Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/jimwriter
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83 Public Reviews Given
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Review of IN HIS CARE  
Review by Jimwithpen
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Nice rhyme. Beautiful construction. Short and concise. Bla bla bla--- What I am trying to get to though is the great spiritual connotation and portrayal of love for family. The truth of giving your concern to God in the situation where He will give you solace for your trust. There will be a return any time bread is cast upon the water with the heart right with the Lord. To write a beautiful poem like this surely comes from experience and is due more reward than the gift points I give you now. Thank you for sharing with me. Jimwithpen
Review by Jimwithpen
Rated: E | (5.0)
Only one thing about this poem is not right for me. I would have had a 'd' on the live because time has overtaken parents as well as grandparents. I certainly had nostalgia well up in my heart as I read the part of the weeds in the yard. When i was a young boy my job was to help keep the weeds under control at my grandmother's house which was a true log house from the log house era. Jimwithpen
Review by Jimwithpen
Rated: E | (5.0)
I felt love as a father and also as a grandfather while reading your wonderful poem. It shows a perspective we should contemplate with regularity. I could feel so directly involved in the subject matter of the poem that it is inducing me to award you some GPs. Jimwriter
Review by Jimwithpen
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
What a parallel and such reflection on the point. I simply love this kind of poem. My feeble attempts to get it right can at least mean something to someone. Your take on the idea behind it all is so wonderful. I hope you continue to read my stuff and give such input to strike awe as you have. Thank you from my heart, Jimwithpen
Review of ABUSE  
Review by Jimwithpen
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I am not truly qualified to review as some who would read your work. I did form opinion as I read this poem. I am flabergasted at the way you have managed to put into words (much less a poem) the terrible things which happen in this world. If only more readers would set eyes on it. I have you in my favorite author list for a reason and will continue to check your postings. Jimwithpen
Review by Jimwithpen
Rated: E | (5.0)
Being not the educated person I should have been, it will be difficult to say anything constructive in making improvements. This poem has merits for which all flaws simply must be forgiven and the theme must not be ignored. It is a beautiful and meaningful description of an attitude of understanding God and His power. How well it explains the cycle which the Master has arranged for our benefit. We only have to open our eyes to His work to see it. Your fine explanation in this poem should help many to look at God's way and to appreciate it. Jimwithpen
Review by Jimwithpen
Rated: E | (5.0)
I am making a mistake trying to absorb all of your inspirational writings in one session. Flabergasting won't do for their effect on me. I will have to return at a later date with a fresh load of comments for your almost imaculate work. Forgive me for my lack of stamina. Jimwithpen
Review of Lest We Forget  
Review by Jimwithpen
Rated: E | (5.0)
Ahhh--- Oh my!!!!! Jimwithpen
Review of Angels Listened  
Review by Jimwithpen
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
My eyes are not dry. I get so emotional while reading such wonderful and inspirational accounts of our Savior. It etches into my mind things which we should be giving to the lost with our writings. I am willing to venture a guess that the Lord is well pleased with you for your work in this field. Jimwithpen
Review by Jimwithpen
Rated: E | (5.0)
This leaves me speachless---- Jimwithpen
Review by Jimwithpen
Rated: E | (5.0)
This most beautiful poem is only possible to be written by one who has a personal relationship with the Almighty. I am seeing the beauty of the author in my mind as I write out this inadequate review. The next time I write something in this genre I will recall having read your own here on this site. I cannot give what it is worth but I give GPs to you for having shared this with me. Thank you so much. Jimwithpen
Review of Under The Sink  
Review by Jimwithpen
Rated: E | (5.0)
Such a beautiful little poem for children. I have a niece who works in that field (child entertainment) It is amazing how much can be done with a bit of literature for the benefit of the young. Some folks would fail to see how beneficial your writing of these things can be. This one almost brings out the preschool kid in me. ha ha ha Keep it up like a champion. Jimwithpen
Review of The Last Bridge  
Review by Jimwithpen
Rated: E | (5.0)
It is beautiful. A bit different in that it has recurring line in each stanza but in new position. It immediately brought to mind one of my own poems. I love the picture too. Jimwithpen
Review of The Sea  
Review by Jimwithpen
Rated: E | (5.0)
"The Sea" is a beautiful short poem which is on a subject which persons such as myself are sometimes infatuated with. Having lived so far from any water almost all of my sixty odd years it is a treat to read things which generate curiousity about the sea. It is very interesting to catch the comments such as the one on Cousteau. TV has made him a household name probably world wide. I can only gather from the poem that you are familiar with the ocean. I am receptive to more on the subject. It was appreciated greatly. Jimwriter
Review by Jimwithpen
Rated: E | (5.0)
If I am gathering the gist correctly the Mystery League is a means which means to inspire writers with incentives somewhat greater than mere words. It is a form of building up self esteem and drive to achieve a higher level of accomplishments in writing. I do think this practice is needed in the world we live in. For that cause I am willing to give GPs when I can.
