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Review of Blue Devil  Open in new Window.
Review by JOY-on LOA Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Jessica! It was my pleasure to read "Blue DevilOpen in new Window..

I would like to offer my perspective and some helpful comments!

Unfortunately, I do not have time to give you a full review this morning, but I could NOT pass up the opportunity to at least tell you how much I enjoyed this story! I absolutely love a tale that keeps you guessing, and although I did figure out what was happening before I got to the end, you did a magnificent job of pulling the reader in and messing their head. *Bigsmile* I also enjoy doing that from time to time. If you get a chance, check out "Macy's Adventure" in my port. Similar premise. Anyway, I look forward to reading more of your work! By the way, my husband was born in Kankakee. Have a wonderful week and keep writing!

*Flower4* Joy4Rain *Flower4*

*Star* ~Alumni of The Paper Doll Gang~ *Star*

"Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.

*Flower4* Editorial Assistant for Shadows Magazine *Flower4*

Review of Alone In Silence  Open in new Window.
Review by JOY-on LOA Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello Josheph J. Henley! Your work, "Alone In SilenceOpen in new Window. is being reviewed by a member of the Rockin' PDG Gifting Station!

First Impression: The description under the title doesn't seem to quite match the subject matter. That "feeling of being cut off" is well documented here, but the speaker is clearly in this situation as a result of heart break. And it is obvious that they desire healing, whether it be by the return of their love or through their own determination.

Rhyme/Rhythm/Form: In theory, it appears that the intention here was to construct the piece in quatrain form made up of rhyming couplets. Unfortunately, the attempt at a rhyme scheme hasn't worked out so well. *Frown* Another thing to be careful of is your timing. A great trick that I was taught is to read the finished piece out loud! That allows you to hear the rhythm the way it will come across to a reader. Whatever does not fit, edit until it does. *Smile* Example: Stanza's one and two have similar flow, but stanza three offers an uncomfortable interruption that mars the overall effect.

Emotion/Imagery: Emotion? Wow! It is quite obvious the speaker is experiencing an incredible amount of despair, regret and desperation! I can almost feel the aching pouring out from a lost soul. Nice use of imagery as well. I especially liked "drowning in the sea". However, I was a little confused over "uncovered by the night". With the night being dark, how can something be uncovered? See suggestion below.

Punctuation/Grammar: I love the total lack of punctuation! Sometimes for me, when reading poetry, I find punctuation to be a distraction from the emotional impact the piece could have had otherwise. Good choice! *Thumbsup* Pay close attention to word usage. In stanzas one, four , five and six, you ended the first lines with the word "silence". If this was intentional, then the other stanzas should have been the same. If it was not intentional, it seems redundant and may benefit from editing that would replace a few spots with a different word. Also, in stanza one, "My emotions binded" simply does not work. I know what you are trying to say, but binded isn't even a real word. Sorry. *Frown*

Suggestions: If you decide to use rhyming couplets in future poem, make sure they fit perfectly. Otherwise, steer clear of rhyming and make it more free verse. An excellent use of free verse carries much more impact than poor use of rhyme. Stanza five: Perhaps the use of "covered" would be a better choice...as though the speaker was trying to hide his intense rage.

These opinions and suggestions are based simply on my own observations. Please only take what you find helpful and leave the rest. If you do decide to make any changes, I would love to read your poem again after it has been edited! Thank you for sharing this piece with WDC. It was a pleasure reading your work! *Smile*

*Flower4* Joy4Rain *Flower4*

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Review of Heavenly Light  Open in new Window.
Review by JOY-on LOA Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello HuntersMoon! Your work, "Heavenly LightOpen in new Window. is being reviewed by a member of the Rockin' PDG Gifting Station!

*Note2* First Impression: In the beginning, I thought "cute!" and figured the entire piece would be humorous. Assumptions get me in trouble quite often. By the end, I was somber and thoughtful. I believe one sign of good writing is when a piece can make the reader think. This certainly did.

*Note5* Rhyme/Rhythm/Form: Purists would point out that stanzas one, five and seven are not true rhyme, but I am far from a purist and felt the rhyming worked very well. I particularly enjoyed the use of "bespeckles". The couplet form is perfectly represented here, although I personally felt the rhythm lost its flow slightly with the final stanza.

