Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/metalgod80
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6 Public Reviews Given
22 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review of Eclipse  Open in new Window.
Review by AXE GRINDER Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello writer. I enjoyed your style of wrighting, Perhaps because it resembles my own at times.
Your work was enjoyable with many interesting thought ideas. I love that stuff.
If their were a down side it is that I didn't always follow the meaning. But hey; Sometimes I write such things that only I could understand; Especialy if I have alot of double meaning in the sentences. Makes me feel crafty and smart but leaves others wondering what the hell I'm talking about. Keep writing.
Review by AXE GRINDER Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear D. Clark; What a great find to discover your work! Enthralling as magical doom. I loved this work. What a talent you are. I enjoyed the complicated style which I do not come across very often. I really liked that I would re-read many of the sentences, sometimes several times, and then re-read it in it entirety. I demand more! AXE GRINDER
Review of Why I Write  Open in new Window.
Review by AXE GRINDER Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Lord Corwin, It pleases me emensley to have discovered these words that you writ. Through your words I experienced a moment of your plight, Inspiration was found and that is a priceless thing. I feel compelled to share a glimps of my own story. I will try to be brief since you didn't ask. Music has been my greatest intrest since I was about 7. It all started with the man in Black. Supriseingly, I am a long haired metal guitarist fully equiped to play the Garden. Likewise, I write songs, Unfortunately a bandmate stole the money from a show and 4 years later the band remains incomplete. Like a shadow in my mind I felt the need to write. My manuscript "Curses of Love" aprox. 45,000 words collects dust. Finding this is a sure step in the right direction as I stumbled on your words. I have another work in progress that I haven't worked on in 6 months, Because of severe back problems I live on Morphine and "The Reanimation of Sarah Cormin" also collects dust. On a happier note I am commited to publishing my work. Please check out my work on this site ("The Blackest Lament") and send me some input. That you for the words of your story and the reason, WHY?. Best writing, AXE GRINDER
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/metalgod80