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Review of I remember...  Open in new Window.
Review by Beacon's Anchor Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
You know, I remember that day and I was on my way to the mall with my daughter, who was 3 years old at the time. My daughter wouldn't remember but I got to the mall and there were a note stating, due to the events in New York, we are closed. I didn't know what happened until a neighbor told me and I turned to ABC 7 Los Angeles and that's when I saw the two towers standing but one had a big hole into it. I couldn't believe what was happening but I knew it was true. After an hour or two went by, I called my fiancé and asked him, if he was okay because I heard, one plane was going to come to Los Angeles (LAX) but it never arrived, as I was telling him and he was working at the time. I saw the two towers go down while people were trying to get out. It was a sad day for our country.

We as people need to come together regardless of what side you are on and just have a meaningful conversation and not fight over politics.

That day, I had tears because these people had families and the heroes should go to our law enforcement, first responders and the hospitals because they are the ones who try to saves lives. I salute to the nurses, doctors, fire fighters, and police officers.
Review of Ladybug  Open in new Window.
Review by Beacon's Anchor Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello! I found your poem at Random. I'm with the "The WDC Angel ArmyOpen in new Window. I enjoyed reading it and I hope you find this feedback useful.

Positive: I like the title of your page because I also like Lady bugs.

Overall Impression: I'm glad I found this poem because when I was reading it, it reminds me of seeing one but Ladybugs will get on you. I heard they are for good luck but I don't know how true it is anyway. I do like them because they are friendly.

Suggestions: The only thing I would suggest, Keep on writing because you are good at your poems.

My Thoughts / Side Notes: I will come visit your port soon and I have to see what you got here. I'm going to fan you, so I can review more of your items.

Thank you for sharing

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The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by the reader and therefore, do not reflect necessarily to the group, activity and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.
Review of Haunting Memories  Open in new Window.
Review by Beacon's Anchor Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi there, I'm Beacon and I'm from "The WDC Angel ArmyOpen in new Window. and am going to review your item. I hope the comments or suggestions will help you.

My impression of your poem: I completely understand how you feel because when I read the poem, it brought me back to when I lost my mom in March 25th, 2023. About 4 months before she passed, I got to see her and I hugged her tight before I left.

What I like: When you said, you're mom taught you lessons of life and you're mom wanted the best for you and your siblings.

Suggestion: just keep on writing and don't ever give up.

Final Thoughts: This poem is emotional and I enjoyed reading the poem. You really spoke from the heart and I like that. Since I've read some of your poems, you are a great poet and I hope you continue to keep writing. I like poems like this because it makes me think about what I went through with my mom and dad.

Thank you for sharing,

Only the Leaders can have this

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Review by Beacon's Anchor Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi there, I'm Beacon and I found your Poem at random. I'm with the "Game of ThronesOpen in new Window. and "The WDC Angel ArmyOpen in new Window.. I enjoyed reading it and I hope you find this feedback useful.

Image for Activity
I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that
guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's
Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.

My First impression: I liked the poem because it express how you felt about your grand-niece and I'm glad you wrote the poem about her. That's so nice.

What I like: you can put the commas at the end of the paragraph. Another, you have shown so much love and care in the poem. When I read this, it made me realize what I went through in school. I had my son, and I had three months to graduate. I saw this, it reminded me of that time.

Success is dependent on what's important to you.
If you don't make your own dreams,
Follow your own dreams, and Make your dreams happen,
There's only one person responsible........YOU.

Be strong, be courageous, be determined.
Friends and family may not support your dreams,
but they are YOUR dreams.
But, my dear child, your family will Still Love You,
and Support You, and Believe in the YOU that they know.
After all, that's what we've been doing
Since you came into and blessed our lives.

Suggestion: The only suggestion I would have is to make the font be size 4, so people can see it when they review your poem.

Final thoughts: When I read this, I thought about my own graduation and I wish my mom or someone wrote something to me like what you did for your grand niece. I hope she appreciates your poem because it means a lot to you and for her to graduate. Honestly, I hope she will do well, when she's going to college and get a degree into something, she wants to go after. I hope she keeps going and learn. I'm sure you are proud of her and you should be. Well, I enjoyed reading the poem and it really encourages me to keep going as well.

