Hi creative writer ,
I read “The Story of a girl” as a read and review Random review exercise. Here are my impressions about it as one of the many readers.
As the title indicates , it’s the story of a girl narrated in a simple conventional style adapted by the elders to the children , well it has it’s own style and beauty! I liked the free flow of thought and simplicity in narration. The girl realizes one day her father is not her real father, creating a big conflict between her love for him and her realization as indicated by the father she is grown up, capable of making her own decisions, as testified by her circle of friends , the great world open to her. The conflict continues ,putting her in a dilemma she could not resist her love for father on his death bed at the same time the reality he not her real father, the real one is some one else.
I find the impact of the conflict on reader’s mind demands more punch than it is now. I feel reading more and more of stories will develop your skills to include such impact a reader demands. It’s only my suggestion based on my impressions. It’s not to offend you or find fault.
Keep reading more and more along with your writing , to expand your horizon of acquiring skills to face the the competitive world of writing. This web site includes quite lot of guidance you could harness , thanks to WDC………kranand
Hi creative writer,
I read “Monster Impact” as a read and review Random review exercise. Here are my impressions on it as one of the many readers.
You introduced yourself as Natasha, and briefed about your dreams of becoming a doctor.
It is about the impact of COVID-19 on people and the need to keep relationship intact, though we are advised to maintain physical distance. You intend it to be an article to be conveyed to readers about your concerns about it.
A good attempt well written, covers quite at length the present situation, keep it up, keep writing! ……kranand
I read your “Inspiring thoughts” as a read and review Random review exercise. Here are my impressions about it as one of the many readers.
It’s about the types of approach people make to get something they want to buy and enjoy using it when they are amidst others who also are seeking to buy and enjoy.
I wondered how perfect you are in describing the variety of mindsets, categorizing them in an orderly manner. It is an interesting work I engrossed myself pondering over, unawares I have read all through beginning to end seamlessly. To say in one sentence, I liked and enjoyed reading, and ponder over it for a long time to come……………kranand
Hi “J. Legacy”
I read this as read and review Random Review exercise. Here are my impressions about it asa one of the many readers.
It is a good piece of writing about eight words given. The eight words are not mentioned , it is not possible to confirm all eight words are used in this.
It deals with the cozy experience of winter, continues on the opinion and cyclic nature of life around us by stating “It's not true, the world is immense and we can do anything. This planet with all its living things in it is our playground. Soon Summer will return and the days will be bright again. I'll put the past in a box in the attic until it all comes around again” .......kranand
Hi “Void”
I read “Unexpected” as read and review Random Exercise. Here are my impressions about it as one of the many readers.
It is all about Eleni ,going to Greece with great expectations to see something great as described by her parents, but getting disappointed all that was false.
It’s a good attempt to describe her experiences and meeting some things unexpected. Descriptions are quite vivid, scenes are brief, the urge to travel, waiting a long time is well explained.
There seems to be an error in the sentence “It was where her parents were from, and she was excited to see the things that her they had grown up with.” The words “that her” are redundant……kranand
Hi Jonblair,
I read “Close Encounters (of my own kind) as a read and review Random Review exercise. Here are my impressions about it as one of the many readers.
I have’nt seen the movies referred by you. Still I had the experience of seeing a movie as I read the story beginning to end with curiosity what the encounter could be! As the actual encounter began , I felt I was almost watching you from a distance! The narrative is so vivid, engulfing the reader dragging him/her all through till the craft takes off. You have left it to the reader the question why the UFO took off without facing you in a fight as you thought earlier.
I enjoyed it much better reading you . better I did’nt get biased by seeing the movie earlier, it’s well written ……kranand
Hi Jeff,
I read “Dinner Out” as a part of read and review, Random Review exercise. Here are my impressions as one of the many readers.
It’s a fun filled narration of the awful experience Doug and Carrie couple had, when they chose “Café Marcio, the hippest, hottest new eatery in town” for a dine out.
