Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/lebelmiky
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119 Public Reviews Given
133 Total Reviews Given
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Review of Rust  
Review by Maxamilium
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
I like the way this flows ... like birth and death ... thus go hand in hand along the way.
Review by Maxamilium
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very nice peace of work, and so true! I felt the emotions flow as I read on! And like this work stated, it is hard when families split, due to some or another event that shatters lives forever! With ten kids in my family, I have seen this too many times?

Thanks for the read, and keep on writing!

Maxamilium, AKA, Michel Paul Emile Lebel, published Author . . .
Review of false love  
Review by Maxamilium
Rated: E | (3.5)
Not bad at all; but there is many grammatical errors in this peace which made hard to read, you may want to look this peace of work over again and give it clarification, so that it may easier to read . . . here are some examples

(dosent) . . . "doesn't"
she looks up and knows that (she) knows . . . "he"
they scream and shout until their (vouces) go . . . "voices"
when the fight is over (neith) of them know . . . "Neither" . . .neither or nor is always used in conjunction with each other?

Thanks for the read, and keep on writing, Maxamilium, AKA, Michel Paul Emile Lebel, Published Author . . .
Review of Tony  
Review by Maxamilium
Rated: E | (4.0)
Nicely done! There was a feeling of warmth as I read this peace, it must have been written for someone who was, or is cared about very much! Thanks for the read! Maxamilium, AKA Michel Paul Emile Lebel, published Author
Review by Maxamilium
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello again, Bud! This is poetry mirrored within my own heart, I liked it much and will say that it as been long in the run since rightly philosophers filled the young and old with wisdom true to their hearts, and not those of wealth and corruption? I like the words used, and as a matter of fact wouldn't change a thing . . . and the reflection in the end fits well, do not fuss about it!

Well done Friend, write on!

Your Pal, Maxamilium . . . where have you been?
Review of Construction Crew  
Review by Maxamilium
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Buddy, it's been a while! When I read this one it felt as if you were giving thanks to all for reviews well appreciated, whether good or bad; you know, the building blocks that keep the mind flowing, and at most of times aspire the heart to go on ticking! Those that In not so may words and in time nurture the will and so forth . . . nicely done my friend . . . oh, by the way, you're welcome!

Keep up the good work and write on!

Your Pal, Maxamilium . . .
Review of Demonocracy  
Review by Maxamilium
Rated: E | (4.5)
Not bad at all Buddy, and I see that you have them engraved in the heart, "them" the political machine! What will we do with all that freedom, should we with all attempts give it all back?

Nice stuff, and like you said political!
((((Corrupt minds, bear us on descent to hell.
Minions of Satan, wretchedly feign the farce,
Certify admittance to the torturous society,
where we can freely breed an immoral form.)))) nice . . .

Again, your chioce of word is rather unike in it's own way, keep up the good work and write on Pal!

Over and out for now, Maxamlium, Author.
Review of Desecrated Castle  
Review by Maxamilium
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello again friend, all is well this way! Again great stuff, and may the Kings or Queens slap themselves silly in the wake of morrows.

Someone should isolate you know who, which at this time do not dare speak the name of the nation gone mad? Ahhhh screw it, (the United States of America), whom in fact is trying to take over the planet, Lord help them!

Well done friend, and at this time have no bricks to throw at you, since the foundation on this one is fine!

Keep up the good work Pal!

Over and out for now, Maxamilium.....
Review of I Know,Here's Why  
Review by Maxamilium
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello, kattwoman, and how are you? It is so true how badly people treat each other with stares and soft talk that at most of times wound us deeply if the finger felt is pointed at us . . . in most part due to ignorance and the lack of understanding obesity?

I felt your pain in this short poem, and thank you for sharing it with all on WDC . . . good luck to you and keep on writing!

Over and out, Maxamilium, Author.
Review of Invisible  
Review by Maxamilium
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi, Lyrical Faerie, and how are you on this day? Where are you? I can hear you but can't see you, He, he, ; Nice and deep within the nowhere . . . I think everyone must of thought about that at one point in time, what's wrong with them who did not?

Awesome poetry, made me want to disappear?
I like your like style, full and flowing, not sharp and cut off as most poetry work, as if all should be fragmented? Great style of (Free Verse) poetry!

Good luck with all young lady, and keep on writing, that was nice!

Over and out, Maxamilium, Author.
Review of one-two-three  
Review by Maxamilium
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi, mountain man, and how is your day?

Ha, the love of Brothers, never but lost in quarrels, most likely trivial to life and the length of it! Born of the same blood otherwise shaken and not stirred for one rather then the other? Two in the hope of mothers love?

Well written willingly for the love of siblings which are sometimes hard to achieve in dire rates?

God luck and keep on writhing!

Over and out, Maxamilium, Author.
Review of Soft and Loud  
Review by Maxamilium
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi, Nicole Garrett, and how are you on this a fine day?
Poetry lost in desperation so it seems, somewhat lingering on the edge of doom, well on the doorsteps of death!

All at this point hope do die, and in good fotune wake up and deside to fight to which is life, at most orf times hard and unbearable?

Words well placed made this one quite the nice read! Each stanza glorified with tales of its own that carry forth the prize; the end?

Keep on writhing and good luck with all!

Over and out, Maxamilium, Author.

Review of The Star  
Review by Maxamilium
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi, JDMac, hows it going? Somewhat the fear of rejection portrayed here, critism gone wild within words and not fully absobed! Maybe the way to the future obscured by doubt which devowers beings whole?

Felt the fear in he words and wondered at the hope lost!

Very well, keep on writing and good luck with all!