Thank you for sharing

Non-Animated Angel Army Signature

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Review by Beacon's Anchor Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello! I found your poem at random. I'm writing this for: "Game of ThronesOpen in new Window. and I enjoyed reading it and I hope you find this feedback useful.

I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge
my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.

Image for Activity

My impression of this piece: Being a 5th grader that kid was, he did a good poem for a girl he liked. and I think that's cute that way he wrote it. I've never had a boy write a poem like that but I did had crushes while growing up. I could relate to the poem.

Grammar and Spelling: None

What I really liked: This part I liked because he had to get enough courage to go up to a girl, who he liked and let her know how he felt. according to what I was reading, he was struggling with his own emotions about the girl. I'm sure he was really shy but he did it and he told her. I hope years later he remembers what he wrote.

When I got to her desk
She flipped her hair back and said, “Hi”
And then I poured out my feelings

Suggestions: Well, there is two things, you have to make the font at size 4 and center the poem, so people can see it and read it. I like the poem and I hope you get more readers to your port.

Final Thoughts / Side Notes: My thoughts on this is, you have a good poem from the boy, you may have known in school. The poem really made my day, when I read it. What I'm wondering now, what happened to the boy who wrote the poem? I'm glad you posted this poem and it was a good one, I think. I'm sure, the boy had a crush on the girl and I hope they are friends still.

I appreciate reading the poem
Thank you for sharing,

The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by the reader and therefore, do not reflect necessarily to the group, activity and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.
Review of Bitter  Open in new Window.
Review by Beacon's Anchor Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi there, I'm Beacon and I found your Poem at random. I'm with the "The WDC Angel ArmyOpen in new Window.. I enjoyed reading it and I hope you find this feedback useful.

I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that
guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch,
for this night and all the nights to come.

My First impression: I liked this poem because it brings out the emotions and I can almost hear the words from it. I know what it's like to have a broken relationship because I've been in one long time ago and even now. It's never easy to deal with that.

What works: Even though, I liked your poem, it needs to be centered and the font size 4 should be good.

Suggestion: I honestly didn't see any spelling or vocabulary errors in the poem.

Final thoughts: Here's my thoughts, This poem made me think about my own life outside of the computer and I had several broken relationships as I got older. When you are in a broken relationship, it's time to do some soul searching because you have to figure out if the person is a good one or not, it's all up to you. You have given this some thought but I understand what the poem is saying as well. I think you wrote your poem well and I hope you keep on writing. Relationships can be hard, if two people are willing to work out the problems together but if it's one person, now that's hard on the person because if the person loves the other person, then it's hard to leave. Throughout the years, I've been in bad relationships and I didn't know why I stayed with them but I did. I wasn't happy, like I'm not happy now because of my situation. Either way, it's hard to leave when you are in love with the person you have been with for a long time.

I hope you find peace in your heart.
Thank you for sharing your poem,

Non-Animated Angel Army Signature

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Review of Cat And Mouse  Open in new Window.
Review by Beacon's Anchor Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hi there, I'm Beacon and I found your Poem at random. I'm with the "The WDC Angel ArmyOpen in new Window. and "Game of ThronesOpen in new Window.. I enjoyed reading it and I hope you find this feedback useful.

Image for Activity

I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards
the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch,
for this night and all the nights to come

My First impression:When I read your poem, this made me think of my own experience, when I getting into my teenage years. This must have been painful to write, which I can understand. A situation like this is never easy to forget because I never forgot the abuse I endured from my first ex-boyfriend. You have endured so much, and just by reading your poem, the man didn't care, it seems. If a family member did that to me, I would have told someone because I know my mom wouldn't believe me because my mom and I were never close.

Suggestion: The only thing the poem needs is be centered and put commas plus periods.

