Thanks for visiting my port, I wanted to repay the favor.
Is this Titanic? LOL good idea, flow, and images conveyed.
typo in line 10 "around me"
The large spacing is off, and the line where you say anyway? I would take that "anyway off"
Just and idea..
Overall impression.
Goof try, but needs just a bit of work. This could be an epic poem. Nice flow in mots parts, images and easily understandable. I have to ask did you write this based off death scene in Titantic?LOL Much llove KF
Note:As always, these are just my thoughts and please take them with a grain of salt. I am not the worlds best reviewer, so what do I know?Writing is quite difficult, and getting it 100% right each time is nearly impossible.
Thanks for visiting my port, I wanted to repay the favor.
Fonts, color, poem flow, shortness of poem but saying quite a bit. The ease of flow as far as the idea goes.
Overall impression.
Good, short, spot on flow poem. Great images and idea. The sea has no loyalty. She owes us nothing, and we owe her so much. Great job, much love
Note:As always, these are just my thoughts and please take them with a grain of salt. I am not the worlds best reviewer, so what do I know?Writing is quite difficult, and getting it 100% right each time is nearly impossible.
I am reviewing you because I am paying you back for a review and or I am just reviewing for fun, and for a read. Please be kind and repay the review if you have the time. Hello, my name is RED and I will be reviewing your writing today..
Short story or Poem Review
repay RR for battleship... Poem Favorite Part or verse I liked
I liked almost all the verses, just a few made me go huh.. but overall good. Any dislikes
The grey color found is hard to read.. but I am also blind so who knows.. Characters or images I liked
NA Overall impressions of item
I liked it, easy fun read. I little bit odd for my taste, but I was never one Alice in wonderland-ish stuff. Good flow great word usage. brilliant in it concept..
Much love RED
My reviews always have suggestions for improvement. Please know that they are offered in the spirit of making this fine piece even better.
Please remember that you are best judge of what is right for your poem or story! Whatever another person says whether positive or negative, is just their opinion! You are the only one who can decide what is right for you and your writings.
Thanks for sharing this item! I only review things that I enjoy reading and I truly did enjoy this piece. Please keep on writing more things just like this!!!
Please always repay a review, it's what me must do to grow as writers and friends.
I am reviewing you because I am paying you back for a review and or I am just reviewing for fun, and for a read. Please be kind and repay the review if you have the time. Hello, my name is RED and I will be reviewing your writing today..
Short story or Poem Review
Poem Favorite Part or verse I liked
Tell me where the grey one sleeps
Silently in the snow.
This line creped me out for some reason and made me want to read more.. Any dislikes
I am no grammar king so bare with me..
If you use so in the beginning of a sentence.. is it so or So,?
Characters or images I liked
I liked the images of the snow and the idea of how alone he was.. in his place.. I also liked the idea of not really knowing..
Overall impressions of item
Well written great verses and images. Odd topic, but you made it appealing and left me wanting to read and know more... brilliant..
Much love
My reviews always have suggestions for improvement. Please know that they are offered in the spirit of making this fine piece even better.
Please remember that you are best judge of what is right for your poem or story! Whatever another person says whether positive or negative, is just their opinion! You are the only one who can decide what is right for you and your writings.
Thanks for sharing this item! I only review things that I enjoy reading and I truly did enjoy this piece. Please keep on writing more things just like this!!!
Please always repay a review, it's what me must do to grow as writers and friends.
I am reviewing you because I am paying you back for a review and or I am just reviewing for fun, and for a read. Please be kind and repay the review if you have the time. Hello, my name is RED and I will be reviewing your writing today..
Short story or Poem Review
Poem Led Ballon Favorite Part or verse I liked
I liked all of them again.. I learned a new word
Great verses from first to last Any dislikes
Nope Characters or images I liked
NA Overall impressions of item
Good overall poem, nice word usage again.. Great flow and images... easy fun read with no typos I could see.. plus you taught me a new word...
Much love
RED My reviews always have suggestions for improvement. Please know that they are offered in the spirit of making this fine piece even better.
Please remember that you are best judge of what is right for your poem or story! Whatever another person says whether positive or negative, is just their opinion! You are the only one who can decide what is right for you and your writings.
