Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/lillygrillzit
Review Requests: OFF
370 Public Reviews Given
371 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
Passionate, and hungry reader. I try to feel the vibes of the writer, and review accordingly. A. We are all in this together. B. Encouragement, and Empathy followed here. C. I am not a perfect writer or grammarian D. Language works when it works. Communication on some level occurs.
I'm good at...
Cooking, ironing, gardening, digging for fossils, budgeting, photography, writing, reviewing drawing, painting, landscaping, erosion control, research. Spotting patterns, rhythms and minute differences within patterns. Data entry. Taxes. Environmental. Public Service, Problem Solving, Building Databases, Data Entry, finding Free Resources (legally), Brand Building, Social Media The price of my reviews is due to a high demand for reviews. I cannot help but give an in-depth review. Peace.
Favorite Genres
Mystery, Juvenile, Childrens, Y/A, Folklore, Story Telling, Native Spiritual, Genealogy, Golden Oldies Sci-Fi,
Least Favorite Genres
Outdated Non-Fiction
Favorite Item Types
Too many to name. I like original content that is "stranger than fiction" from the author's character's experiences. I love when stories pour from the imagination of the writer - and I feel it. Or learn something good.
Least Favorite Item Types
Poetry, because I am really a dive-bar, bathroom poet, and it is too structured.
I will not review...
I do not mean this ugly, please take this from a place of kindness and love - I read a lot. I have been reading a long time. I speed read. If asked to review an item that seems familiar to things read, I will check for plagiarism, and do. I will not review hard porn, poems (unless more prose than poem), nor plagiarized items. I will not call you out. If I turn your review down, it is not about you. It is me and life. Peace.
Public Reviews
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Rated: E | (4.5)
Sumojo's story; {b/"The night the circus came to town"} is a well-written tale of an event that would stay in the minds of residents forever. I like this story because it has transformational magic because of the descriptive words and sentences used by the author.

When "the guy" shows up and begins to hang signs for the coming circus, the clothes he is wearing, his movements, and the end result are deeply descriptive allowing the reader to feel or sense the dust, heat, and loneness of the streets.

It is just a thought but I craved a name or title for this anonymous man. Because he remained nameless while his hat is branded, leaves me wondering if he is a regular guy, or perhaps a mystical harbinger of doom and destruction. Other thoughts, are is he the mayor's assistant, sheriff, or perhaps he is a simple rider for the circus?

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Forget Tiptoes  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.5)
*Dragon2* *DragonflyV*
January 2016 Power Review Raid
*DragonflyV* *Dragon2*

*Cat2* Why did I choose "Forget TiptoesOpen in new Window.?

In a team effort to support the WDC January 2016 Power Reviewers Raid, I searched WDC for recent Teen/Young Adult stories. I found "Forget Tiptoes" by A for Alias Author IconMail Icon who is a newbie, and liked the unique story right away.

*Cat2* Description(s):

*TV* "The piece of cardboard holding it open...", "Light spilled from the half-open kitchen door partly open door."

*TV* "A mrrooww...interrupted her musings.", "gray long-hair tabby"

*TV* "Each tiny speck of metal along the way gleamed silver in her mind's eye."

*Tv* "...broken by the sound of a robotic Tyrannosaurs Rex thrown through a building..."

All of the above snippets are good descriptions for painting a picture with words. I love the term 'shark-vision." Another phrase that stood out is, "...Shelby could hardly keep from crowing." I can imagine the feeling of euphoria she got by successfully using her powers to create a diversion.

*Cat2* Readability

*Reading* "Forget TiptoesOpen in new Window. is readable, I read it about seven times through. It is good writing, and a unique story of a teen who has superpowers. There were a few things that gave me pause *PawPrints* *Smile*

*Paw* "Less so" I assume that means she couldn't really hear them well. (?)

*Paw* Eric (Her brother?)

*Paw* Inanity (?)

*Cat2* Technical

*Lightning* I like this story, it is possible this was done for a contest, or under some other constraints such as a prompt, or using a famous quote. The thing is that today, I feel left out of some information regarding the structuring of this wonderful story.

*Cheshire* *Fairy3* Overall*Cheshire*:

A for Alias Author IconMail Icon is well read, and that comes out with literary references within the story. Dialog is tough for any writer, and then to be eavesdropping on that dialog is major hard. A for Alias has real skill at writing.

*BookStack2* I am a greedy reader, and I guess I want more. More info, more background, an expanded tale of this short piece. Short stories are the most difficult to write.

*Dragon* Where the author notices line through phrases or words, is just suggestions. The opinions and ideas expressed here are just that. It is my intention to help other writers. It is not from a place where I think I have arrived as a writer- I have much to learn yet. It is from the place of a reader. As a reader, I am a professional.

Please do not be discouraged by my words or this review, but encouraged to Write On! Write More! and Write Often.

Thank you for sharing your work here, and welcome to Writing Dot Com

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Life Bites.  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
*Dragon2* *DragonflyV*
January 2016 Power Review Raid
*DragonflyV* *Dragon2*

*Vamp* Why did I choose "Life Bites. Open in new Window.?

*Grave* In a team effort to join The WDC Power Reviewers in our January 2016 Raid, I searched for recent items of Young Adult and / or Teen genre. I found this unique piece and was instantly smitten.

*Vamp* Description(s):

*Grave* "Sunlight filtered...a chink in the black curtains...", "dirty clothes...dishes piled on the desk..the messy bed..."

*Grave* "...slapping blindly at the curtains...", "getting more frustrated as his skin began to sizzle."

*Grave* "Posters adorned the wall...'Mistress Black.", "Vlad the red."

*Grave* "The washroom was in a worse state."

*Monster6* This room belongs to a teenager, no doubt. It was as if the reader is a voyeur, seeing the real of how this kid is managing his space.

*Monster6* There are a few hints at the start, but finally as he yawns, "his fangs gleam..." He is a teenage vampire.

*Magnify* The descriptions are remarkable. It is as if the author is creating a screenplay and has the scene down perfect. The room tells the reader many things about John. As a "constant reader" one of the things that persuades me to get into the *Car* vehicle of the story are pictures drawn with words. camdenmascaro Author Icon does this well. I am ready. I want to read this. I want to follow John's day and night - the rest of this particular chapter of his life.

*Vamp* Character

*Monster1* From the excellent descriptions given, we get good information on the main character of "Life Bites. Open in new Window.

*Vamp* Readability

*Laptop* This is readable. The introduction and setting lure the reader in.

*Vamp* Technical

*Microscope* How can he see his reflection? It is true that this author's vampire has a way of seeing himself in reflection, not all vampires or vampire stories are the same.

*Microscope* He gets sizzled by the sun coming through his curtains, so going outside to go to school should fry him like an egg...I know I am holding onto preconceived notions of Vampire lore, but he is sensitive to sunlight, going out with a tee shirt and backpack will not protect him.

