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Review of When Hearts Bond  
Review by Marleigh Rose
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Greetings, Prof Moriarty , I just read and would now like to review your short story: "When Hearts Bond

A note to begin: I think it's important to say that these are my opinions and thoughts. Please take my comments with a grain of salt. If they work for you, then I'm happy to offer them; if they don't work for you, please ignore them!

*Note1* FIRST IMPRESSION: Interesting, well written overall and quickly grabbed my attention. I was very intrigued to hear the story of Abena.

*Thumbsup* PREMISE THOUGHTS: A thoughtful story about how our actions have reactions.

*Star* FAVORITE PART: While I was confused about the ending (see below), I thought the final interaction between Abena and her benefactor was touching and called for more (I always feel that a short piece that begs for more detail is a sign of a good piece).

*Idea* SUGGESTIONS: There were a few things I'd like to comment on. I had to go back halfway through and re-read to see if I'd missed some mention of the character actually living in Ghana. It did become obvious, of course. Also, why did a recent graduate have a driver and a housekeeper? Would that be normal for a trainee living in another country or did he already have wealth? Finally, as I said above, I did enjoy that final interaction, however, it was a shock and I think that should you ever go back to add more to this, I'd suggest adding in some type of foreshadowing of Abena's feelings as well as the main character's.

~Write on!

Please stop by and check out my portfolio!

Review of My Valentine  
Review by Marleigh Rose
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
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Hi LdyPhoenix , this is a Showering Acts of Joy review for your story: "My Valentine. Enjoy your shower!!

A note to begin: I think it's important to say that these are my opinions and thoughts. Please take my comments with a grain of salt. If they work for you, then I'm happy to offer them; if they don't work for you, please ignore them!

*Note1* FIRST IMPRESSION: First, I have to say that I absolutely love how you've divided your portfolio up! I was expecting a sad girl after her man didn't show up for dinner. In for a surprise!

*Thumbsup* PREMISE THOUGHTS: I really have loved everything I've read that had been a part of the Twisted Tales contest. The twist was just perfect!

*Right* TECHNICAL/ERRORS/SUGGESTIONS: I didn't see anything at all that should be changed!

*Heart* FAVORITE PART: The twist, of course. I'm sure that isn't a surprise. Overall what I liked was that with a short story I didn't feel like I was missing something. Of course there are always questions (why did she love him so much, what made her do what she did, where was he, etc), but that's a mark of a good story. I wasn't left thinking, "well, that didn't make sense". Fantastic!

*Idea* FINAL THOUGHTS: This was a great first dip into your port. I'll be back for more as soon as my little guy allows me another moment to myself!

~Write on!

*flower*Feel free to stop by my port!
Review of Black Hole  
Review by Marleigh Rose
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hi mARi☠StressedAtWork , this is a Showering Acts of Joy review for your poem: "Black Hole. Enjoy your shower!!

A note to begin: I think it's important to say that these are my opinions and thoughts. Please take my comments with a grain of salt. If they work for you, then I'm happy to offer them; if they don't work for you, please ignore them!

*Note1* FIRST IMPRESSION: A very dark poem: definitely kept with the contest theme!

*Thumbsup* PREMISE THOUGHTS: This seems to be a poem that even the most cheerful can probably relate to at one time or another. We all have those dark little places inside us.

*Right* TECHNICAL/ERRORS/SUGGESTIONS: I'm not a poet, so I'll leave the technical aspect to someone who is! I'll just give my thoughts and hopefully they'll make sense! My first read through I had a little trouble finding the rhythm and I also thought that maybe you could have brought the similarity of the first lines of the first two stanzas through to the last two.

*Heart* FAVORITE PART: I thought your imagery was clear and vivid. You made the emptiness easy to imagine and it felt effortless.

*Idea* FINAL THOUGHTS:Thank you for sharing! Even though I don't understand all of the aspects of poetry I do enjoy it!

~Write on!

*flower*Feel free to stop by my port!
Review by Marleigh Rose
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hi Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ , this is a Showering Acts of Joy review for your poem: "One of a Mother's Days to Remember. Enjoy your shower!!

