Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/marcibelle
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213 Public Reviews Given
224 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
Open, honest, heartfelt, sincere. If I see something wrong I feel you should fix. I will tell you.
I'm good at...
Making people feel good about themselves. Helping others. Being honest. Caring for others. Letting you know what sounds good or makes others feel wanted or special.
Favorite Genres
Non-Fiction, real life, romance
Least Favorite Genres
I don't really have a least favorite. I am not good at writing poetry.
Favorite Item Types
non-fiction, real life, romance, fiction, fantasy, mystery
Least Favorite Item Types
distasteful,raunchy erotica... Now write tasteful sexy eroctica and I will gladly read and review it.
I will not review...
distasteful,raunchy erotica and Bestiality
Public Reviews
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Review by Marcia~I'm ... Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello, You've asked me to review this piece of work for you. I'm honored you chose me. This is a very beautiful piece. I can tell you put a ton of emotion into it. *Delight* That's what writing is all about expressing our emotions through the written word.

I have the following comments to offer:*BigSmile*

This is a review from Marcia after reading "Family Drama, Angels, and KarmaOpen in new Window.

I think "Family Drama, Angels, and KarmaOpen in new Window. is a good title for this piece.
*Question*What is your piece about?:*Question*
This is a non-fiction piece about a family having some drama and one family member is touched by the words in a message that helps her to remember at that moment special words to an amazing song which gives her spiritual peace.
*Flower1*Does Your piece have a lasting Impression on me?:*Flower1*
Yes, because I live by the motto: Everything in life happens for a reason.

*Pencil* Punctuation/Grammar/Spelling:*Pencil*

But,Please, keep in mind I'm a writer here at writing.com just as you are. The suggestions contained in this review are only to help you. You may do with them as you wish because your writing is yours and yours alone to do with as you stee fit. I hope you enjoy your review from me.

You Wrote:

About two months ago our whole family got into a huge Facebook war. I will not get into details but lets just say it wasn't good. The whole family turned against me and my two youngest sisters. We came with understanding and they wouldn't accept any of it. There were assumptions being made.There was name calling and emotional abuse that went into place. They chose to do it in a Facebook group instead of actually talking to us personally. Everyone was talking about us but never once bothered to talk to us. It went on and on and I just couldn't take it anymore. It was getting ugly. We were made out to be the bad guys which in reality we were doing what was right. We were told KARMA was going to get us back. Which I didn't ever pay attention to. I've never believed in such a thing as Karma. I believe things happen as they come. I couldn't take it anymore. I finally just gave it all to God and asked him for guidance in writing them a final reply. I cried out to the Lord and prayed. I asked him to help me. He was with me the whole time I was writing. Before I submitted it, I received a message from a sister I haven't seen or talked to in years. It was one of those chain messages. Now those I've never participated in. Many friends have sent me those throughout the years and I have always ignored them. I almost closed her message just as soon as I realized what it was. But something got into me to keep reading. It was talking about Karma and angels. I had some sort of audial vision the night before as I was drifting off to sleep. All I heard was in the arms of an angel. When I read the message I automatically remembered what I heard the night before and linked it to the message. I knew with this God was telling me something. I hadn't heard the song in a very long time and it was just weird for it to pop up in my head like that. I went ahead and sent the message to my family. I went on with my day like usual. I was happy all day and couldn't stop thinking about it. Later something come upon me and I just had to look the lyrics up. I knew that all I knew in the song was in the arms of an angel fly away from here and I just had to know the rest of the song. When I got home I looked them up and I couldn't believe my eyes. I got chills as I noticed everything was about me and my current situation. Everyone that knows me knows I follow my husband to his jobs and we stay in a hotel. It was dark and cold as my husband and son were already asleep and I decided to go to bed as well. I finally pieced it all together. Although I don't believe in karma or chain messages God used the message my sister sent me to speak through me. Where it said I sent you an angel last night. It was God letting me know he sent me an angel.

Consider these suggestions:

About two months ago our whole family got into a huge Facebook war. I will not get into details,but let's just say it wasn't good. The whole family turned against me and my two youngest sisters. We came with understandingand they wouldn't accept any of it. There were assumptions being made. There was name calling and emotional abuse that went into place. occurred. They chose to do it in a Facebook group instead of talking to us,personally. Everyone was talking about us but never once bothered to talk to us. It went on and on.and I just couldn't take it anymore. It was getting ugly. We were made out to be the bad guys which in reality we were doing what was right.

We were told KARMA was going to get us back. Which I didn't ever pay attention to. I've never believed in such a thing as Karma. I believe things happen as they come. I couldn't take it anymore. I,finally, just gave it all to God. I and asked him for guidance in writing them a final reply. I cried out to the Lord and prayed. I asked him to help me. He was with me the whole time I was writing. Before I submitted it, I received a message from a sister I haven't seen or talked to in years. It was one of those chain messages. Now, those I've never participated in. Many friends have sent me those throughout the years,usually, I've always ignored them. I almost closed her message just as soon as I realized what it was. But something got into told me to keep reading. It was talking about Karma and angels. I had some sort of audial vision the night before as I was drifting off to sleep. All I heard was in the arms of an angel. When I read the message I automatically remembered what I heard the night before and linked it to the message. I knew with this God was telling me something. I hadn't heard the song in a very long time and it was just weird for it to pop up in my head like that. I went ahead and sent the message to my family.

I went on with my day like usual. I was happy all day and couldn't stop thinking about it. Later something come upon me, and I just had to look the lyrics up. I knew that all I knew in the song was 'in the arms of an angel fly away from here' and I just had to know the rest of the song. When I got home I looked them up. and I couldn't believe my eyes. I got chills as I noticed everything was about me and my current situation. Everyone that knows me knows I follow my husband to his jobs and we stay in a hotel. It was dark and cold as my husband and son were already asleep.and I decided to go to bed as well. I,finally, pieced it all together. Although, I don't believe in karma or chain messages God used the message my sister sent me to speak through me. Where it said I sent you an angel last night. It was God letting me know he sent me an angel. *Angel*

*Note1* Does anything need to be added?:*Note1*
If you like to you can add this link so people can see the video
*Star* What Is my favorite part about the piece:*Star*
I loved how open you were about your faith in God

*Smile* In conclusion:*Smile*
Welcome to writing.com. Please, write on! It's cleaning for the soul. I pray God keeps you safe from harm!

