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Review of On Being Blue  Open in new Window.
Review by MDuci Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh, my dear sister, does this ever take me back!

I remember, the first day I opened my account here and how the tiny beads of
sweat broke out on my forehead when I finally learned to upload my first poem.
And, the next day someone with a fine yellow case wrote me and offered to change
my poem into one of their own...(and with broken heart, I allowed them to change my words to theirs because I thought they must be this great professional writer.) To this
day, I never touched that poem again. Years, have passed and I remember that lesson,
that hurt so deep and I pray that I have not done such a rude thing to a new author. I am,
and will always remain a humbled writer and hopefully I've passed on some good deeds
to a few of my peers in how to deal with a Newbie. I loved this piece, and so happy I was fortunate enough to find it among your beauties.

Thank you dear sister, and thanks for
the memories.

Your sister always

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Review of After the Tornado  Open in new Window.
Review by MDuci Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
My dear sister,

How beautiful you've written of the destruction that decended upon your town,
last month. I could hardly contain the tears that filled my eyes. Words came to me
while reading that sometimes things are put in their rightful place, like the love of your
community and all the more that bring us together for the good and neither rain, nor flood,
or destructive tornado's can tear our love apart. It truly seems that everyone was in the right place at the right time. Everything, in a bathroom gone, but your ring still where you'd left it. Yes, you'll build again, as will your whole community and that too will bring you and your neighbors even that much closer. My prayers are with you always.

Thank you for this beautiful story and I look forward to moving on.
Love always
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Review by MDuci Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello WriterChuck,

It is unfortunate but so very true for some in our great and vast world. I'm sure it is not what MLK, had in mind when he wrote his words, "Maybe one day, all Gods', children." I was raised in a home with parents who loved and took everyone into their hearts, no matter their skin color. Thank you for keeping the dream alive...your writing hits the mark and good - luck in your new found love of writing poetry.
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Review of Paper Mache Hats  Open in new Window.
Review by MDuci Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
My dear Keaton,

Thank you so much for your entry "Paper Mache Hats," in our Circle of Sisters' North Star contest, which is open to winners, of Rising Stars Shining Brighter contest. I must confess - that I truly enjoyed the work and the creative story it told so tastefully.

I totally agree that writing is very much like putting on many different hats, as well as colors. Sometimes, as you've stated, the ideas can come very slowly and many times we have to stir them around in our heads; until the right words come flowing out with a rush of wind, in which we become once again the gifted poet.

I found you to be in the past - as I do now a very gifted writer. Good luck with your entry and I'd like to wish you a very Happy New Year and continued success and encouragement with all your writing endeavors.

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Review of Rain Dance  Open in new Window.
Review by MDuci Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Lon,

Lovely rhythm for a lovely poem. I love the patter of rain, and the sound of
music, which you bring to life. It is, so clear...Your poem, brings to mind, several reasons for the need for rain.

One to clean the air we breathe, to give the sun, the warm
healthy glow we love to feel, after a cleansing downpour.

I love this verse it bought joy to my heart - just reading it.

"Pattering softly against the glass
creating a sound that others miss
bringing me visions that weep and pass
like star-crossed lovers who sadly kiss"

I love the whispers' this poem allows me to hear, and I thank you for the joy of reading it.

Thank you for sharing, and welcome to Writing.Com.
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Review by MDuci Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello Violet,

Welcome to Writing.Com. Hope you will have a great writing experience and
make a lot of new friends.

What a truly wonderful account of your visit to your family down south.
I love the little tips that you leave by the way. The food, made me want
to take that trip.

Hope you enjoyed being there as much as I enjoyed reading it. Thank you
for sharing.
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Review of Angry Elk Attack  Open in new Window.
Review by MDuci Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Great story Les,

There are those people who need to save people, and there are people like you, who
give there time and life to taking care of those endangered animals,' that can't take care of themselves, When it comes to being protected from those who think it is sport to go hunting, just because they can.

Thank you, and all the other animal control officers, for the love and understanding you have for endangered animals. I sleep better, knowing you are out there...looking after them.