Over and out, Maxamilium, Author.
Review of Boogey  
Review by Maxamilium
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, JDMac, and how are you on this day? A nightmare to say the least, one involving the (Boogey man) it seems. Night time could be hell for those afraid of the darkness, and most comforting for those whom love the quiet of it and its relaxing effect, where most often find deep smoothing sleep!

Not bad at all, as it makes you think of the obvious?

Keep on writing and good luck with all!

Over and out, Maxamilium, Author.

PS. Welcome to WDC.
Review of Literature  
Review by Maxamilium
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Audrial, and how are you on this day?

Wow, I have to say . . . one of the more original piece of poetry I have read on this site lately . . ,. very nice indeed and good choice of words, great as a matter of fact! You seem to have the master's touch with the pen and mind!

Deep poetry which made me think and enjoy! Great all around!

Good luck with all your work . . . where I will check out more!

I gave you a 5.0 for all around creativity!

Over and out, Maxamilium,Author.
Review of Loves Allowance  
Review by Maxamilium
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Pres_Lane, how are you?

I gave you a 4.5 just for the pain, ho, the pain!!!!

Wow, so much pain, how could you stand it?

Very well said . . .

(((You're not the words that exit my mouth
You're not the thoughts that enter my mind)))

Here, it touched me so!

(((Anger swells in my belly because of you
Tears welt my eyes because of you
Love is blind?
I'm blind)))

Very well when wrote . . .

(((I allowed this complication that was so simple
I allowed you to be the words, the thoughts
Watching the blindness slowly take hold
I'm lost in love)))

Nicely done . . . good luck with all!

Over and out, Maxamilium, Author.
Review by Maxamilium
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi, beezle, and how are you on this day?

Nice piece you have here, full of wonder as I read on; "How many times" will it be said, only line that repeated itself throughout!

Otherwise not bad at all! Corny, but with a nice twist!

Loved it. . . Good luck with all!

Over and out, Mxamilium, Author.
Review by Maxamilium
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, Katelyn , how are you?

Well done, but you could have dug deeper for the words that rhyme, it felt cheap in some parts and well in others, maybe changing some of the words that end and rhyme a good thing to do . . . otherwise not bad at all!

The subject was sad but I felt the pain when read throughout, nice approach to the cause at hand!

Good luck with your work . . . .

Over and out, Maxamilium, Author.
Review of find me  
Review by Maxamilium
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, abrakadabra and how are you?

A piece that speaks of pain throughout, at every word let the reader know how deep it hurts! You could feel the tension building up as the tale is rendered on and on!

the next line made me giggle . . .

(((i found a (peice) in the sand had to fight with the gulls...)))
Ho, piece is misspelled, and I would add an (and) before (had)!

The next leading line is the one that for me holds the reader!

((( i found once more a tiny shard but i'm still looking for the bits of whats left)))

Nicely done . . . good luck with your writing!

Over and out, Maxamilium, Author.

Review of The Break-up  
Review by Maxamilium
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, k , hope all is well, and have a good day!

The end of a relationship is never easy to handle, and one here easily depicted as the end without questions!

Very well put when read and take on the plight of the writer whom is engraving thoughts that waddle then roll on the mind!

Breaking up is so hard to do!

Favorite lines . . .

(((I've asked what's wrong
I've pleaded you to confide
I can take this no longer
This is the end of the ride)))

Well done, good luck and keep on writhing!

Over and out, Maxamilium, Author.
Review of Raven-Black Night  
Review by Maxamilium
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Helo once again, Sobretta, I hope all is fine.

This one starts on a good beat then radically goes down the strangest route, and eventually goes sour!

Up beat, then down beat, I wish it wouldn't have lost its way and stayed golden?

Made for a morbid ending, but with a fine beginning!

Good luck with all of which you write!

Over and out, Maxamilium, Author.
Review by Maxamilium
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, Sobretta , how are you on this fine day?

Nicely done . . .

Poetry for the longing of heart, totally lost in despair!

(((Making me so ill
Do you understand what I mean?)))

Deep sorrow, spoken metaphorically trough a wound that becomes a hole deeper then despair itself!

(((This open bleeding sore
This gaping hole)))

Enjoyed it; not bad at all!

Over and out, Maxamilium, Author.

Review by Maxamilium
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello once again, bookie_boo, good day to you!

Wow, profound to say the least, and all to real when at the cut of the wrist and the only one there to shed a tear, although at most of times to late to retaliate!

Short, but with reality on the mind, thanks for sharing it with all on WDC. Stay golden and keep on writing, where I'm sure will touch hearts in despair, only to be awaken!

I gave this one a 5,0, for its depth!

PS. you may want to change the title to (Unheard screams) no need for the (ing) it seems cumbersome!

Over and out, Maxmilium, Author.
Review of Invisible  
Review by Maxamilium
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, bookie_boo, and how are you?

Nice poetry about love lost within the moment, one that appears to be going down a one way street with no detours, or recourse!

lonely hearts that beat for others but not our own!

Very well stated in turmoil of hearts that linger within the moment, and ferociously pump to all efforts in despair!

Good luck with your writhing, and keep up the good work!

Over and out, Maxamilium, Author.
Review by Maxamilium
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi friend, my favorite Kiwi, and Squirrel extraordinary!

Wow, very deep indeed, you seem to have dug deep for this one! Not only do I like the flow, but also enjoyed the choice of words which in all and to each for sure is different all the time, as I am sure that to you it means something totally different . . . was it about friends and the betrayal of such . . . not sure what it means to you?

Your frogy friend from Canada . . .

Over and out, Maxamilium, Author.
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