Thanks for sharing this item! I only review things that I enjoy reading and I truly did enjoy this piece. Please keep on writing more things just like this!!!
Please always repay a review, it's what me must do to grow as writers and friends.
I am reviewing you because I am paying you back for a review and or I am just reviewing for fun, and for a read. Please be kind and repay the review if you have the time. Hello, my name is RED and I will be reviewing your writing today..
Short story or Poem Review
Poem Favorite Part or verse I liked
Hey, liked em all... all well written and work for the construct program.... lol Any dislikes
Nope Characters or images I liked
NA Overall impressions of item
Good read, easy and fun.. creepy for a sec until I figured out where you where going with it..
Brilliant, great flow and word usage.. nice tie ins...
RED My reviews always have suggestions for improvement. Please know that they are offered in the spirit of making this fine piece even better.
Please remember that you are best judge of what is right for your poem or story! Whatever another person says whether positive or negative, is just their opinion! You are the only one who can decide what is right for you and your writings.
Thanks for sharing this item! I only review things that I enjoy reading and I truly did enjoy this piece. Please keep on writing more things just like this!!!
Please always repay a review, it's what me must do to grow as writers and friends.
I am reviewing you because I am paying you back for a review and or I am just reviewing for fun, and for a read. Please be kind and repay the review if you have the time. Hello, my name is RED and I will be reviewing your writing today..
Short story or Poem Review
Poem..No Favorite Part or verse I liked
the entire poem is great... well written.. carefully chosen words. Any dislikes
Nope Characters or images I liked
NA Overall impressions of item
Hey, great read, right to the point.. short but no less powerful...
Easy fun read, great word usage..
Much love
RED My reviews always have suggestions for improvement. Please know that they are offered in the spirit of making this fine piece even better.
Please remember that you are best judge of what is right for your poem or story! Whatever another person says whether positive or negative, is just their opinion! You are the only one who can decide what is right for you and your writings.
Thanks for sharing this item! I only review things that I enjoy reading and I truly did enjoy this piece. Please keep on writing more things just like this!!!
Please always repay a review, it's what me must do to grow as writers and friends.
I am reviewing you because I am paying you back for a review and or I am just reviewing for fun, and for a read. Please be kind and repay the review if you have the time. Hello, my name is RED and I will be reviewing your writing today..
Short story or Poem Review
Poem What am I? Favorite Part or verse I liked
I liked all the words and the way you put it together.. Any dislikes
Nope Characters or images I liked
Nope Overall impressions of item
Love the flow and the words usage.. we are all those things as writers.. except me I am no editor.. Good fun write, easy read..
Much love RED My reviews always have suggestions for improvement. Please know that they are offered in the spirit of making this fine piece even better.
Please remember that you are best judge of what is right for your poem or story! Whatever another person says whether positive or negative, is just their opinion! You are the only one who can decide what is right for you and your writings.
Thanks for sharing this item! I only review things that I enjoy reading and I truly did enjoy this piece. Please keep on writing more things just like this!!!
Please always repay a review, it's what me must do to grow as writers and friends.
I am reviewing you because I am paying you back for a review and or I am just reviewing for fun, and for a read. Please be kind and repay the review if you have the time. Hello, my name is RED and I will be reviewing your writing today..
Short story or Poem Review
Poem Hearbreak Favorite Part or verse I liked
Well its short, I liked all the lines. Any dislikes
Nope.. short.. Characters or images I liked
Sadness and brokeness conveyed.. Overall impressions of item
Good short easy read.. to the point, brilliant images and word usage.
You can taste the pain in this one.. we have all been there...
write on
RED My reviews always have suggestions for improvement. Please know that they are offered in the spirit of making this fine piece even better.
Please remember that you are best judge of what is right for your poem or story! Whatever another person says whether positive or negative, is just their opinion! You are the only one who can decide what is right for you and your writings.
Thanks for sharing this item! I only review things that I enjoy reading and I truly did enjoy this piece. Please keep on writing more things just like this!!!
Please always repay a review, it's what me must do to grow as writers and friends.
I am reviewing you because I am paying you back for a review and or I am just reviewing for fun, and for a read. Please be kind and repay the review if you have the time. Hello, my name is RED and I will be reviewing your writing today..