It’s a classic example of how we become victims of false or misleading advertisements glorifying the place that turns out false.
It’s a fun filled comedy, I could not but laugh loud as I read the predicament of Doug though decency prevented him from shouting, popping a piece of steak that felt “biting into a charcoal briquette... one that had been marinated in what he could only guess was some putrid combination of cigar ash and decomposed citrus fruit”
It is sad for them “the real high point of the outing was the three hundred and fifty dollar bill”!
It’s quite funny, forceful narration of experience……I liked to read through and enjoy……kranand
Hi Bob county,
I read “Risque” as a part of read and review Random Review exercise. It carried me through a volley of thoughts, and made me feel there is no limit for human thoughts, the variety of ways how it thinks. But it’s through these thoughts, the man emancipates from a mundane attractions of satisfying carnal pleasures to more and more refined way to find happiness filled with humility and grace.
A good collection I read with interest, it opens our minds and goads us chose what we feel a good way of leading life………kranand
Hi Crazybee (1) ,
I read your “The Story” as a part of read and review Random Review exercise. Here are my impressions about it as one of the many readers.
It’s an account of a father , with a big family, caught up in a war Afghanisthan had with Soviets for 9 years during 1979 to 1989, losing the entire family dead, and running for life, escaping the choppers, reaching Pakisthan, getting a job, doing business and finally moving into India.
It is a touching story, with vivid expression of horror scenenes, interspersed with a heart rending story of an abandoned baby, the ordeal he experiences to save it desperately,as he thought that was the only one he could claim as his own.
I liked the simple words, chronological flow of events, the live projection of characters, and aove all the lively action all through engaging my attention with curiosity and anxiety what more ordeal the father has to face ahead.
During my read, I did not find any glaring errors of grammar or spellings, though I did not put efforts to check them in specific.
A nice Story, keep it up ……..kranand
Hi Martin,
I read your “Unlocked” as a part of read and review Random Review Exercise. Here are my impressions about it as one of the many readers.
It’s about David keeping his house unlocked and unusually once getting stunned to see his living and windows being occupied by Silhouttes created by Marion with her unnatural “enterprenuer” skill,
The vivid description of the scene, describing characters David and Marion with chracteristics they stood for, and the surprise ending by Marion stating “They are looking for me” –are all quite impressive, I liked to read all through with curiosity. ……….kranand
Hi “WakeUpAndLive~No cig for me!”
I read your “Good versus Evil” as a part of read and review Random Review exercise. Here are my impressions about it as one of the many readers.
It’s about the ever present aspect of life, the conflict between good and evil, symbolically told as a story of fight between paricorn and sharkhorse each representing the good and the evil respectively.
It’s a picturesque description, characters built with well-defined features they represent, brimming with life, the fight described live and kicking……. I liked every bit of it ……….kranand
Hi Sarah J. Nachin,
I read your “How the Armadillo Got His Armor” as a part of read and review Random review exercise. Here are my impressions about it as one of the many readers.
It’s well conceived idea, how armadillo got his armor, spun into a nice story. The problem to hug, the way mother armadillo analyses what to ask for, and the resolution in Great Spirit granting her prayers have all been impressive, well connected and keeps the interest of the readers.
The simple words chosen is quite nice and easy to follow. I liked the story all through………kranand
Hi Smojo,
I read your “ Fear” as a part of ead and review random review. Here are my impressions about it as one of the many readers.
It is about the little girl , engulfed in the fear of a thug strangling her below the underpass as she remembers the news headline “killer strikes again” immagininig herself about to be strangled.
I liked the way the action packed girl’s mind set is described so vividly a reader is simply dragged reading till the end with curiosity what would happen to her by the follower running so close to her. ……kranand
Hi Green Actor (1)
I read your “Cement your Knowledge” as a part of read and review Random Review Exercise. Here are my impressions about it as one of the many readers.
