Greeting Blood,
The review will consist of 2 part, first is the parts of the story that I think need to be "smoothed" and the second is the writing itself in general, such as the style, atmosphere, flow of the story.... etc
First part..
"....relentless force outside that the sturdy sehana trees"
The wording in this part will make a person wondering about the meaning, try to put an explanation of the "outside" part, you can simply put outside the cave or in the open area or so on, because if you only mention it as outside without coma or explanation the meaning itself could be lost in the reader mind. "sehana" is a name, so don't forget to put a capital on the first letter :)
"with roots digging way deep underground, were uprooted like weeds"
For me, it seems that you try to show the power of the storm by comparing it with something, however, the comparation itself is unclear... try to imagine this part "uprooted like weed", what we got will be an image of weed and its root which actually strong... but if you add some words like "uprooted like the weed in the hand of farmer" or such, the reader will get a tad better feeling of the strength of the storm.
this word is very eye-catching... yet seems out of place in the setting, maybe you could try to wording it in other way... or change the sentence altogether
"– which of course"
"to the cave, partly "
"– with her frail body and sickly nature – "
"alive, for now"
"her pale, white face, she hopelessly"
"Anyone who is outside in that storm and survives must not be human. It put more fear in her already fearful heart"
"the cave with her – she’s the only one there – and certainly not outside"
"Zeela closed her eyes and tried, unsuccessfully, to ignore the raspy voice"
"A small vortex started to form and tried to suck everything inside the cave"
"– arms, legs, torso, and head"
"Zeela – forcefully and sharply – and "
"said the raspy, cracking, feminine voice behind her"
All of above have problem with the coma or line (this one "-" cause I don't know the proper name XD), I know that you only try to add more details by adding some information and make it more realistic, easier to be felt. but the additional symbol will make the reader subconsciously add the extra explanation by using a flat and monotone narrator-stereotypical voice, try to ask your friend to read it aloud for you, and you will notice it. Try to change it with a word or two to reduce the pause or gap when reading this story.
Part 2
All in all, the setting of a storm, cave, child and mysterious storm woman is interesting, you do well with the way you describe the condition around Zeela, but you forget to explain what the child felt... like the hunger, biting cold, or feeling of missing the warmness of a home or so. The best thing I can suggest you is to have other person or even yourself, to read the story aloud, trust me it will help... well asking a review like this will help too :D
sorry for the long review, see ya around |