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Review of The Seventh Day  Open in new Window.
Review by Mimizz Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello Iva,

I've just had a read of your story titled "The Seventh Day" which was listed on the auto rewards page. My overall impression of this narrative is this:

An interesting, but deep, thought-provoking piece. For the most part of this tale, the reader is led to believe that the main character here has an addiction problem with alcohol and as a result lives a lonely destitute life in the middle of nowhere, bereft of family and friends. He lost his job somewhere along the line (which is not unusual, esp in cases where an addiction takes full control of it's victim's life. The victim loses all focus and lives just to feed their addiction).

What I don't get is how he managed to get where he is. Is he in the middle of the dessert. The ending bit of the tale provides a new twist and the reader is left wondering, where is this 'hell'? Is the main character actually resident in some sort of rehab centre, is undergoing a detox program and therefore has no real sense of time, place and events?

Questions, questions, questions...

Nonetheless, an interesting piece and thanks for sharing.


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Review by Mimizz Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Tim,

I've just had a read of your poem titled "Rigorous Luck – The Big Hook in Bowling" and here are my overall impressions:

A well written piece that compare the emotion love to the game of bowling and yet, further down the poem, the reader is introduced to philosophical concepts of luck and ability and wonders which is superior to the other. I think, like any other sphere in life, it is a mixture of both. Sometimes ability is born from sheer hard work and success can be from a combination of hard work and luck.

Nonetheless, an interesting and thought provoking poem. Thanks for sharing.


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Review by Mimizz Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Ann,

This is such a heart wrenching poem, laden with emotion. War is always painful as there will forever be losers at both ends, irrespective of who is perceived to hold the upper or 'moral' ground.

Innocent lives caught in the middle, players who are mere pawns of the big political shot-gun's decisions and families of lost ones always bear the brunt of the after effects of war.

A well written and sorrowful piece. Thanks for sharing.


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Review of Tough Love  Open in new Window.
Review by Mimizz Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Tim Chiu,

I've just had a read of your poem titled: "Tough love" and here are my thoughts on it:

A well written poem incorporating clear, easy to understand language to convey it's meaning. It's hard being the recipient of tough love, especially if you're a child. The world will seem unfair to you at that time, but if this discipline is applied with compassion and consistency, with clear goals and I daresay the odd reward, it is bound to help shape the child into becoming an emotionally strong adult who appreciated the value of hard work and achievement.

An interesting poem. Well done and thanks for sharing.


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Review of Without a Sound  Open in new Window.
Review by Mimizz Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Livv,

I've just had a read of your poem titled "Without a Sound" on the Request A Review page and here are my opinions:

First Impressions: A very likeable piece of poetry. It's written in clear, easy to understand language and I think it has a lot of potential.

Areas for improvement: The theme is fascinating in itself but I think a lot more could be done in terms of incorporating a bit more depth. If you're going to write about people's perception of what the sun was in ancient times, then it should go beyond how they saw it on a bright, sunny, summer's day.

~ What about on a rainy / cloudy day? What impressions did people hold of the sun then? Did they think the sun disappearing behind the darkened clouds was a sign of the gods' displeasure with them?

~ What about other previously unexplainable scientific occurrences like eclipses? What did the people think caused them? What were their perceptions of the sun on those rare occasions?

~ Relevance to day-to-day living: You might want to include a stanza about some sort of sun dance or worshipping that people must have indulged in, in those days too.

That aside, I think you're on to something good here. Thanks for sharing and well done!


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Review by Mimizz Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Paige,

I found this poem of yours - Love Given Is Life Taken - on the Request a Review page and here is my opinion:

It'll be hard to miss the emotional depth of this piece of poetry that recalls the poet's hurt and heartbreak all in the name of love. Love in itself is an enigma. Do we really choose who we fall in love with? Or does love choose whom we fall in love with? Who is actually in control? We humans or that turbulent emotion called love?

My favourite lines:
" Then I must be the happiest on earth,
because it kills me everyday"

Well done and thanks for sharing.


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Review of Goals  Open in new Window.
Review by Mimizz Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

I've just got to give it to you, give credit where it's due and this write up of yours is... TOPS!

Yes. It's so rare to find eloquent writers who not only express their thoughts perfectly and pass on their message by getting straight to the point with no waffles! But what tips the scales here for me are the words of wisdom in each and every one of your articles / pieces I've read so far. I AM A FAN!!