A note to begin: I think it's important to say that these are my opinions and thoughts. Please take my comments with a grain of salt. If they work for you, then I'm happy to offer them; if they don't work for you, please ignore them!

*Note1* FIRST IMPRESSION: Gah! My son is almost 3 yrs old and I was just thinking today about how fast he is growing. He has so many toys that are still too big for him. His little feet still don't reach his tricycle or his John Deer tractor, but I know that it'll seem to be only a blink of my eye and I'll be hearing these same things!

*Thumbsup* PREMISE THOUGHTS: This is a great reminder that the years will go by quickly. I have a lot of moments lately where I find myself wishing away the months (my husband is in Iraq), but this reminds me that the days are just too precious to wish away! Thank you!

*Heart* FAVORITE PART: I actually really liked that there wasn't an "everything's great" moment at the end. It seems like so many times I'll see a story or poem about feelings like this and they typically end with the feelings just dissapating away. That isn't life and I don't think these feelings every fully go away. So, I was refreshed that it was a simple, "this is my memory and my right to it".

*Idea* FINAL THOUGHTS: I'm always so pleased to read poetry sharing emotion that I either feel or know is on the horizon. Thank you for sharing yours!

~Write on!

*flower*Feel free to stop by my port!
Review of Progression  
Review by Marleigh Rose
In affiliation with Marleigh Rose Raids  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

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Greetings, hbar , this review is a part of your Marleigh Rose Raid package. I am reviewing: "Progression

A note to begin: I think it's important to say that these are my opinions and thoughts. Please take my comments with a grain of salt. If they work for you, then I'm happy to offer them; if they don't work for you, please ignore them! As always, thank you for sharing your work with readers like me!

*Note1* FIRST IMPRESSION: As a whole, I found this to be a poignant story of a young man's moment of clarity. It is fascinating to me reading your things because your writing is seems so different than mine. Maybe not in an obvious way, but (and my guess is that much of the difference is the fact that you are a man and I am a woman) you write this story, ending with the line, "He knew who and what he was.", yet you never once mention what is going through his head as he surfs.

Still, it is perfectly clear that he did reach the answers he needed. The fact of the matter is, you are able to weave a story around many elements while leaving the reader wondering and contemplating the thoughts behind his quest.

*Idea* PREMISE: As you know, this is not the first surfing piece I've read and reviewed of yours. I have never surfed, never seen someone surf in person and really only seen snippets on tv. I felt that this story, out of all the other's I've read, really brought home the absolute beauty of the experience. I don't know, but it seems that surfing may be one of the most pure acts - it is (or seems to me) a true pairing of man and nature. Without the harmony and perfection of both working together, a price is paid.

You do a remarkable job of explaining the art so that someone like me can really feel and imagine it, while not sounding like a textbook. Beautiful stuff.

*Reading*CHARACTERS: Well, I know where this character is coming from. Even if I didn't, I would believe that this boy was real; out there somewhere. I can almost feel the sand between my toes as I sit there watching him rough up the wax on his board (see above: I'd never have known that's what you do!). I can see the crease between his eyebrows as he pedals his way to the water or maybe see the tension between his shoulder blades. Without going overboard and pushing him on the reader, you've made him real.

*Question* TECHNICAL/SUGGESTIONS: Not much here. I've been reading the paragraphs about the wave that he made an error on and something is catching me. Maybe I'm trying too hard to actually picture how it looked as he crashed around the wave. A suggestion would be to expand on the sentence: "His was too far into the peak and he was too straight on the take-off, and the take-off was too late." There are a lot of "too's" in there as well. I think it has the opportunity to be a bit more clear to those of us not in the know.

*Heart* FAVORITE PART: First, I thought the sum of all pieces in this story was beautiful. It leaves me wanting more of this boy's story. I really thought the symbiotic (not really the right word) relationship between the surfer and the ocean was powerful. As I said above, it's a pure and simple partnership, but the way you described it as he was battered by the wave was amazing. The water feels alive and congisent at a very perfect level - if both parties do the assigned job, rewards abound; if not, then consequences are reaped.

