:


I have nothing negative to say. Great story!

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by Maryann Author Icon

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Review by Dominique Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi Prosperous Snow celebrating Author Icon. I am writing this review because I saw you in the forum for the contest 'I write in 2019'. Also, I am a Power Reviewer.

Your poem was short and sweet for the 24 syllable contest. I always struggle to find the words to write an entire qualifying review for a poem of this length. I'll do my best though.

You wrote a really great poem here. You managed to say quite a lot in such few words. I had to look up the prompt in the dictionary because I never heard the word progeny before. I love learning new words, so I appreciate the help. It can be hard to get an entire poem in such few syllables but you did it well. The message is strong too. It has a lot of meaning and history within only 24 syllables.

~ Dominique ~
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#1300305 by Maryann Author IconMail Icon

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Review of Honing the Craft  Open in new Window.
Review by Dominique Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey Tinker Author Icon!!!
I'm reviewing on a cell phone so excuse any errors. Sorry.

Wizards and Bards is an incredible poem! I enjoyed reading your work.

The first two lines captured my attention right away and made me want more. You have perfect rhymes here. Scribed/tribes and tales/wales were excellent and smooth contributing to flow and ease of reading.

Your dropnote containing notes of the poetic form was so informative. I appreciate that. I learned a lot from it!

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#1300305 by Maryann Author IconMail Icon

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for entry "IntruderOpen in new Window.
Review by Dominique Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

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Hello 💙 Carly - February is here! Author Icon!!
Thank you for sharing your story with me, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your words!
Keep in mind; I am not a professional, my suggestions are just that, suggestions. Do what you feel is right for your writing! Any advice given is with love and a desire to help you become the best writer you can be.

You did great with grammar and spelling. I just want to suggest one thing for clarity. In your sentence: "Before I could grab her shots rang out and I dropped to the floor." I would suggest adding a comma after 'before I could grab her' You don't have to, it wouldn't be wrong if you didn't but just for clarity and smooth reading, I do suggest it.

You didn't use any extravagant words, but seriously, this is for a 75-word contest! I am impressed. You got across so much in such few words. That takes talent.

With the word count limit, it's damn near impossible to get to KNOW a character. But... within a few words, I did learn that your character had a child that meant the world to her. By saying, she moved without thinking shows that her daughter is important to her. Some may think, well duh, that's her daughter but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. There's abusive parents, selfish parents, parents who would save themselves first, etc. So it shows character.


It made me feel: Wow, this short little piece had me worried the second the child was mentioned. It was.. I would say unsettling before that moment. But when the child was mentioned, it pulled at my heartstrings especially as a mother. I just pictured my own son. It's definitely a devastating scene. I think this could be great if extended upon and free of word limitations.

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by Maryann Author Icon

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Review by Dominique Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.0)

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Hello The Man From The Arch Author Icon!!
Thank you for sharing your story with me, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your words!
Keep in mind; I am not a professional, my suggestions are just that, suggestions. Do what you feel is right for your writing! Any advice given is with love and a desire to help you become the best writer you can be.

Here are areas to be noted:
1. As the Sr. Louis Blues won their first Stanley Cup [ ADD A COMMA HERE] I couldn't help but reflect on my childhood.
2. You see [ADD COMMA HERE] I was in grade school when it was built.
3. Of course [ ADD COMMA HERE ] one of the things people were curious about was many wondered what they would do if that got to the top and they were 20 ft or so off?
4. It does actually move and can stand up to 150 mile an hour winds. [mile-an-hour]
5. If St. Louis ever gets those kinds of winds [ ADD COMMA HERE ] they will have more to worry about than just the arch coming down.
6. My life has taken me hundreds of miles away from my hometown [ ADD COMMA HERE ] and yet there are still those childhood memories.

The sentence, "Of course one of the things people were curious about was many wondered what they would do if that got to the top and they were 20 ft or so off?" is a bit wordy in my opinion. There's nothing wrong with it grammatically aside from what was pointed out, but reading it is a mouthful. By changing around the wording slightly, you could make it into a smoother sentence for readers.


What I liked most: This is a short yet sweet paragraph of your reflections. This could really be added onto significantly and turned into something great -- even a memoir.
My Favorite Part: My favorite was the closing sentence, where you mention how life has brought you many places yet your childhood memories will always be with you, in other words.