It’s about the origins, and evolution of Concrete ,a popularly used material but little known for antiquity.
The writing has dealt in good details, researched and written in a well structured article any one like me would love to read with interest to know more about it. I liked the simple and well knit detail, the references to each one of the points and emphasis of important you like to note.
The title is quite eye catching , pulls attention of reader jump into reading with curiosity.
Above all the conclusion drawn that we have little thought over an item that occupies our lives day in and day out, very important to us , I liked most ………kranand
Hi Choconut,
I read your “Sample Review” as a part of read and review random review exercise. Here are my impressions about it.
You have considered the entire gamut of reviewing a literary piece of work, a great effort well founded and a masterpiece any one would like to emulate.
I liked the format and am tempted to follow in comprehensive reviews if and when there comes an opportunity for me to do it.
I’m short of words to go into further details of the same but I conclude saying it’s masterly treatment to the subject, and recommend it for newbies to look into it before firming up their templates for review. …….kranand
Hi “PureSciFi”
I came across your “Not Just Another Haunted House” as a part of read and review Random review exercise. Here are my impressions about it.
It’s about the fun the teenagers deriving on their visit to a haunted house, finding a three headed “Gillion” and the discussion on it among them. It’s a good idea for fiction and has a potential to be developed into a larger refined story.
I suggest the number of teenagers limited at best to three not more than that. As reader I felt it’s not necessary to track too many names and loose the reading interest out of me struggling to keep memory of who did what. It helps even the author as well I suppose.
To justify it as a SciFi I did not find a firm scientific idea being used in this. May be it may come up in an enlarged version of the story.
I liked the title but I find it’s not justified, same monsters same tomb are used in the story. Of course the word Gillion is something novel, an attempt to revive the usage of the word
To sum up , it’s a good effort to bring in some thing novel not the same old themes, I liked the idea…………kranand
Hi Sun Writer,
I read your “Ocassions” as a part of read and review Random review exercise.Here are my impressions abou it as one of the many readers.
It’s the memories of childhood you had birthday parties, long car drives , meeting friends …… a happy lot of occasions you enjoyed heart’s content. It’s the sore memories of your twenties, changing you more mature, introvert thinker. Though you never left your room you enjoy your time, and going out and partying are not to your taste, you never enjoy them.
It’s a good brief account of your semi auto biographic sketch, well written and concluded giving your way of enjoying life. It stirs up reader’s personal experiences to compare them with it……..kranand
Hi “Mary Ann MCPhedran/fearless “
I read your “Writing, Writing and More Writing... “ in your book as a part of read and review Random review exercise. Here are my impressions as one of the many readers.
It deals with :
1 The strained relationship of Isa with her bullying husband Jack, her decision to leave him and settle in Paris.The related scene till Jack leaves , vivid description of jack’s dress, and their conversation.
2 Her enthusiastic rush to go to Bingo with her friend Nan, the description of Bingo, Comparitive acumen in playing Bingo between her and Nan.Related Bingo play scene , the surprise luck favouring Isa to win.
The two do not seem to be connected . Is it that Isa wanted to add the winning money with her coletion of savings to help her life at Paris?. Or any other reason they areb together here?
Any how the two are vivid and well connected, actor’s are live. I liked it but for the observation above It’s only my observation/impression. No offence meant…….kranand
Hi PinkIswear,
I read your “ Invader of the Night” as a part of read and review Random Review exercise. Here are my impressions as one of the many readers.
It’ about her experience of squeaking sound as she woke up just before midnight. Her suspicion , it could be a ghost snow balls into jitters and fear throwing her out into gradually failing senses. After a vivid description of her state of mind and surroundings , the tension and anxiety abruptly resolves when she finds it is all from her “ Max, her 3-year-old dog, sleeping with his squeaky ball toy.”