*Note1* Emotion/Imagery: As I mentioned in my first impression, this made me feel many emotions. The poem is amusing, thought provoking, solemn and convicting. Your use of imagery is understated yet extremely effective considering I was able to picture everything in my mind without really being conscious of it.

*Note3* Suggestions: Stanza three feels odd as if it were not a complete sentence/thought. If you were to remove the word "when", it seems to flow better. Also, in stanza six, "breathe" should be spelled "breath".

These opinions and suggestions are based simply on my own observations. Please only take what you find helpful and leave the rest. It was a pleasure to read your work!*Smile*

*Flower4* Joy4Rain *Flower4*

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Review of Anger  Open in new Window.
Review by JOY-on LOA Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi Vivian! It is my pleasure to review your work for my Poetic Cascades class. After reading "AngerOpen in new Window., I offer you these comments:

First Impression: "Anger" is such a small word. It is amazing what can be born from it. But this piece expresses anger in one of the best ways I have ever read. It is almost as if you dissected the emotion, extracting each tiny aspect and magnifying it so that I, the reader, could feel the true magnitude of rage. Well written!

Rhyme/Rhythm/Form: I do not recognize any particular form here, but even though you went with free verse, I am glad to see the work divided into stanzas. Each break gives the reader just enough of a pause to digest what was just read before moving on to the next thought.

Emotion/Imagery: I love the way that each stanza builds in intensity until the end when the "energy" of the poem drops off dramatically...almost like a person collapsing in exhaustion after expending all their rage. I empathized so strongly with this, not because I am an angry person, but because I am NOT! Born a natural peacemaker, I will do anything to avoid conflict. But if I am pushed hard enough, I can become consumed with rage. The visual, physical and auditory imagery used here describes the way I have felt in the past when pushed past the breaking point. I even felt my blood pressure start to rise as I read because I could identify so well.

Punctuation/Spelling/Grammar: In stanza one, line three, I think that "molden" is supposed to be spelled "molten". In stanza three, line two, "What is left is ashes.." should read "What is left ARE ashes..". As far as punctuation is concerned, my only issue is with stanza one. As someone who reads each poem out loud for part of the review process, I found the flow lacking when reading stanza one with it's current punctuation. See below for editing suggestions.

Suggestions: Place a period after line two. Replace the period after line three with a comma, and replace the semi colon after line four with a period.

I hope you will accept this review in the positive spirit it was intended. After all, we are both working towards the same goal; becoming better writers! *Bigsmile*

*Flower4* Joy4Rain *Flower4*

*Star* ~Alumni of The Paper Doll Gang~ *Star*

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*Flower4* Article Editor/Proofreader for Shadows Express *Flower4*
Review of Awaiting the Fall  Open in new Window.
Review by JOY-on LOA Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Lobelia! It was my pleasure to read "Awaiting the FallOpen in new Window. as part of this week's assignment for my Poetic Cascades class. After studying this piece, I humbly offer you these comments:

First Impression: What a beautiful way of expressing the cycle of life! I read this poem over and over because it made me feel "hope"! My favorite part is "to find glory in scarlet dying days". Such a lovely line, rich in feeling and imagery. *Smile*

Rhyme/Rhythm/Form: Choosing to write this free form was a good decision in my opinion. Without having to conform to a rhyme pattern, I felt a lovely kind of sway to the rhythm.

Emotion/Imagery: The attitude here is one of acceptance. You captured the essence of the leaf's existence and purpose even in the midst of questioning over it's final end. Fantastic use of imagery! The use and balance of visual and tactile imagery is very nicely done. Basically, you have created an interesting character from a simple fragment of plant life. *Thumbsup*

Punctuation/Spelling/Grammar: Spelling and grammar are flawless, although I found that eleven lines tend to make for one exceptionally long sentence.

Suggestions: Perhaps a minor edit of placing a period after "toward sun" and beginning a new sentence with "Expendable" would remove the feeling of the reader needing to stop and catch their breathe in the middle of the poem.

I hope you will accept this review in the positive spirit it was intended. After all, we are both working towards the same goal; becoming better writers! *Bigsmile*

*Flower4* Joy4Rain *Flower4*

*Star* ~Alumni of The Paper Doll Gang~ *Star*

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*Flower4* Article Editor/Proofreader for Shadows Express *Flower4*
Review of Though Apart  Open in new Window.
Review by JOY-on LOA Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi A.M.Issy! After reading "Though ApartOpen in new Window., I offer you these comments:

First Impression: The impression I got in reading this piece is that the speaker is struggling to overcome something tragic. Whether it was a regrettable act or horrible memory, etc., it is eating away at every last bit of hope. In fact, that is the emotion conveyed here..complete hopelessness. The tone is dark and desperate, without the energy to try anymore.