Review by Jimwithpen
Rated: E | (5.0)
You seem to have nothing but the best of the best in your portfolio. I will run dyr of points to award if they continue to astound me this way. I mow yards commercially and have been mowing a parking lot which has sparce grass.
There is a pair of birds who nest out in the center of that lot every year. It is amazing to watch their antics to distract my big mower away. I was brought immediately back to that by this beautiful poem. Jimwithpen
Review of Crimson Teardrops  
Review by Jimwithpen
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I have found myself running out of description of my own appreciation for such absolutely beautiful work. I am in awe. I must express my elation at your poem. Jimwithpen
Review of Freedom's Key  
Review by Jimwithpen
Rated: E | (5.0)
So wonderful it is to find gems like your poetry. I am , to say the least , flabbergasted. Simply beautiful and beautifully simple. It holds a sound train of thought about the subject matter while presented with the rhyme I am so fond of. I am apt to read more and write less now that I have found something to read. Jimwithpen
Review of Who Me???  
Review by Jimwithpen
Rated: E | (5.0)
I am so new to this site and have spent so little time in understanding what it is all about as to describe myself as stupified by stumbbling upon a cache of quality literature. It makes me humble to realize it was there for the reading all the time and I was oblivious. Jimwithpen
Review by Jimwithpen
Rated: E | (4.5)
I am a great fan of rhyme and do not require absolute anything as far as the technical measures of such things are judged. I know this bit has possible failings in some of the affore mentioned but I am unable to give exact explanations with my limited knowledge of them. As an incentive to keep producing I am offering GPs with my appreciation of the poem. Jimwithpen
Review by Jimwithpen
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very intriguing for someone who has lived a life deep inland. This poem has imagery of a way of life foreign to me and is interesting in the mystery of that. It not only gives a descriptive account of the physical surroundings but the mentality of the folks who inhabit the island. A wonderful bit to read.
Review of emotional poetry  
Review by Jimwithpen
Rated: E | (5.0)
A very possible scenario. Some poetry I read is in the extreme in emotional strength. Others may tip the scale so lightly as to be boring. But giving true credence to quality writing, poetry has ability to expose the base emotions and thereby generate original thinking on the subject. Nothing is as exciting for me as to find gem quality rhyme poems. I hope that I have assessed your short piece correctly. You have succeeded in showing that you did your self analysis. Jimwithpen
Review by Jimwithpen
Rated: E | (5.0)
Clean neat and precise. A very accurate meaningful little poem. I am not versed well enough for making assessments of this work but I do venture a personal opinion. I looked it over very carefully and still do not find fault which is worthwhile to speak of. I cannot in good conscience leave it unrewarded. Take my token of GPs and know how I approve of your work
Review of I am not a poet  
Review by Jimwithpen
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
As I read I learn to enjoy other forms of poetry than that which I write and post. This is a boon for me and is allowing me to give more accurate assessments of the work posted for reviews. Now it is time for my statement of the effect of your work on my thinking. I am gathering the gist of one who feels inadequate in prerequisites for poet authors. Maybe in all the varied ways of qualification. By no measure of acceptability to write any of the things which give writers respectability. Yet, it poured onto the page you have used for self denial. I must admit it has intrigued me with a beauty of its own. Jimwithpen
Review of Unseen Dangers  
Review by Jimwithpen
Rated: E | (5.0)
I feel this type of literature requires more time and thought than I am willing to apply. It is certainly attractive to behold. I am not particularly fond of the style but in appreciation of what it is I must rate it appropriately. I can imagine other styles of work produced by one who would willingly apply themselves in the same mannor. Jimwithpen
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