*Cheshire* *Vamp* Overall *Cheshire*:

*Monster9* This story has excellent bones fangs. The preconception of Vampire Rules are due to all of the tales read over several decades.

*Monster9* The story, character and opening are unique! That is a rarity today, and because this is your own work, you have a new fan.

*Writing* This is your story, and I have given you my opinion. Take it or leave it, but I am sticking by the sunlight thing, because it was part of the story. Maybe he doesn't go outside at all, perhaps he donned a sunlight invisibility cloak, but as a nosy reader, I need to know.

Thank you, and Write on.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Fear is Real  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Dragon2* *DragonflyV*
January 2016 Power Review Raid
*DragonflyV* *Dragon2*

*Fairy3* Why did I choose "Fear is RealOpen in new Window. ?

*Microscope* This review is part of a team effort with the WDC Power Reviewers. I have searched WDC for the genre of Young Adult. I found this story, and upon discovery, found that Caitlin Washnock Author IconMail Icon is a Young Adult, and a Newbie. This is a triple bonus.

*Phone* Welcome to Writing Dot Com. This is the place writers go, and it is obvious by your first work published here, that you are a writer.

*Fairy3* Description(s):

*Microscope* The author does a good job in showing the personality of Liam. The young man has good friends who accept him for his type-A personality. One of the first things that really stood out, was when Liam’s friend Charlie calls him “nerd.” Liam is surrounded by thoughtful friends and family.

*Fairy3* Readability

*Microscope* "Fear is RealOpen in new Window. is easy to read, and I do not see any glaring errors.

*Fairy3* Technical

*Microscope* I like the opening idea about fear. For Liam to have such a strong belief in fear being fake, he turns that around quickly.

He seems like a person who has beliefs and ideas based on study. He has extreme mental and physical changes over a short amount of time.

One of my favorite sentences is; "He always went there as a kid, but never had the chance to go since he turned 14."

*Cheshire* *Fairy3* Overall*Cheshire*:

*Microscope* The character development and story line are well written. My only suggestion is to notice how quickly Liam changes.

*BeakerV* He is rock solid in things like pleasing his family and succeeding, but he goes from not believing in fear to admitting it quickly.

*BeakerV* While Liam is studying, dark circles form under his eyes.

*BeakerV* He is determined not to be disturbed until he graduates, but suddenly realizes he is ignoring family and friends.

*Clock2* These are all good components of a story. It is my opinion that they would come together more smoothly by inserting more time into the story.

*Clock2* If the revelations and changes experienced by Liam were played out over a longer track of time, it would be easier for the reader to move with the story.

*Idea* The comments are my opinion only. This is your story, and it is good. I think it could be great. Liam is a three dimensional character and I suspect his friends and family are too.

*BookOpen* In the future, this could become something larger like a novella or novel.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Plate Tectonics  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Dragon2* *DragonflyV*
January 2016 Power Review Raid
*DragonflyV* *Dragon2*

*Fairy3* Why did I choose "Plate TectonicsOpen in new Window. ?

*FairyR* In an effort of teamwork with the WDC Power Reviewers, I searched for a story in the Young Adult genre.

*FairyR* Sometimes the stories choose us. I am a geologist and am interested in all things Earth Science.

*FairyR* I noticed the author Cassie Hall Author IconMail Icon is a newbie, and this short story is newly published. The story picked me.

*Fairy3* Description(s)::

*Fairy* "I never liked undressing...Grandmas spare room...Elvis stuff, 18 eighteen eyeballs...all those Elvises..."

*Fairy* “I pull the front door...softly. My ring grazes the doorknob...like plate tectonics...two metals shifting against each other.”

*Fairy* “My car sits and stares at me...like an ox.”

*Wand* The descriptions are bold and lend a creepiness, without telling us what to feel. Then she moves into a somber mood. She remembers. In the past, but here today. The author shows skill with words.

*Fairy3* Readability

*FairyR* “Plate Tectonics” is a short read, but it contains a lot of imagery and symbolism. The author uses less than three hundred words to tell a piece of childhood history. The reader is privy to the Cassie Hall Author IconMail Icon's feelings of time spent in her grandparent’s home, and the shift to the present. She is tugged between two ages.

*Fairy3* Technical:

*Wand* As a reader, and scientist I appreciate linear thinking and writing:

“I sit at the "top of the stairs...slide down..."

To "toys in the basement".

She exits the house onto the splintered porch. Against her will, she “climbs the ladder up into the tree house...”

“Gravity” takes her down the fireman’s pole to the ground.

*Cheshire* *Fairy3* Overall*Cheshire*:

*FairyL*I enjoyed this short story. It is understood that when we write, it is not usually to produce symbolism. When the reader finds these gems it is like dessert after a meal.

*Fairy* I found no errors. There is a recommended change, with a crossed out numeral. This is not my work, and it is only a suggestion.

Welcome to Cassie Hall Author Icon and Write On!*FairyR*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of New World  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
This is a WDC Power Review for 2015 Nov Raid

*Notepad* What hooked me into reading "New World Open in new Window.?

*Vignette6* "New World" is under 10KB, with the genre of Sci-fi, Dark and Supernatural.

*Vignette6* Rewrites are always interesting. Little treasures written which sit and await some polish and affection.

*Vignette6* The opening sentences piqued my interest.


*Vignette6* There are simple descriptions of the room where the creature awakes. This is good for a beast with a limited range of knowledge when it comes to the descriptions a human uses.

*Vignette6* The first six lines of Chapter 2 introduce Agent Bryce. Descriptions remain simple, short sentences. These are not what we see of our characters when they are bursting out of our brains. I can get a picture from the opening lines, but it seems like the author is more concerned with sentence structure than letting the character show his stuff.


*Vignette6* A. Agent Bryce was pudgy. He wasn’t fat, but people certainly would not say he was slim.

His face wasn’t striking. His hair was brown, slightly curly, evenly cut, and ordinary. He looked thirty-ish but might have passed for someone in their late twenties.

His nose was average. Fit his face rather well actually. In a just right ordinary way.

As a matter of fact, Agent Bryce had a way of not standing out in any sort of way.

Currently he stands in front of an ordinary looking building.

An ordinary man staring at an ordinary building.

*Vignette5* B. Agent Roy Bryce kept his natural strength without working out. When he played football in college, he did not lift weights like the other centers. He could take the tackles.

Not fat but husky, he left the buttons of his coat undone, because they never closed without a gap or two showing. At his yearly physical fitness rating, he mopped his curly brown hair off of his sweaty forehead, and smiled at the younger agents who were still a mile behind him. With twelve years under his belt, he did not look much older than the new graduates the agency hired.