Also, as a mother of a son (even a young one), I can completely appreciate that final ride. It is daily that I see him get thrashed by something, only to turn around and do it again - with a bit of pride that the thrashing was survived.

*Gift2* FINAL THOUGHTS: This leaves me in awe. When you surf is there really so much time for thought? It seems, and I suppose is, so complex it's hard to imagine how anyone can do it. A pleasure ... thank you.

~Write on!

Please stop by and check out my portfolio! Also, have a look around my new reviewing shop!
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Review of The Honey Bucket  
Review by Marleigh Rose
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hi again🌕 HuntersMoon , this is a Showering Acts of Joy review for your poem: "The Honey Bucket. Enjoy your shower!!

A note to begin: I think it's important to say that these are my opinions and thoughts. Please take my comments with a grain of salt. If they work for you, then I'm happy to offer them; if they don't work for you, please ignore them!

*Note1* FIRST IMPRESSION: And what a smile that must be! Probably funnier now than at the time - at least for you!

*Thumbsup* PREMISE THOUGHTS: I am finding, as I spend time here, that I really love the poems and stories based on life experiences. There just is nothing like a memory for me.

*Right* TECHNICAL/ERRORS/SUGGESTIONS: It's minor. The last line of the first stanza seems a syllable too long; maybe take out "the"?

*Heart* FAVORITE PART: Oh, the visual of a boy attempting a jump across a "honey bucket" is absolutely priceless!

*Idea* FINAL THOUGHTS: Great job, Ken!

~Write on!

*flower*Feel free to stop by my port!
Review by Marleigh Rose
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
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Hi 🌕 HuntersMoon , this is a Showering Acts of Joy review for your poem: "Hallucinations of the Heart. Enjoy your shower!!

A note to begin: I think it's important to say that these are my opinions and thoughts. Please take my comments with a grain of salt. If they work for you, then I'm happy to offer them; if they don't work for you, please ignore them!

*Note1* FIRST IMPRESSION: The review tip I've been given with the opening of my review tool for this is "Don't overthink your review", so I won't. Love the ending!

*Thumbsup* PREMISE THOUGHTS: My first thought is ... such a man! I hope that doesn't offend, definitely not my intention. The juxtaposition of heartache and, well, benefits is priceless.

*Right* TECHNICAL/ERRORS/SUGGESTIONS: None that I noticed.

*Heart* FAVORITE PART: I really love how vivid the imagery is with "stitches ripped out" and "Pavolov's dogs". Really fantastic, but the ending is just so pure and honest that it truly made me laugh and shake my head.

*Idea* FINAL THOUGHTS: Great job! I always enjoy stopping by your port.

~Write on!

*flower*Feel free to stop by my port!
Review of Falling into Fate  
Review by Marleigh Rose
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hi againRx-Queen , this is a Showering Acts of Joy review for your poem: "Falling into Fate. Enjoy your shower!!

A note to begin: I think it's important to say that these are my opinions and thoughts. Please take my comments with a grain of salt. If they work for you, then I'm happy to offer them; if they don't work for you, please ignore them!

*Note1* FIRST IMPRESSION: First off, I liked the formatting. The slight difference from the norm jumps out and engages the reader, I think.


*Right* TECHNICAL/ERRORS/SUGGESTIONS: I didn't quite understand the fifth line. Through the rest of the poem it seems as if you're saying that Time is moving quickly, fading, etc, but then that tomorrow is not inevitable "Tomorrow is anything but inevitable".

*Heart* FAVORITE PART: I thought the first two lines were very vivid and great imagery.

*Idea* FINAL THOUGHTS: I enjoyed my stop at your port, always nice when I find a new author!

~Write on!

*flower*Feel free to stop by my port!
Review of On Being Thankful  
Review by Marleigh Rose
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
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Hi again JudyB , this is a Showering Acts of Joy review for your short story: "On Being Thankful. Enjoy your shower!!

A note to begin: I think it's important to say that these are my opinions and thoughts. Please take my comments with a grain of salt. If they work for you, then I'm happy to offer them; if they don't work for you, please ignore them!

*Note1* FIRST IMPRESSION: BLESS YOU!! What a moving answer to a quote.