A well written thriller/suspense short story I liked reading beginning to end anticipating what it could be, a ghost or what else? Till it was busted as Max with his squeaky toy!…….kranand
Hi Jeff,
I read your “Falling” as a part of read and review Random review exercise .Here are my impressions about it as one of the many readers
It’s about the mind boggling awe struck experience of him when his parachute didn’t open. It’s a frightening experience portrayed and sudden resolution when the ripchord gets unstruck and obviously opening of the parachute. The comparison of gravity to a cruel mistress is quite attractive.
The vivid lively description of anxious moments “Earth loomed ahead, growing ever closer. Panic rose, resistance now futile. Eyes shut tight, oblivion approaching.” Appealed me very much I liked it……….kranand
Hi Sumojo ,
I read your “Paint Job” as a part of read and review Random review exercise .Here are my impressions as one of the many readers .
It’s about the renovation of an old house left vacant over an year by John and Sarah couple.The neighbor Bill, an old man butts in while the couple toil .Sarah feels him as a disturbance but John, appreciates the oldman’s lovely good neighborly attitude. It is said the Oldman was equally friendly to earlier owner couple for long till they also die, a lasting relationship he enjoyed
Sarah is depicted as an enthusiastic wife, with a great zeal to make the old house look beautiful, some times tired of the job, frustrated .John is portrayed as a mature husband, enjoying the warmth of the oldman’s company, jocular, and empathetic to the hard working John Sarah couple. At times his suggestions are helpful to John in making his job easier.
I liked the old man Bill’s warmth, sense of humor and cooperative nature…………kranand
Hi Pernell Rogers,
I read your “An Odd Friend” as a read and review, Random review exercise. Here are my impressions about it.
It’ all about gullible Victor, weak minded, naive teen with a back ground of getting abused by bullies, class mates and girls. His weak mind some times imagines presence of an invisible friend Bruce. The invisible friend bruce toys with an idea to create a great fun , never ever heard of. And the climax, victor pushing a boy unaware of consequences while joining the crowd cheered the players.
It’s a good effort to write a fun about the gullible teen, reflect the naïve part of his mind. The Character Bruce , imaginary though , being deployed subtly to narrate the story , the surprise revelation that it’s only imaginery is a novel idea I liked ………kranand
Hi BScholl,
I read your “Dig,Dug,Done” as a part of read and review Random review exercise.Here are my opinion on it as one of the many readers.
It’s an action and fun filled story about Samantha , harvesting the gardens with her three children Billy,Stephanie and Mark, though not interested ,but to follow her obediently. The kids had some thing or other as excuse to exhibit displeasure but of no avail by the insistant mother.But when she herself gets bitten she finds it not easy, decides to fetch the items from store!
The words are well chosen to deliver punch in action, picture in the scene, lots of fun and lively guestures to the feast of the reader beginning to end. I liked it much right from it’s title till end…..kranand
Hi “Wonderings of a Madman”
I came across your “Enigma” as a part of read and review Random review exercise. Here are my impressions as one of the many readers .
You have dealt at length the journey of life from birth to death, from nowhere to nowhere that we could contemplate and also the life in between. As I read it I gathered an impression, it’s masterly treatment, not leaving any bit for guess, it’s so comprehensive treatment of the subject. I too have thought about it many times but all that has been so shallow when I read this. It is no exagiration if I say it presents the highest philosophy written in simple common easily understandable language.
I would say your pen name be read as “Wonderings of the Wise man” if I am permitted to suggest so…………kranand
Hi Anna Marie Carlson ,
I read your “It Could Have Been Perfect” as a part of read and review Random review exercise. Here are my impressions about it as opne of the many readers.
It’s about the gift you bought, its perfection to befit the love so intense, it’s memories dazzled you, left you bright and delighted. It’s memories, the hugs and kisses that drove you wild, left you meek and mild…
A touching recollection of the departed love bringing memories bright every time you look at the moon……….it’s a warm , and touching account of the love departed………I enjoyed reading it repeatedly………kranand
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