Final thoughts: You know, no one should have to go through that and it's not right because it does damage and you're scared to trust anyone except the ones who are close to you, which I could understand. It took me years to learn how to cope my own emotions because of what I went through when I was 14 years of age. It was one of the scariest situation, I've ever been in my life. I had a hard time trusting people as well. To this day, I don't like anyone touching my face and standing behind me. The reason I brought up my own life because you're not alone and I understand the pain. That's how I felt, the guy I was with at that time, was manipulated, possossive and abuser, it never left me. I know what to watch out for now because they are warning signs. I hope you will recover and have some close friends, you can talk to, so you can vent out, if you need too.

Thank you so much for sharing

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Review of Ritual  Open in new Window.
Review by Beacon's Anchor Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello! I found your Poem at random. I'm with the "The WDC Angel ArmyOpen in new Window.. I enjoyed reading it and I hope you find this feedback useful.

My First impression: I like the way you wrote this, because it states someone is lonely, without having anyone with the person. When a person is with someone, they do things together and stay with each other for a long time. Sometimes, someone would leave without thinking how the other person feels. Well, I've been in that kind of situation and it's hard because I wanted to be with that man, I was with but I knew, I couldn't.

What works: I haven't done any poems before I came here on the site and it taught me, you have to center the poem. When you do a poem, write it but just make sure it's centered and you have your commas in the right place as well as your periods.

You Need Work On: You have your paragraphs too long, so you need to make it shorter and have the font be at least a size 4, so people can read your poem.

Final thoughts: When I was reading this, I felt the loneliness of the author who wrote this poem. This can be based on someone's life or how the person felt long time ago but I understand it can be emotional because of the experience. Dealing with loneliness is never easy to deal with each day but we push through. Based on this poem, I can understand because it can be lonely when you are with someone and the person doesn't talk to you much. I'm going through that right now and it's hard for me to open up and let someone into my life. This poem made me think of my own life and it's like that. Come night time, the man I'm with went home and my kids went to bed, I can feel the loneliness coming over me and I try to listen to music or watch something on my phone.

I hope you will keep writing and don't give up on your dreams.

Thanks for sharing

Image #1364670 over display limit. -?-

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Review of Playing  Open in new Window.
Review by Beacon's Anchor Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello! I found your poem on Read & Review. I'm with the "The WDC Angel ArmyOpen in new Window. I enjoyed reading it and I hope you find this feedback useful.

My impression: This poem is a good one to write about your animal and not forget who they are because I understand they are family and once you have one, the dog is with you for life. I wrote one for my cat and my Border Collie because I want to remember them and they are family to me. I lost my cat in December 2021 and I had her for 12 years. I do miss her.

What I really liked: I like this part that is below because it reminds me of my border collie and there are things, she doesn't play with but she does love squeaky balls. There are balls, my border will play with. So, when I read this part, that reminds me of it. I like the way you put this as well.

I saw you playing today.
Your old doughnut toy.
You haven’t played with that
For a while.

Grammar and Spelling: No errors

Suggestions: You can put the font a little larger, so members can see it and you can center the poem as well. Other then that, It's a great poem to read.

Final Thoughts / Side Notes: Well, I really enjoyed reading your poem and it made think about my cat, whet she was going through. I understand as animal lovers, we have to enjoy them as much as we can. You wrote this beautifully and I even liked some of the parts. I know what it feel's like to have a dog that would drive you crazy but you still love your furry child. I love my border collie because she has her moments but I get on her, if I need too. She's been through so much with us that, I would be lost without her because she keeps us laughing at what she does each day and every day is different.

Thank you for sharing

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Review by Beacon's Anchor Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello! I found your c-Note Shop at random. I'm with the "The WDC Angel ArmyOpen in new Window. I enjoyed reading it and I hope you find this feedback useful.

I'm sending this review in connection with: "Game of ThronesOpen in new Window.

Image for Activity

Positive: I like the way you did the images and it's so beautiful. The 1st one, I like because if my friends need uplifting messages, I could send them these c-Notes. It's perfect for every occasion. The page is easy to read and I can read each details in the c-Notes.

Description: When I saw these on the Browse the Type, I had to see what these were about because it would be something if my friend was going through a lot in her life. Sometimes a friend needs to be lifted up and know you are right there for them. The one I like, thoughts of you: it gives the member saying, they are think of their friend, especially when they are going through their personal problems.

Spelling/Vocabulary Errors, if any: I didn't see any errors.