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review by Marcia~I'm ... Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, this is the review you requested *Umbrellav*

I have the following comments to offer:*BigSmile*

This is a review from Marcia after reading "The Carol of Eternity & a Dream Reality!Open in new Window.

"The Carol of Eternity & a Dream Reality!Open in new Window. I like the title you gave this piece."The Carol of Eternity & a Dream Reality!Open in new Window. I like the title you gave this piece.
*Question*What is your piece about?:*Question*
This piece is a beautiful love story
*Flower1*Does Your piece have a lasting Impression on me?:*Flower1*
Yes, I love simple stories like this with happy endings
*Idea* Marcia's Impression of your Characters:*Idea*
Your characters are simple and sweet they fit this stoy
*Pencil* Punctuation/Grammar/Spelling:*Pencil*
I saw a few minor things:
But,Please, keep in mind I'm a writer here at writing.com just as you are. The suggestions contained in this review are only to help you. You may do with them as you wish because your writing is yours and yours alone to do with as you stee fit. I hope you enjoy your review from me.

These are my suggestions:*Delight*
Paragraph two:

You wrote:

In the back drop “Love Bites” on a conventional music system was being played, a mesmerizing voice from the other side said ‘Hello’ and it was replied after a while with the same level of simplicity.
In the back drop Love Bites on a conventional music system was being played. A mesmerizing voice from the other side said, "Hello."and It was replied, after a while with the same level of simplicity.
Photograph 5: I noticed in this one you used a lot of commas. It may be a typo but I'll, gladly, point them out just in case.

You wrote:
Their only lifeline was a phone; they didn’t meet for around a year, their story was complex, nobody knew what kept them together, but their destiny was already written, they had to be together, made for each other. They had to sing the carol of Eternity, one day !
Autumn turned into winter and then summer came, their virtual contact enhanced, both believed in each other, had faith, but they had never meet, never seen each other, was a little strange, being in the same town with common friends.

Their only lifeline was a phone. They didn’t meet for around a year. Their story was complex . Nobody knew what kept them together, but their destiny was already written. They had to be together, made for each other. They had to sing the carol of Eternity, one day!

Autumn turned into winter and then summer came. Their virtual contact enhanced, both believed in each other, had faith, but they had never met, never saw each other it was a little strange, being in the same town with common friends.

*Star* What Is my favorite part about the piece:*Star*
I love stories like this they touch my heart *Heart*
*Sad* Did I dislike anything about the piece:*Sad*
I wished you told us more about when then they get together
*Smile* In conclusion:*Smile*
Welcome, to writing.com! You should come write for my contest "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window..
May God always keep you safe from harm! Much Love *Heart* and respect ~Marcia

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review by Marcia~I'm ... Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, It's Marcia I thank you for asking me to review your work. I apologize for being late sending this review. Your review request actually expired. I didn't want to disappoint you by not doing as I promised. For me it's not about receiving gift points it's about what I as the reviewer can give to the writer of the piece.

I'm Here to read and review your writing because you asked me to review this piece for you, but please, keep in mind I'm a writer here at writing.com just as you are. The suggestions contained in this review are only to help you. You may do with them as you wish because your writing is yours and yours alone to do with as you stee fit. I hope you enjoy your review from me.

I'm Here in your portfolio because you invited me to look at your work.

I have the following comments to offer:*BigSmile*

This is a review from Marcia~I'm Home :) Author IconMail Icon after reading "The mysterious room.Open in new Window.

*Flowerw*Title:"The mysterious room.Open in new Window. I think The title you choose fits this story well. *Flowerw*

*Flower1* Marcia's Personal Impression:*Flower1*

I really like how you've written this piece from the point of view of a child.

I like how you've left your reader curious a little about what is going on in the room.

I also loved how you added a little bit humor to what can be a very serious subject matter to those who are trying to get their "green card."

*Idea* Punctuation/Grammar/Spelling:*Idea*

Paragraph one consider changing: color to colored
smell to smelled

*Star* What Is my favorite part about the piece:*Star*
I love that you wrote this piece from the simple point of view of a child.

*Smile* In conclusion:*Smile*

I think you have the ability to write. To tell stories most people don't even think about writing about. I enjoyed spending time in your world. Thank you for inviting me here. Everyone has a story to tell. I think we all have our unique way of telling our stories. Always believe in yourself. Write On! Take Care!
Marcia~I'm Home :) Author IconMail Icon

{image: ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review by Marcia~I'm ... Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
My Name is Marcia Hello, I'm Here to read and review your writing because you asked me to review this piece for you, but please, keep in mind I'm a writer here at writing.com just as you are. The suggestions contained in this review are only to help you. You may do with them as you wish because your writing is yours and yours alone to do with as you stee fit. I hope you enjoy your review from me. *Delight*

I have the following comments to offer:*BigSmile*

This is a review from Marcia after reading Devils and Angels Chapter 5


The Title of the Book You're writing fits it very well, but think each chapter deserves its own name just an idea.

*Flower1* Marcia's Personal Impression:

Reviewing a book starting with chapter five is difficult, but you have an amazing imagination. I can tell you've thought about the story and know where you're going with it.

*Idea* Marcia's Impression of your Characters:

You have some strong characters to build on here in Danny and Kody.

*Flower4* Punctuation/Grammar/Spelling:

Just an idea here may I suggest using a larger font. I found it a little hard to read because the print was small and close together. Especially, because your story requires a ton dialogue using bigger print will make it more enjoyable to follow.