Short story or Poem Review
Poem/Prose Favorite Part or verse I liked
I liked your word usage, some great lines and wording in this write. Any dislikes
Nope Characters or images I liked
The image of sadness and hurt felt Overall impressions of item
Overall great read. Very well written, full or real emotions and great word usage..
Much love
RED My reviews always have suggestions for improvement. Please know that they are offered in the spirit of making this fine piece even better.
Please remember that you are best judge of what is right for your poem or story! Whatever another person says whether positive or negative, is just their opinion! You are the only one who can decide what is right for you and your writings.
Thanks for sharing this item! I only review things that I enjoy reading and I truly did enjoy this piece. Please keep on writing more things just like this!!!
Please always repay a review, it's what me must do to grow as writers and friends.
Hello, my name is RED and I will be reviewing your writing today..
Short story or Poem Review
Poem "Thank You!" Favorite Part or verse I liked
When I awoke this morning and looked out as afar,
What i saw was our fathers star,
It shines as bright as ever....
Any dislikes
Na... a few typos... for example lower case i not capitalized..
Characters or images I liked
The image of looking out upon the star....
Overall impressions of item
Good poem, short read but from the heart.. Strong flow and word usage.. few typos, but nothing serious.. powerful message behind it..
write on.. RED
My reviews always have suggestions for improvement. Please know that they are offered in the spirit of making this fine piece even better.
Please remember that you are best judge of what is right for your poem or story! Whatever another person says whether positive or negative, is just their opinion! You are the only one who can decide what is right for you and your writings.
Thanks for sharing this item! I only review things that I enjoy reading and I truly did enjoy this piece. Please keep on writing more things just like this!!!
Please always repay a review, it's what me must do to grow as writers and friends.
Hello, my name is RED and I will be reviewing your writing today..
Short story or Poem Review
Poem Favorite Part or verse I liked
"I lost my way a while ago.
I was meant to write so much more.
But here I am without a flow,
my words simply fall to the floor."
I feel like this three times a week, but somehow I find the way to write. Some of our best stuff comes when it feels like we can't write at all. Any dislikes
Short Characters or images I liked
NA Overall impressions of item
Easy fun read. No issue found. Made good use of each word and verse. Well planned out and definitely something all writers can relate to.. Brilliant...
Write on...
RED My reviews always have suggestions for improvement. Please know that they are offered in the spirit of making this fine piece even better.
Please remember that you are best judge of what is right for your poem or story! Whatever another person says whether positive or negative, is just their opinion! You are the only one who can decide what is right for you and your writings.
Thanks for sharing this item! I only review things that I enjoy reading and I truly did enjoy this piece. Please keep on writing more things just like this!!!
Please always repay a review, it's what me must do to grow as writers and friends.
Hello, my name is RED and I will be reviewing your writing today..
Short story or Poem Review
POEM Favorite Part or verse I liked
" Irreplaceable is the friendship found in spirit."
Great line, wish I had a few friends like Sherri...... hard to come by.. Any dislikes
NA Characters or images I liked
I liked the entire poem, Sherri must be very special .. Overall impressions of item
Good read, easy fun and heartfelt poem. Not really familiar with the style, but I like the way the words are laid out. Interesting way of writing a poem.
I have written several poems for other WDC members, they are always fun to write.
Write on, much love
RS August RR
My reviews always have suggestions for improvement. Please know that they are offered in the spirit of making this fine piece even better.
Please remember that you are best judge of what is right for your poem or story! Whatever another person says whether positive or negative, is just their opinion! You are the only one who can decide what is right for you and your writings.
Thanks for sharing this item! I only review things that I enjoy reading and I truly did enjoy this piece. Please keep on writing more things just like this!!!
Please always repay a review, it's what me must do to grow as writers and friends.
Hello, my name is RED and I will be reviewing your writing today..
Short story or Poem Review
Poem Favorite Part or verse I liked
"Musing at how a single
missing pane
can bend the light
in such a way"
Any dislikes
yet in truth a obscenity is this supposed to be an? line is confusing..
at a life never seen or heard Maybe? I think seen nor heard...
Characters or images I liked
Na Overall impressions of item
I liked it, good flow and nice read. Good concept and it tracks well, see above for the only issue I found.. Its a good poem, I am sure with a few good reads and edits it could be perfect..