Rhyme/Rhythm/Form: Nice example of true rhyme here! Even with the repetitive lines, nothing felt overused. Your execution of a Villanelle is accurate, although the visual presentation is lacking. Having all the stanzas lumped together in one body makes it difficult to follow the refrains. (see suggestions below for editing possibilities)

Punctuation/Spelling/Grammar: I was quite impressed with the word "vacuity"! In fact, I had to look up the definition! Nice addition there. *Thumbsup* Always remember to be consistent with your punctuation. There is very random usage here, almost to the point that when it occurs, it is a surprise. Either use it to the fullest extent or opt to forgo it completely. Line two is listed as having eight syllables, when it actually only has seven. In line ten, "too" should be spelled "to". In the fifth tercet, you have added the word "For" at the beginning of the refrain. I am not sure why you strayed from the pattern, as I was unable to find a reason for it in the description of a villanelle.

Suggestions: I strongly suggest separating your stanzas with a line break. It will make for a better visual presentation as well as being easier on the eyes of the reader. You may also want to consider changing the focus from a plural "us" to a singular and more intimate "me". I read the poem aloud while making those substitutions and it seemed to have better flow, but of course, that is just my personal opinion. *Smile*

I hope you will accept this review in the positive spirit it was intended. After all, we are both working towards the same goal; becoming better writers! *Bigsmile*

*Flower4* Joy4Rain *Flower4*

*Star* ~Alumni of The Paper Doll Gang~ *Star*

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*Flower4* Editorial Assistant for Shadows Magazine *Flower4*
Review of Caesura  Open in new Window.
Review by JOY-on LOA Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Hunters Moon! As part of my assignment for the Poetic Cascades class, I have chosen to review "CaesuraOpen in new Window.. Your work has inspired me time and time again, and I agonized over reviewing you because you are so far out of my league. But how better for me to learn than to study the best, right? *Smile* That said, I humbly offer you these comments:

First Impression: This brought out sympathetic emotion in me when I realized it could very well have been written about your own beloved wife. This piece in particular is a perfect example of what I have always believed...that there is raw beauty in the pain of loss. Though the memory of a loved one brings new pain each time we dwell on it, that memory is still a priceless treasure we hold dear. The tone here is deeply sad, but speaks volumes of the love that was shared.

Rhyme/Rhythm/Form: Thank you for my very first introduction to Rispetto. According to the explanation of this form, your execution of the rhyme pattern and meter are carried out perfectly. (I was proud that I retained some info from my last lesson and recognized the use of "slant rhyme" in stanza one, lines two and four.) Caesura is also new to me, so I was glad to see it as a minor point here...not overwhelming in it's use, but quite effective nonetheless.

Punctuation/Spelling/Grammar: I don't recall having ever seen any errors in these categories in any of your work! This one is no different. Nicely done, as usual. *Thumbsup*

Suggestions: I do not have the background knowledge yet to be able to suggest edits for this form, but even if I did, it would be difficult to know how to improve on this poem. My only suggestion is that you share it with everyone you possibly can. Thank you for posting it!

I hope you will accept this review in the positive spirit it was intended. After all, we are both working towards the same goal; becoming better writers! *Bigsmile*

*Flower4* Joy4Rain *Flower4*

*Star* ~Alumni of The Paper Doll Gang~ *Star*

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*Flower4* Article Editor/Proofreader for Shadows Express *Flower4*
Review by JOY-on LOA Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi la belle cuillere! I have chosen to review "The Nature of My DeathOpen in new Window. for a class I am taking. I enjoyed this piece very much and humbly offer you these comments:

First Impression:I found this to be bitter-sweet. The balance of beauty and sadness almost prompted me to want to reach out to the speaker with a sympathetic embrace. I got the impression of someone who has given of themselves again and again, providing beauty, sustinance and pleasure for others. But now they have nothing left to give and death comes with only memories to leave as a legacy.

