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Review by lola999 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.0)
After reading your introduction, I did glean that your novel would ever be about a love story, so It will be interesting to read how it unfolds.
I like your grasp for the proper English; however, I did find some things for your consideration:

collegemate (college mate)
Engineering students (engineering) Why are you capitalizing engineer?
cooking up ravaging storm (insert a or make storm plural)
it got me amused (I became amused)
in every of our lives, (In every one of our lives)
All started from a small nudge. The Butterfly Effect. (comma )
At least for me!). do not capitalize at
Review of Awkward T  Open in new Window.
Review by lola999 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.5)
I like your poem because it radiates from your heart.
The most simple awareness if oftentimes the most profound, and because you acknowledge your awkwardness I such a heartrending style is so endearing.
Most of us wonder if we are connected or are we just wishing.
I did notice a few things for your consideration.
Burning hot passion, is here or not. (is it burning hot passion or not?)
INT. EXT, your heart always best. (what does this mean?)
My pristine silence, your pristine beauty. (maybe unspoiled silence)

Review by lola999 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
You certainly know how to write a suspenseful scene. I was hooked from the beginning and the anticipation was palpable.
Although the story was brief, it was entertaining and left a lot of room for your readers to interject their own imaginations.
I did notice a couple things for your consideration.

refusing to stop until she had woken up. (until she woke)
You changed tenses
Review by lola999 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.5)
Your testimony is very inspiring, and I'm happy for you.
I, too, love the Lord and have experienced His hand upon me, but I must admit I'm seeking answers lately.
You've penned a good sermon; however, I did notice quite a few things for our consideration.

there would places where I might hone my skills. (You dropped a word in this sentence)
Paul expresses what this relationship means in chapter four (Chapter 4 of which book?)
It is the promise and work of God that makes us right before God there is nothing we can do to earn it. (This sentence is disconnected)
Old Testament characters had things like boats, condition of hair and tablets to signify they were in tune with God (What does this mean?)
and responded by trusting in a hope that would lead him into a entering into hope. (This sentence is disconnected)
There is a calling to see how this is possible in knowing that in life there is trouble and that we can know who God in a real and personal way through these times. (This sentence is disconnected)
In the Greek the word we translate as trouble is the word "thlepsis (Thilpsis means tribulation)
More over we are saved from the wrath (Moreover)

Best wishes,
For if we are clear in know that we are reconciled by the death (if we are clear in knowing)
how our Lord Jesus Christ minister while on this earth. (ministered)
God's wonderful love rescued out of the pit of despair (rescued me)
Review of Unknown Lady  Open in new Window.
Review by lola999 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I like your poem because it reminds me of noticing certain people right away, causing me to wonder about them.
But, much like your poem flows, they left my life never to be seen again.
You possess a certain flair for nostalgia, which I like very much, and you express your feelings so effortlessly, making it very comfortable for the reader to follow along with your story.
Review by lola999 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
You do possess that rare spark which ignites a reader's imagination and leaves us wanting more..
I'm s hopeless romantic, therefore, I very much enjoyed your musings, and I completely understand how one can seemingly dissolve into another. I love your descriptions and your sexy nuances.
Review of I'll Do Better  Open in new Window.
Review by lola999 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
You've intrigued this reader with your imagination, and I think you have the beginnings of a very good story; however, you seem to be hung up on "I" telling the story rather than allowing the reader to enter the scenes with you and experience the journey.
Your second paragraph is abruptly interjected, and I had a difficult time following your thought patterns.
Perhaps if you revisit your story and connect your sentences in sequential order, allowing for proper paragraphs, your story will read smoothly and more comfortably.
Just my suggestions.
Review by lola999 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.0)
What I gleaned from your viewpoint is that you don't particularly like Valentine's Day or should I be more specific and say, you don't like what is represents in the way of gifts that are marketed.
Being of the female persuasion, I for one, love chocolates, flowers, perfumes, etc. and would have no qualms about receiving them on that special day.
I do respect our opinion and took immediate notice of your long paragraph, which might prove to be an easer read if you presented your thoughts in more than one.