*Note1* Does anything need changing?:

I'd suggest spacing your dialogue

*Star* What Is my favorite part about the piece

The unspoken love Kody and have for each other

*Smile* In conclusion:

Thank you for letting me come into your world. Even if it was just for a little while. I hope you continue with your amazing writing! I hope you enjoyed your review. If can help at all, Please, let me know! I wish could write like this! Write On! Take Care God Bless! Much respect always~Marcia
Marcia~I'm Home :) Author IconMail Icon
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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review by Marcia~I'm ... Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I have the following comments to offer:*BigSmile*

This is a review from Marcia after reading I'm going to be Rich.


I really like the title you've chosen for your story. I was so happy *Smile* to get your request for a review from me. I truly enjoy reading and reviewing your work. It always makes me smile. I love the twists you put in most of your stories which shows your readers you put much thought into your pieces of art. Yes, I think writing is a form of art. You have a unique form of it in my eyes.

*Flower1* Marcia's Personal Impression:

Each one of your stories is unique in it's own way. I love the way you wrote this story. It had me shaking my head and chuckling the whole time I was reading it. It's so sad now a days how many scam artists there are in this world today. I just love how you wrote this story. It's sad because some people really do fall for these people and truly and up with $8. dollars and change in their accounts. I'm glad you wrote this to forewarn folks that these scams are really out there.

*Idea* Marcia's Impression of your Characters:

Barr. Phillip Butulezi- Your scam artist was a tad bit money hungry..but well played within the story!

*Flower4* Punctuation/Grammar/Spelling:

You did an amazing job with your spelling, grammar and punctuation.

*Note1* Does anything need changing?:

I think at the end you should clarify that this is a written work for enjoyment in case young children read your story. Even though your rating is !3+.

*Star* What Is my favorite part about the piece:

I like the ending! You sure showed him!

*Sad* Did I dislike anything about the piece:

No, This piece was very well written. It was very enjoyable to read.

*Smile* In conclusion:

I was a very happy lady when I saw your request for a review from me in my mailbox. I truly enjoy reviewing your work. I hope to see you pop in my mailbox more often. May Heavenly Father, bless you and keep you safe from harm. Much love and respect always~Marcia

Marcia~I'm Home :) Author IconMail Icon
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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review by Marcia~I'm ... Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
I have the following comments to offer:*BigSmile*

*LeafO* This review is a gift to you from Marcia *LeafO*
after reading "Juanito Gabule Undag, a BiographyOpen in new Window.

Hi! My Name is Marcia. I'm The host of
 Invalid Item Open in new Window.
This item number is not valid.
#2001407 by Not Available.

*Flower3* Title:

"Juanito Gabule Undag, a BiographyOpen in new Window. I think it's a beautiful Title! Be Proud of it! *Heart*

*Flower1* Marcia's Personal Impression of your piece:

I have to tell you that each time you you write for me you find a way to touch my heart and soul on a new level. This biography is an amazing tribute to your Papa. Thank you so much for sharing this piece of it with me. You had no way of knowing this, my daddy also suffered from dementia. He is/was my world. He lived to be 91. He passed away in September of 2013. He'd forget me at times...Until he saw my face. Then You could see the light in his eyes and He'd say, "that's my baby girl!" *Heart* *Cry* *Happycry* Oh, man he could make me smile. *Smile*

*Star* What Is my favorite part about the piece:

Instead of responding to me, he turns to the Police Officer and announced, “This is my oldest daughter.”

It just made me smile because it made me think of my own daddy. *Smile*

*Sad* Did I dislike anything about the piece:

No, I really enjoyed reading it. Even though it was an emotional piece and it brought back precious memories for me. *Heart*

*Smile* In conclusion:

I was really worried at first there wasn't any entries this month for my contest and was upset, but then I got three counting Princess Megan Rose Author IconMail Icon even though she helps me out as a judge. I was going to close down
 Invalid Item Open in new Window.
This item number is not valid.
#2001407 by Not Available.
because not many people are interested, but then I read the entries I did receive. They touched my heart so as long as one person remains interested and enjoys what I do then I'm happy to say This contest will remain open. Much love and respect always ~Marcia Marcia~I'm Home :) Author IconMail Icon
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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of The Division Bell  Open in new Window.
Review by Marcia~I'm ... Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, It's, Marcia, I'm here to read and review this piece of your writing because you chose me to do this for you.

I have the following comments to offer:*BigSmile*

This is a review from Marcia after reading "The Division BellOpen in new Window.

Hello, I'm Here to read and review your writing. Please, keep in mind I'm a writer here at writing.com just as you are. The suggestions contained in this review are only to help you. You may do with them as you wish because your writing is yours and yours alone to do with as you see fit. I hope you enjoy your review from me. *Delight*


"The Division BellOpen in new Window. I'm sorry to say I can't figure out the reason you chose this title unless you chose it because the older brother chose not to be there for his younger brother when he should've chosen to always be there for him? Then I would understand it.

*QuestionBL* What is your piece about?:*QuestionBL*

This piece is a poem written by the older brother to his younger brother expressing how he wished he did things differently and treated his younger brother better. The older brother is now sad they still don't share brotherly love.

*Notepady* *Heart* Does anything leave a lasting impression on me?: *Notepady* *Heart*

Yes, It makes me sad that these two brothers don't seem to have a relationship now. It does seem like the older brother would like this to change if the younger brother is willing to make amends.

*Pencil* Suggestions/Considerations: *Pencil*

Writing is an amazing way of cleansing the mind. *Smile* so continue to write your poems. I enjoyed reading and reviewing your story. The more you write it may help you to feel more at peace.

*Smile* In Conclusion: *Smile*

Always remember we're human. We've all made mistakes in life but, it's okay. We're not perfect and we're not expected to be perfect. Maybe You and your brother can forgive each other and grow from this point on. I've seen stranger things happen. Don't give up on yourself or your brother. "Life is to short. Live for Today because yesterday is gone and Tomorrow is never promised."—Just a little thought—Smile!