Rhyme, Rhythm and Form: Excellent use of symbolism! *Thumbsup* Although my mind's eye pictured a fruit tree, it was an easy transition to envision the personification of not only a "tree", but that each point applied to a person's life, as well. Nice example of an English sonnet with structured ryhme scheme. The intent to write in iambic pentameter is obvious, although there are a couple of spots that were "iffy" for me as a reader. "Kindling" made me grin because it is pretty sneaky how it does work as long as you read it "kin-dle-ing" in three syllables. The only major issue I am having is with "Scatter" in line thirteen. No matter how I read it, something isn't quite right. For it to follow form, it would need to sound like "sca-TTER" which is very unnatural.

Punctuation/Spelling/Grammar: I appreciate the subtle use of elision in line one. It is not presumptuous or out of place. Keep a close eye on your punctuation. It seems a little random, almost as though you kept forgetting about it. Specifically in stanza three, the comma after merlot feels odd. Perhaps replacing "merlot, tinged" with "merlot-tinged" would flow better. I found no spelling errors. *Smile*

Suggestions: Consider editing possibilities for "Scatter" so that the flow of the piece is not lost at the very end.

I hope you will accept this review in the positive spirit it was intended. After all, we are both working towards the same goal; becoming better writers! *Bigsmile*

*Flower4* Joy4Rain *Flower4*

*Star* ~Alumni of The Paper Doll Gang~ *Star*

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*Flower4* Article Editor/Proofreader for Shadows Express *Flower4*
Review of Love Song  Open in new Window.
Review by JOY-on LOA Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Hi Max Griffin! I have been asked to review "Love SongOpen in new Window. for my Poetic Cascades class. Although I am just beginning to learn about this type of poetry, I hope to give your work due credit in offering the following comments:

First Impression: What a beautiful expression of love and loss! This piece details the way love changes with the passage of time, although the commitment remains strong even amidst the distractions of "life". Pleasure, joy, contentment, acceptance and mourning are what I gleaned from reading this poem. Although, I suspect there is much more to be discovered with further perusal. *Smile*

Rhyme, Rhythm & Form: This form is new to me, but having learned about the basic structure, I find your execution to be correct. Rhythm is also well done. Kudos to you for your use of rhyme without resorting to the same words over and over (as I so often see). My only issue is with stanza one, line five where the word "souls" is not an exact rhyme with "repose" and "dispose".

Punctuation/Spelling/Grammar: Very well written! I was unable to find any errors.

Suggestions: Being unfamiliar with this style, I don't feel qualified to suggest any specific edits. Thank you for presenting such a quality example of anapestic tetrameter. It has been a help in my learning process!

I hope you will accept this review in the positive spirit it was intended. After all, we are both working towards the same goal; becoming better writers! *Bigsmile*

*Flower4* Joy4Rain *Flower4*

*Star* ~Alumni of The Paper Doll Gang~ *Star*

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*Flower4* Article Editor/Proofreader for Shadows Express *Flower4*
Review of Writer's Block  Open in new Window.
Review by JOY-on LOA Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi emerin-liseli! I have been assigned to review this piece as part of the Poetic Cascades class. After reading "Writer's BlockOpen in new Window., I offer you these comments:

First Impression: What a wonderful expression of the poet's heart! I can relate completely to the concept that the words coming from a writer are tiny peices of what makes them complete. Yes, it is a deeply challenging at times, but so worth the effort! Very nicely expressed. *ThumbsUp*

Rhyme, Rhythm & Form: I am only beginning to learn about iambic tetrameter, but from what I see here, you have written an excellent example of this form. Your rhythm flows very well and the rhyming scheme is flawless.

Punctuation/Spelling/Grammar: Again, flawless execution with no errors found!

Suggestions: As I am not yet very knowledgable in this type of poetry, it would be difficult to make any suggestions. But beyond that, I do believe this piece to be perfectly done.

I hope you will accept this review in the positive spirit it was intended. After all, we are both working towards the same goal; becoming better writers! *Bigsmile*

*Flower4* Joy4Rain *Flower4*

*Star* ~Alumni of The Paper Doll Gang~ *Star*

"Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.

*Flower4* Article Editor/Proofreader for Shadows Express *Flower4*
Review of Emerald Eyes  Open in new Window.
Review by JOY-on LOA Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Mo! After reading "Emerald EyesOpen in new Window., I offer you these comments:

First Impression: This piece strikes me as being an expression of both despair and hope. Unfortunately, the aspect of hope is represented as something from the past indicating that it is too late to hope any further.