Keep writing and keep up the good deeds.
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Review by MDuci Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, Les,

What a cute story, and very funny. I have often wondered what it was like
to work for the Animal Control dept. That must have been something to
finding yourself inside an animal cage. I love animal's too; but I can't even
think of being or of ever being an Animal Control officer. I like your story, and
I'll be back to read more of them...very soon.
Thank you so much for sharing and I look forward to visiting again.
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Review by MDuci Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Ken,

Thank you for sharing, "The Thanksgiving Blessing." Here was a poem, that could have gone on and on for my blessing. It was perfect for the spirited of giving. I loved the beautiful picture above the verse, it added so much to the piece, by bring into focus the basket filled with the fruit of the earth. I was taken in, by the happiness of the young child, who couldn't wait to put on his costume from the school play. I really had a clear view of him acting out his part as the little pilgrim. My favorite verse...

"I'm the spirit of giving; I've brought this to share,"
he said as the laid out the food with great care.
He felt strong arms lift him and pull him in bed
as Mom and Dad hugged him and ruffled his head.

You have a very unique way of letting your reader's take part in your words.
Thank you so much for the time in your port and I'll continue on.

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Review of O Mohonk  Open in new Window.
Review by MDuci Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear WW,

Marked by beauty, this piece allows the visitors mind, to venture into
its own splendid revelations; of somewhere in this vast world
of beauty, with no set place in mind.

Your own artwork displayed in this piece was so true to form, as if you
took a picture of each display and presented it to the viewer.

I have so enjoyed each of your pieces this morning...your port is like a flowing
water fall, filled with the lovely scent of rare spices and billowing blossoms, that
flourish in any setting.

Thank you for allowing me this special time to visit with you my friend.

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Review of White Balloons  Open in new Window.
Review by MDuci Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Dear WW,

Timely and beautifully written. The White Balloons left their print upon the
heart, just the stillness of them, told the pain of the passing of one so young.

I too, have known the pain of the stillness of the white balloons and their ability
to be so silent until such time as they passed from the hands that held onto them.

Even, than I could feel the chill as they floated so far away from the scene, and
knowing that one goes as they come, "Just Passing Through."

Beautifully written and know that it was deeply touching and appreciated.

With loving thanks

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Review of Lost Love  Open in new Window.
Review by MDuci Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (2.5)
Hello Modernwritings,

Welcome to WDC, I promised to pay a visit to your port and I hope that
you can take a little bit of help in learning to format your poetry. I'm sure
that if you spell Modernwritings with a capital, you would certainly put a
capital G-on God. Good luck in your writing and keep writing and learning.

I don't know when I saw her
don't remember when I met her
but I remember every moment
I spent with her

I loved her like a fool
but she has left me
and gone far away
don't blame her for dumping me

because God' has taken her
maybe He loves her more than me.
Review by MDuci Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Thank you so much for paying a visit to my port and letting me know you're here. I have enjoyed the tour through your site and I love this piece you've written "Please Don't Pass Me By." I found these words so true, when thinking of some of the many on-line friends I've made in my six years at writing.com. Many of which have come and gone and this piece makes me want to look them all up and let them know I still think of them and the good times we had talking on line. Great piece and I'm sure it makes us all think.
Thank you so much for sharing with us...and reminding us to stay in touch.
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Review by MDuci Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello B Scholl,

Your story sounds like the beginning of a much longer one. I enjoyed the read and would love to hear when you've added to it.

Keep writing and thank you for submitting your piece for our review, and consideration.

Good luck and wishing you a wonderful writing experience.
Circle of Sisters'
Review of Remember me  Open in new Window.
Review by MDuci Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Oldwarrior,

Each time I read your work, I feel a proudness in being able to say
how much I love reading your words and I feel sure I could pick out
your work from any others'. Thank you so much for sharing your work
with us and my best wishes in the contest.

Keep writing and thank you for submitting your piece for our review, and consideration.
Good luck and wishing you a wonderful writing experience.

Circle of Sisters'
Review of Blueberry Pickin'  Open in new Window.
Review by MDuci Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Connieann,
Wonderful and enjoyable story, I enjoyed the day spent with you and your grand-daughter at the blueberry farm. Love to know if it was IHOP or the movies!!!LOL

Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. Keep writing and thank you for submitting your piece for our review, and consideration.

Good luck and wishing you a wonderful writing experience.
Circle of Sisters'
Review of I Feel You  Open in new Window.
Review by MDuci Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello Ravenwand,

What a very lovely piece of Prose. I truly enjoyed the memory of wanting
and need. Sounds like a wonderful reawakening. Keep writing and thank
you for submitting your piece for our review, and consideration.

Good luck and wishing you a wonderful writing renewal.
Circle of Sisters
Review of An American Mom  Open in new Window.
Review by MDuci Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Fyn,

Thank you for buying my package in Sherrie’s Auction.