Seriously, this is full of life's lessons. Important ones at that. I really am learning a lot here. My best pieces here are:..." If you have no goals, you spend all your time running around during the day, passing out at night, and well... Dribbling"


"...There was a study done of Harvard graduates over a 20 year period. They found that only 3% of the graduating class had specific goals that they had written down, looked at daily, and committed to memory.
20 years later, this 3% group with their written down goals had a net worth greater than all the other 97% combined that did not write their goals down. We were created to function best and be our happiest when our journey in life has goals. Studies have shown that people that have only the single goal of feeding a pet and petting it, live several years longer than those with no goals at all..." (though I prefer the analogy of the Havard graduates compared to the pet owner - but yes, I get the message)

Excellent piece again.

Only thing I'll say by way of criticism is: Paragraphing. You do need to incorporate some textual spacing to improve readability for your readers. But that aside, well done!


P.S: Oh, and 300 GPs for you! (smirk...smirk) *Smile*

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Review by Mimizz Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Jeffrey,

I'm back for another review of your work.

Having read one of your write-ups "Bamboo and Life", I was really intrigued and inspired to read up more of your works. I've never been a fan of non-fiction but I felt after that experience, "Wow! If this writer could breathe so much life into a genre of writing I've always found quite boring, and have read only on a need-to-know basis, i.e exams, etc...then I sure want to know what else he's written!"

And I wasn't disappointed. I found this write up of yours very informative and actually it opened my eyes or shall I say, it's given me a bit more awareness about reviews. As a writer, one needs to have a fair, honest, assessment and critique of their work - that's the only way then can get better and hope to improve. Afterall, no one's perfect.

Anyway, I was all up and ready to give you another 5 star for this - until I saw your dig about gift points and five-star reviews from reviewers. I think that was a bit harsh and unnecessary (my opinion). Nevertheless, for some constructive criticism:

~ Content: Very good and informative.

~ Language: Simple, easy-to-understand, clear, unambiguous language and mode of expression used here. The reader is left in no doubt about the message being relayed.

~ Technicality: No syntax or grammatical errors found.

~ Presentation: You might want to incorporate some paragraphs and line spacing to improve readability. A bit of spacing and paragraphing will help this write up look less of one big block of text. That way, you can be sure to hold the readers attention.

Overall, a well written piece. Thanks for sharing.


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Review by Mimizz Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello Whitemorn,

What an interesting and funny poem you've got here, with the narrator wishing to exchange his head for another's! A couple of questions though:

~ Is this a conversation between two people, a man and a woman, or just narrator involved in a personal monologue of his own?

~ Does he really require a complete head transplant or just a brain transplant (I doubt if modern science is that advanced though!)

~ Or is what he really needs is just a bit of bikini waxing or laser hair removal, so he doesn't ever have to worry about shaving? (lol!)

Nice piece though. Thanks for sharing.


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Review by Mimizz Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello Kikinaynay

I've just had a read of your story, "A little can take you a long way" and here's my opinion: I think it's an interesting fantasy tale which reminded me a lot of the popular children's story: Jack and the BeanStalk.

This story is written in simple, easy to understand language which should appeal immensely to children and adults who love children's stories. The story has an interesting plot which holds the reader's attention with interesting plots.

However I did find some grammatical errors and spelling mistakes which you might want to correct:

~ donut - Change to doughnut

~ "when he figured out *** the small Maryland city had just opened..." - include the missing word "that" in the sentence so you have:

("when he figured out that the small Maryland city had just opened..."

~ "After buying the seeds, I walked over to my father’s restaurant, and followed the directions for planting a donut tree. And my heart was beating as if it was a drum." - You need to make your sentences tighter in such a way you that you pull the reader in on what you say. Make them experience what you felt while planting the doughnut seeds. Here's a suggestion:

("Having bought the seeds, I walked over to my father's restaurant and with a pounding heart, followed the direction on the packet for planting the doughnut tree.")

You'll notice I didn't include the phrase "beating like a drum" because it is redundant, moreso as it is assumed by the reader that the narrator's heart would be beating like one anyway. I think this is where you have more "show" and less "tell". Let your readers exercise their brains and work things out for themselves. Most would rather do that anyway, than be told everything. Not easy I know, and I too am still grappling with that concept! *Smile*

~ "One morning, my father went to work early and I went with him to surprise him with the donut tree."