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Patricia  Open in new Window.
Review by Marcia~I'm ... Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Wow, Richard, Hello, My name is Marcia I'm here to read and review your story as you requested

I have the following comments to offer:*BigSmile*

This is a review from Marcia after reading "PatriciaOpen in new Window.

Hello, I'm Here to read and review your writing. Please keep in mind I am a writer here at writing.com just as you are. The suggestions contained in this review are only to help you. You may do with them as you wish because your writing is yours and yours alone to do with as you see fit. I hope you enjoy your review from me. *Delight*


"PatriciaOpen in new Window. I think the title you picked for your story fits it very well. *Smile*

*QuestionBL* What is your piece about?:*QuestionBL*

This story is a true to life story about how you choose to keep someone you truly cared about innocent and they, being Patricia
misunderstood your intentions because you had another woman, Linda, in your life that you were sexually involved with, so Patricia thought she had to have sex with you to keep you. When you told her that wasn't the case Patricia got angry and left. Linda, was never really yours she always treated you like you didn't matter. Long story short you lost both loves of your life.

*Notepady* *Heart* Does anything leave a lasting impression on me?: *Notepady* *Heart*

Yes, My heart goes out to you Rich I hope you finally found the love of your life. Real love is an amazing but it's very hard to find. I haven't found it yet either even though I thought I did.

*Pencil* Suggestions/Considerations: *Pencil*

I found this quote I like so it's now on my livingroom wall "Love doesn't make the world go round love makes the ride worth while."

*Smile* In Conclusion: *Smile*

I hope you don't give up on love! I really enjoyed your story. I really believe that you had Patricia's best interest at heart even though she didn't see it or want to believe it. I hope you continue your writing. I think you did an amazing job with this piece.
May God always bless you and Yours.
Much Love *Heart* and respect always ~Marcia *Awarenessg*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review by Marcia~I'm ... Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
My Dear sweet QueenOwl ~ A New Day Dawns Author IconMail Icon You've done it yet once again I so love your writing! I so hope this new Christmas prompt attracts more writers, but I wanted to pop by and give you review on your latest entry! *Smile*

I have the following comments to offer:*BigSmile*

This is a review from Maria the host of "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. after reading "My First Stateside ChristmasOpen in new Window.

Hello, I'm Here to read and review your writing. Please keep in mind I am a writer here at writing.com just as you are. The suggestions contained in this review are only to help you. You may do with them as you wish because your writing is yours and yours alone to do with as you see fit. I hope you enjoy your review from me. *Delight*


"My First Stateside ChristmasOpen in new Window. I really like the title you chose for this piece because I really think it fits your story very well.

*QuestionBL* What is your piece about?:*QuestionBL*

This piece is about you fulfilling one of your childhood dreams. I love how you so, sweetly, told this story it really brought a genuine smile to my face. *Bigsmile*

*Notepady* *Heart* Does anything leave a lasting impression on me?: *Notepady* *Heart*

Yes, I don't think anyone is to old too believe in the magic that christmas can bring and yes, that includes the magical feeling of sitting on
Santa's lap and telling him your christmas wishes. I look forward to new christmas surprises every year and I'm 50 years old. *Delight*

*Pencil* Suggestions/Considerations: *Pencil*

Please, continue to write your awesome stories I really enjoy your writing so much. I hope you continue writing for my contest.

*Smile* In Conclusion: *Smile*

I never lose sight of our savior's birthday I also think that's another reason Christmas is magical for me my first grandson was my christmas present on christmas day in 2004. The winners won't be announced until the December 16th. May The Lord always bless you and keep you safe from harm! *Smile* Much Love *Heart* and respect always ~Marcia *Awarenessg*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review by Marcia~I'm ... Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your wonderful story, deeply, touched my heart so I decided to pop in your mailbox with a review.

Hello, I'm Here to read and review your writing. Please keep in mind I am a writer here at writing.com just as you are. The suggestions contained in this review are only to help you. You may do with them as you wish because your writing is yours and yours alone to do with as you see fit. I hope you enjoy your review from me. *Delight*

I have the following comments to offer:*BigSmile*

This is a review from Marcia I'm the host of "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. after reading "Home for ChristmasOpen in new Window.


"Home for ChristmasOpen in new Window. I think you picked the perfect title for this piece of writing.

*QuestionBL* What is your piece about?:*QuestionBL*

This is a true story about the faith a five year old little boy has in his mommy after back surgery and that faith helped this mom realize how lucky she really is. It turned into a Christmas miracle because her baby made her see it's the little things in life that count when he told his mom He wished it was him that was struggling to move because if it were she could just carry him. It was at that moment she realized how selfless her little boy was and how lucky she was to be home for christmas with her family. *Happycry*

*Notepady* *Heart* Does anything leave a lasting impression on me?: *Notepady* *Heart*

Yes, this whole story is beautifully written. I'll remember it for a long time to come.

*Pencil* Suggestions/Considerations: *Pencil*

Please, continue to write on! You, certainly, do have a talent to write. I enjoyed this story very much.

*Smile* In Conclusion: *Smile*

Thank you so very much for entering it in my contest. I wish you the best of luck. The winners will be announced on or around December 16th.
May God always bless you and yous and keep you safe from harm.
Much *Heart*Love and Respect Always~Marcia *Awarenessg*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review by Marcia~I'm ... Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Well, It's Marcia again, I'm here for my last visit in your world for a while, of course, you could always invite me back if you needed or wanted something else read and reviewed by me. I'd be glad to return for you! But for now, this is review number 5 of 5 reviews that you won from me in "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.

I have the following comments to offer:*BigSmile*

This is a review from Marcia after reading "Courage and Sunflower SeedsOpen in new Window.

Hello, I'm Here to read and review your writing. Please keep in mind I am a writer here at writing.com just as you are. The suggestions contained in this review are only to help you. You may do with them as you wish because your writing is yours and yours alone to do with as you see fit. I hope you enjoy your review from me. *Delight*


"Courage and Sunflower SeedsOpen in new Window. I liked the title you gave this piece. I think it fits it very well.