His way of blending into a crowd, kept him from some promotions, but it also kept him out of trouble. His bravery and skills could not be denied.

Agent Bryce was as nondescript as the building in front of him.

*Notepad* Overall:

*Vignette6* Above, I took the descriptions of the main character and made some suggestions for breaking away from sentence structure conformity and letting your character come to life. These are suggestions only. This is your story, and you write it in the way that makes your heart sing.

*Vignette5* There are many words in the English language that can be used in sentences, and my suggestion is to fall in love with more of them. In this story there are many repetitions of the same word used sentence to sentence. Try to limit the use of adverbs, especially multiple times. "Very" is used to show an extreme stance, but when overused, it becomes fluff.

*Vignette7* Please know that this review is not meant to demean the writing. As a reader I can sense a story that is entertaining and frightening - which I love. I like Agent Bryce without knowing much about him. I am curious about what busted out of the crazy, nondescript building with the unknown weird people doing unimaginable things.

*Vignette4* Most of all, this is your work. Your baby. No matter what me or anyone else says, it is yours. Do with it as you please. Write On!.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Letter to my Dad  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Boothb* A May Review Raid *Reading* *Magnify* *Computer*

*Writing* This is a review of
 Letter to my Dad Open in new Window. (E)
A letter to my dad that I never got a chance to write
#2039958 by FiFi Author IconMail Icon

*Writing* The reason I chose "Letter To My Dad," to read and review is that I think people go for years with words pent up inside that needed to be said to a person who is passed. For whatever reason, what needs to be said stays inside and festers. Writing letters is cathartic, and can bring sometimes an instant sense of well-being that has been missing.

*Writing* When it comes to writing such personal works, a reviewer has no business to come along with suggestions for better grammar, sentence structures or any mechanical critic.

*Heart* "Letter To My Dad," is an honest correspondence from the heart and mind.

*Trophyg* I keep reading back over the line, "The cavernous space you have left in our family is one that never decreases..." It makes me think that "Dad" was a man who had certain standards, created in order for him to do the things which he considered important for him to be successful. Not emotional, or demonstrative it left some of the family feeling they could never measure up to his expectations.

*Trophyg* The family was the most valuable thing to him, and it shows by the way the author writes concerning them. "You would be happy now with Debs and Mum living together..." and, "We all miss you with all our hearts..." the writer is speaking of and for the family.

*Bookopen* Overall As a reader, I have become very invested in this letter, and the author. Not a typical review, I am compelled to say, "Fiona, I am sure your Dad is proud of you." It is probable that he came from a time and society that did not teach men to be nurturers and to express their feelings. He may have not been able to form the praises for you, your siblings or your Mom that he would love to say. [Please forgive me for taking any liberties with your feelings or thoughts.]

*Vine2* Thank you for sharing this intimate and heart-felt letter.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Hit By Love  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*Heart* WDC Power Reviewers *Heart* a February 2015 "Heart Power Raid"

This is a review of "Hit By LoveOpen in new Window. written by nads Author IconMail Icon

*Heart* The Writing Dot Com Power Reviewers are on our monthly raid. This raid topic is "Heart Power" where we seek out items that need to be reviewed with a genre of romance, love, family, etc. Your poem fits the bill nicely.

*Heart* Welcome to WDC!

*Lightning* "Hit By Love" is a poem that attracted my attention right away.

*Wind* "Love gushed out like a tornado...swishing and whirling...wrecking heart..." To this reader, I am attracted by the science and geological references used within this poem. These are descriptions that I can fathom.

*Wave1* "...thudding heart, building pressure..." emotions as strong as the work and pull of the universe. A tornado is a vortex, Chaos comes from natural disasters. Movements of the earth during times of geologic upheaval can be likened to the feeling and emotions of a person falling in love. Amazing. Bravo!

*Wave3* The poet completes this short but powerful work of prose with:

*Heart* "Bemused, in this heaven...Lost in this vortex of emotion..." Science stuff gets me every time.

*Beach* Overall:

*Ball* Kudos to you for getting me to read, like and review poetry. You rock!

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Rewind  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Heart* WDC Power Reviewers *Heart* a February 2015 "Heart Power Raid"

*Books2* This is a review of "RewindOpen in new Window. written by Zandria Author IconMail Icon

*Hand* Welcome to Writing dot Com. This seems to be your first item. Thank you for sharing this song that must have come from deep within your emotions.

*Music2* The author writes from a deep well of creativity.

*Music2* It is beautiful to know that this daughter experienced the grief of the loss of her mother and turned the sadness into something beautiful. A lasting shrine forever.

*Music2* As a reader with little real musical talent, I have tried putting this to different tunes, and have come up with a bluesy melody in my head.

*Notepady* Emotions

*Dropbl* This could be me projecting into "Rewind," but there seems to be lines of guilt, sadness and a little hope.

*Dropbl* Mother and daughter may have argued, or fussed "...now I find myself Having the fight of my life..."

*Dropbl* "...I want to Thank you for everything...All of the things I forgot to say."

*Dropbl* "...be able to tell you again someday."

*Heart* Overall:

*Vinylb* The title, "Rewind" says so much with six letters. Death is a hard door to beat upon. One of the stages of grief is denial, and personally the final notice we living ones get is the hardest to take. No, there are no more chances. Hopefully, it teaches us to live better and more fully, remembering to leave our loved ones presence with words of appreciation. Guilt is natural, but doesn't do anyone any good. Thank you for sharing this song.

*Bookopen* This song is dynamic and filled with emotion. A song of mourning and grief - it is a path to healing and remembrance.

*Rainbowl* *Lightning* *Rainbowr* Welcome to WDC and remember to always "Write On!" *Quill*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Gone (1st Place)  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Heart* WDC Power Reviewers *Heart* a February 2015 "Heart Power Raid"

This is a review of "Gone (1st Place)Open in new Window. written by BScholl Author IconMail Icon

*Bookopen* The title of "Gone" drew me for a couple of reasons. One is that I watched the Gone series and it resonates.

*Bookopen* The description of "...searched frantically for Bobby" got my attention, and kept it.

*Bookopen* Something I would like to point out is that the writer / author / publisher of this piece did all of the right things to grab a readers attention. Reading on-line, and especially for those mining items to review want to be able to find the treasures in a timely fashion.

*Bookopen* Written in 2010, the topic will never grow old, and lost children are more prevalent today. We are going backwards.

*Bookopen* The genres are Drama Parenting, Suspense

*Film* This is a dramatic scene where mother; Melissa is running and searching for her missing child.

*Magnify* I think this is writing that is able to charge the reader emotionally.

*Magnify* One of the lines that brings me into panic with her is; "...What was he wearing?...His shoes were..." a parent who works hard to protect her children have check-lists of items to be crossed off, while checking to make sure that all is well with her young charges.

