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Review by Jeff Sturgeon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
WOW!! First let me say I am sorry for your loss.

Theme: This is a very sad and important time in your life and that shows throughout your poem. Although the theme is depressing you did a good job to show some light as well.

Rhythm/Tempo: The flow of the poem was fantastic, I was able to get into a smooth tempo throughout. Great job.

Rhyming Sequence: The rhyming sequence was perfect, I enjoyed the fact that the words actually rhymed, there are times when some don't and you were able to avoid that!

Overall: This was a very well written, well crafted poem about a very sad topic. I am giving this 5 stars and I hope that you will continue to write!

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Review by Jeff Sturgeon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was a well written and well thought out poem.

Pace: The pace was solid and I didn't have to circle back to ensure I understood what was written.

Rhyming Sequence: I thought that was perfect and very well crafted. That is not an easy thing to do.

Overall: I am giving this a 5 star rating, great job!

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Review of Play Ball  Open in new Window.
Review by Jeff Sturgeon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
I found the story to be charming and well written.

Setting: for a short story, they were perfect, just enough to set the image but not too long as to take away from the theme.

Characters: Just enough detail for the reader to picture each one, again, not overbearing which was refreshing.

Spelling/Grammar: I only found one spelling issue
"something tantamount ro treason in the land of the Detroit Tigers;"
I believe ro should be to

Overall: I rate this a 4.5 star. I enjoyed the story

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Review by Jeff Sturgeon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
The picture drew me to the poem. I enjoyed the journey. Thank you
Review of Commuting  Open in new Window.
Review by Jeff Sturgeon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Commuting is the worst part of work lol. Nice job and thank you for sharing!!!
Review by Jeff Sturgeon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Thank you for this fantastic piece of advice. I will use some of this to get friends and family here to check things out.

Have a great day!

Jeff Sturgeon
Review of VETERANS DAY  Open in new Window.
Review by Jeff Sturgeon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
First, being a veteran myself this really hit me!

I found it very meaningful and I thoroughly enjoyed the way you used Veterans Day in the poem.

I am giving this 5 stars because of its well thought out layout and the feel and meaning inside every word.

Thank you for sharing this great peom with us!!

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Review of Griffin's Blade  Open in new Window.
Review by Jeff Sturgeon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I enjoyed the first part of this story. I am intrigued with Rick Borden and why he is being summoned to El Ka-hone. I have a feeling this isn't going to be a basic private detective job.

The second section, where Gabriel Goldstein is murdered had me asking how does a guy move that quick to stab an armed guy. I am really looking forward to seeing how that plays out.

I gave the review because I read it and I do look forward to more. Sorry it's just a basic review and not my full fledged on.

Write on and have a great day!!


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Review of NOT FLAWLESS  Open in new Window.
Review by Jeff Sturgeon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
That was a great set of words that hit me hard. I really enjoyed and appreciate the power in only 15 words!!

Thank you for sharing.
Review by Jeff Sturgeon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
That was a great poem! I enjoyed the tempo and rhythm.

The sixth line “Selah” added a level of drama to the poem. It was a defining moment for me.

Thank you for leering know you had completed this poem. It was a pleasure to read and I am giving it 5 stars.

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Review by Jeff Sturgeon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was a very well written piece of poetry. I enjoyed the rhyming sequence which I thought was spot on. That sequence is not an easy one by any way shape or form. The overall meaning was carried out and I would feel myself being immersed as I read each line. Thank you for a great poem.

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Review by Jeff Sturgeon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Being a veteran and reading that poem, it brought a tear to my eye. That was very emotional and powerful. The thought that went into that is amazing!! I enjoyed every line but the enjoyment was in a sad but thankful way.

If I could give you 10 stars I would. I have enclosed 100 gift points and hope you continue to write with the same power as you did in this poem.

Thank you!!

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Review of It's Time  Open in new Window.
Review by Jeff Sturgeon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
I have to admit, YOU CAUGHT ME OFF GUARD!!! When I first started to read this I felt as though Jane was going to be the one who didn't want grandma to dictate what they would do in their marriage, but then BANG, you hit me with:

Which was exactly what they thought would happen, when she, and his grandmother, came up with the plan.

It made the whole read wortwhile. 5 stars!!! Thank you

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Review of This Christmas  Open in new Window.
Review by Jeff Sturgeon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
This poem had a lot to offer in a very confined space. It made me feel that you had one person in mind, someone who may have hurt you. In the end I felt the flow was good and the theme was great. I will give you 4 stars and will look to read more of your work.