*QuestionBL* What is your piece about?:*QuestionBL*

This story is like a modern day Hansel and Gretel story except it was sunflower seeds instead of bread crumbs and it wasn't a candy house with a witch it was an alien trying to steal human life force.

*Notepady* *Heart* Does anything leave a lasting impression on me?: *Notepady* *Heart*

Yes, Even though I believe in God I can't help but wonder if there is other life out there somewhere.

*Pencil* Suggestions/Considerations: *Pencil*

Please, continue, to write on! I really enjoy your writing you really do have an awesome gift to write.

*Smile* In Conclusion: *Smile*

I've really enjoyed my time in your world Maryann Author IconMail Icon I hope you enjoyed your reviews.
I hope the lord always blesses you and yours and keeps you happy and safe from harm always.
Much Love *Heart* and Respect always, Now, and Forever. *Awarenessg* ~Marcia

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review by Marcia~I'm ... Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I'm to read and review some of your work. This is review 4 of 5 reviews that you won from me in "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.

Hello, My Name is Marcia I'm Here to read and review your writing. Please keep in mind I am a writer here at writing.com just as you are. The suggestions contained in this review are only to help you. You may do with them as you wish because your writing is yours and yours alone to do with as you see fit. I hope you enjoy your review from me.

This is a review from: *RainbowL* beautiful "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's ParadiseOpen in new Window. *RainbowR*.

I have the following comments for you: *Delight*

*PenY* Title: *PenY*

"My Mother the StarOpen in new Window. I like the title you gave this piece very much I think it fits this piece very well. *Smile*

*QuestionBL* What's the piece about?:*QuestionBL*

This piece is about a mother being a silent film star in the roaring twenties.

*Bookopen* Marcia's Personal Impression: *Bookopen*

I really enjoyed reading this story. I liked how you described this young girl looked up too her mother.

*ThumbsUp* Does anything leave a lasting impression?:*ThumbsUp*

Yes, I really liked the part where the mother sticks up for her daughter and asks the teacher what he is going to do to change his way of teaching so that her daughter can better understand science. This would've been something my own mother would've said. She pretty much did the same thing to my science teacher when I was in eighth grade. It was pretty funny I suddenly went from an F to a B *Laugh*

*Notepady* Suggestions/considerations: *Notepady*

Please, continue to write your amazing stories! I really like them! This one brought back some real happy memories! *Heart* *Bigsmile*

*BookStack2* In Conclusion: *BookStack2*

I'll be back for your last review soon, for now, please, take care, may God always bless you and keep you safe from harm.
Much Love *Heart* and respect always ~Marcia *Awarenessg*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Summertime heat  Open in new Window.
Review by Marcia~I'm ... Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | N/A (Review only item.)
*Umbrellav*This review is part of your Shower package from "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. . *Umbrellav*

I have the following comments to offer:*BigSmile*

This is a review from "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. after reading "Summertime heatOpen in new Window.

Hello, My name is Marcia. I'm here in your portfolio to read and review work. I hope you enjoy my stay in your world, please remember; I'm a writer just like you here at writing.com. The suggestions contained in this review are only meant to help you. Always remember; your work is yours and yours only to do with as you see fit. Reviewing is meant to be a learning experience for both of us.*Delight*


"Summertime heatOpen in new Window. I'm not sure if that's the title I would have chosen for this well written adorable story.

*QuestionBL* What is your piece about?:*QuestionBL*

This Story is about frying an egg on the sidewalk. Through the eyes of a child—In the end a dog eats the egg.

*Notepady* *Heart* Does anything leave a lasting impression on me?: *Notepady* *Heart*

I love the way this story is written. It's so cute. I like the way you draw your reader in. I love how you wrote this from the point of view of the child. It makes it more interesting for your reader.

*Pencil* Suggestions/Considerations: *Pencil*

Please, continue to write your awesome stories. This story really brightened my day and reminded how innocent children can be. How seeing life through their eyes is so amazing and fun. Life is such an amazing gift! Thank you, for letting me visit your world tonight if only for a little while to help remind me of the simple little things in life we often take for granted because we don't stop long enough to see or hear the little things in life that we're so lucky to have!

*Smile* In Conclusion: *Smile*

May God always bless you and yours!
Much Love *Heart* and Respect Always~Marcia

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Starbucks  Open in new Window.
Review by Marcia~I'm ... Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
I'm back for review number 3 of 5 that I owe you from your win in "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.

I have the following comments to offer:*BigSmile*

This is a review from Maria after reading "StarbucksOpen in new Window.

Hello, My name is Marcia. I'm here in your portfolio to read and review work. I hope you enjoy my stay in your world, please remember; I'm a writer just like you here at writing.com. The suggestions contained in this review are only meant to help you. Always remember; your work is yours and yours only to do with as you see fit. Reviewing is meant to be a learning experience for both of us.*Delight*


"StarbucksOpen in new Window. This piece caught my eye because of it's title.

*QuestionBL* What is your piece about?:*QuestionBL*

I used to be just a tea drinker, but within the past couple of years I've really began to really enjoy coffee. I've always loved the smell of coffee, but I never really liked the taste of it. Several years ago I lived in an apartment building. My neighbor across the hall from me loved coffee. I always loved going into her apartment to smell the fresh brewed coffee. I asked her kind it was. She told me maxwell house irish cream. She poured me a cup. I tried to explain I didn't drink coffee I only enjoyed the smell. She smiled at me, Saying, "Just try it. I know you'll like it." I did, I was hooked! I loved it! Then Maxwell House stopped making their Irish Cream—Just my luck! *Facepalm* I've never been able to find an irish cream I like as much as Maxwell House, but I'm now liking. The irish cream creamer you can put in your coffee.

I love your Acrostic Poem you wrote about your first trip to Starbucks. It made me think of the Christmas gift my son asked me for. He asked me for a keurig. My daughter has one so she makes me an awesome cup of coffee every morning. They make awesome hot chocolate too.