Suggestions: I would like to see more of these because if a friend needs something, they can know you will come through for her. I know, I need to send a c-Note to a good friend of mine because I know she needs to hear it.

Overall: Well, I find these very helpful and I would come back to your page. Each c-Note is different and that's good because it's not the same. I hope you will keep adding these and so a member can get them. This is a good way to show someone they are thought of and you care about them. You send them a note saying, please keep in with me and I would like to know how you are doing. You can be a friend and get in touch with your friend.

Thank you for sharing these c-Notes.

Beacon's Anchor Author IconMail Icon

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by the reader and therefore, do not reflect necessarily to the group, activity and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.
Review by Beacon's Anchor Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello! I found your c-Note Shop in Browse By Type. I'm with the "The WDC Angel ArmyOpen in new Window. I enjoyed reading it and I hope you find this feedback useful.

Image for Activity

I'm really impressed with the pictures: I like the images of your mouse and they are really cute. It gives the reader a chance to choose which c-note would suit best for a member or a friend. I'm glad you did these c-Notes because I can bookmark the page and come back to it at a later time.

When I look at these, I feel it's very positive and encouraging because the member can get the c-note and send it to a member. I've seen your picture of a mice and they are cute but I would only look at them in pictures. When I see these, it tells me, someone would say Thank you and write a message in the box before they send it to the member.

What I like about your page:
I have to come back to this page because I would send a c-note to a friend and tell her, how much I miss her. When the Game of Thrones is over, I have to come to this page and get a c-Note for a friend and let her know, I'm still here for her, even though, she's far away from where I live. It's easy to read and I can just take a look without worrying about anything.

Suggestions: I would add more c-Notes and get more members to purchase them. I didn't see any error in Spelling or Vocabulary.

My overall impression:
Well, I enjoyed looking at these images of mices but I don't like real ones because I've had them in my place. So, forgive me, if I don't like them for real. I hope you get more members to purchase them or even get them for themselves, if that's possible. You have a great collection of these and I hope you will add more to your collection.

Thank you for sharing this page.

Beacon's Anchor Author Icon

The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by the reader and therefore, do not reflect necessarily to the group, activity and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.

Review by Beacon's Anchor Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

Hello! I found your Story on Read & Review. I'm with the "The WDC Angel ArmyOpen in new Window. I enjoyed reading it and I hope you find this feedback useful.

My impression of this piece:
I know what it's like to lose a loved one because I've experienced it, when I lost my dad at 16 years of age and that day wasn't easy for me. What I think of your advice, you brought up a good pointers on what to say and not say when a loved one has passed. What I liked about the advice you gave, it even would help me on how to say something without hurting someone's feelings. You are giving a valuable information.

Grammar and Spelling:
No spelling or Vocabulary errors.

What I really liked:
When you mention about privacy, I think that's important because the family member can grief and give them time to heal. I understand it's not easy to lose someone you have known for a very long time. Another, I like the fact that you took pictures of your wife to your work. I wouldn't have never thought about it. I still have pictures of my parents and my cat. I also lost my cat in 2021 and she was a family, who I miss a lot as well.


Final Thoughts / Side Notes:
Well, I read this page through and it gives very good pointers on how to talk to a family member. When I lost my mom in March 2023, it was hard to deal with it because my mom and I didn't get along for years. In 2022, I did try to make amends with her and I did talk to her there after as well. One of the things that was hard, she was fighting cancer at the time but she was in remission, it was gone but it came back and I didn't take the news well because I wanted more time to patch things up with my mom. I do miss her so much but I know in my heart, I will see her someday.

Thank you so much for sharing this,

The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by the reader and therefore, do not reflect necessarily to the group, activity and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.
Review by Beacon's Anchor Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

Hello! I found your poem on Read & Review. I'm with the "The WDC Angel ArmyOpen in new Window. I enjoyed reading it and I hope you find this feedback useful.

My impression of this piece:
First, I want to say, I like the way you're poem was written because it reminds me of my life right now. This poem made me think about my own relationship. The author gave me an insight on how she's feeling about her loved one. I'm sure it's not easy to say how you feel, if the other person doesn't listen to you.