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Review of Daydream  Open in new Window.
Review by Jeff Sturgeon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)

The poem's central idea revolves around the intersection of the mundane and the imaginative, highlighting how overlooked details in our everyday environment can inspire thoughts of exploration and adventure. The subject matter focuses on the imagery of a drive, where small, unremarkable patches of cement evoke thoughts of distant lands and the possibility of discovery.


The poem's word choice is descriptive, creating vivid imagery. Phrases like "careless shovel," "tiny islands," and "asphalt ocean" mix the ordinary with the extraordinary, suggesting that beauty and wonder can be found in everyday life. Literary devices such as metaphors are prevalent; the "asphalt ocean" compares the road to a vast sea, while the "archipelagos" symbolize the scattered patches of cement.


Very well-written and descriptive it gave me the feeling of being right there on the road with you.

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Review by Jeff Sturgeon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Reader's Reaction: What a great story, I had no idea how this was going to end, what a pleasant surprise.

Characters/Dialog: I enjoyed Madame Hecate, she stared off as a charlatan but ended up being a hero. The dialogue was perfect for the story.

Emotion/tone/Atmosphere: The story started with me feeling like Madame Hecate should be arrested for fraud but as the story continue I felt that she actually believed in the occult. Great job on that presentation.

Plot & Pace: I thought the plot was well laid out and the pace of the story was good. Just enough ebb and flow to keep me reading.

Structure/plot/setting & Imagery: I felt like I was at the fair and I would picture the little tent where she would do her work.

Favorite Lines: "Oh My God", Hecate thought with disdain, "just another sucker to play with.
This line resonated with me, this is what made me think she was a charlatan. Great job!

Overall Impression/Conclusion: This was a very well crafted and well written story. the beginning hooked me, the middle gave me a little depth and the end made me appreciate Madame Hecate.

I didn't find any spelling or grammatical errors in the story.

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Review of A Union of Two  Open in new Window.
Review by Jeff Sturgeon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I enjoyed this poem and the powerful message it sent. The opening was very thought provoking;

I choose You
You choose Me
We choose Us
We, together, are unstoppable

The line, "We choose us" really resonated with me.

The overflow was great, I was able to read it through once without having to stop to reread. I am giving this 5 stars and will look forward to reading more from you.

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Review by Jeff Sturgeon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
I enjoyed your poem. It flowed smoothly for the most part but there were a few spots where I had to stop and reread. Not sure if that deliberate or not.

A declaration,
a choice to rejoice.
The rhythm carries
me along,

This was where I stumbled. Other than that I felt this was a good poem with a powerful message.

Thank you

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Review of The Story  Open in new Window.
Review by Jeff Sturgeon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Reader's Reaction: I was wondering where the story was going but what a great surprise.

Characters: I enjoyed the characters and how you portrayed them.

Emotion/tone/Atmosphere: The story was written in a way that kept me wanting to read it.

Plot & Pace: The plot was unique and the pace for perfect for the story length.

Favorite Lines: Actually… it was because she had moved to Hawaii, with her lover, the one who helped her rob the store.

Talk about a hit you in the gut moment!!

Overall Impression/Conclusion: Great concept and great story. Very well written and thought out!

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Review of Ravens' Revenge  Open in new Window.
Review by Jeff Sturgeon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
This was a very well written piece of poetry. I enjoyed the theme and the pace of the work. I was fulfilled in only 8 lines which is a testament to your story telling.

I didn’t find any spelling or grammatical errors in the work. Overall I loved it and will look forward to more of your work. Thank you

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Review of That was 2024  Open in new Window.
Review by Jeff Sturgeon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
You met the task of the stanzas and sequences. I loved the first line, “Retirement is at hand” I was curious as to where you were going to take me and I thoroughly enjoyed the journey.

Overall this was a very nicely written poem that captured the essence of “That was 2024”. Thank you

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Review of A RICH POOR MAN  Open in new Window.
Review by Jeff Sturgeon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Overall nice concept. The only grammatical error I see is in the 6th sentence “whose been so many places” maybe add “whose been to so many places” just a thought. Other than that I thought it was a smooth read! Thank you for a nice poem and enjoy. Happy new year.

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Review by Jeff Sturgeon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
A very sweet and outlandish story. Very creative. Thank you for sharing.
Review by Jeff Sturgeon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
I have to admit, you put a lot of thought and effort into what I just read. I may just look to see how the story unravels. Not really my thing but great concept and creativity
Review by Jeff Sturgeon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Absolutely beautiful set of poetry! I enjoyed the flow of each, although the first was my favorite.

Favorite line was: A silent bond that speaks so clear,
A steady pulse when you're near.

That was powerful and full of deep meaning. It really resonated with me.

Thank you for such beautiful work.

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