Much love write on....RED My reviews always have suggestions for improvement. Please know that they are offered in the spirit of making this fine piece even better.
Please remember that you are best judge of what is right for your poem or story! Whatever another person says whether positive or negative, is just their opinion! You are the only one who can decide what is right for you and your writings.
Thanks for sharing this item! I only review things that I enjoy reading and I truly did enjoy this piece. Please keep on writing more things just like this!!!
Please always repay a review, it's what me must do to grow as writers and friends.
Hello, my name is RED and I will be reviewing your writing today..
Short story or Poem Review
Poem Favorite Part or verse I liked
"The victim stands convicted! The evidence is clear.
Summon him; I appear. There is no appeal inside."
We have all been there, so I can relate. Love is almost like a crime, you have to break all that binds us to life, to truly live in love.. At least thats the way I see it.. Great line.
Any dislikes
NONE.. some fancy words usage.. I had to get out the dictionary 3
Characters or images I liked
na-The clown Overall impressions of item
Great poem , well written. Masterful use of words. Easy flow, great form and great visuals. Never read a power like it before...Write on.. Brilliant!
My reviews always have suggestions for improvement. Please know that they are offered in the spirit of making this fine piece even better.
Please remember that you are best judge of what is right for your poem or story! Whatever another person says whether positive or negative, is just their opinion! You are the only one who can decide what is right for you and your writings.
Thanks for sharing this item! I only review things that I enjoy reading and I truly did enjoy this piece. Please keep on writing more things just like this!!!
Please always repay a review, it's what me must do to grow as writers and friends.
Hello, my name is RED and I will be reviewing your writing today..
Short story or Poem Review
Poem-Terza Rima form
Favorite Part or verse I liked
"Out of America I soared on iron wings"
At first I was thinking Harley, but planes are fun too..
"I chanced on people red, yellow and brown;"
The palette has changed a lot, diversity is a ok.
Any dislikes
Yes, wish I could write poems like this. Short and sweet..LOL
Characters or images I liked
NA Overall impressions of item
Love this poem, I have never seen this types before. I am a free verse writer, but I think I might try my hands at a few of these types. I like the end, and how the person come back to all that has made him/her so. Great message, great poem.
Brilliant! The verse and the word usage is amazing..
Much love
My reviews always have suggestions for improvement. Please know that they are offered in the spirit of making this fine piece even better.
Please remember that you are best judge of what is right for your poem or story! Whatever another person says whether positive or negative, is just their opinion! You are the only one who can decide what is right for you and your writings.
Thanks for sharing this item! I only review things that I enjoy reading and I truly did enjoy this piece. Please keep on writing more things just like this!!!
Please always repay a review, it's what me must do to grow as writers and friends.
Hello, my name is RED and I will be reviewing your writing today..
Hey just repaying Your RR.. Nice port I will have to come back often..
Now I want to read Black Ice..after reading your warning.
Short story or Poem Review
Favorite Part or verse I liked
In hope my soul awaits the tomb.
Hope gestating in Heaven's womb.
Good line, but curious am I..
And maybe I ma not getting it 100%..
But should it be,
I hope my soul escapes the tomb,
Just curious..contradicting lines..
Just an idea.. I am new to writing so I have no clue..
Any dislikes or issues seen
An unseen presence haunts the quiet wood.
Is it supposed to be woods?
Characters or images I liked
I liked the visuals, and the flow..
Overall impressions of item
Hey just curious is the poem placed down on the page to signify fallen grace?
If so nice touch..
Brilliant, well written and great word usage..write on..
My reviews always have suggestions for improvement. Please know that they are offered in the spirit of making this fine piece even better.
Please remember that you are best judge of what is right for your poem or story! Whatever another person says whether positive or negative, is just their opinion! You are the only one who can decide what is right for you and your writings.
Thanks for sharing this item! I only review things that I enjoy reading and I truly did enjoy this piece. Please keep on writing more things just like this!!!
Please always repay a review, it's what me must do to grow as writers and friends.
Hello, my name is RED and I will be reviewing your writing today..
Short story or Poem Review
Favorite Part or verse I liked
I write in madness;
now more then ever.
And weep in corners;
to try to feel better.
Any dislikes
None, but just curious...
So today I wrote;
you unread words.
is this supposed to be this way?
So, today I wrote;
your unread words.