*Thumbsup* PREMISE THOUGHTS: I think the quote is slightly ... I'm not sure how to describe it; something about it is not hitting me right. However, what you've written is just superb. This is a shining example of finding the positive in life.

*Heart* FAVORITE PART: This is inspiring to me and I'm happy that I chose it to read. I try very hard to be positive, but have noticed that lately I've been letting stress and situations bog me down. I am thankful that I read this to give me that boost to focus on the good.

*Idea* FINAL THOUGHTS: I'm glad to have stopped by here. It must have been a 'right time' kind of thing because I know I've been to your port before, but I also know I never read some of what I did tonight. So, thanks for sharing and I hope you know that someone was touched by your words.

~Write on!

*flower*Feel free to stop by my port!

*Note5**Note5*WDC POWER RAIDER*Note5**Note5*
Review by Marleigh Rose
Rated: E | (5.0)
Judy: I'm not including this in any group, but I had noticed a few "butterflies for Judy" lately, so I was curious. My thoughts are with you - I've noticed someone with a username that said something like "praying for Judy". I'm not sure if that is you, but either way I'd like to say that Leukemia has also touched my life. My uncle was diagnosed many years ago and is now, thankfully, in remission. I'm hoping the same for you. Many blessings.
Review by Marleigh Rose
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hi JudyB , this is a Showering Acts of Joy review for your short story: "The Immature Brain of a Child. Enjoy your shower!!

A note to begin: I think it's important to say that these are my opinions and thoughts. Please take my comments with a grain of salt. If they work for you, then I'm happy to offer them; if they don't work for you, please ignore them!

*Note1* FIRST IMPRESSION: What fun! I find myself often thinking the same things as I watch my nieces, nephews and now my toddler. We are in the midst of the terrible twos and mostly I'm thinking, "please, could I have been this much trouble to <i>my</i> mother?!

*Thumbsup* PREMISE THOUGHTS: As I said, FUN! It is fun to look back, maybe a little encouraging to think about all the crazy things we did (or siblings and friends) and know we somehow made it through.

*Right* TECHNICAL/ERRORS/SUGGESTIONS: There was nothing I thought needed to be changed. Great job!

*Heart* FAVORITE PART: I liked that it <i>did</i> jog my memory and made me start to remember some of the silly things I did.

*Idea* FINAL THOUGHTS: Glad I stopped by! By the way, I am also from Wisconsin. My dad was born and raised near Wausau, if you know it before moving down to Kenosha where I was born and raised. Now I've been transplanted as a Texan, but I'll always be a midwest girl!

~Write on!

*flower*Feel free to stop by my port!

*Note5**Note5*WDC POWER RAIDER*Note5**Note5*
Review by Marleigh Rose
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hi againKristi , this is a Showering Acts of Joy review for your poem: "Bring the Boys Back Home. Enjoy your shower!!

A note to begin: I think it's important to say that these are my opinions and thoughts. Please take my comments with a grain of salt. If they work for you, then I'm happy to offer them; if they don't work for you, please ignore them!

*Note1* FIRST IMPRESSION: I'm torn on this one, which is why I chose it. When I review for a group and am choosing a couple to review, I do try to find more than just the pieces I really like. Not to say I don't like this ... torn, I hope I explain throughout the review!

*Thumbsup* MY THOUGHTS: I'm an Army wife and my husband is currently deployed to Iraq - his second tour there. While I'd love to confidently say I believed this was his last, I'd be lying. I'm more confident that we'll spend nearly 1/2 of the next 15 years apart. I'll be honest and say I would like all of this to be over, though I say that at this point from a purely selfish standpoint. I no longer agree or disagree; I just want to have a normal family.

So, this is where I become torn. I can't separate myself out from your poem and just rate/review based on the words. Yet, that's why we write, isn't it. To evoke, to transport, to change. "War-time novelties" makes me think of the bumper stickers, pins, magnets, yard signs, etc. and while I would love to have the need for them go away, the need remains.

What I find truly great about this poem is that it does bring to light the fact that there is MORE. We hear: "we support our troops", "bring our soldiers home", "freedom isn't free", etc etc. But, it is obvious that often there is little behind it. It seems that so few really see what is happening, not only to those who are losing their lives or limbs, but to the families who are left behind.