Give us some indication of how much time elapsed since the narrator planted the magical doughnut tree. Was it the next morning? A few days later? Next season perhaps? Also, include the words "as" or "when" before the word "father" to give:

("A few days later, when/after my father had left early for work, I went over to his shop to surprise him with the doughnut tree..." )
("The next morning as my father was getting ready to leave early for work, ...")

"My father was getting a lot of attention just because of the donut tree!" - You've got the phrase "My father" repeated twice within close proximity of each other. replace that phrase with the word "he" to avoid repetition, and delete the word "just" so you have:

("He was getting a lot of attention because of the doughnut tree!")

~ "They treated my dad with respect like a lion (by the way that is his favorite animal)"

The sentence reads a bit bulky. You might want to try tightening it up with something like: "My dad was accorded with so much respect, just like the lion he favoured ..." or something similar.

~ "celebrities came *** all over the world just to *** my father’s doughnut tree..." - insert the missing word "from" and "see" between "came" / "all" and "to" / ""my" so it reads:

("celebrities came from all over the world just to my father’s donut tree...")

~ Change "maryland" to "Maryland" (proper nouns should be denoted with capital letters)

~ "Business was great for a long time,people were actually buying my father’s donuts" - try reducing the use of adverbs / "ly" words that don't add to the context of your prose. Also remove the comma and replace with the word "as" to give:

("Business was great for a long time as people were keen to buy my father’s doughnuts...")

~ "But after 2 years or fame and fortune people were ready for a new flavor." - remove the digit "2" and replace with the word "two". Not sure what you intended but I think it might be better if you replace the word "or" with "of" or introduce the phrase "two or more years..." in your sentence, to give:

("But after two years of fame and fortune, people were ready for a new flavour.") or ("But after two or more years of fame and fortune, people were ready for a new flavour.")

Again, same thing with the digits:

11 more donut seeds - eleven more doughnut seeds

1 year - one year

10 years - ten years

And 30 years of - and thirty years of

"and said “a little can take you a long way. - place a comma after the word "said" and replace the letter "a" with "A" to denote the start of the speaker's speech. Include a closing speech mark to denote the end of the spoken sentence, to give:

("and said, “A little can take you a long way.")

Hope this helps.


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Review by Mimizz Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is such a beautiful poem.

It's captivating and the reader is pulled in with the poet as they are taken on a trip down memory lane. I do wonder though, is the poet old and frail and on his / her death bed. I found the bit about their lost love a bit emotional, but then again, death always is.

An inspiring piece. Thanks for sharing.

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Review by Mimizz Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
An interesting, captivating piece of writing.

The first person point of view narrative works well in this piece. I am curious though, what village is this and during which war time era?

Technically speaking, this is a good piece as there were hardly any grammatical errors.

Well done!

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Review of This day...  Open in new Window.
Review by Mimizz Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
An interesting and thought provoking piece of poetry.

I do wonder though, what pain the poet is referring to here. Is it emotional pain from rejection, heartbreak or from unreciprocated love? Or is it actual physical pain?

Nevertheless, it is a captivating piece.

Thanks for sharing.


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Review by Mimizz Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Another interesting, comical piece of writing.

It's easy to understand the narrator's frustration with so many words being mis-pronounced by his uncles! His decision to switch from Medicine to Engineering reflects this but it's hard not to see the funny side of this!

Well done and thanks for sharing.

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Review by Mimizz Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
What an intriguing, thought provoking piece!

As an intro, this promises to be quite an interesting adventure tale which I most certainly would look forward to reading. Your use of language is superb as it's evident from your write up and is almost poetic in it's descriptive nature of what adventure really should be, as opposed to what we think it to be, based on the restrictive views of others. Technically speaking, your write up is faultless as I couldn't find any grammatical or syntax errors. Your command of words is top-notch.

Having said that, reading up on one's adventures is very different, when compared to living it. I think I prefer the former! (lol).

Can't wait to read the rest of your work.

Well done!

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Review of Loving Grief (4)  Open in new Window.
Review by Mimizz Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
I just had a read of your bio. So these are all true stories.

Once more, my condolences on the loss of your baby son Bennett. May the good lord help you find the inner strength to continue.

You do have a gift with words and expressing yourself very well in your writing. You outpour a lot of emotions in your pieces and this one is no exception. Well done for such a beautifully written story. I only wish the circumstances had been different.