*Notepady* *Heart* Does anything leave a lasting impression on me?: *Notepady* *Heart*

I love the picture of you and your husband at Starbucks. What an awesome memory to cherish! *Smile*

*Pencil* Suggestions/Considerations: *Pencil*

Please, keep writing your awesome stories. I love reading and reviewing them.

*Smile* In Conclusion: *Smile*

I'll be back to read and review more of your awesome writing.
I hope God blesses you and yours always and keeps you safe from harm.
Much love *Heart* and Respect as always ~Marcia *Awarenessg*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review by Marcia~I'm ... Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Here's a small Donation. Because you're making me feel so at home.

Much *Heart* love and Respect

~Marcia *Awarenessg*

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Review by Marcia~I'm ... Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
I'm here to give you your second review out of five that I owe you due to your win of my package in "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.

I have the following comments to offer:*BigSmile*

This is a review from Marcia after reading "A Healing Day for RheaOpen in new Window.

Hello, My name is Marcia. I'm here in your portfolio to read and review work. I hope you enjoy my stay in your world, please remember; I'm a writer just like you here at writing.com. The suggestions contained in this review are only meant to help you. Always remember; your work is yours and yours only to do with as you see fit. Reviewing is meant to be a learning experience for both of us.*Delight*


"A Healing Day for RheaOpen in new Window. This title fits this piece very well.

*QuestionBL* What is your piece about?:*QuestionBL*

*Notepady* *Heart* Does anything leave a lasting impression on me?: *Notepady* *Heart*

I learned something new today. I had to look up Stella Cartography. I didn't know what it was. So before I read your story I had to Google the definition-Cartography- the production of maps, including construction of projections, design, compilation, drafting, and reproduction.

Then I proceeded on to read and review your story. *Facepalm* I really enjoyed this story a lot. I liked it's take on the future. Although, I'm not afraid to admit where the future is going to take us because I look at how far we've come as far as technology is today. I do admit in some aspects it's very exciting, but in others it scares me to pieces.

*Pencil* Suggestions/Considerations: *Pencil*

Please, continue to write your awesome stories.

*Smile* In Conclusion: *Smile*

I'm enjoying my visit in your world. Thanks for inviting me for a little while. I'll be back soon for review number three.

May God always bless you and yours and keep you safe from harm.

Much Love *Heart* and Respect always ~Marcia *Awarenessg*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of New School  Open in new Window.
Review by Marcia~I'm ... Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
I saw you're on the "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. so I popped by your portfolio to read and review some of your work.

*Umbrellav*This review is part of your Shower package from "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. . *Umbrellav*
I have the following comments to offer:*BigSmile*

This is a review from "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. after reading "IN SEARCH OF FRANK MILLER (Chapter 1.) Open in new Window.

Hello, My name is Marcia. I'm here in your portfolio to read and review work. I hope you enjoy my stay in your world, please remember; I'm a writer just like you here at writing.com. The suggestions contained in this review are only meant to help you. Always remember; your work is yours and yours only to do with as you see fit. Reviewing is meant to be a learning experience for both of us.*Delight*


"New SchoolOpen in new Window. This title caught my eye so I chose to read and review this piece.

*QuestionBL* What is your piece about?:*QuestionBL*

This Piece is about a Ware-Vampire looking for his new school, but while he's looking he hears a scream he has a run-in with bats; he meets a girl. He gets injured by a bat. He and the girl are drawn to each other because of the blood lust, their looks, similarities or maybe all three. But one thing becomes apparent they're both looking for the new school.

*Notepady* *Heart* Does anything leave a lasting impression on me?: *Notepady* *Heart*

Yes, I've become aware that you have an awesome imagination. You could take this story anywhere with so many twists and turns. *Smirk*

*Pencil* Suggestions/Considerations: *Pencil*

Relax, and finish this story. It could become an amazing book!

*Smile* In Conclusion: *Smile*

Believe in what you start. Work on finishing it. Write On!

May God always Bless You and keep you safe from harm.

Much *Heart* Love and Respect Always ~Marcia *Awarenessg*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review by Marcia~I'm ... Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
You won five reviews from me in "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. This is review 1 of 5

Hello, It's, Marcia, I'm Here to read and review your writing.Please keep in mind I am a writer here at writing.com just as you are. The suggestions contained in this review are only to help you. You may do with them as you wish because your writing is yours and yours alone to do with as you see fit. I hope you enjoy your review from me.

This is a review from: *RainbowL* beautiful "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's ParadiseOpen in new Window. *RainbowR*.

I have the following comments for you: *Delight*

*PenY* Title: *PenY*

"Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. This title is what made me decide to read and review this piece. I know, I'll be giving away my age here. *Smirk* Welcome Back Kotter used to be one of my favorite shows to watch when I was a young girl. Oh, how it used to make me laugh. Vinnie was my favorite character. *Smile*

*QuestionBL* What's the piece about?:*QuestionBL*

This was a story about asking a classroom of students a question. The question was, "If your family were a drink, what would they be?" The classroom setting was the setting and the characters of Welcome Back Kotter.

*Bookopen* Marcia's Personal Impression: *Bookopen*

This was a well written piece. You did your homework well or you were also a fan of the show and knew the characters well enough to write a spot on story that kept your reader not only interested, but laughing. *Laugh*

*ThumbsUp* Does anything leave a lasting impression?:*ThumbsUp*

Yes, This piece brought back pleasant pre-teen memories for me. I loved that you added the link to the Music.

*Notepady* Suggestions/considerations: *Notepady*

If you'd like I can send instructions on how to put the video right in your work I just learned how to do it myself. It really is very simple and I do it often, now that I know how. I would't mind teaching you the few steps. *Smile*

*BookStack2* In Conclusion: *BookStack2*

I will be back very soon to review more of your work.

