Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/jkoehler
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12 Public Reviews Given
12 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review by Johannes Var
Rated: E | (3.0)
I understand many aspects of Christianity, or any religion for that matter, are hard to understand. I was very intrigued by the many religions you have been exposed to. Overall, a good piece.
Review of From Time to Time  
Review by Johannes Var
Rated: E | (2.0)
Good story. I must ask you, where did you get the idea of Valencia walking into walls. What was your inspiration: Star Trek, The Men Who Stare at Goats, or did you just imagine this device? What was the reason for going back to New York City in the 1940's? I could understand wanting to see the dinosaurs, but New York in the 1940's did not make any sense. Some grammar errors and misspellings, but all in all very good. (Don't take this review to heart, I believe you have potential as a writer.) I'd give this story a C.
Review of From Prompt  
Review by Johannes Var
Rated: E | (2.5)
Terrifying story! Really enjoyed it. Some misspellings and words that should be changed, but I loved it. I focus more on content than grammar. I've always felt that way, especially at night. Sometimes your compassion rules over your logic, and so easily that dark figure could be concealing a weapon of some kind. (Don't take this review to heart, I just call it like I see it and believe you have great potential as a writer!) I would give this piece a B-.
Review by Johannes Var
Rated: 18+ | (3.0)
Looks great thus far. Very informative. Irish priest is almost cliche, but excellent story. From what I know about exorcisms, the priest and everyone accompanying him doesn't just one day have an exorcism. There's a period of fasting and praying that must be done before hand. Also, the priest would have never allowed Matthew, an unbeliever, to witness the exorcism. Some grammar mistakes, missing words, misspellings, but overall very good. Liked the reference to professional wrestling. All in all, I would give this piece a B.
Review by Johannes Var
Rated: E | (2.0)
Good, solid paper. Very informative. If this is for a writing class there are serveral sentences, and even some paragraphs that need to be reworded. My English teacher in high school was a stickler for always penalizing us when we wrote 2 instead of two. She always said if the number is 100 or fewer we should write the number long hand. I don't know if that was her rule or the proper way of doing it, but I would say two just in case. Also, don't you have a bibliography page? Why are you writing full internet addresses out? If it's from CNN.com don't say the full address unless it's required, write it on your bibliography page and make a footnote for it. All in all, if I was grading it I would give this paper a C, although I can't promise your teacher will be as lenient. I emphasize content not grammar.
Review by Johannes Var
Rated: 13+ | (2.5)
This was pretty good. I really enjoyed the imagery and attention to detail, although I wouldn't say stuff; I would say exactly what the stuff was. I've been there many a time, especially in the middle of hurricanes when it's raining and wind is blowing extremely hard. I've almost been in a similar situation when I had to decide whether to get hit head on or land in a ditch. Like you said, angels do protect us. Don't call them American Indians, the proper term is Native Americans (although they are not really native to America). I'm not a stickler for grammar, I'd rather enjoy a great story. All in all I'd give this a C+
Review of The Spoils of War  
Review by Johannes Var
Rated: E | (3.5)
This was very touching! It's such a shame, especially for Vietnam vets like Joe, to have to come home with PTSD. Excellent story, very heartfelt. As far as grammar, a much needed apostrophe is missing from Joe's (not Joes). Also should have skipped a space to keep the rhythm flowing. All in all, I would give this an A-.
Review by Johannes Var
Rated: 18+ | (2.5)
Impressive and very humorous. Thoroughly enjoyed this (Especially the part about Liz Taylor, big fan!) Overall there were some grammatical mistakes and spelling errors, but I would rather focus on content than english. Enjoyed the reference to Eric Estrada. Very impressive use of cows. Was this a shameless plug for Wal-Mart? Certainly you could have created your own store, although at this point in time, I would not be surprised if Wal-Mart did use cows judging from the popularity of Chick Fil A. All in all, not bad. B-.
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