Punctuation/Spelling/Grammar: I found no spelling errors, and as you have chosen not to use puncuation, there can be no errors there either! *Bigsmile* Grammatically, I would like to point out that you keep changing tense in the middle of your stanzas. This makes the poem sound a bit awkward and may cause the reader to misunderstand your concept. Please see below for editing suggestions.

Suggestions: In line 4 of stanza one, change "became" to "becomes". In line 3 of stanza two, change "Knows" to "Knowing" and "will never see" to "never seeing any light" OR "that will never see the light". In stanza three, line one focuses our attention on the prison, when (if you stay true to the rest of the piece) the focus should be on the life/soul/heart. Perhaps tweaking the wording a bit...(example:)"A prison still holds close the life that lives within, when what it wanted most was never to give in."

I hope you will accept this review in the positive spirit it was intended. After all, we are both working towards the same goal; becoming better writers! *Bigsmile*

*Flower4* Joy4Rain *Flower4*

*Star* ~Alumni of The Paper Doll Gang~ *Star*

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*Flower4* Article Editor/Proofreader for Shadows Express *Flower4*
Review of Nothing Serious  Open in new Window.
Review by JOY-on LOA Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi again! At your request, I am offering a review of "Nothing SeriousOpen in new Window..

First Impression: My first thought was that usually something labeled as dialogue involves conversation between two or more characters. This sounds like it is all coming from one person. However, if it is meant to be spoken aloud to the hearer, then of course, it is considered dialogue of a sort. I have read it three times and am still having trouble understanding exactly what you are talking about. But, if you write like I do, then you know EXACTLY what your intent is and it seems ridiculous that others might not "get it". In that case, stay true to yoursself and don't edit to please the reader. But I would encourage you to come back to the piece periodically and see if YOU begin to interpret it differently. Then would be the time to edit. *Smile*

Punctuation/Spelling/Grammar: I am not sure if line four is supposed to end with a question mark or a period. Also, beginning in the second stanza, it appears that you have abandoned punctuation for the most part. Although poetry is much more free concerning those rules, it is important to pick one style and stick with it.

Suggestions: Other than keeping your mind open to an eventual edit, I do suggest that you change "fret" in line two to "worry". The reason for this is that you just used "fretting" in the previous sentence. Repetition is not desirable unless it is a specific part of the pattern.

I hope you will accept this review in the positive spirit it was intended. After all, we are both working towards the same goal; becoming better writers! *Bigsmile*

*Flower4* Joy4Rain *Flower4*

*Star* ~Alumni of The Paper Doll Gang~ *Star*

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*Flower4* Editorial Assistant for Shadows Magazine *Flower4*
Review by JOY-on LOA Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi christo! After reading "nights are given awayOpen in new Window., I offer you these comments:

First Impression: Stanza one pulled me in with the vivid imagery created by the moon's description. I appreciate the free form of the first two stanzas, but the third stanza seems to have a rhythm that is completely different. It almost feels as though it is not part of the same poem.

Punctuation/Spelling/Grammar: These areas all look fine although since you have decided to use punctuation, you may also want to consider capitalization as well.

Suggestions: In stanza one, you use the phrase "long, cold" and then right after, you use "long, cool". It sounds a little redundant to utilize the same description twice in a row. I suggest changing one of them around so that it means the same, but reads differently. I would also suggest some minor editing of stanza three to improve the flow of the entire piece.

I hope you will accept this review in the positive spirit it was intended. After all, we are both working towards the same goal; becoming better writers! *Bigsmile*

*Flower4* Joy4Rain *Flower4*

*Star* ~Alumni of The Paper Doll Gang~ *Star*

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*Flower4* Editorial Assistant for Shadows Magazine *Flower4*
Review of Too Vain  Open in new Window.
Review by JOY-on LOA Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi! After reading "Too VainOpen in new Window., I offer you these comments:

First Impression: This piece gives me the feeling of a person who has spent time worrying about the future, but is tired of disappointment. It is almost as if they have come to the point where they decide that they are going to take a break from striving and just "be" without caring what might happen. Life will bring what it will, and in the meantime, why not just relax? *Smile*

Punctuation/Spelling/Grammar: Keep a close eye on your punctuation. Most of your commas here should either be periods or semi colons. Spelling and grammar are perfect!