My Suggestions: I suggest using Grammarly, a grammar checking software to proofread your work. Grammarly is incredible and my extra set of eyes when writing.


It was creative and original in the sense that it was your own life and memories.

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by Maryann Author Icon

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Review of Sweet #9  Open in new Window.
Review by Dominique Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

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Hello Fivesixer Author Icon!!
Thank you for sharing your story with me, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your words!
Keep in mind; I am not a professional, my suggestions are just that, suggestions. Do what you feel is right for your writing! Any advice given is with love and a desire to help you become the best writer you can be.

With poetry it's always a bit difficult to comment on because people do things a particular way and in poetry, it's not right or wrong to use/not use proper punctuation. If you did mean to use punctuation throughout the entire poem, you're missing commas. If not, everything is perfect.

You had an excellent word choice, avoiding boring, dull language. Your words drew me in and grabbed my attention.

Your poem was not a rhyming poem, which is fine. It flowed naturally and freely. *Smile*


What I liked most: The positive, motivating message. It was an inspirational poem.

I love how you say you will boldly live with the consquences and how you are basically the reason for everythnig that happens in your life because you have the power to make your life better or worse. This is a strong message.


It was extremely creative and original


You held my attention from the first sentence until the very end.

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by Maryann Author Icon

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Review of 68 Minutes  Open in new Window.
Review by Dominique Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Under Construction: MHWA  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey 🌖 HuntersMoon Author Icon!

Message: wow. This poem holds such a strong message. Thank you for spreading awareness on this issue. You're 100% correct, not all abuse is obvious or committed by adults. And the thing is, so many times it's looked past and ignored. You mentioned how the bus driver turns a blind eye and it's so true. Bullying gets ignored-- by bus drivers, teachers, counselors, other students. It can feel very hopeless for the child. I wouldn't necessarily say I was bullied or singled out in school but kids are mean and yeah, there were absolutely times when I was picked on and not part of the "cool crowd" because I did my own thing and didn't care about being popular. But I've been it and I've witnessed people really getting the worst of it. And even with me, when I was in school I was a really sensitive kid so when I did get picked on, I'd come home crying. I can't imagine the kids who are severely bullied and beat up at school, how they feel.

Appearance: I love the cover image. It was such a great representation of your writing. Even though it's obviously not a pleasant photo, it works perfectly for the poem and shows the violence among the younger generation.

Favorite: I absolutely love the stanza "kids will be kids at least that's what they say but I don't want to be a kid if this is the price I have to pay." That was a really strong stanza.

Rhyme and Flow: You used the rhyme scheme of ABCB throughout your poem. I liked it because it wasn't too much. At first, I actually didn't even pick up on it. It flowed well.

Overall, this was an excellent poem and a powerful message! Thank you for sharing this with the community!

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Review by Dominique Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey! I found your poem under Read & Review and it's my honor to review.

Flow and Rhyme: Your rhymes were all perfect rhymes. None were off or near-rhymes like many like to try to pull off. The flow was exceptional, floating right off my tongue onto the next line freely. There were no awkward spots or pauses, everything went naturally when read the very first time.

Appearance: My first glance at the poem was with confusion. I'm not sure what the first line is or if it was a note you meant to get rid of but I just ignored it. My second glance was the lines in between each. There's absolutely nothing wrong with this but I think it would make it look nicer if you also center aligned it with the spaces. It's a personal preference with poems and one you don't have to choose to agree with but I think it makes poetry look more appealing.

Description: This was a wonderfully unique description of seasons changing. I love it. This poem deserves to be published if it's not already!!!! This is an excellent poem and really SHOWS the reader the seasons changing.