So, I'll 'tie a ribbon 'round the old oak tree' and hope that more people will read this and think about more than platitudes and novelites.

I didn't notice any errors. The only line I want to specifically mention is the last of the first stanza. I wonder if that's true. Actually, I hope it isn't. I think that our support at home does make a difference. From experience, I know that moral makes a huge difference for our soldiers. I think most probably take it for granted to some degree because they expect it now. I can't imagine if they were faced with what our Vietnam vets faced.

Thanks for sharing, I hope I didn't write too much!!

~Write on!

*flower*Feel free to stop by my port!

*Note5**Note5*WDC POWER RAIDER*Note5**Note5*
Review of Have You Ever?  
Review by Marleigh Rose
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hi Kristi , this is a Showering Acts of Joy review for your poem: "Have You Ever?. Enjoy your shower!!

A note to begin: I think it's important to say that these are my opinions and thoughts. Please take my comments with a grain of salt. If they work for you, then I'm happy to offer them; if they don't work for you, please ignore them!

*Note1* FIRST IMPRESSION: What a fantastic poem with such a unique premise ... (continued below)

*Thumbsup* PREMISE THOUGHTS: ... unique, I said! I know I've had this thought before, somewhere, but I could never have put it into such an eloquent frame.

*Heart* FAVORITE PART: I really love all of the different combinations you use. Really thought-provoking.

*Idea* FINAL THOUGHTS: I'm finding, as I work through your port, that I am finding things to think about; or finding new ways to see the things I am already thinking about. Thank you for sharing!

~Write on!

*flower*Feel free to stop by my port!

*Note5**Note5*WDC POWER RAIDER*Note5**Note5*
Review of Homer  
Review by Marleigh Rose
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hi againSticktalker , this is a Showering Acts of Joy review for your short story: "Homer. Enjoy your shower!!

A note to begin: I think it's important to say that these are my opinions and thoughts. Please take my comments with a grain of salt. If they work for you, then I'm happy to offer them; if they don't work for you, please ignore them!

*Note1* FIRST IMPRESSION: My first thought was to walk my son home from school every day!

*Thumbsup* PREMISE THOUGHTS: I think many girls (moms) wonder what boys are doing causing such commotion. The noise I understand; the garbage is another thing!

*Heart* FAVORITE PART: It's a tiny little thing: I loved the imagery of this boys' backpack bouncing against his back as he ran down the steps. It was very vivid and gave me a clear image in my mind of him bursting out of the doors and bounding down the steps.

*Idea* FINAL THOUGHTS: I've enjoyed my stop; I'm bookmarking and will come by again!

~Write on!

*flower*Feel free to stop by my port!

*Note5**Note5*WDC POWER RAIDER*Note5**Note5*
Review by Marleigh Rose
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
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Hi Sticktalker , this is a Showering Acts of Joy review for your short story: "My Summer As a Dog. Enjoy your shower!!

A note to begin: I think it's important to say that these are my opinions and thoughts. Please take my comments with a grain of salt. If they work for you, then I'm happy to offer them; if they don't work for you, please ignore them!

*Note1* FIRST IMPRESSION: At first I was a bit thrown by the style. I initially thought I was reading an introduction, but soon realized it was the story! Once I got past that, I thought this was such a great walk down memory lane!

*Thumbsup* PREMISE THOUGHTS: It is interesting, isn't it, that as adults we find some ideas so silly - such as wondering what kind of animal we'd be. When, as children, we don't waste time wondering and just 'BE'! What a fantastic memory to share!

*Right* TECHNICAL/ERRORS/SUGGESTIONS: There weren't any that I noticed.

*Heart* FAVORITE PART: I think your description of the first "Rusty" encounter was really well done ... especially "narf narf"! I can see my son doing exactly that!

*Idea* FINAL THOUGHTS: Great job!!

~Write on!

*flower*Feel free to stop by my port!

*Note5**Note5*WDC POWER RAIDER*Note5**Note5*
Review by Marleigh Rose
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hi ian72 , this is a Showering Acts of Joy review for your poem: "Consumed by the night.. Enjoy your shower!!