Much *Heart* love and Respect~ Marcia

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review by Marcia~I'm ... Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
I'm here to read and review some of your work because your friend Elle Author IconMail Icon won 5 reviews for a friend in "Genre Auction and FundraiserOpen in new Window. This is Review 5 of 5

I have the following comments to offer:*BigSmile*

This is a review from Marcia after reading "The Tempest in the MoonlightOpen in new Window.

Hello, It's Marcia. I'm here in your portfolio to read and review work. I hope you enjoy my stay in your world, please remember; I'm a writer just like you here at writing.com. The suggestions contained in this review are only meant to help you. Always remember; your work is yours and yours only to do with as you see fit. Reviewing is meant to be a learning experience for both of us.*Delight*


"The Tempest in the MoonlightOpen in new Window. I really like the titles you choose for poems. They always fit them very well.

*QuestionBL* What is your piece about?:*QuestionBL*

This piece is about the darker side of ourselves that we try to hide. Our fears. Maybe some things we've done that we're not to proud of.

*Notepady* *Heart* Does anything leave a lasting impression on me?: *Notepady* *Heart*

Yes, I love quote you added here. Thanks for including it. *Smile*

*Pencil* Suggestions/Considerations: *Pencil*

Yes, as always, please continue to write On! I believe you have a talent for poetry. In all honesty Poetry is my least favorite gene, but I'm drawn to yours. *Bigsmile*

*Smile* In Conclusion: *Smile*

I really like this quote you added to the top of this poem.

'Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.' ― Mark Twain

It's so true—We don't let everyone see the dark side of us.

May Heavenly father always bless you and keep you safe from harm.

Much Love*Heart* and respect always, Now, and Forever~Marcia *Awarenessg*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review by Marcia~I'm ... Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is review 4 of 5 from your friend Elle Author IconMail Icon She won them in "Genre Auction and FundraiserOpen in new Window.

I have the following comments to offer:*BigSmile*

This is a review from Marcia after reading "My Shadow's DesignOpen in new Window.

Hello, It's Marcia, I'm here in your portfolio to read and review work. I hope you enjoy my stay in your world, please remember; I'm a writer just like you here at writing.com. The suggestions contained in this review are only meant to help you. Always remember; your work is yours and yours only to do with as you see fit. Reviewing is meant to be a learning experience for both of us.*Delight*


"My Shadow's DesignOpen in new Window.

*QuestionBL* What is your piece about?:*QuestionBL*

Your shadow. How your shadow feels about you. How you feel about yourself.

*Notepady* *Heart* Does anything leave a lasting impression on me?: *Notepady* *Heart*

This piece made me think about my own shadow. I love who I am. I never really thought about looking at my shadow..Is that how others see me? Or how I'd see myself, hmmm, I have to give that some serious thought. That could kind of go both ways. Now, that I think about it. *Smirk* It sure is some words for thought though. *Facepalm*

*Pencil* Suggivegestions/Considerations: *Pencil*

Keep writing! I enjoy your writing. You have your own unique style. I truly enjoy it.

*Smile* In Conclusion: *Smile*

I don't have the skill and the talent you have to write beautiful poetry. I believe it's a given talent like dancing or singing. Continue to let yourself shine through your talent. *Bigsmile*
May Heavenly Father, always bless you and yours and keep you safe from harm.
Much Love and Respect Now and always~Marcia *Awarenessb*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review by Marcia~I'm ... Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a review from Marcia after reading "Oh, What a Morning!Open in new Window.

Hello, It's Marcia. I'm here in your portfolio to read and review work. I hope you enjoy my stay in your world, please remember; I'm a writer just like you here at writing.com. The suggestions contained in this review are only meant to help you. Always remember; your work is yours and yours only to do with as you see fit. Reviewing is meant to be a learning experience for both of us.*Delight*


"Oh, What a Morning!Open in new Window. I really like the title you chose for this piece it fits it very well.
*QuestionBL* What is your piece about?:*QuestionBL*

This piece is piece is about one of those mornings that it seemed like everything just went wrong no matter what you did. It was just one of those days. I'm so sorry everything just went wrong for you, but it sure did make for an awesome story for you to tell me and it fit the prompt perfectly, You are an amazing story writer. I felt like I was right there with you as you dealt with your whole morning.
*Notepady* *Heart* Does anything leave a lasting impression on me?: *Notepady* *Heart*

Yes, I was amazed at how calm you were throughout everything that was happening. You were so patient even as you, whew, a sigh, of relief at the end as tell, Caroline, at the end; at the curb of the coaster commuter. "I'm going to write about this morning as soon as we get on the commute." The lord works in misterious ways.*Facepalm* I hope you have a much better evening my friend, but your hectic morning will earn you some prizes and surprises, but winners won't be announced until November 16th.
*Pencil* Suggestions/Considerations: *Pencil*

I hope you continue to write your amazing stories. I enjoy awarding and surprising you. May Heavenly Father always bless you and keep you safe from harm. Much love and respect always~Marcia *Awarenessg*
*Smile* In Conclusion: *Smile*

I hope you will continue to write for my contest I enjoy reading and reviewing your entries.

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review by Marcia~I'm ... Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, This is the review number three of five. From me won by Elle Author IconMail Icon in "Genre Auction and FundraiserOpen in new Window.

I have the following comments to offer:*BigSmile*

This is a review from Marcia after reading "Menagerie of the DamnedOpen in new Window.

Hello, As you know It is me, Marcia. I'm here in your portfolio to read and review work. I hope you enjoy my stay in your world, please remember; I'm a writer just like you here at writing.com. The suggestions contained in this review are only meant to help you. Always remember; your work is yours and yours only to do with as you see fit. Reviewing is meant to be a learning experience for both of us.*Delight*


"Menagerie of the DamnedOpen in new Window. Awesome choice for the title. I think it really fits this poem.
*QuestionBL* What is your piece about?:*QuestionBL*

I'm, usually, not to good at figuring out the meaning of poetry. Let's see, how I did with this one...?