Suggestions: I am not sure why you have separated the first line from the rest of the poem (unless it was a typo). Either way, it is a bit distracting to the reader. I would suggest that you remove the space.

I hope you will accept this review in the positive spirit it was intended. After all, we are both working towards the same goal; becoming better writers! *Bigsmile*

*Flower4* Joy4Rain *Flower4*

*Star* ~Alumni of The Paper Doll Gang~ *Star*

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*Flower4* Editorial Assistant for Shadows Magazine *Flower4*
Review of Fear  Open in new Window.
Review by JOY-on LOA Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi margaretm! After reading "FearOpen in new Window., I offer you these comments:

First Impression: I very much enjoyed the perspective you used on fear. You are right in pointing out that it is a many faceted emotion. It can be simple or complicated, and it is always different for each individual. You used some great comparisons and excellent imagery. *Smile*

Punctuation/Spelling/Grammar: Remember to be consistant. Line two says "knows" and "having" which are inconsistant and makes it more difficult for the reader to follow. There are a few other spots that need some tweaking along the same lines. See below for editing suggestions.

Suggestions: Line two: Change "having" to "has". Line four: Insert "when" between "often" and "trying". Change "and love" to "or loving". Final line: Place a comma after "down".

I hope you will accept this review in the positive spirit it was intended. After all, we are both working towards the same goal; becoming better writers! *Bigsmile*

*Flower4* Joy4Rain *Flower4*

*Star* ~Alumni of The Paper Doll Gang~ *Star*

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*Flower4* Editorial Assistant for Shadows Magazine *Flower4*
Review of Continuous Dream  Open in new Window.
Review by JOY-on LOA Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Paige! After reading "Continuous DreamOpen in new Window., I offer you these comments:

First Impression: This poem truly does have a dream-like quality to it. The way you described the passage of time, the sound of the clock ticking, and the difference between what was being said and what was being implied...all of these things made it very believable as a dream. Although, I suspect this dream may have been very much based on memories of actual happenings.

Punctuation/Spelling/Grammar: In stanza three, I think there should be a comma after "you and me". In stanza four, place a comma after "Yet".

Suggestions: In stanza one, I suggest replacing "Like" with "As if". In stanza three, I suggest replacing "Like" with "the way".

I hope you will accept this review in the positive spirit it was intended. After all, we are both working towards the same goal; becoming better writers! *Bigsmile*

*Flower4* Joy4Rain *Flower4*

*Star* ~Alumni of The Paper Doll Gang~ *Star*

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*Flower4* Editorial Assistant for Shadows Magazine *Flower4*
Review of A Poem  Open in new Window.
Review by JOY-on LOA Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi joetrikke! After reading "A PoemOpen in new Window., I offer you these comments:

First Impression: I found this to be a beautiful perspective on poetry. I liked the way you compared the color pallette to the emotions and experiences of life. *Smile*

Punctuation/Spelling/Grammar: I found no error in spelling or grammar. However, you have made the last three lines into one sentence, when in actuality, they are a continuation of the first sentence. See below.

Suggestions: Replace the period after "life" with a comma, and delete the capitalization of "painted". There should also be a comma after "sorrow".

I hope you will accept this review in the positive spirit it was intended. After all, we are both working towards the same goal; becoming better writers! *Bigsmile*

*Flower4* Joy4Rain *Flower4*

*Star* ~Alumni of The Paper Doll Gang~ *Star*

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*Flower4* Editorial Assistant for Shadows Magazine *Flower4*
Review of Chiseling Teacups  Open in new Window.
Review by JOY-on LOA Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi SWPoet! After reading "Chiseling TeacupsOpen in new Window., I offer you these comments:

First Impression: Wow. I absolutely love this concept! Your interpretation of someone who sets themselves up to be wounded is dead on. I like your style of writing, and this piece is extremely effective!

Punctuation/Spelling/Grammar: It was a bit difficult to follow the flow at times, but I think that happens sometimes when the reader doesn't completely connect with where the writer is coming from.

Suggestions: Because what I said above is most likely the case here, I don't really know of anything specific to suggest for editing other than this: Your lines of thought are much longer than your actual lines. Condensing into fewer and longer lines might let the reader follow along more easily without actually changing the poem.