A note to begin: I think it's important to say that these are my opinions and thoughts. Please take my comments with a grain of salt. If they work for you, then I'm happy to offer them; if they don't work for you, please ignore them!

*Note1* FIRST IMPRESSION: Overall I thought this poem had a strong sense of purpose and strength.

*Thumbsup* PREMISE THOUGHTS: While I didn't feel a clear subject matter, it did make me question: "who is this person fighting", "why is this person fighting", "who is this person protectin". I think evoking questions is or should be a fundamental goal in writing!

*Right* TECHNICAL/ERRORS/SUGGESTIONS: I didn't notice any errors.

*Heart* FAVORITE PART: I enjoyed the flow of this. The first two lines seemed just slightly wordy, overall it had a momentum that created a strong movement as I read.

*Idea* FINAL THOUGHTS: Great job! Keep on writing!!!

~Write on!

*flower*Feel free to stop by my port!

*Note5**Note5*WDC POWER RAIDER*Note5**Note5*
Review by Marleigh Rose
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
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Hi ian72 , this is a Showering Acts of Joy review for your poem: "Invalid Item. Enjoy your shower!!

A note to begin: I think it's important to say that these are my opinions and thoughts. Please take my comments with a grain of salt. If they work for you, then I'm happy to offer them; if they don't work for you, please ignore them!

*Note1* FIRST IMPRESSION: What an interesting poem. I think that there is potential here for some great horror poetry!

*Thumbsup* PREMISE THOUGHTS: I'm not sure if this is a part of something bigger or not. I thought it was interesting, but also wondering what, exactly, was going on. I'm not sure if there should be more to this or not - maybe you were going for something more vague and left to the reader's imagination?

*Right* TECHNICAL/ERRORS/SUGGESTIONS: You may find that there are a lot of readers who prefer to see punctuation written in correctly. It gives your piece a feeling of more importance when simple things like capitalizing "I" is in place. Also, you use the word "then" quite a bit. Rather than feeling like a story (or poem), the word "then" makes it feel like a list of events. My suggestion is to try and get rid of that word and describe what is happening rather than telling the reader in a list.

*Idea* FINAL THOUGHTS: I'm looking forward to reading your other pieces in your port to see what you have!

~Write on!

*flower*Feel free to stop by my port!

*Note5**Note5*WDC POWER RAIDER*Note5**Note5*
Review of Enchantment  
Review by Marleigh Rose
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
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Hi Faye , this is a Showering Acts of Joy review for your monologue: "Enchantment . Enjoy your shower!!

A note to begin: I think it's important to say that these are my opinions and thoughts. Please take my comments with a grain of salt. If they work for you, then I'm happy to offer them; if they don't work for you, please ignore them!

*Note1* FIRST IMPRESSION: You have a way with really powerful metaphors! Very visual.

*Thumbsup* PREMISE THOUGHTS: I thought that this monologue was a fantastic and unique piece about a powerful bond with nature and the feelings experienced.

*Right* TECHNICAL/ERRORS/SUGGESTIONS: I think you'll probably find people who will say that your sentences are overly complex, however, I think that the really drive the emotion of this - pushing the reader to read and experience the emotion along with you.

*Heart* FAVORITE PART: I loved the following sentences: "Where your heart pounds to the chorus - alive, alive, I feel alive.
And you cry out..." I thought that it was a great ending to that paragraph, giving a feeling of accomplishment and pure joy.

*Idea* FINAL THOUGHTS: More! I would like to have had more of this. Maybe more to the explanation of the first two lines. How does this experience answer the question of 'more to life'? Where do these feelings come from - nature itself; something beyond that? Overall, a really fantastic piece and I'm looking forward to seeing your portfolio grow!

~Write on!

*flower*Feel free to stop by my port!

*Note5**Note5*WDC POWER RAIDER*Note5**Note5*
Review by Marleigh Rose
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hi ♥tHiNg♥ , this is a Showering Acts of Joy review for your poetry: "Shannon Airport Arrival. Enjoy your shower!!