This I didn't understand
"Walk down a supermarket isle and witness your feelings staring at you from the wall"

You possess a fertile imagination and I'm impressed by your courage to state your views; however, maybe providing a bit more nuance would help.
Review by lola999 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
I'm a political junkie, therefore, I found your op-ed to be interesting.
Political corruption appears to be rampant in today's society, and thanks to Citizens United, government controls are being passed to big corporations, who might not be able to create actual laws, but we will be controlled by them.
Monsanto has yet to compensate those who were affected adversely by their Agent Orange. If anyone does their research, that should be the first indication of what they are all about.
Nice work.
Review of Poem I  Open in new Window.
Review by lola999 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Admittedly, I'm not sure if I've extrapolated the true meaning inside your poem.
From what I was able to glean, it seems you represent the, for lack of a better assessment, the under belly of society, meaning you deem yourself unworthy for whatever reason.
Forgive me if I'm assumed incorrectly, and your interpretation would be greatly appreciated.
You certainly have a gift for the use of the English language.
Review of Heart In Hands  Open in new Window.
Review by lola999 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
You obviously possess an innate ability to reason about changes and to understand that change begins with each of us.
I admire your ability to articulate about your innermost feelings in a way that will undoubtedly help your readers to find their way through such agonizing times.
I noticed that you changed from past tense to present tense, and perhaps keeping your poem in the same tense would be a smoother read. Also, perhaps if you provided a couple of stanzas instead of one continuing thought, it would be also provide a more pleasing read.
These are only my suggestions.
Review of Clairvoyance  Open in new Window.
Review by lola999 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.0)
Your opening is very inviting, and I'm impressed with how poetically you described New York City.
You certainly are gifted with a fecund imagination, but I do think you need to slow down and add more ease and comfort into your style of articulation.
For example, your debut of 'her' was rather abrupt because you go from describing the city to 'her.' Perhaps a new paragraph would suit her introduction along with a name.
If she 'hollered' wouldn't he have replied?
Perhaps expound upon what they were celebrating and the phrase, "The food was prodigious" seems a bit plastic; a more appetizing description would read better.
Your sentences are choppy and seemed rushed. Perhaps you can expound a little more giving the scene nuance.
"black box he had unctuously hidden from her" (What are you going for here?)
"And asked impassively, "Claire, I love you." He asked or he expressed?
These are things that stood out for me, and my review includes only opinions for your consideration.

Have a great day,
Review by lola999 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
As young children, we do learn from our parents, but that's not to say that our perspectives don't change as we age.
We also learn from our teachers, our peers, and some of us from our idols.
For most of us, the economy drives us because we depend upon our jobs to survive, but that doesn't mean we are not pro-active in trying to help change our state of affairs. As most of us realize, war is not the answer; therefore, we strive to learn better ways to communicate and promote peace.
Because of what happened in 2007, we have a hard road to recover from the housing collapse, but it doesn't mean we give up. We keep trying, and along the way, we try to give a hand up to those less fortunate.
There are really good people in the country who care greatly about the economy and ways to help and rebuild.
I appreciate your opinion, but people are smarter than we give them credit for being.
Review by lola999 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Admittedly, I don't quite understand your message.
Your metaphor about an old man meeting a naked baby somehow eludes me.
I'm sorry for my confusion, but if you could explain it to me, I'd greatly appreciate it.
I did notice a couple of things for your consideration:
The old man bent over, hands on knees (this in an incomplete sentence.)
Sorry, you are on your own now. It’s 2014, your time to shine. See you next year!”

