Hello there kiyasama
Some comments for your piece
Great story Kiya, very interesting to read. Break-ups eh? You've captured the awkwardness and high-emotion of a break-up rather well with this one. In addition, there are some moments of great writing to be found in the piece.
The sibject matter is interesting, as the story progressed I had a suspicion about where it might be going. I had to feel sympathy for the narrator, I've been in his postion myself, it is certainly a bit of a dent on the ego! 
'She smiled...a semblance of a smile. It didn't quite reach the eyes though. It was as if she knew.' - I like the phrasing here, giid alliteration to beign with, and 'it didn't quite reach the eyes' is a unique description. Nice work.
'Redhead finally suggested I break the string that was now drawn so taut it would have snapped anyway, and I’ve done it. Finally.' - Comapring the relationship to a string works very effectively in this part, nice touch. Also, I really liked that the character referred to his new woman as 'Redhead', this conveys his regret, and suggests to the reader that it is not his new girlfriend's name which is on his lips and in his thoughts. Very nice techinque.
'I turned away feeling cold and empty, hands stuck in my pockets to control the trembling of my hands.' - Finally, a point where I can perhaps make a suggestion, if you will allow me to be so bold. You repeat the word 'hands' in this sentence and it sounds a tiny bit clumsy, perhaps you could reword the sentence slightly.
'the painful struggle to hold back the trail of tears that cascaded her cheeks and fell to her paper like silent rain.' - 'trail of tears' & 'cascaded her cheeks' compliment each other beautifully in giving this sentence a great rhythm, and I liked 'silent rain' too, given the setting.
'She did not cry out loud – could not cry out loud, but only bite her lower lip and suffer in the silence of a room that forced her to bear her sorrow for as much as she could.' - Once more, great stuff here, you chose the setting of a library cleverly to add another dimension to the work, forcing the female to conceal any sobs that she may have had. Good stuff.
Overall this is a quality story, other than the small nit I could pick no faults, it is good to see you writing reguarly again, keep them coming.
Thanks for the read, and keep up all the hard work.
Take it easy
ps. I considered taking half a star away from you for the footnote, I absolutely despise Enya's music!! But I'll 'Sail Away, Sail Away, Sail Away' before I start letting own my personal preferences get in the way of reviewing an excellent story!