A note to begin: I think it's important to say that these are my opinions and thoughts. Please take my comments with a grain of salt. If they work for you, then I'm happy to offer them; if they don't work for you, please ignore them!

*Note1* FIRST IMPRESSION: The first time I travelled to Scotland I remember watching the fields and quaint farmhouses go by from the train window. This poem reminds me of that first trip and all of my awe.

*Thumbsup* PREMISE THOUGHTS: So many people have a place that is not their 'home', but holds a special place in their hearts. I thought this was a lovely tribute to Ireland.

*Right* TECHNICAL/ERRORS/SUGGESTIONS: I was a little confused with the sometimes bold and sometimes quieter references to cows. Maybe the picture (which seems to be missing) is needed to understand it!

*Heart* FAVORITE PART: I thought stanzas 9 and 11 were the ones that really jumped for me. Fantastic imagery!

*Idea* FINAL THOUGHTS: Thank you for sharing your work!

~Write on!

*flower*Feel free to stop by my port!

*Note5**Note5*WDC POWER RAIDER*Note5**Note5*
Review by Marleigh Rose
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
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Hi ♥tHiNg♥ , this is a Showering Acts of Joy review for your short story: "Reflection of the Night. Enjoy your shower!!

A note to begin: I think it's important to say that these are my opinions and thoughts. Please take my comments with a grain of salt. If they work for you, then I'm happy to offer them; if they don't work for you, please ignore them!

*Note1* FIRST IMPRESSION: This was a bit of a surprise. From the prompt I'd expected something more mysterious. An interesting and timely story.

*Right* TECHNICAL/ERRORS/SUGGESTIONS: I don't know what the rules are for writer's cramp, so that always makes giving suggestion difficult! I would like to have known more about what happened after these two met. Who was missing? I wasn't sure if it was the boy or the couple. I also was a little confused about the terrorists. Did someone only assume that the couple were terrorists or were there terrorists still out there?

*Heart* FAVORITE PART: I liked the silent understanding that was communicated with a simple smile. Very nice!

*Idea* FINAL THOUGHTS: I thought the idea behind this was really good and, like I said, still timely. I think it would be interesting to see it expanded.

~Write on!

*flower*Feel free to stop by my port!

*Note5**Note5*WDC POWER RAIDER*Note5**Note5*
Review by Marleigh Rose
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hi again Lou-Here By His Grace , this is a Showering Acts of Joy review for your poem: "Dancing With No Shoes. Enjoy your shower!!

A note to begin: I think it's important to say that these are my opinions and thoughts. Please take my comments with a grain of salt. If they work for you, then I'm happy to offer them; if they don't work for you, please ignore them!

*Note1* FIRST IMPRESSION: What a beautiful poem about memories.

*Thumbsup* PREMISE THOUGHTS: I think we often look back as adults and see things we didn't understand as kids. I love that you don't completely focus on her going without something, but more on the enjoyment and the innocence of the memory.

*Right* TECHNICAL/ERRORS/SUGGESTIONS: I didn't see anywhere that I can suggest an improvement!

*Heart* FAVORITE PART: I love the shuffling along the old linoleum line. It makes me think of my grandparent's house! *Smile*

*Idea* FINAL THOUGHTS: Beautiful work!

~Write on!

*flower*Feel free to stop by my port!

*Note5**Note5*WDC POWER RAIDER*Note5**Note5*
Review of Clack, Clack!  
Review by Marleigh Rose
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hi Lou-Here By His Grace , this is a Showering Acts of Joy review for your poem: "Clack, Clack!. Enjoy your shower!!

A note to begin: I think it's important to say that these are my opinions and thoughts. Please take my comments with a grain of salt. If they work for you, then I'm happy to offer them; if they don't work for you, please ignore them!

*Note1* FIRST IMPRESSION: There is a children's museum near my house that we often visit. They have a huge collection of old typewriters that you can actually try out. This was a lovely reminder of how much we love playing on the typewriters and imagining what has come from them!

*Thumbsup* PREMISE THOUGHTS: I barely used a typewriter as a kid, it's amazing that some of the younger writers have probably never touched one. We've come a long way, however, the character of an old typewriter will never be replaced!