Once more, thanks for sharing and do keep strong.

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Review by Mimizz Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
I honestly don't know what to say, or the right words to use to express how I've felt reading through this piece.

This I'm sure has just got to be a real story. Did this happen to you? The way you tell it, the different turbulent emotions the character went through, her heartfelt loss at losing her baby just a few hours after giving birth to him...it's just too much.

Real or not, I can't stop myself from empathising with her. And that cremation - it's just so final. I personally feel that burying the child in a coffin might be easier? Or maybe I speak from a different cultural perspective. Cremation just seems so final.

This really is a sad, sad, story but powerful too.

Thanks for sharing. And if this really is a true story, then my condolences and lots of hugs to you. Keep strong.

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Review of The Cramps (2)  Open in new Window.
Review by Mimizz Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
So it was a premature labour with complications *Sad*

This is a heart-wrenching story of the medical doctors and mother's fight to stop a premature labour, in order to save the life of her unborn baby. This story is so well written it's easy to empathise with the writer on her loss. I'm assuming this is a true story?

Again, technically speaking, the writing is faultless as I found no grammatical errors. Well done.

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Review of The Collapse (1)  Open in new Window.
Review by Mimizz Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is an intriguing, captivating and suspense-filled piece of writing.

What happened to her son? Why is he on life support? How old was he when the accident(?) happened?

This is such a well written story, I felt compelled to read it to the end in search for answers while doing so.

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Review of Evil wind  Open in new Window.
Review by Mimizz Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
An interesting, thought provoking poem about evil and how it manifests itself in man, which could be by his thoughts or what lays within his heart.

A well written piece that is technically faultless as I found no grammatical errors. The language used was concise and straight to the point.

Well Done.

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Review by Mimizz Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
I must confess, this is my first time (ever) of coming across a politically inclined poem.

One cannot fail to notice the undertones of patriotism in the poet's writing. A well written piece that balances the good and not so good aspect of the country. But then again, is there any country on earth that is 100% perfect and faultless?

An interesting, thought provoking and well written piece of work.

Well done.

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Review of Back to Work  Open in new Window.
Review by Mimizz Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
My word!

So many words used in describing the feeling of going back to work? You make it sound almost tempting! (Lol!)

Interesting concept and a rich use of words for describing what most people (I think), might feel is a mundane activity, or a necessary evil / means to an end - a.k.a. work!

It would be interesting if you could create a similar poem describing going Back To School, too.

Well done.


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Review by Mimizz Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)

Even though I'm no good with poetry, it's hard not to appreciate the thought-provoking, intense depth and meaning attached to this poem. The poet's pain seems to scream out from the pages.

A well written, easy to understand and concise piece of work.

Well done!


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Review by Mimizz Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
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Hello Jenny

I've just had a read of your short story titled: The Boston Bombings and here's my review.

While attempting to provide a well balanced and positive critique of your work, my overall aim (as an aspiring writer here too)is to be encouraging as well as being helpful, honest and supportive.

Thanks for sharing your work.*Smile*

Curious to find out more

The Boston Bombings

A narrative monologue combined with good descriptions of events that occurred

A strong voice evident in this story.

The story is based on the narrator giving a recount of events that occurred in her life about the time the Boston bombings took place.

The narrator, the hotel receptionist and people on telly giving their recount of the unfortunate event.

None really as this is a monologue from where the writer narrates her recount of events.

April 15th, 2013

A four-star hotel in a village by a beach.

The story unfolds on a sunny afternoon at the four-star hotel which the narrator was resident at. She had just returned from a walk up the beach and returned to her hotel. Unhappy that despite paying for WiFi access, the hotel had none available for her to connect her tablet onto.

Feeling a bit miffed, she switched on the telly which had only two working channels, an American channel and an English Channel. Flipping to the American channel, she is met with breaking news on a bombing attack at the Boston Marathon race. She sees pictures of the victims and their grief-striken relatives.

This forces her to reflect on what really is important in life, how unpredictable it can be and how precious it is.

Good descriptions employed which provide the reader with a vivid image of the events surrounding the narrator.



He was 78, which I thought was pretty impressive, running a marathon at that age - I was less than half that and would probably struggle with the 100 metres.