*Film* As a parent I cannot help but feel an empathy for Melissa. We are supposed to know all of the details, right away. She could be suspect. When she remembers his outfit, the writer is able to convey a world of considerations. She thinks; "Yes, White with Spiderman...Pants were..." as if by answering the questions correctly, she will win her son Bobby right back.

*Film* When Melissa finds the guard she is able to describe Bobby's wardrobe and description without hesitation, but the saddest thing is that her attention to the detail of the son she loves, did no good. He was lost and she would probably not get him back. Sad.

*Film* The way this story is laid out is done in chronological order, the lines paragraphs and sentences are easy on the eyes.

*Film* BScholl does an excellent job of creating a set of two different times and spaces. On top of that, it was done in under 300 words.

*Dropb* This tugs at my heart strings and will not be soon forgotten.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of A Journey Home  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Blockv* *Orange* The Challenge *Orange* Mon. Feb. 16th and Tues. Feb. 17th 2015
This Review is to fulfill a ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** given to Fyn Author Icon by Andy~hating university Author Icon. This is from the WDC Power Shop Review Board.

*Bookstack* "A Journey Home," by Fyn Author IconMail Icon

*Type* Why did I read and review "A Journey Home?"

*Glasses* While searching for one of your items to review, I found this short story located in Folder:
 Beribboned Hutch Open in new Window. (E)
Here are some of my older (wdc time) awarded works
#1637254 by Fyn Author IconMail Icon

*Glasses* The title gives an indicator of pleasantness. There is a yearning in each of us to go or find "home."

*Glasses* The award and contest with links at the top is a very good touch. It is important that readers can sync with the character, story, plot or action. The "Dreamers Sanctuary" gives a tingly hint that this may all be a dream.

*Glasses* This story won an award. All of these things listed are lures for a voracious reader who has lots more to read.

*Rainbowl**Castle**Rainbowr* This is a story told that could be a dream, as well as a dream within a dream.

*Castle* The writing is easy to read, and written in chronological order. The spacing and line placement make the reading smooth.

*Castle* Although there is always an impending sense of the fantastic about to occur, each step and movement by the Journeyer is believable and is in the same dimension as the reader.

*Castle* The descriptions of the area, the stone archways, the cobbled streets, together make me cry, "beautiful." While there are only the pictures conjured by the writer which make it so.

*Castle* There are many gorgeous descriptions woven throughout "A Journey Home." One of my favorites is:

*Fire* "A small hearth burned cheerfully and piled alongside were what I thought might be bricks of peat. A window, curtained in pristine white curtains, looked out back to a vegetable garden." It paints a picture.

*Dragon* Overall:

*Penbl* There are many facets to this short story. I think her putting her great-grandmother's ashes "back home" is a touching finale. This work is well crafted writing.

Write on.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Death by Sight  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Blockv* *Orange* The Challenge *Orange* Mon. Feb. 16th and Tues. Feb. 17th 2015
This Review is a part of THE ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** for Fyn Author Icon gifted by Andy~hating university Author Icon. This review is to fulfill reviews from the WDC Power Shop Review Board.

*Pipe* *Magnify* "Death by Sight" by Fyn Author IconMail Icon is described as a monologue. This was to earn A Legal Merit Badge.

*Magnify* At the very start of this work it is easy to imagine a strong voice behind the words I read. Mrs. Baker's defense attorney can be heard rallying behind her client, while throwing the Prosecutor a few bones.

*Dog2* "Fate has been conservative...Mrs. Baker at age 35 is not an attractive woman."

*Laugh* I imagine a bit of tongue in cheek as the defense rallies further; "She has...piano legs...Her hair is frizzy...already gray" this attorney shows how pitiful Mrs. Baker is until no one will look at her. Although this was a bit brutish, I could not stop laughter from bubbling up at the description of the homely but kind woman on trial for murder.

Descriptions: *Microscope*

*Woman* Mrs. Baker: As stated above, the author has head to toe descriptions as well as the personality profile down pat for sweet but ugly Mrs. B. She has come into my imagination as a three-dimensional character.

*Woman* Ms. VanStillica: It is entertaining to read as the Defense Attorney quickly smashes the character of the gorgeous and privileged murder victim, Ms. VanStillica. I would mention more here, but I detest spoilers in a review, and will not ruin the climax of the story by discussing the crafty twist at the end.

*Questionbl* The Defense: I want to say she, and it is possible I missed clues or possible description of the orator of this entertaining monologue. I would have enjoyed knowing just a bit about this speaker, but it really is not necessary to be a successful work.

*Thumbsupl* Overall:

*Reading* I enjoyed reading "Death by Sight" It is a bit humorous that when I read through the first time, when I got to the end, I was so blown away by the ending that I was a bit stunned. I then had to go back and re-read several times. This is not difficult to read, but it is filled with description, clues and legal showman/woman-ship. There were a couple of small technical errors that the author would find on a re-write. Death by Sight is a smart read.

Write on.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of A Rare Find  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The Talent Pond  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.0)
*Cross2* It did not take long for me to find this gem of a parable to read.

 A Rare Find Open in new Window. (E)
A farmer digging post holes makes a rare find.
#1396276 by Bill Thomas Author IconMail Icon
Is a good analogy of finding value is something that can be easily dis-guarded, or over looked.

*Shovel* I would have liked to see the story of the farmer finding this large nugget expanded. It is obvious that you love the gospel stories. A good story teller paints a picture with words which you have done.

*Shovel* Having heard a similar story in the past, I found the twist to be a good surprise. Instead of the Gold Nugget being an individual or lost person, it was God. Wowl.

*Rainbowl**Rainbowr* The zeal and love for Jesus Christ is wonderful. This is the way you express what is the most important to you; what you live. That is awesome for you. Thank you for inviting me to come and review an item in your portfolio. I love to read of the faith of others. Thank you for sharing this testimony.

*Gold* Write on.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of What I Did  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Magnify* *Reading* Raiding & Laughing All The Way Review *Pencil* *Magnify*

*Laugh* What prompted me to read
 What I Did Open in new Window. (E)
Sometimes, you make a mistake, in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
#1729069 by Sum1's In Doswell Va! Author IconMail Icon

*Blowfish* Our team, The WDC Power Reviewers, are Raiding & Reviewing funny stuff. A friend suggested this as a hilarious item to review for the Raid. This poem, written by Sum1's In Doswell Va! Author IconMail Icon, is chock full of humor. How could I resist?

*Bug* Poetry and comedy are an excellent captioning of "What I Did."


*Blowfish* Farts are funny if not problematic occurrences of homo sapiens. The author uses correct diction, rhyme and meter. He gives a well stacked poem. The subject being the worst that can happen when a human is in such a compromising position.