*Right* TECHNICAL/ERRORS/SUGGESTIONS: There were no errors that I saw!

*Heart* FAVORITE PART: I loved the imagery in the last stanza as well as the connection to the dream so many of us have here.

*Idea* FINAL THOUGHTS: I'm enjoying my visit to your port! I struggled to choose which I'd review first!

~Write on!

*flower*Feel free to stop by my port!

*Note5**Note5*WDC POWER RAIDER*Note5**Note5*
Review by Marleigh Rose
Rated: E | (5.0)

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Greetings fyn , I just read and would now like to review your story: "The Island Letters

A note to begin: I think it's important to say that these are my opinions and thoughts. Please take my comments with a grain of salt. If they work for you, then I'm happy to offer them; if they don't work for you, please ignore them!

*Note1* FIRST IMPRESSION: I would've written this sooner tonight, but halfway through I was reminded that my apple pie was in the oven! I walked in just as the timer went off! So, thank you for the reminder!

*Thumbsup* PREMISE THOUGHTS: This was so unique and a really touching story. I was amazed at how life-like the characters were; how real the island was.

*Right* TECHNICAL/ERRORS/SUGGESTIONS: Don't change a thing!

*Heart* FAVORITE PART: While so very sad, I especially enjoyed the ending. I thought you conveyed the meaning without actually telling the reader anything. The relationship was magnificent and has inspired me to encourage a letter writing relationship between my son and my mom.

*Idea* FINAL THOUGHTS: Thank you! Once again I have enjoyed your portfolio!

~Write on!

*flower*Please feel free to stop by and check out my portfolio!

*Note5**Note5*WDC POWER RAIDER*Note5**Note5*

Review of Sometimes  
Review by Marleigh Rose
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Hi again, J.M. Levi - Finding My Way , this is a Showering Acts of Joy review for your poem: "Sometimes. Enjoy your shower!!

A note to begin: I think it's important to say that these are my opinions and thoughts. Please take my comments with a grain of salt. If they work for you, then I'm happy to offer them; if they don't work for you, please ignore them!

*Note1* FIRST IMPRESSION: I liked the choppy feel of this. It was a little hard for me at first to get into the flow of this, but I think that might be more my problem!!

*Thumbsup* PREMISE THOUGHTS: I thought it was interesting how this poem sort of builds up to letting someone in to your heart, then, at the middle falls away from that thought into one of being hurt.

*Right* TECHNICAL/ERRORS/SUGGESTIONS: Nothing that I noticed!

*Heart* FAVORITE PART: I liked the first 6 lines. Like I said it was hard for me to really feel the movement, but I like what the words say and how you've strung them together in such a visual way.

*Idea* FINAL THOUGHTS: I enjoyed visiting your port!!

~Write on!

*flower*Feel free to stop by my port!

*Note5**Note5*WDC POWER RAIDER*Note5**Note5*
Review of Willow  
Review by Marleigh Rose
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Hi J.M. Levi - Finding My Way , this is a Showering Acts of Joy review for your poem: "Willow. Enjoy your shower!!

A note to begin: I think it's important to say that these are my opinions and thoughts. Please take my comments with a grain of salt. If they work for you, then I'm happy to offer them; if they don't work for you, please ignore them!

*Note1* FIRST IMPRESSION: I'm not sure I understood the relationship between the description and the poem itself. I was expecting something slightly different. Maybe a good thing, it caused me to pause and read this for a second time.

*Thumbsup* PREMISE THOUGHTS: I absolutely love how you took the relationship of the willow, breeze and the sun and made them such a visually intimate and slightly erotic interaction.

*Right* TECHNICAL/ERRORS: Nothing I noticed. I was confused by the green-eyed, gray-haired widow. I'm not sure what I missed!

*Heart* FAVORITE PART: I loved the way you wrote this. I thought the energy of the words were uninhibited and pushed the movement along as I read.

*Idea* FINAL THOUGHTS: Great job, thank you for sharing this!

~Write on!

*flower*Feel free to stop by my port!

*Note5**Note5*WDC POWER RAIDER*Note5**Note5*
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