First Impression: The description under the title doesn't seem to quite match the subject matter. That "feeling of being cut off" is well documented here, but the speaker is clearly in this situation as a result of heart break. And it is obvious that they desire healing, whether it be by the return of their love or through their own determination.
Rhyme/Rhythm/Form: In theory, it appears that the intention here was to construct the piece in quatrain form made up of rhyming couplets. Unfortunately, the attempt at a rhyme scheme hasn't worked out so well.

Another thing to be careful of is your timing. A great trick that I was taught is to read the finished piece out loud! That allows you to hear the rhythm the way it will come across to a reader. Whatever does not fit, edit until it does.

Example: Stanza's one and two have similar flow, but stanza three offers an uncomfortable interruption that mars the overall effect.
Emotion/Imagery: Emotion? Wow! It is quite obvious the speaker is experiencing an incredible amount of despair, regret and desperation! I can almost feel the aching pouring out from a lost soul. Nice use of imagery as well. I especially liked "drowning in the sea". However, I was a little confused over "uncovered by the night". With the night being dark, how can something be uncovered? See suggestion below.
Punctuation/Grammar: I love the total lack of punctuation! Sometimes for me, when reading poetry, I find punctuation to be a distraction from the emotional impact the piece could have had otherwise. Good choice!

Pay close attention to word usage. In stanzas one, four , five and six, you ended the first lines with the word "silence". If this was intentional, then the other stanzas should have been the same. If it was not intentional, it seems redundant and may benefit from editing that would replace a few spots with a different word. Also, in stanza one, "My emotions binded" simply does not work. I know what you are trying to say, but binded isn't even a real word. Sorry.
Suggestions: If you decide to use rhyming couplets in future poem, make sure they fit perfectly. Otherwise, steer clear of rhyming and make it more free verse. An excellent use of free verse carries much more impact than poor use of rhyme. Stanza five: Perhaps the use of "covered" would be a better though the speaker was trying to hide his intense rage.