IMAGERY: Deeply moving and touching. An American Mom, moved me to tears and bought back the unbelieving moment when the Tower’s fell on that Sept. day, one we shall never forget.

TONE: Deeply touching. As a mother and grand-mother, I pray daily that those we love and hold dear will all return to our arms safely one day. Thank you so much for this touching account of what it meant to you and your family. Thank you too, for speaking for all, the mom’s who have their son’s and daughter’s fighting for our protection, and our country.

FLOW: Flow is excellent. Your words were well chosen, and in such good taste.

OVERALL: A wonderful piece and well told.

Please keep sharing.

Review of Dominick  Open in new Window.
Review by MDuci Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Dear Fyn,

Thank you for buying my package in Sherrie’s Auction.

IMAGERY: Deeply felt and quite vivid. A child, who will never grow up! Because of someone’s selfish act of abuse. This piece touched my heart deeply and hit’s home for me. The subject matter is something that is happening all to often and something must be done to save these little ones.

TONE: Deeply touching. “A life yet un-lived”, hits a high point in the soul as we wonder what kind of man he would have become.

FLOW: Flow is excellent and rhyming perfect. Your words are well chosen.

OVERALL: I truly appreciated your piece and for speaking out for Dominick, a gift from God’.

Please keep sharing.

I look forward to reading more of your work.
Review of Fountain of Youth  Open in new Window.
Review by MDuci Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Fyn,

Thank you for buying my package in Sherrie’s Auction.

IMAGERY: Perfect and quite vivid. A woman need never have to heed all the commercials that spill across the pages of magazines, or TV ad’s. Just spend the days listening to the laughter of our grand-children and Walla, no more lines….lovely read and so true to the image.

TONE: Great and with much perception. I can feel the love and fond memories that linger with the joy of giggles and smiles.

FLOW: Flow is very good. Words are well chosen.

OVERALL: I felt the joy of being surrounded by the children. Very inspirational, as well as light hearted.
Please keep sharing.

I look forward to reading more of your work.
Review by MDuci Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)

Hello TikkunOlam,
It was a pleasure to review your entry for "Rising Stars Shining Brighter" North Star Contest.

A lovely prayer of healing and well being; which brought peace of mind while reading, also a stillness which was transcending.
Your poem is absolutely beautiful, and I thank you for entering this year’s North Star Contest.

Congratulations on winning RRSB, which qualified you for North Star competition. Thank you for sharing with us and good luck in the contest.

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Review of BEAUTY IN THE SKY  Open in new Window.
Review by MDuci Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

Hello Maria!

It was a pleasure to review your entry for "Rising Stars Shining Brighter" North Star Contest.

A lovely painting come to life, with the most beautiful color’s, casting a transfusion of beautiful lights. Each line burst forth with rhythm and flow and I felt a joy in each and every line. My favorite line was a work of perfect harmony, which tied each line together.

”Fresh awakening, haven of heavens’ thrust anew.”
Your work was absolutely beautiful, and I thank you for entering this year’s North Star Contest.

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Review of The Long Way Home  Open in new Window.
Review by MDuci Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Hi Shelly,

This story was just precious. The next time my little grand-daughter
comes to visit. I'll pull it up to read to her. This was not part of your
package, I just thought I would take a mini break and read some of
your other work. As I told you before, I love reading about the little fae's.

Great work
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Review of Life is a dance  Open in new Window.
Review by MDuci Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
You are so right - life is a dance and I too, have danced quite a few!!! :) I like this
piece and it really gives a feeling of flowing with life. Thank you for sharing.

Welcome to Writing.Com and I hope you're finding your way around with out
a moment of wow!!

Great work Fred. Never stop dancing!!!!!!!!!

Review of Dare To Be  Open in new Window.
Review by MDuci Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Ken,

Thank you for submitting your entry "Dare To BeOpen in new Window. into Circle of Sisters RSSB, contest

Rising Stars Shining Brighter Open in new Window. (E)
Contest for existing Rising Stars...Monthly award of "Shining Star" status.
#1215871 by Tornado Day Author IconMail Icon

What a lovely poem to your daughter, it will fill her heart for many years to come. I can see her removing it some day in the future and reading it to her own daughter – with pride in her eyes for her father - the poet.

I love reading your poetry and my day is made brighter just by your beautiful words.

Thank you for entering and continue your great work.

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