*Bug* "You know it wasn't quiet or dry, It smelt so bad I wanted to cry..." Understanding the poor poet's plight, a Southern term comes to mind; "It smells like something crawled up into your ass and died." In the poets misery it seems as if it hurt like someone had given up more than the ghost in the antagonist's gut.

*Laugh* What makes people laugh at this misery? I don't know, but "...this one burned, My eyes were watering, my stomach churned..." is causing a little anxiety, because my imagination is ahead of the poet.


*Man* My conclusion is this "manager" was really a secret weapon in training, and only hope that the weapons developed in his intestines are not as toxic when finally disposed of.

*Dog2* I know a little about canines and their reactions to farts. In accidental experiments, I have found that a dog smelling a terrible fart will not howl. A pooch will catch a whiff, give the stink-eye (original use of the word [sic]), and leave the room.

*Dog1* She may add to the cacophony knowing for once she will not get busted and yelled at, rushed from the room.


*Laugh* This is funky and funny. The format is professionally done, and easy to read.

*Monkey* All joking aside, "What I DidOpen in new Window. is a well written piece.

*Rainbowl* Overall *Rainbowr*
*Laugh* *Laugh* *Laugh*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of The Turtle  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
*CakeB* HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary ReviewsOpen in new Window.*CakeP*

*Reading* What compelled me to read
 The Turtle Open in new Window. (E)
A retelling of a story my grandmother used to recite to us
#1717785 by Turtle ~ KanyáthƐko:wa:h Author IconMail Icon

*Earth* The first reason is that today is Turtle ~ KanyáthƐko:wa:h Author IconMail Icon Anniversary. Another reason for this review is I am in a Power Raid DARE to review a Yellow Case (5). Happy Anniversary Turtle!

*Earth* I have always felt a kinship to the traditional Native ways, and I think that the oral tradition of storytelling is the most important and reliable history that we have.

*Earth* Over the years, there have been many slightly different renditions of the story of Turtle Island and First Woman, but amazingly the stories are very similar across the plains, oceans and skies.

*Earth* I like Children's, Mythology and Folklore for genres.

*Earth* I searched around your profile for other things, but this good story will not let me go.

*Bookopen* What kept my interest?

*Earth* The Turtle, The Story and the History of Creation that makes so much sense.

*Earth* Nothing could stop me from reading this several times over.

*People* Character:

*Woman* There are other characters who are important to this creation story, but First Woman is central. There is so much symbolism at work within this telling, while remaining simple enough that a child would be able to "get it."

*Magnify* Description:

*Wave1* "...her hands still closed tight around the roots of the great tree."

*Bird* "...they decided to call her First Woman, for she was the first human they had ever seen."

*Frog* "If we bring this dirt to the top of turtle's shell, than then First Woman will be able to make Turtle's shell more comfortable..."

*Grass* "...she threw up her hands in joy. The seeds and roots that had been in her hands from the hole went flying through the air...new trees and plants, grew in their place."

All of this is filled with imagery. As I have read the words of your grandmother, I remember the stories, the artwork, the rugs, potter and paintings. Creation, simple and feminine.

*Rainbowl* *Books6* *Rainbowr* Overall:

*Treefall3* *Trees* *Treecypress* *Treefall3* This story has brought me a lot of joy today. I am remembering many stories that are important for us to understand what it means to be a real human being.

*Leaf2r**Leaf2o* It has been a long time since you have visited this story, and it would thrill me if you did come back and used video technology to tell this story orally on WDC. Several of the authors are doing different things, and I ask that you consider this idea.

*Leaf2**Leaf4* The order of the story is done well, and another suggestion I have is to get rid of some of that extra white space, and weave the words just a little closer. If you do convert this to an oral story, please contact me. I will be one of your biggest fans. I would like for my grown children, grands, and great-grandchildren to hear this from a true storyteller.

*Mountains* Whatever stage we are in this continuing Creation Story, I think it is important to carry on your Grand Mother's tradition as you have been writing, and please carry on the oral tradition as well.

Thank you, and Happy Anniversary

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Bob and Kat  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Type* Power Shop Review from the Board *Reading* for Rhyssa Author Icon to fulfill one review for the Hydro Package Package given by Lina Black-So Far Behind!!! Author Icon *Writing*

*Notepad* What hooked me into reading "Bob and KatOpen in new Window. ?

*Vignette6* Several things about "Bob and Kat," helped to lure me into this story. The rating is 13+ and I enjoy what is classified as Juvenile Literature. The genres of fantasy and children s.

*Vignette6* I wondered if Bob and Kat were a play on words. Bobcat? I was prepared for almost anything as I began to read.

*Notepad* Description:

*Vignette6* There are many good descriptions given in this story that 'show, not tell' the reader about the characters and their surroundings.

*Glassesy* "...whistling sound...it was as if a very large bug had darted past her head...a green shape dart down the street..."

*Glassesy* "He glanced at Reia as if she were a problem all of a sudden..." As a reader, I love that description. How many times with loved ones or friends does this happen, and it may cause us untold pain or confusion if we take it personally. That phrase is priceless.

*Glassesy* "Reia had just started high school...Two years separated them, but at times, she felt decades older than him, rather than fourteen to his sixteen." Once more this reader is awestruck with the way the author gives the social and age dynamics of our two main protagonists.

*Glassesy* A description of Kat that really stands out, and creaks open the door of oddity; "...big green eyes that looked slightly odd. Reia could not quite see why. Maybe it was the pupils..."

There is no shortage of good description, but this reader despises spoilers, and so I will leave it to the next reader to find the unique and somewhat telling descriptions peppered throughout the entire story of "Bob and Kat."

*Notepad* Characters:

*Vignette6**Woman* Reia

*Vignette6**Man* Chin

*Vignette6**Bird* Bob

*Vignette6**Cat* Kat

*Notepad* Overall:

*Vignette6* Fun, fun, fun. With all understanding, this is a short story. It is easy to imagine this a full length book that young readers would demand.

*Vignette6* With the revival, and growing interest in the Graphic Novel form, I actually had panels of dialog and drawings/illustrations which tell this engaging story in that form. If you have not already come up with a full length version of Bob & Kat, and/or have never considered the Graphic Novel form, I suggest the author consider these things.

*Dialog* Disclaimer: I work in our local library, in the Young Adult genre area. Not all people are aware of what a graphic novel is; after sending reluctant readers to that section of Y/A, I often hear the gasp of an adult patron. Graphic can mean many things to different people. The graphic novels to which I refer, are a comic book form of literature. They were very popular from the 1940's through the 1970's, and sadly fell out of use. They are back, and this opens up multiple platforms for children, teen and adult genre writers.

*Type* Write on, and prosper. Thank you for the enjoyment of this story.