Okay, I noticed a few bit that drew my attention. My suggestions are in blue and my comments will be in orange. Firstly, I would suggest that direct speech should be enclosed in quotes while the narrator's direct thoughts should be in italics. This helps the reader distinguish between spoken speech and the narrators thoughts. Here is an example of what I mean:

~ "What now" I thought.

My suggestion: What now?

Comments: Remove the speech marks and the dialogue tag "I thought".

~ "Not really breaking news though" I thought.

My suggestion: Not really breaking news though.

Comments: Again, remove the speech marks and the dialogue tag, "I thought".

~ I thought "When will it end?"

I thought "What the fuck is wrong with people?"

My suggestion: When will it end? What on earth is wrong with these people?

Comments: The decision on whether or not to use an expletive here is just a matter of opinion. I know this is rated 18+ but then again, I guess its just me. *Smile* . Also, include the word "these" so it reads "...these people" rather than just "people", to show that the despicable act of bombing innocent victims or bystanders is carried out by a select few, and not everyone. You're placing them apart from 'normal' thinking folks with a conscience.

~ They were two news channels - one English and one American. The American channel came up first.

My suggestion: They were two news channels - One English and an American. The American channel came up first.

Suggestion: Try to replace the word "one" with an alternative synonym to avoid repetition. Overuse of a word only serves to weaken your prose and it's intended meaning, while also distracting your readers.

I thought of my own Mum. All the people at work who were Mums. That Mum, you could see the heartbreak etched in her face, like it would be a permanent scar. Like invisible shrapnel.

I felt guilty then, for being annoyed about the weather and the wifi and the unconcerned receptionist. It seemed stupid to worry about these things when this Mum had been called up and told that her daughter was dead. When all these people were bleeding and limbless, their families shocked and screaming. Their friends barely believing.

Life was so precious. It was there, and then it was gone.

It's hard not to remember these lines especially the bolded bit, with a hidden moral. Life is indeed precious and no-one knows what tomorrow brings with it. Make the most of it, while you can.

I found no spelling mistakes here as the writer has taken great care with this piece. However, I believe if more work is put in regarding the suggestions above, this story has the potential to be even better.

Please remember that these are only my views and opinions which you may choose to implement or discard as you wish.

Wishing you all the best and keep up the good work! Well done.


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Review by Mimizz Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
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Hello Maryann

I've just had a read of your short story titled: My Mother the Star and here's my review.

While attempting to provide a well balanced and positive critique of your work, my overall aim (as an aspiring writer here too)is to be encouraging as well as being helpful, honest and supportive.

Thanks for sharing your work.*Smile*

Captivated and definitely curious enough to want to keep reading.

This sort of threw me back in time - of living a fun-filled, idyllic childhood, free from 'grown-up' worries. A point in time where the child reveres the parent(s) and places them on a god-like pedestal from where they believe that their parent(s)can never do any wrong.

My Mother the Star. A well chosen and appropriate title that encapsulates the entire theme of this story.

A good narrative piece from the protagonist point of view (POV)that cleverly combines persuasive and descriptive writing styles to produce a story that flows seamlessly. Well done!

A strong voice evident throughout the entire story. You most certainly have your very own unique voice.

The story is based on the narrator's childhood experiences of living with a celebrity film star mother in the 1920's.

The narrator and her mother.

Not much dialogue used here as this is a monologue of the narrator's thoughts.


Possibly in the USA?

The story is based on the narrator going down a trip on memory lane of her idyllic childhood, living with her mother a celebrity. Descriptions of the activities she performed with her mother such as shopping, following her mother to her filiming sets, meeting her mother's work colleagues and other celebrities were the norm of her life.

She also takes us through the darker parts of her and her mother's lives where they were faced with snobbish and prejudiced neighbours who were envious of their lifestyle and didn't fully comprehend why the narrator's mother lived her life the way she did. We learn also that the narrator as a child learnt to develop a 'thick skin' and ignore those who looked disapprovingly at them.

This is a well thought out and planned story. It's an easy read and the writer cleverly combines the three main styles of writing here: Narrative, Descriptive and Persuasive writing. As a reader, I found myself experiencing the narrators life rather than just reading it. This makes the story so real and believable. Well done.