This poem is about the trapped spirits and souls in an old house that can't get out so the house is happy because it will never let them go so it will never alone. The house will hold on to the spirits forever.

*Notepady* *Heart* Does anything leave a lasting impression on me?: *Notepady* *Heart*

It made me sad that there is lost dreams within the house.
*Pencil* Suggestions/Considerations: *Pencil*

I think you, accidentally, left out the word of in this sentence: My menagerie the damned.
*Smile* In Conclusion: *Smile*

Please, continue to write on. I will be back soon. I still owe you two more reviews.
May, Heavenly Father, always keep you safe from harm.
Much love and respect~Marcia

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review by Marcia~I'm ... Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, My Name is Marcia I'm Here to read and review your writing.Please keep in mind I am a writer here at writing.com just as you are. The suggestions contained in this review are only to help you. You may do with them as you wish because your writing is yours and yours alone to do with as you see fit. I hope you enjoy your review from me.
This is a review from: *RainbowL* beautiful "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's ParadiseOpen in new Window. *RainbowR*.
I have the following comments for you: *Delight*

*PenY* Title: *PenY*

"AN INTERVIEW WITH GODOpen in new Window. I like this title very much! *Smile*
*QuestionBL* What's the piece about?:*QuestionBL*

This is a true to life story about an interview/conversation you had with God on you way to work one day.
*Bookopen* Marcia's Personal Impression: *Bookopen*

I want to thank you so very much for popping this in my mailbox this evening. It really brightened my spirits! I'm so happy to know I'm not alone in my conversations with our heavenly father. The feeling is amazing when he speaks to me. I miss him dearly when I shut him out. I can feel it when I do that because I feel alone. Why do I do it? I know the answer—Sin/humanity. I want to do what he needs and wants me to do. He brought me here to writing.com with a mission. I've come to a halt. It's a simple job all I have to do is write it. I can do this I know I can. He's given me the strength and now the tools to do it. Now, I have no more excuses.

Like you wrote in your "AN INTERVIEW WITH GODOpen in new Window. I never know when I will be face to face him again and in my eyes I would be letting him down! I need to get my story told so it will help others like the lord wants me too and stop putting it off.
*ThumbsUp* Does anything leave a lasting impression?:*ThumbsUp*

Yes, You made me realize I need to stop procrastinating and get to work on my own writing and get my book published
*Notepady* Suggestions/considerations: *Notepady*

Please, stay strong. Come back and write again for me soon so I can spoil you some more.
*BookStack2* In Conclusion: *BookStack2*

Thanks again for making me remember what I'm supposed to be doing. Much Love and Respect Always. May Heavenly Father always bless you and keep you safe from Harm. ~Marcia *Awarenessg*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review by Marcia~I'm ... Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, It's Marcia I'm Here to read and review your writing because Elle Author IconMail Icon Chose you to receive the same wining package she won in "Genre Auction and FundraiserOpen in new Window. This is Review number two out of five you will get from me. I chose this piece because you wrote it for "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.. I thought you might like to receive a review on it.

Please keep in mind I am a writer here at writing.com just as you are. The suggestions contained in this review are only to help you. You may do with them as you wish because your writing is yours and yours alone to do with as you see fit. I hope you enjoy your review from me.
This is a review from: *RainbowL* beautiful "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's ParadiseOpen in new Window. *RainbowR*.
I have the following comments for you: *Delight*

*PenY* Title: *PenY*

I love the title you gave this piece it really peaked my curiosity.
*QuestionBL* What's the piece about?:*QuestionBL*

This is a true life story about Adriana's first time driving a stick shift car.
*Bookopen* Marcia's Personal Impression: *Bookopen*

This story is very well written. You have an amazing talent to write. I truly enjoyed reading this story from beginning to end. I could picture everything as it was happening in my head as if I was right there with you. To me, that takes a talented, descriptive writer. Your descriptions weren't boring.

*ThumbsUp* Does anything leave a lasting impression?:*ThumbsUp*

Yes, You told the story without beating around the bush. You got right too the point I like that in my favorite authors!
*Notepady* Suggestion/considerations: *Notepady*

I hope you come write for me again sometime. I enjoy spoiling the people who enter my contest.
*BookStack2* In Conclusion: *BookStack2*

Please, continue to write on You have been blessed with an amazing talent. May, Heavenly Father always bless you and your family and keep you safe from harm. Much Love always~Marcia *Awarenessg*

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Journey to Live  Open in new Window.
Review by Marcia~I'm ... Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello! My Name is Marcia. I'm in your portfolio today because Elle Author IconMail Icon won my donated package in "Genre Auction and FundraiserOpen in new Window.. You are the friend she chose to receive five heartfelt reviews from me. This is the FIRST OF FIVE .
I have the following comments to offer:*BigSmile* in

After reading "Journey to LiveOpen in new Window.

*Flowerw*Title: me
"Journey to LiveOpen in new Window. I think the title you chose for this chapter fits it very well.
*Flower1* Marcia's Personal Impression:
I don't normally read and review poetry. Something drew me to this one. I have a strong faith. Our beliefs are the same. LDS members love deeply, we view life as a gift and death isn't so scary, You, like me don't push my beliefs on anyone, but I know I'm here for a reason and that everything in life happens for a reason; hence why your poem is so amazing!
*Idea* Marcia's Impression of your Characters:
Poems don't have Characters but it is well versed and the rhythm is awesome.
*Flower4* Punctuation/Grammar/Spelling:
I think you did really well in this area.
*Note1* Does anything need changing?:
No, I think this poem is written perfect.
*Star* What Is my favorite part about the piece:
I like how this poem links together with the next line.
*Sad* Did I dislike anything about the piece:
No, I really enjoyed reading this poem.
*Smile* In conclusion:
Please, continue writing your amazing poems. You have a talent to write. I will be back soon. I hope you enjoyed your first review from me. May, Heavenly father always bless you and keep you safe from harm. Much love Always, Marcia *Awarenessg*
Marcia~I'm Home :) Author IconMail Icon
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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
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