*Check1* The 4.5 rating is nearly perfect. It is not meant to take away from showing the high quality of this story.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Life  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The Talent Pond  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*CakeB* HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary ReviewsOpen in new Window.*CakeP*

*Reading* What compelled me to read "Life Open in new Window. ?

*Vinyly* It is Cassie409's one year anniversary, and I looked through your folder to find an item to review. The title of "Life," with the genre and type being "emotional," it made me curious to read.

*Vinyly* I do like the prose format of "Life."

*Bookopen* What kept my interest?

*Vinyly* The description indicates thoughts which flow as you work. I did not expect such deep and powerful thoughts. The strength of certain phrases stirs my curiosity; "...It’s hard to do that when a person is dying inside..."

*Vinyly* Now, as a reader, I am hooked into the emotion of the author. Swept up, this reader feels as if she must listen; hear; and sympathize. I must learn more.

*People* Character:

*Woman* (It is only assumption that the writer/author/protagonist is a woman - these strong emotions and feelings could be experienced by any gender.) This caregiver, this angel with skin on is over-burdened. She is there for every persons need, but her own.

Wanting to do only good, and change the world - others take advantage, are inconsiderate, heaping more cares, more responsibility and too much expectation that she will indeed save them, without them having to lift a care toward the giver.

Has she lost family members and friends to disaster? I feel rudely curious as a reader.

*Ghost**Man**Man**Ghost* There are secondary characters missed by the poet; "...Dad, Grandpa, Uncle, and Professor/Officer that meant the world to me..." Would the help?, Are these missed ones still able to come and lift some of her burden?

*Magnify* Description:

*Vinyly* I like the imagery that this line invokes: "People come into our lives and leave footprints that cannot be erased with time." Time is supposed to heal all wounds, but it seems not the ones from being walked on.

*Vinyly* Another descriptive phrase that hits home is; "even with a happy attitude it seems that the candle is gone before it has even been lit." What has transpired to cause so much pain?

*Rainbowl* *Books6* *Rainbowr* Overall:

*Vinyly* Although this is described as "...a few thoughts...while working." The author is able to pull from deep within, and pour very strong emotion into this work. I would love to see longer and more in-depth writing from Cassie409 Author Icon.

*Vinyly* I cannot help but being struck by thoughts of how heavy depression is. No one wants to feel so over-burdened, and be the care giver for so many others, while receiving little in return.

*Vinyly* It is my fervent hope that this one year anniversary finds you well. You have a way of putting thoughts and emotions down, that draws a reader in. Perhaps you can find a group, contest or forum on Writing.Com to stretch your natural talent.

Write on! *Penbl*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of I Write  Open in new Window.
for entry "Why So Many Fish?Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*Type* Review to Fulfill the Nuclear Package Gifted by PatrickB Author Icon *Bookstack* 💙 Carly - March into spring Author Icon *Reading* *Quill*

*Blockv* What was the *Hook* that made me read this item?

While searching for items to fulfill your Nuclear Package, I was drawn to your "I Write" collection. The title "Why So Many Fish?Open in new Window. caught my curiosity.

*Blockv* Descriptions: Your writing is clear and concise. The beginning reels the reader in, and begs her to observe a private, but profound interview between mother and son.

We come into the conversation, after it has already been in progress.

This has me cheering for mom right away, "I asked in a voice so calm I could see him fold..." She knows her son very well, "...his feet shuffled giving himself away..." and "I could see the burn ride up from his shoulders." She watches for cues from her son to determine his truthfulness.

Every phrase adds to the descriptions which forms an almost holographic image of the scene, for the reader.

*Blockv* Characters:

*Woman* Mom is a powerhouse of wisdom, and expert at interview and interrogation. Her calm in the face of hearing, "...Harvey...dynamite." is something approaching sainthood.

*Man* David comes through as an adventurous and respectful young man. As with most children, it is a wonder they make it to majority. A typical boy, he is fearless, and did not see that the handling of dynamite may be a terrible idea. He does the right thing, by bringing in the loads of fish.

*Blockv* Dialog:

*Gift5* You do dialog very well. The conversation stands on it's own, although we didn't hear the whole story, it doesn't matter; the rest of the story can be easily imagined.

*Blockv* Overall:

*Heart* Simple and short, this story leaves nothing behind. The writing allows room for the reader's imagination. It is unnecessary to describe wardrobe, hair colors, smells, and dirt, because any person who has been in the presence of a rambunctious kid who has returned from fishing with his buddies, can imagine the rest.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Where I Belong  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.0)
*Magnify* *Reading* Requested Review *Pencil* *Magnify*


*Hook* The title "Where I BelongOpen in new Window., is a good hook for an emotional poem.

*Hockey* Headings are a good way, to grab a reader's attention. With a genre of Emotional only, I am not so inspired to go ahead and read.

*Hockey* Readers are what writers need. Convince a reader to read your work. Do not apologize for what you have written. If you are going to publish it, be proud. Just stating that this was written as an assignment for school, and needs a peer review, is a straight forward request for what you need to accomplish.


*Boxcheck* I like the way you use words, to describe time and motion: "Sometimes I say I belong in many places
Sometimes I am not sure where I belong
The answers are always changing
They never stay the same..."

*Boxcheck* Another description I like is, "...I always belong in this sprawling web,
Where it is always easy to find someone who shares my ideas
Always easy to learn, and to meet new people..." That is a feeling that many people share, in my opinion, and you put it very eloquently.

Character: Self
*Person* This is a poem of emotions.


*Documentbl*: The layout is good. It is obvious that there is a start, middle and end.

*Document*: The writer's emotions show up, and there is a sadness present. The writer describes his / her feeling of isolation, even when in a crowd. There were changes in tense, and number that is easy to have happen, when writing from the heart. "...I was brought up by my family = Past.
They raised me as I grew = Past
We always fight about anything = Present
It can go on for days = Present / Future
Still, we manage to get on well = Present
They make me feel like
I belong..." = Present

Again, this is so easy to do when writing from deep emotion.

*Rainbowl* Overall: *Rainbowr*
: The three point rating is not a negative. "Where I Belong," is an expressive poem, or work of prose that does an excellent job at explaining the angst of living someone else's dream or reality.

Re-write, and read aloud to yourself, and be proud of your work. You are a writer, your muse and you produced it; be proud.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Magnify* *Reading* Third and Final Review from Lightening Package Auction *Pencil* *Magnify*


*Bookstack* You requested that I review this folder for your package. I have read both pieces.

*Hook* "In My Mother's Memory" is a good title, and specific to your own life and memories.

*Puzzle2* The genre is listed at "other," and understanding that this is emotionally a hot spot, it may be difficult to decide, but as time goes on, and you decide the direction for your biography, putting a more specific "type" may help as far a searches go.


*Boxcheck* "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window., is a well written memoir, of a personal tragedy. I like the way you introduced your early geographical movements, including a bit about the States you were in.