I hope you will accept this review in the positive spirit it was intended. After all, we are both working towards the same goal; becoming better writers! *Bigsmile*

*Flower4* Joy4Rain *Flower4*

*Star* ~Alumni of The Paper Doll Gang~ *Star*

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*Flower4* Editorial Assistant for Shadows Magazine *Flower4*
Review of "My Love"  Open in new Window.
Review by JOY-on LOA Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Bear! After reading ""My Love"Open in new Window., I offer you these comments:

First Impression: I found this piece to be hauntingly sad and brimming over with emotion. In writing this, you have retained a sense of mystery with the fact that the reader is unsure about the lost lover. Did they leave? Did they die? The question is not answered. But, what we know for sure is that the writer finds their only solace in expressing the love they have, even though the lover is no longer there to recieve it.

Punctuation/Spelling/Grammar: Stanza one, line three shouldn't need a comma at the end. Same for stanza two, line three. Again, the same issue in stanza three, line one.

Suggestions: In stanza three, line three, I suggest getting rid of the "and". "forever and until" just sounds a little awkward, and I don't really think you need the extra word in there to get the message across. *Smile*

I hope you will accept this review in the positive spirit it was intended. After all, we are both working towards the same goal; becoming better writers! *Bigsmile*

*Flower4* Joy4Rain *Flower4*

*Star* ~Alumni of The Paper Doll Gang~ *Star*

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*Flower4* Editorial Assistant for Shadows Magazine *Flower4*
Review of Tunnel  Open in new Window.
Review by JOY-on LOA Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi Lin! After reading "TunnelOpen in new Window., I offer you these comments:

First Impression: This piece begins with a very despairing feel, but gradually shows the reader hope towards the end. Everyone should have someone in their lives that is there to help them in a time of darkness. *Smile*

Punctuation/Spelling/Grammar: In line one "you" should be "you're". Line two, "negativeness" is not a real word and should be replaced with "negativity". In line five, "the tunnel is too great" sounds odd. I suggest changing it to "too long". In line seven, "sweatheart" should be spelled "sweetheart". Also, remember to be consistant with your punctuation throughout the entire poem. All I see here are random commas, some placed correctly, some not, some missing. There are also missing periods. If you choose not to use punctuation at all, divide your words and lines where those breaks would appear. This makes it easier for the reader to understand your thought process and get the message you are conveying.

Suggestions: I find that reading my work aloud helps me to know when and where editing is needed. I would encourage you to do the same. When we "hear" how our writing comes across to others, it gives us a whole new perspective! *Bigsmile*

I hope you will accept this review in the positive spirit it was intended. After all, we are both working towards the same goal; becoming better writers!

*Flower4* Joy4Rain *Flower4*

*Star* ~Alumni of The Paper Doll Gang~ *Star*

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*Flower4* Editorial Assistant for Shadows Magazine *Flower4*
Review of Love, real Love  Open in new Window.
Review by JOY-on LOA Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi gizmo! After reading "Love, real LoveOpen in new Window., I offer you these comments:

First Impression: What a great way to speak of the beauty and pain that love brings us all! I found myself nodding and smiling because I completely agree with what you have said here. Nicely written. *Smile*

Suggestions: I have just a few suggestions for slight edits that will make the words flow better. Line two: "When first picked, it is pretty". Line three: "But, there are thorns". Line four: Eliminate "And". Line six: Replace "holes" with "wounds". Line seven: Eliminate "then".

Punctuation/Spelling/Grammar: Punctuation in poetry is pretty loose. You can go by traditional rules, or you can even forgoe the use of any punctuation at all! *Bigsmile* Whichever method you choose, always remember to be consistant throughout the entire poem. Here, I noticed lots of commas, but not all that should be there. Also, there a few missing periods.

I hope you will accept this review in the positive spirit it was intended. After all, we are both working towards the same goal; becoming better writers! *Smile*

*Flower4* Joy4Rain *Flower4*

*Star* ~Alumni of The Paper Doll Gang~ *Star*

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*Flower4* Editorial Assistant for Shadows Magazine *Flower4*
Review of Nothing  Open in new Window.
Review by JOY-on LOA Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
Hi Kylin! After reading "NothingOpen in new Window., I offer you these comments:

First Impression: I found this piece to be very emotionally charged yet conveying almost a sense of being numb at the same time. I am also left with a deep feeling of bitterness from the speaker.