Grammar and Spelling:
When I was reading it, I didn't see any spelling or vocabulary errors. Just make the font a little bigger and center the poem.

What I really liked:
I like this part because it makes me wonder when the guy will ever love the woman or not. When I read this part, it reminds me of my life and the relationship, I'm in right now. It hasn't been easy for me to keep silent on how I feel inside because I've always been out spoken.

He makes me feel like I hang the stars and moon,
That our own home, built of love, will happen soon.

When I saw this one, it made me think of the woman's freedom and she wanted a taste of it and see how it feels to be free. I read this part and it made me think of my life right now.

I will have a taste of sweet freedom again,
I will break away from this worn out refrain...

There are none but just keep on writing and never stop.

Final Thoughts / Side Notes:
Well, my thoughts on this poem has me think of many things that took place in my life, even now and I have felt trapped because I don't have what I need or want in life. You're poem really spoke to me and I realize there are so much to explore and I would like to travel someday. That's what you're poem reminds me of a woman wanting to have freedom.

Thank you for sharing

The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by the reader and therefore, do not reflect necessarily to the group, activity and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.
Review of Reba  Open in new Window.
Review by Beacon's Anchor Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

Hello! I found your poem at random. I'm with the "The WDC Angel ArmyOpen in new Window. I enjoyed reading it and I hope you find this feedback useful.

My impression of this piece:
When I was reading you poem, it brought so much emotion because the author would spend time with the tigers. That's really neat and you kept going back to seeing them, until the one passed. Being attached to an animal will always be close to your heart especially if you work in a rescue. It's good that you wrote a poem about the tigers, and you can let people know how you feel about them. I'm sure you got close to the female tiger. You did a good job on the poem and I read it all the way through. It made me realize, we have to be careful with these animals because they can hurt you.

Grammar and Spelling:
I didn't see any errors in spelling or vocabulary.

What I really liked:
This was the part I like because it had the emotion into it. When I read this poem, I almost had tears because the one tiger passed. Then you slowly opened up your heart for the male tiger. I think tigers are beautiful animals but they are protective over their young.

In the many months that followed,
The grief my heart nearly swallowed.
Then all the good you found in me,
Finally found its way free.
Free to open my heart again,
To be open where and when.
When yet another so great,
Would in my heart love create.

There are only 2 things, you need to make the font a little bigger and center it, so you can see how it is written, when you are done writing it.

Final Thoughts / Side Notes:
Well, I liked the poem and I'm for one to like wild animals especially tigers because they are like house cats but a lot larger. I honestly like the poem because you put so much emotion into it and I can feel it when I was reading it.

Thank you for sharing it,

The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by the reader and therefore, do not reflect necessarily to the group, activity and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.
Review by Beacon's Anchor Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi there, I'm Beacon and I'm going to review your poem. I'm playing "Game of ThronesOpen in new Window.

When I read your poem, I could feel the emotions that comes out. I've lost my mom about year ago in March 2023 and my dad in May 1991. Losing someone is never easy and every memory that you have, you start thinking about the times, you had with him. I'm so sorry for your loss, always keep the memories you have in your heart.

This poem made me think about what I went through in my life and I've lost the most important people that were in my life. Like I said, I lost both of my parents and I was trying to reconnect with my uncle and suddenly passed, that was hard for me.

Honestly, I would try to get close to my mom, when she was alive but we never saw eye to eye on anything hardly. When my mom would contact me, I would talk to her. This hasn't been easy but I know in my heart God is right there with me.

God will be there for you and he will get you through it. I understand it's not easy and he was your brother. I miss my parents so much and my older brother is taking it hard too.

As for your writing, you did an awesome job on your poem because it made me have some tears come down as I was reading it. I would read your poems more, when you have it post it. You wrote this with emotion and I could feel it through reading your poem. I enjoyed reading it to the end of it.

I honestly didn't see any errors or misspelled words.

my disclaimer: This is only a suggestion but not required. I wrote this based on your poem.

Thank you for sharing

For the Game
Review of Any Longer  Open in new Window.
Review by Beacon's Anchor Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
HI there, I'm Beacon and I will be reviewing your poem.