Characters or images I liked
I can relate, so I like the image I get from ya poem..
Overall impressions of item
Good read, juts a few line that seem off to me, but overall great read..
My reviews always have suggestions for improvement. Please know that they are offered in the spirit of making this fine piece even better.
Please remember that you are best judge of what is right for your poem or story! Whatever another person says whether positive or negative, is just their opinion! You are the only one who can decide what is right for you and your writings.
Thanks for sharing this item! I only review things that I enjoy reading and I truly did enjoy this piece. Please keep on writing more things just like this!!!
Please always repay a review, it's what me must do to grow as writers and friends.
Hello, my name is RED and I will be reviewing your writing today..
Short story or Poem Review
Favorite Part or verse I liked
The text message read:
sick, a stupid friend
I stayed home
would you visit & bring lunch and smokes
Sorry 2 ask
I can pay U back
smokes are expensive, get your Moocher
Any dislikes
Characters or images I liked
The image and the message flow well, once you get past the first verse.
Overall impressions of item
I liked it overall, its message is clear and it has happened to many of us.. sometimes we are just to late to help others.
My reviews always have suggestions for improvement. Please know that they are offered in the spirit of making this fine piece even better.
Please remember that you are best judge of what is right for your poem or story! Whatever another person says whether positive or negative, is just their opinion! You are the only one who can decide what is right for you and your writings.
Thanks for sharing this item! I only review things that I enjoy reading and I truly did enjoy this piece. Please keep on writing more things just like this!!!
Please always repay a review, it's what me must do to grow as writers and friends.
Hello, my name is RED and I will be reviewing your writing today..
Short story or Poem Review
Favorite Part or verse I liked
Tomorrow will come
a new start
a wonderful day
Characters or images I liked
The image of the sun being so powerful in our lives.
Overall impressions of item
Like it much, i liked the flow and the word usage. The image I got was nice.
Short but sweet, with I could do that..
My reviews always have suggestions for improvement. Please know that they are offered in the spirit of making this fine piece even better.
Please remember that you are best judge of what is right for your poem or story! Whatever another person says whether positive or negative, is just their opinion! You are the only one who can decide what is right for you and your writings.
Thanks for sharing this item! I only review things that I enjoy reading and I truly did enjoy this piece. Please keep on writing more things just like this!!!
Please always repay a review, it's what me must do to grow as writers and friends.
Hello, my name is RED and I will be reviewing your writing today..
General Impressions
Odd concept for a poem. Favorite Part
Old fart of course, you know me. Characters
The king because I can relate to being crotchety Plot
N/A Setting
N/A Dialog if any
Best verse, next to the old fart line of course.
I too am just to handsome.. man it sucks to be me....
The king just did not know any lust
His mother had said, it was a bust.
"I am just too handsome!" he declared!
"They are all ugly - can't be repaired!
Over all I liked it, never read a poem with this kinda of theme.. maybe I should stop writing dark stuff and focus on medievalist stuff..great job...
My reviews always have suggestions for improvement. Please know that they are offered in the spirit of making this fine piece even better.
Please remember that you are best judge of what is right for your poem or story! Whatever another person says whether positive or negative, is just their opinion! You are the only one who can decide what is right for you and your writings.
Thanks for sharing this item! I only review things that I enjoy reading and I truly did enjoy this piece. Please keep on writing more things just like this!!!
Please always repay a review, it's what me must do to grow as writers and friends.
Great read, some really good word usage and flow.
Nice tale and I could get a good pic in my head from it..
I think that this poem will stand the test of time..
I like to try to write poems that cross all lines of time...
Good job.. write on RED
I will hand this small note and a coin to one of them so that in the event that I do not ever see your pretty face again, you will know that I died on my feet and never surrendered while my body holds breath.--- the line seems off.. should it be held breath?
Good story, nice read.. I did a college paper about these events once... you certainly know you American history...
again very odd, I take it you and I share a similar past? My tormentor is called the darkness.. I have spent my whole life running or hiding from it.. the only way I find freedom is through my writings... of course I am nuts, so maybe its all in my head...
Dysfunctional childhoods leave life long scars... anyway..
Good read, nice flow, creepy.. I would try reading it out loud. I stumbled a few times.. but other that that good..excellent word usage..
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