Suggestions: The first two stanzas were very effective. The third is seems a little "off", but unfortunately, the last stanza is a little hard to follow. There doesn't seem to be the same focus and flow as before. Try reading this aloud and see if there are possibilities for re-wording that would flow better without diluting the message.

Punctuation/Spelling/Grammar: In stanza one, lines four and five begin with "tell you". I am a little confused by that. Is it possibly a typo and you meant to write "'till your"? Stanza two, line one should be changed from "your" to "you're".

I think this has the potential to be an incredible poem with a few easy edits to sharpen it up. *Smile* I look forward to reading more of your work!

I hope you will accept this review in the positive spirit it was intended. After all, we are both working towards the same goal; becoming better writers! *Bigsmile*

*Flower4* Joy4Rain *Flower4*

*Star* ~Alumni of The Paper Doll Gang~ *Star*

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*Flower4* Editorial Assistant for Shadows Magazine *Flower4*
Review of The Tree  Open in new Window.
Review by JOY-on LOA Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi Jerboy2010! After reading "The TreeOpen in new Window., I offer you these comments:

First Impression: I love the word picture you painted here! I could actually see the details of this tree as I read the words, and the fact that you almost made it a living entity was impressive. Very nice job! *Smile*

Suggestions: None except what you see below. I really like the way this was written and wouldn't suggest altering it.

Punctuation/Spelling/Grammar: In line four, "croon's" should be spelled "crone's". I found no other errors.

I hope you will accept this review in the positive spirit it was intended. After all, we are both working towards the same goal; becoming better writers! *Bigsmile*

*Flower4* Joy4Rain *Flower4*

*Star* ~Alumni of The Paper Doll Gang~ *Star*

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*Flower4* Editorial Assistant for Shadows Magazine *Flower4*
Review by JOY-on LOA Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Lovestrucken! After reading "I love you to lateOpen in new Window., I offer you these comments:

First Impression: I enjoyed reading about the wonderful relationship you had with your Grandfather. *Smile* I am so glad that you have those precious memories of him to ease the pain of his passing. It is obvious that you had a very special bond with one another and by writing about it, you are helping to build his legacy.

Suggestions: This is pretty free form, not following any set pattern or rhythm. That is why I dont't have any suggestions for changing it. I think it is important for you to keep the thoughts the way they originally came out when thinking of your Grandfather.

Punctuation/Spelling/Grammar: There are several spots in these categories that need some editing. Line one: change "was" to "were". Line two: change "is" to "was". Line three: capitalize "always". Line four: capitalize "always" and end the line with a period. Line five: capitalize "your", put a comma after "faulting", and end the line with a period. Line six: capitalize "you". Line seven: put an apostrophe before "til". Line eight: Put a comma after "you" and a period after "Grandpa". (DON'T GET OVERWHELMED! These are all very fast fixes. They won't change the actual poem, but will make it look nicer on the page and easier for the reader to follow) *Bigsmile*

I hope you will accept this review in the positive spirit it was intended. After all, we are both working towards the same goal; becoming better writers!

*Flower4* Joy4Rain *Flower4*

*Star* ~Alumni of The Paper Doll Gang~ *Star*

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*Flower4* Editorial Assistant for Shadows Magazine *Flower4*
Review of Falling  Open in new Window.
Review by JOY-on LOA Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hi udontknowmel! After reading "FallingOpen in new Window., I offer you these comments:

First Impression: The deep sadness in this piece really moved me. There is so much despair here, and a sense of searching for some sort of stability and comfort. You did an excellent job conveying the intense emotions of the speaker.

Suggestions: I don't have any suggestions for editing other than what you see below. I like the free form that you have used here.

Punctuation/Spelling/Grammar: Poetry is a little more lenient when it comes to punctuation. Whether you choose to use it or not, make sure that you are consistent throughout the entire piece. Here, there is none at all in the first stanza, and although it is used in the second stanza, there are commas where there should be periods and a missing period at the end of the second line. The good news is, those are all easy fixes. *Smile*

I hope you will accept this review in the positive spirit it was intended. After all, we are both working towards the same goal; becoming better writers! *Bigsmile*

*Flower4* Joy4Rain *Flower4*

*Star* ~Alumni of The Paper Doll Gang~ *Star*

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*Flower4* Editorial Assistant for Shadows Magazine *Flower4*
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