Poem: I read your poem and it is beautifully written. When I read it, I was thinking about my mom and I lost her in March 2023. I like the way you wrote it.

Overall: I would keep writing and you are a good writer. You did a great job on this poem. I will be back to review your writing.

Thank you for sharing
Review by Beacon's Anchor Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi there, my name is Beacon and I'm here to review your item.

Poetry: I like the poem and it is emotional. It reminds me, when I was growing up and I was in teenage years, when I was going through a lot at that time. The poem made me thought about my life.

Honestly, you wrote a poem that was perfect but you need to put commas and center it. You can put the size 4 font as well.

Overall: It is beautifully written and I will come back to review you're stuff at a later time.

Thank you for sharing
Review by Beacon's Anchor Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi there, I'm Beacon and I will be reviewing your page.

Well, I read your article and I had to laugh about what your husband is looking for. Well, I don't know much about Baseball but I did grow up liking the Dodgers. I have to say, you know your stuff about baseball.

Suggestions: There's none I could think of and I did enjoy reading your love of baseball.

Thank you for sharing
Review of SELENA  Open in new Window.
Review by Beacon's Anchor Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi there, I'm Beacon and I will be reviewing your story.

True Story: I heard the story about Selena and that is tragic. As I was reading it, I was having a hard time understanding because the font wasn't a little bigger, like size 4. Selena had her life taken from her. Her music has touch many lives before and after her death.

Suggestion: The story is very true and it's perfectly well written but the font size needs to be a size 4, if it's on here.

Overall: you wrote a beautiful story about her and her music. I like a few a songs, which I have on my computer. I didn't see any spelling errors and vocabulary.

Thank you for sharing
Review by Beacon's Anchor Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi there, I'm Beacon and I will be reviewing your poem.

Poem: I like the way it's written but you need to space it out, so members can read it. I have to say, it's emotional and it's nicely written.

Suggestions: I would put commas and space the poem a little.

Overall: its nicely written and I enjoyed reading it. I hope you will write more poetry.

Keep on Writing and thanks for sharing,
Review of Photo Images  Open in new Window.
Review by Beacon's Anchor Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi 🌖 HuntersMoon Author Icon, I'm part of Positive hearts and Angel Army. I'm here to review your item.

I will start by saying, you have very funny pictures and I know you can by a joker meaning you are funny. You have a picture in your collection that caught my eye and it's the Raccoon because we have a problem here where I live and we see Raccoons but not everyday. I even got photos of their paw prints, which I have to watch out for them. Anyways, I didn't see anything wrong and I hope you have a great day.

Thanks for sharing these on the newsfeed.
Review by Beacon's Anchor Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Positive Hearts Reviews Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi there, I'm reviewing your item and I'm part of Positive Hearts and Angel Army.

When giving out reviews, I know, I have to give my honest but respectful review because it could be a personal issue or someone could be going through something and I don't want to hurt them. They're writing is important, and the member is putting their thoughts down. As for this item, I like the automatic response but you are right, I would want a personal thank you from a member.
I like the trinket idea.

Thank you for sharing this,
Review of The Basement  Open in new Window.
Review by Beacon's Anchor Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hi there, I'm Beacon and I will be reviewing your poem.

I have to admit, it's a good poem and I really enjoyed reading it. The one thing I would do is put the item 18 and up but other than that, it's pretty good poem. I didn't see no errors in the spelling or vocabulary.

Keep on writing and I'm sorry for being late with this.
Thank you for sharing,
Review of Why?  Open in new Window.
Review by Beacon's Anchor Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi there,
I enjoyed reading your poem. The poem needed commas but overall it was really good. I didn't see any errors in your vocabulary or spelling. I do appreciate you entering the contest.

Thank you. I'm sorry for being late.
Review by Beacon's Anchor Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi there J. R. Pete, it's Beacon and I will be reviewing your poem.

When I was reading this, I got the eerie feeling the person stepped into the old house, not knowing what would happen. I have to say, it would scare me. I enjoyed reading the poem. I didn't see no errors in your vocabulary or spelling.

Thank you for your entry. I'm sorry for being late with this.
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