Review of I Am The Unknown  Open in new Window.
Review by lola999 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
For me your poem is a bit abstract as I'm not quite certain if you are the fantasy who came alive for someone who found success.
But, then I wonder how that person would have given their imagination, their fantasy, recognition.
I apologize if I'm reading your poem incorrectly, but I'm not quite sure of what I have to extrapolate from since you note they thought of you as a fantasy.
You are indeed a prolific writer, one who can cause her readers to pause and contemplate the unknown.
Review by lola999 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your story is rather poetic and your descriptions are lovey to read, except for the smell of manure. That would have caused me to lose momentum very quickly.
Mathew, your character, seems to be questioning his existence; something we all do at one time or another, and I'm wondering why he has focused so much attention on the ground below him. Perhaps you've used that a metaphor of some kind.
'I have reasoned that the noises of life root our feet to the many soils of the earth,' he thinks. 'How else do we affirm a forward and purposeful existence? What would become of our souls without the ground beneath us?' That's very profound, and I found it to be a bit abstract, not really understanding your meaning.
You are indeed a very gifted writer, and I enjoyed the read, which was easy and very comfortable.
Review by lola999 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Admittedly, I'm unable to correlate the Harry Potter scenario to yours, unless, of course, you considered yourself a rat.
I never thought of the Prodigal Son as being a rat, but rather someone who chose a different path for himself; one that led to destruction.
Your ending, I think, sums it well, when the Father says, Love should just be.
You are in possession of a very fertile imagination, and I'm impressed with your thought pattern.
Although a bit abstract, you delivered!
Review of The Date  Open in new Window.
Review by lola999 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I like your quirky and very humorous poem.
You possess a very fertile imagination and a gift for rhyme, which made for a delicious read.
I think we've all experienced 'that date' where nothing aligned and we were left to wonder what went wrong, but in this case, I think we all know.
You definitely have a flair for comedy, and I look forward to reading more of your work.
Review of Vivid Dreams  Open in new Window.
Review by lola999 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your viewpoint, and that of Janet Murray, regarding meditation.
It has been a while since I practiced meditation, and believe me, it works, particularly when you find the right method.
I did notice a few things for your consideration:

We long merge with the narrative to obliterate (this is a bit confusing)
to be enveloped in the mediated environment-the ‘story world’ (em dashes are longer)
Last paragraph needs a space before "With our technological

Review of Am I me?  Open in new Window.
Review by lola999 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
You've penned a very powerful message inside your poem.
Unfortunately, most of us have to wear different personas, depending on our stations in life.
Those we feel it necessary to succumb to the wishes of those they are trying to impress in order to get the job or to keep their jobs.
Acting, as I've come to call it, is part of life. For example, politics, the court system, etc. seems to show us the dichotomy of the players involved.
The best advice I've ever received was, to thy own self be true.
Review of The Learner  Open in new Window.
Review by lola999 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
You possess a very unique style of writing, and I like it.
Your message is one we all should aspire to follow, and I applaud your simplistic methodology.
You've shown great courage and wisdom in following after your own heart instead of someone else's dreams, which in today's society seems to be a difficult task for most.
My only suggestion would to break your poem up into stanzas for a more precise and comfortable read.
My hat's off to you for the read of my day,
Review of Calming Desire  Open in new Window.
Review by lola999 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love it!
You've captured the essence of what we all should aspire to learn and practice in our everyday lives.
You are a true artist; someone who can easily recognize the fruits of a loving heart, which, I believe, is what God sees.
In today's society, it's so easy to want to exact revenge on those who we deem to have slighted us in some way.
To take a different stance and attack the situation with love is difficult, but with practice, will become the healthy and profitable solution
Review by lola999 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
I love your story because I'm a sucker for romance, and you hit the nail on the head with this one.
Impromptu meetings can sometimes be the best, and your descriptions kept this reader's interest from start to end.
It's so wonderful when we meet someone who impacts our life the way Ann did yours.
I noticed a few things, and of course it's your decision as to whether or not you agree.

She looked up though and (you don't need though)
She had red that lined both of her eyes (perhaps red lined both her eyes, an indication she been crying)
You have to know that I was not a lady’s man of any sort. (truth be told, I've never been a ladies man)
and watched tv or played games (capitalize TV)

Kudos, and keep on writing.
Review of Here  Open in new Window.
Review by lola999 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
You certainly know how to express your feelings; however, I don't understand this: making stars out of stars out of stars of each other. Your description seems too redundant.
I don't quite understand why you want to be with that special someone in the way that you want to be with a hundred different people. Admittedly, I'm missing your intent.
I apologize for my inability to grasp your meaning.
Review by lola999 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wow! You've packed a lot emotions inside your poem, and I felt your pain and heartache.
Sometimes, it does feel like life stands still at a particular place, leaving us to our devices, The place you describe so well seems to be a place where your soul hurts, longing for someone to just look your way
It somehow seems a bit softer when you think of her, and I do hope she becomes real for your.
You are indeed a true artist.
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