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#1300305 by Maryann Author IconMail Icon

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Review of Within You  Open in new Window.
Review by Dominique Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hey, I found your poem in the Read and Review Section. It was a pleasant read and flowed naturally for the most part. I do have a few suggestions. The first two lines of the poem ends with the word "spring" - I think switching it up would help. The lines separately sound great but it doesn't flow well when placed so close together. The rhyme scheme works well with this poem. You used AABB throughout the entire poem and didn't stray from it. In stanza prays/lay is a bit off the rhyme because prays and lays rhymes or pray and lay but you wrote prays / lay. It's not a huge deal though but I just thought I'd point it out. Other than the minor spots that I pointed out, it was a lovely poem. It has beautiful imagery. Stanza two is strong and truly powerful speaking of an elder's final breath. Stanza three, line one: I'm not sure the "a" is meant to be capitalized. Powerful words. Wonderful poem. I enjoyed reading this and would love to read more of your poetry in the future. Keep up the great writing.

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#1300305 by Maryann Author IconMail Icon

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Review of Rain  Open in new Window.
Review by Dominique Author IconMail Icon
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Rated: E | (5.0)
I saw your story on the I write forum and am glad I did. I was immediately drawn in and interested in the story. I'm NOT at all a Sci-Fi fan and I loved the story, which is definitely saying something. Normally, I'd be bored to death reading Sci-Fi and that wasn't the case at all. I was interested and wanting to know more about their language and all about this other life. My favorite part was their language and the way you found a way for them to communicate and learn a common form of communication through the tablet. The ending where he pointed to rain for his tears was a huge improvement and a great ending too. I was a small but exciting twist when he fell into the cavern area. It left me wondering. I figured the other life would be down there so that part wasn't at all surprising but it's okay, I still enjoyed it. Great job, good story. Good luck in your contest!!!

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#1300305 by Maryann Author IconMail Icon

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Review of Curiosity  Open in new Window.
Review by Dominique Author IconMail Icon
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Rated: ASR | (4.0)

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Hello Dreamy Wood Author Icon!!
Thank you for sharing your story with me, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your words!
Keep in mind; I am not a professional, my suggestions are just that, suggestions. Do what you feel is right for your writing! Any advice given is with love and a desire to help you become the best writer you can be.

I did notice quite a few grammatical errors in your writing. I suggest going back over your writing and remember to edit, edit, edit!

It [ wasn't ] wan't that hard to break into the cellar.
The door, heavy and stuck. [ sentence fragment ]
...skipping over the final two, [remove comma] before the ground leveled out.
Through my shoes [comma] I could feel a slight change
but underneath that [comma] there was a faint scent
...lit somewhere to my right [comma] and I felt rough skin
Why are you down here?, [remove comma ] I wanted to
"Oh, okay!" Katie giggled awkwardly [comma ] and I
The light in front of me grew larger, but it's flickering quality remains. [you switched tenses for remains. It was be remained. ]
Katie had a couple of inches on me, [no comma ] and was
for the tips [but shouldn't be in caps ] But it wasn't her appearance that had me [doesn't make sense and there's a period after startled ] startled.to grace her shoulders.


You had a ton of adverbs especially -ly adverbs which weaken your writing. I suggest using a thesaurus and spicing up your writing.


I think this has a lot of potential. Check your grammar and spelling. You can use a tool like Grammarly to check the grammar for you. I also suggest a thesaurus.

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by Maryann Author Icon

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Review of Bayou House  Open in new Window.
Review by Dominique Author IconMail Icon
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Rated: E | (2.0)

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Hello Isabella Author Icon!!
Thank you for sharing your story with me, I enjoyed reading your words!
Keep in mind; I am not a professional, my suggestions are just that, suggestions. Do what you feel is right for your writing! Any advice given is with love and a desire to help you become the best writer you can be.

The grammar was almost difficult to read. I HIGHLY suggest using a grammar checker in the future such as grammarly to edit your work. There was so many errors that I didn't even get thm all in the editing process. Below is a copy of your story with my suggestions added in red.