*Boxcheck* A good description of your Mom's personality was given in a way that "shows" in a picture, an important bit about her; "...she lacked...the maturity to be the full-time mother that her boys needed..."

*Boxcheck* Your characterization of your brothers was well done, and even your own analysis of your personality, weaknesses and strengths are well done. You have packed good descriptions, laying visual markers along the way.


*Woman* In "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. you show a mirroring of compassion from two strong female characters; 1. "Mrs. Leary was the fifth grade teacher at our Elementary School..., and “The class misses you and they are wishing you a fast recovery. They made you some cards,” she said as she picked them out of her purse."

*Woman* 2. Ms. Gena; the housekeeping person who woke you with her singing. "...She looks like Sleeping Beauty except with red hair. You know, God has mighty plans for you two. Yes, he sure does. The Devil tried to get you guys down, but our good Lord saved you both...”

*Babygirl* You were just eleven years old, but show a lot of insight for that age.


*Documentbl* You are talented at making your format easy to read and follow. Considering what a personal tragedy that you have shared, along with obvious recovery, you were able to keep this in chronological order.

*Rainbowl* Overall
I have read and enjoyed several of your other works, and have been impressed with your "fiction." They have been good quality. In "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. and "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window., writing your own experiences, and with people you know, you have captured the descriptions and character traits exceptionally well. I may not know exactly what your Mom and brothers look like, but I am sure they all are red-headed, and your poor brothers come to mind, as rough and tumble characters, who desperately needed a good father's hand; instead your Mother had to try to do it all.

I am touched by these stories. Excellent work.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Not a Review but a Response to
 My 1st post on writing.com  Open in new Window. (E)
What I would like to do with writing.com and how I feel about it. A short explanation.
#1969644 by Penelope Author IconMail Icon

Dear Penelope Author Icon,

*Music1**Confettigr* *Balloon4* *Confettig* Welcome to Writing.com aka WDC

In response to your statement:

*Buttonv* "I am new to this site and I have no idea what I am doing..."

*Bigsmile* Let me assure you that we all have been where you are right now. Writing.com is a living, breathing entity nourished by the Staff, artists and writers and fueled by the energy of muse-power and the tinge of insanity that comes with being a writer.

*Gears* Because of the lively energy of founders The StoryMistress Author Icon and The StoryMaster Author Icon they and their team have helped to create a "Place Where Writers Go."

*Gears* Every single day there is something new to learn, or there may be something old that a member who has been here for years may need help to understand.

*Gears* Even today I made use of the "Technical Support ForumOpen in new Window. twice. I am happy to report that in a short amount of time, I got a response and feedback regarding my issue. This is how WDC rolls.

*Bookstack* To make a long story short, I signed up here in 2010 and was intimidated by the bit-em coding used as opposed to the HTML code: what you see is what you get-click an icon and you get what you want.

*Bookopen* It is probable that if I had not gone with the "easier" road I would be a lot further in my writing career. I came back full-fledged in early 2013 and am happy I did.

*Books3* The bit-em code is a lot of fun to use once you get it down and offers a lot of creative license, and control over what you publish.

*Monster6* Trolls: There are no troll bridges here. There is no hate talk allowed. Treating others with respect is #1. WDC is well monitored and as a community we work along with the moderators to keep this a creative and flourishing place for writers to come.

*Writing* One place to get the general "What am I doing?" answers is by going to "Writing.Com 101Open in new Window.

*Compass* Writing.com 101 can be found in the left-hand column under "Writing.Com Where The Writers Go" right above your handle. You will see the icons of the envelope, globe, bell and chat, keep going down. Go to the box that contains "Things To Do & Read" and the second to last item is Writing.Com Tools. There is a wealth of information there.

*Boat* Come on in. Jump into the sea of forums that interest you as best you can. If you jump, there are a herd of us waiting with arms outstretched to help get you to the raft.

*People* There are many activities and groups to assist anyone serious about their craft.

*Rainbowl**Rainbowr* As we love to say around here, Welcome! & Write On *Writing*

Thank you for reaching out with this posting {{b-item:1969644} remove the extra bracket you have your 1st post.

Have Fun!

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
In affiliation with The Talent Pond  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
*Magnify* *Reading* Requested Review *Pencil* *Magnify*

Review of
 The Write Muse - Chapter I Open in new Window. (ASR)
A writer's hunt for a best-selling muse takes him on a crazy ride across the universe.
#1969218 by anujmathur Author IconMail Icon


*Hook* Understanding this is a draft, carefully consider your title. Busy readers, and those who are reading on the internet must be hooked quickly. There are hundreds of thousands of writers today submitting material, hoping to be read and eventually published.

*Hook* The genres of comedy, Sci-fi, and Y/A are alluring

*Hook* The description line is another area where you must get your hook in.

*Box* Young Adult Science Fiction is a very crowded arena. There is competition against such authors as James Patterson, Rick Riordan (fantasy/sci-fi), and now the Super Heroes of Marvel and DC in Graphic Novels.

*Box* Something to consider in the Y/A genre is that most of the successful writers meet the Teens where they are...there are not many Young Adults who are chefs. They may be dishwashers or busers.

*Box* Consider Comedy, Sci-fi, Adult Reluctant Reader. This is a genre that is growing by leaps and bounds. There is very little comedic relief for the Adult Reluctant Reader, and it is my opinion that this book would do well there.


*Boxcheck* "... A pretty pink bed covered with yellow polka dots that was nailed to the ceiling..."

*Boxcheck* "...In the middle of that crater, lay what looked like a spaceship – black, orb shaped, with smoke coming out of various crevices...”

*Boxcheck* "...He had an almost perfectly round face and an even more perfectly spherical nose to complement it. The other "human" features were pretty run-of-the-mill too. He was smartly but simply dressed in a striped t-shirt and long oxymoronic shorts..."

*Box* Astute readers are going to want enough description that they can build the scene, and characters in their own imaginations. The Y/A - Teen crowd are a tough crowd.


*Man* Vikram - We know he is a crazed writer like many of us here, looking for that perfect story and twist to launch him into fame and fortune. We do not get much about his actual appearance except that he measures approximately the same height as Morphy.

*Man* Ceasar - "...Vikram opened the kitchen door and walked in to see a man in a Chef's hat..." There is not much more than that in describing Ceasar. The conversation and dialog are believeable and help us to see the personality and motivation of Cesar.

*Monster5* Morphy - We get some great insights to this alien. It can morph or transform into an amazing assortment of objects and has done well to acclimate to the portion of Earth it found itself in.


Suggestion: I wonder if starting the story with this paragraph may cause a smoother flow of Vikram's journey to find a chef.