It's hard not to like everything written here. Nevertheless, I've got a couple that really stood out for me:

Being from a celebrity family definitely makes my life interesting, and in addition to that, I’m so glad that I was born in this time. We have technology in our roaring 20’s that people years ago couldn’t even dream about. Many people in our neighborhood own automobiles. We own a Ford Model T. Mom took me shopping in it the other day and we had such a wonderful time. First we went to a ritzy store because mom wanted a new dress from her favorite fashion designer, Gabrielle Chanel. Chanel also makes a perfume now, so mom bought that, too. Mom says that she is not finished dressing unless she puts on her perfume. I love the sweet aroma when mom walks in the room. She now wears the Chanel fragrance a lot, and I relate that special scent as part of my mother.

Well, after we left that fancy store, we went to a bookstore to buy some books for me. Mom and I enjoy reading together, so we thought we should stock up. We bought a poetry book by Robert Frost, and “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald. We also bought a newspaper. I like to read the funny pages, and mom, of course, likes to read about herself and what people are thinking about her movies.

Soon our shopping day was over and we started for home. On the drive back, I looked up in the sky and I saw an airplane! We send mail by airplane but mom said that upper class people sometimes ride on planes, and we, in fact, would be taking a trip in a few months. I wondered all the way home what it would feel like to fly in a plane. I will see the world the way a birds sees the world. The clouds must look like cotton, and the houses must look like dollhouses! I am definitely looking forward to that dreamy experience.

Now what child wouldn't want to experience all of that with a parent? This is an example of a child that was cherished and love - something that all children deserve from their parents. Irrespective of the obvious wealth of her mum, we see how much love there is between them both and the bond they share. Now I feel like going back to relieve my own childhood! *Smile*

Okay, although I find this piece an excellent read, I did find myself in a twist with the last paragraph:

Last semester I got an “F” in science. This was very weird for me because I have always been an “A” student in everything. My mother was furious that I suddenly got an “F”. My teacher seemed very disgusted with me and wanted to see my mother. I went with her and waited outside of the classroom. In my mind, I pictured the scene that would occur. My mother would seem to play out the scene from one of her movies. My science teacher would hold the tearful woman tenderly as they discussed the future of the devil tainted child. To my surprise, I instead overheard raised voices from inside the room. My mother’s voice seemed raspy and low toned with a quick edge to it. I heard her actually ask my teacher what is wrong with her teaching! She went on to say that no other teacher ever had a problem teaching me. She wanted to know what methods the teacher would use to improve her teaching, so that I can learn properly. I was shocked! Part of me never wanted to step foot into that classroom ever again, and part of me realized that my mother must love me very much.

You need to explain further what really is going on here. Regarding the bolded bit, why was the narrator shocked? So much that she never wanted to step foot in that classroom again? What did the mother do that was so wrong?

Are you telling us that the narrator was never really an 'A' student, but simply scored those grades because of her mother's influence? If so, then how? Did her mother pay the other teachers to ensure her daughter scored A's in her subjects? Or was there some sort of sexual favours exchanged between the mother and her teachers?

What exactly is being implied by this sentence: My mother’s voice seemed raspy and low toned with a quick edge to it. I heard her actually ask my teacher what is wrong with her teaching! So, did her mother teach her science but was not very good at it? If so, then why did she go on to say that her daughter never had any problem with the teaching methods of the other teachers?

See what I mean? I think you need to clear the confusion about who teaches the daughter / the teaching methods (of whom??) employed...


At home, my mother is just like everyone else’s mother. She listens to the same jazz age music on the radio that everyone else’s mother listens to. She especially likes Al Jolson, Duke Ellington, and Bessie Smith. Sometimes if she works late, I turn on the music and tell her to rest while I fix dinner. It’s easy for me now that Birdseye makes new frozen food products. Some tabloid psychoanalysts, who are dedicated to following Dr. Sigmund Freud, try to claim that she must be a bad mother, but that’s just not true. No matter how tired she is, she always spends time with me. She taught me quilting, and we are currently working on a new project. The Sigmund Freud followers could try to calculate the personality of my celebrity mom all they want, but I know how she really is. I’m proud that my mother is a silent film star.

Hard to forget this bit. Here we see that beneath all the façade, her mother is just like any other ordinary person.

Apart from the confusion with the last paragraph, this is a truly wonderful piece of writing. I found no spelling mistakes or grammatical errors with this piece as the writer has taken great care.

Please remember that these are just my suggested views and opinions for improvement which you may choose to implement or discard as you wish.

Wishing you all the best and keep up the good work! Well done.


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