Mother, father, brother [add comma] and sister ( [ remove space ]not including the cat and dog). [sat shouldn't be capitalized, and there shouldn't be a period here. This is one sentence.]Sat by the fire to cook their hot dogs, Smores, and also to ward off the occasional wind from the mountain's lake in the summer season. After eating, the mother thought it would be fun to tell a ghost story since the children were now old enough. I can't be certain [makes no sense]if be told be before, here [again, makes no sense-->]through story goes:
[Remove space between quotation and T]" There is an old mansion in the bayou of Louisiana. [missing an article]Mansion was built by a pirate who was reported to [incorrect grammar for the entire sentence] have hid some of his treasure in his house. The treasure was never know to have been found after the pirates death. The[ locals ] local believed the old pirate watched over his treasure even after death. Years passed, and the waters[crept] creeped further up the land causing damage [comma] not only to the land[comma] but also to the once beautiful mansion itself. One day[comma] a weary traveler came upon [article] old mansion to rest for the night. He was sleeping soundly when he heard a sound,[ the sound should be set apart and in italics] rap. He listened for a minute and heard nothing. He was just about to go back to sleep when he heard it again[comma] but louder, Rap, Rap. This time [article]young gentleman,[doesn't need comma] got up from the sleeping bag he laid down on[doesn't make sense] a very worn, French coach and looked around the room a moment. Tired as he [makes no sense]was give up soon and laid back down. Before he could lay his head down, he heard even louder Rap, Rap, Rap. By this time the young man was on edge and decided he would leave if the noise [continued] continue on. As before [comma]the noise stopped. He was just about to sit down, when he heard louder than ever, Rap..Rap.. "
The mother, looking at her two children, [this part doesn't make sense]knew that had become drawn into the story and time was now.
She jumped at the[ children ] Childern's at this time while saying "Raping Paper!". [wrapping paper is spelled this way if you're speaking of r]
Once the [children's ]children hearts returned to their normal pace, the mother told her children that because of all moisture over the years that the[wallpaper] wall paper [grammar] had finally was coming lose [loose]from walls and making the [rapping]raping noise. [remove "that"]That the young gentleman tore out of house [comma ]drove away, never to visit that place again.


I suggest going back through your writing with a thesaurus; they are our best friend! Avoid boring, dull language. Get rid of overused words! It would truly improve your writing to spruce up the wording a bit.

I really don't have too much to say about the characters because you didn't give the reader a chance to get to know them


What I liked most: I like the idea of the story. It could become something really great if edited well and rewritten

My Suggestions:
*BulletB* Use Grammarly for grammar and spelling
*BulletB* Use a thesaurus
*BulletB* Reread and edit your work

So, the idea of the story was creative and a really great foundation. Build from that foundation and it could become an original, wonderful story.

Overall Opinion:
The plot of the story has potential, but it was butchered with grammatical errors. The language was dull and filled with overused words. Don't be discouraged though, there are programs like Grammarly that will correct grammar and spelling for you. There are also free classes sometimes through WdC that you can take for grammar.

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#1300305 by Maryann Author IconMail Icon

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Review of One of Those Days  Open in new Window.
Review by Dominique Author IconMail Icon
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Rated: E | (5.0)
This was an interesting short flash fiction but did have a decent amount going on in such a short amount of words. I like how you left off the ending, making the reader wonder and question what could possibly happen next. It kept me interested and wishing I read more to and find out the ending of the story.

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#1300305 by Maryann Author IconMail Icon

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Review by Dominique Author IconMail Icon
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Rated: E | (5.0)
This is another amazing poem about mental health! I loved it. What I like the most is that you're so honest and raw with your emotions. And no, you're not crazy. This is a wonderful description of the insanity many of us feel through mental health struggles. Depression is no joke and a lot of people don't understand it. I liked how your rhyme scheme fell. Rhyming ABCB flowed well within the poem and didn't seem like too much.

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#1300305 by Maryann Author IconMail Icon

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Review of Just Me  Open in new Window.
Review by Dominique Author IconMail Icon
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Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I love this poem. It is an excellent expression of self and a true example of the struggles people face every day with mental health. It shows true emotions and gives people an understanding of the illness that many of us suffer from and have to deal with. As far as the poem itself, your rhymes were done well. Everything flowed naturally and freely. It felt natural. Nothing seemed choppy or forced and it grabbed my attention. 5 stars.

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#1300305 by Maryann Author IconMail Icon

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Review of Forgotten  Open in new Window.
Review by Dominique Author IconMail Icon
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Rated: E | (5.0)
I came across your entry for the Writer's Cramp on the I write in 2019 forum.

This is a lovely free verse poem in the form of a story. It was interesting and grabbed my attention. I enjoyed reading it. The story of a knight who has a curse on him and had been forgotten about. The prince ends up finding him as a special birthday treay and promises he will return for him. Great job. You had wonderful word usage within the entry as well. I didn't come across any errors or points of interest.