*Documentbl* Vikram was still as determined as ever to get his writing career off the ground. He believed that he had found the easiest gimmick to get rich quickly – a writer was always only one best-seller away from becoming a billionaire, after all. And even though he didn’t know much about writing, he believed that "researching the character" was absolutely essential. And since he was writing a mystery trilogy with a chef as its protagonist, he needed to find a chef who craves fame and fortune!

*Rainbowl* Overall *Rainbowr*
As a visionary, voracious reader and writer, I see the beginning of a wonderful story. It is amazing when our brains churn these wild and wonderful stories and when we begin to write them down, we want them to be three-dimensional, and that is the writer's angst.

*Heart* I am a writer with a long way to go. Please do not take any of my words as harsh criticism, but as helpful suggestions. You may completely ignore my advice or take what helps. The reason that I have been so thorough is because you requested this review, and paid good GP's for it.

*Heart* I have made this a fan item, so I will follow your progress, unless you ask me not to.

*Writing* Write On
anujmathur Author Icon *Writing*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of The Chosen One  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
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*Bookstack* What prompted this reader to read

 The Chosen One Open in new Window. (18+)
Story written for the October Grand Prize of A Muscle Stretch Writing Contest.
#1957965 by 💙 Carly - March into spring Author IconMail Icon

*Witchhat* The genres of dark, horror and scary

*Witchhat* This was the first short story I could find in your portfolio that has not been reviewed for this Power Package.

*Magnify* Detail:

*Boxcheck* The graveyard entrance and the gravesite of Regina's family are full of description; ...highly gargoyled structures within the cemetery..." **

*Boxcheck* 💙 Carly - March into spring Author Icon shows skill in the details woven into the story.

*Boxcheck* "...and felt a shiver ripple up my back."

*Boxcheck* "...the squeal of its hinges cut the night air like nails on a chalkboard."

*Boxcheck* "...my breath caught at the stench that rose up to greet me and overtake my senses."

*Box* There is no description of the "chosen one." I assume she is a younger girl because of the ending and how her family responds to her at the end; “Let it go, child..." The Grandmother has "rheumy" and "old eyes" so we get an idea of granny, but not the protagonist.

*Box* Near the end when "...I regained consciousness my mother and father knelt around me...my father lifted me up and carried me out..." it makes me wonder again how old she is.

*People* Character:

*Woman* The Chosen One - It could be me, but I was unable to find the name of the protagonist after several times of reading through the story. It is not vital for the story, but there are a couple of places you could give her a name if you want to. This is just a suggestion given with all due respect to the author. " “Let it go, child [name of chosen one]. Just remember, you are the chosen one.”

*Witchhat* Regina - The antagonist is easy to picture.

*Boxcheck* "...Regina had petitioned for this...she had power..."

*Boxcheck* "...watching my approach with a cackled heart and wicked smile..."

*Boxcheck* "...voice grated out. The rasp cut the air and blistered my skin.

*Boxcheck* "her throaty laugh..."

*People* Family - The family seems very close.

*People* Dark Army -

*Box* The only vision I get of the Dark Army is from my own imagination. Now that the contest is over, and you are free to expand the story, perhaps you could give some smells, or sounds describing the Dark Army.

*Rainbowl**Books2**Rainbowr* Overall:

*Bookopen* "The Chosen One" is a good story.

*Bookopen* As a reader I would love to have more detail about the main character and The Dark Army.

*Bookopen* ** suggestion ** Regina's family mausoleum...was a structure protected by gargoyles...

*Woman**Pencil* I am a writer like you and I have a long way to go, please do not take anything I have written as negative, because my intent is to do no harm, but only help.

*Writing* Write On! *Writing*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
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*Document* I was looking for an item to review for your Anniversary and the WDC Power Reviewers Raid and as soon as I read the title and the description, I was swept up in the article.

Image Protector
White Case Memorial Open in new Window. (E)
Honoring the WDC members who have passed away
#1230549 by iKïyå§ama Author IconMail Icon

*Rainbowl**Grave**Rainbowr* Due to passing the half-century mark a few years ago, this reader / writer has become more aware of her mortality. This is why after reading many of the tributes within the "White Case Memorial," the memorials created are professional and a way to keep a writers words alive. The powerful emotion of this went straight to my heart.

*Rainbowl**Grave**Rainbowr* For writers who publish on-line we must consider what would become of our intellectual properties if we were to pass-away. What of passwords, and all of those complications.

*Rainbowl**Grave**Rainbowr* It is a beautiful aspect of Writing Dot Com to honor passed authors. The origin of this memorial site is given in the introduction:

"...This forum is to honor those that have passed on. Stomper was the original creator and now it will have a permanent home under the wings of "The WDC Angel Army..."

*Rainbowl*Overall:*Rainbowr* The White Case Memorial is a beautiful way to honor our fellow writers on WDC for years to come. Oftentimes an obituary does not go into the lengths of memory that are found here. Beautiful.

This review is also in conjunction with your 8th Year Anniversary on WDC

*CakeB* HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary ReviewsOpen in new Window.*CakeP*

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Review of Burnt Rope  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
This review is in conjunction with the WDC Power Reviewers - ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

What is the primary *Hook*hook that caused me to read
 Burnt Rope Open in new Window. (E)
A trip to the Building Center
#1852856 by Nemesis Author IconMail Icon

*Bookopen* The title, "Burnt Rope" is unique enough to warrant a second look.

*Bookopen* The description: "A trip to the Building Center."

*Bookopen* Genres: Experience, Comedy and Biographical.

*Reading* This reader felt sure that she would find "Burnt RopeOpen in new Window. an interesting read.

Set-up: On a cold day like today, I can see the contractor approach the narrator, hands gesturing all around the place, gripping about how his foreman did not show up again, and could Nemesis run to the Building Center and pick up the needed moldings?

*Tools* The builder, "Nemesis," leaves out to the store, to pick up the fourteen foot molding in his eight foot truck bed.

*Tools* Without giving away the best part of this story here is one of my favorite gifts from the author; an inside tip on what men think. "... That’s when I noticed another contractor in a Dodge pick up, staring at my load and shaking his head. That was my first clue that all would not go well..."

*Boxcheck* He really knows that his load is not secure

*Boxcheck* Nemesis acknowledges that the other Contract could see what he was unable or willing to see.

*Boxcheck* Sort of like asking for directions. Forget about it, I have this!"

*Shovel* Overall: "Burnt Rope" is a very funny story. It is written in a format that is pleasing to the eye, and easy to read.

*Shovel* Style: The author tells the adventure of a construction/police incident in chronological order, and successfully completes the title to end in a manner that is clear and believable.

*Clock2* As a busy reader, I feel like my time was well spent in enjoying this humorous story that is so crazy, it must be true. Thank you.

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This review is also an acknowledgment of your WDC Anniversary. Thank you.
*CakeB* HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary ReviewsOpen in new Window.*CakeP*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
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