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Review by Dominique Author IconMail Icon
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Rated: E | (4.0)
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Appearance: I like how the title was bold and larger than the rest of the writing to separate it and make it pop.

Grammar and Spelling: I understand why you were using 'me' as the word my. But, I think if you're going to do that, you should keep it consistent otherwise it kind of looks like a typo. For example, you wrote: "My birthday he thought how could I have forgotten it was me birthday" -- in one spot you wrote "my" and another you wrote "me"

I LOVE Lucky Charms, a lovely cereal. I think that was a great idea adding in a unicorn into his cereal.

I wish this story was longer. I think you could have added onto it and make it something fabulous!

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#1300305 by Maryann Author IconMail Icon

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review by Dominique Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
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*Rainbowl**Rainbowr* "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window. OVER the RAINBOW Raid! *Shamrock*

WOW!!! I never knew you had this wonderful collection of C-Notes. I love how you included the other pages of C-Notes that you also have in case someone happened to stumble across one theme that didn't necessarily apply to them, they are able to see all the options. These are creative, fun and well designed. I LOVE it. The Saint Patrick's Day ones are festive for the holiday. They're a little expensive but I do understand why.. I can clearly see that you put a lot of effort and time into making these. Continue making wonderful, beautiful art!

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#1300305 by Maryann Author IconMail Icon
Review by Dominique Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
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*Rainbowl**Rainbowr* "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window. OVER the RAINBOW Raid! *Shamrock*

Oh WOW!!!! These are gorgeous! They're absolutely beautiful C-Notes! I am so happy that I found this page. I found several c-note pages today within the list provided for my review raid and these were by far my favorite. You have a talent for this. I love them all so much. The fairies are so beautiful. I love fairies! I also like how they weren't prices crazy high. 750 gift points is a great price! Many people charge 1,000 gift points and aren't nearly as well done as yours!

Keep up the awesome work and making great images!

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#1300305 by Maryann Author IconMail Icon
Review by Dominique Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
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*Rainbowl**Rainbowr* "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window. OVER the RAINBOW Raid! *Shamrock*

These are cute, fun basic C-Notes that anyone could make use of. I like how many of them either don't have writing or the ones that do, they are very generic for many people to make use of. Many of the C-Notes on here that you can purchase are super fancy and beautiful BUT they will have super specific writing that wouldn't always apply to everyone. That takes many people out of the equation. You didn't do that at all. I hope to keep this page in mind for the future and when I need a cute little note to show my appreciation for someone, I'll keep this page in mind!

Keep designing these!!!! I loved awesome c-notes.

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#1300305 by Maryann Author IconMail Icon
Review by Dominique Author IconMail Icon
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Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
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*Rainbowl**Rainbowr* "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window. OVER the RAINBOW Raid! *Shamrock*

WOW!!!! I have never seen this page before now. I am so glad I stumbled upon it. These C-Notes are gorgeous! I love them and plan to purchase some when the time comes that I need one. I absolutely love them. I wish I knew how to make ones like that. Or even how to make a page where others could purchase them from me if I did know how to make them. Because making them would me the easier part but I wouldn't know how to make this page for sure. You are incredibly talented and have a wonderful creative talent. Put your skills to use. A person with an eye like that could easily design their own novels with the illistrations and covers. That's such an invaluable skill for a writer.

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#1300305 by Maryann Author IconMail Icon
Review by Dominique Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
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*Rainbowl**Rainbowr* "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window. OVER the RAINBOW Raid! *Shamrock*

I love this activity because you didn't JUST include a poll; you included facts about Harry Potter. I love learning new things so I loved reading this. It has been years since I saw the movies and I never read the books so the refresher was nice. I like how within your poll, you described the characters. I was pleasantly surprised to see that my favorite character, Hermoine Granger, was the most popular in the poll. My second choice, Harry Potter, was the second in line! I guess I have a popular taste. I liked the set up and design of this as well, with the two pictures you used. The pictures demonstrated your knowledge of WritingML. Overall I enjoyed the page. You should update it and make it current. There's tons of Harry Potter fans on here, I see them all the time.

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#1300305 by Maryann Author IconMail Icon
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