Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/jefffmccormack
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51 Public Reviews Given
51 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review of FANTASY  
Rated: 13+ | (1.5)
This short essay has a good central theme. This essay had several grammatical errors throughout, mainly regarding punctuation. This is the perfect starting point for this essay. It has the potential to grow and expand into something beautiful, if cleaned up a bit. After a few grammatical errors are corrected here and there, this essay could become a masterpiece.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: E | (4.0)
First, I would like to congratulate you on creating an amazing poem! This poem is a beautiful interpretation of a famous phrase that refers to someone's perception of beauty. The singsong rhythm of the poem adds to the peaceful air that the author intended to convey to the reader.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of BLACK  
Rated: E | (3.5)
This short poem is full of vivid imagery. Many of the lines in the poem allow the reader to conjure a visual representation in their mind of what is being discussed in the poem. There are many emotions buried deep within the fabrication of this poem. It is already quite strong, but with a few minor grammatical changes, this poem could be very POWERFUL.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: E | (5.0)
First story or not, this is honestly AMAZING! This story engulfs the reader, instantly pulling its audience deeper into the literary catacombs that the author has built on their way through the creation of the story. The descriptions were very lifelike, and the audience could physically feel the fear that the character was experiencing, seeming as if the reader WAS the character in the story.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Every Ten Steps  
In affiliation with Fantasy and Science Fiction So...  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
This story has a unique concept. It reflects the dangers of over taxation, or "taxation without representation," an issue that even the Founding Fathers battled. Except that in this story, even those imposing the taxes are charged with them.
This story is engaging, and draws the reader in, their minds begging to figure out the mystery of the origins of these unlawful taxes that were imposed on the citizens.
This story could definitely be expanded, and in my opinion, should be. What is currently here is a beautiful foundation that is perfect for an elaborate house of literature to be constructed upon.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Peacemakers  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
While being very short, this poem does a great job conveying the author's vision of a quaint coffeehouse atmosphere.
The poem also points out the agreeable nature that coffee bestows in people, regardless of what disagreements may have been pre-existing.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This tale has quite impressive descriptions about the environment in which the characters are living. The emotional insight into the main character's feelings provides an added level of awe, unique to only a few stories. The vocalization, (mainly that regarding the man's tale,) allows a great deal of characterization to take place.
The story could definitely be lengthened, as it is a great branch into what could be a much greater story.
The only problem that I saw, aside from some slight repetitiveness, was that the word molten was spelled wrong. In the story, it was spelled "molton." This slight error is in the third paragraph, as the story is describing how the story teller's lungs felt.
Review of Christmas Ritual  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This poem is quite saddening. It invokes feelings of sorrow into its intended audience upon reading this work. It is truly quite impressive, and conveys its message of sorrow admirably. It is quite well rounded, and the slight repetition of phrases adds to the feelings that this work invokes.
Great job!
This poem is a great tribute to all those who have served our country in the Armed Forces. It is truly a masterpiece of literature, and should be treasured and showcased for its ability to convey the sorrow and honor associated with these brave men and women.
Review of A Day in Time  
Rated: E | (1.5)
This story is quite short, leading the reader to believe that it may be a small section out of a much longer story or scenario. This story could also have just simply been a quickly jotted down idea that ran through the author's mind. While this itself is not a story, it has the potential to be built upon and morphed into a literary masterpiece.
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
This story is pretty good. Not perfect, but not too shabby, either. It gives the air the two characters, Olaf and Lee, are perhaps poorer than most, and have had a rougher background than is common of most people. If this story were lengthened a bit more, with some more emphasis on the background of the characters, the abilities of this story may sky rocket, well past the intended abilities originally planned out by the author.
Review of More Every Day  
Rated: E | (4.0)
This poem is, quite literally, short and sweet. It flowed quite evenly, and seemed to emanate with love and awe from the narrator's perspective for another person, perhaps a lover, that the narrator felt quite strongly for. The feelings of the narrator were related quite well to the intended audience.
Review of Help Us Help YOU!  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
These are truly great guidelines, and a sure fire way to get more traffic not only to your own writing, but to this entire site, thus helping out the thousands of people who log in and use this site daily. These are truly some great ideas, and I suggest that everybody do this and spread the word!
Review of WHO ARE YOU??!!  
Rated: E | (4.0)
This survey is a great way to get information about the ancestry of people from all over the world. It is a very good idea, and I honestly believe that more websites on the World Wide Web should consider using surveys such as this one, so that many others may share information about the history and culture of their families, and to learn how they compare those histories of others. Knowledge of history is truly a gift that should be treasured, and surveys like this help to spread this gift.
Rated: ASR | (1.0)
This story was short, and straight to the point. It attempted to convey several feelings to the reader, although poor grammar stopped this process. If this story were to be re-written, the intended audience might have a better chance of being moved by the story. It is a good idea, but had poor execution.
Review of Remiss  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
First off, I would like to personally thank you for your service to our country. I realize that it takes a lot of courage and willingness that it takes to stick to your duty, and never falter your motives.

Great work on the poem! It helps to describe the high honors associated with being a veteran, and how highly people think of them. Every veteran and soldier should get a chance to read this poem, and boost their morale; to see just how highly people categorize them.
Review of Love  
Rated: E | (3.0)
This poem discusses the feel of love, and the wonders and insecurities of it. It is hard to accurately say how good or bad the poem is due to its very short size. It leaves much up to the reader, which can be both good or bad, depending on the personal opinion of the person reading it at the time.
Review of This isn't a poem  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This poem gives the reader a feel of urgency and fear quite well. The word choices were perfectly on key. I saw no issues with this poem at all, not even the most minute detail was wrong in the least. This is the closest to perfection that I have seen in a poem thus far. The imagery was spot on, and made the reader feel as if they were actually in the scene with the character.
Review of true frienship  
Rated: E | (2.0)
This is a sad story of a romance gone wrong. It indeed conveys a sad mood to its audience, however it would do much better if some minor editorial changes were made to it, the majority of which are grammatical errors. It has the basis to be a good story, but the story deserves to be redone and fine tuned.
Review of Nature's Music  
Rated: E | (3.5)
This poem is short, which leaves much up to the interpretation of the reader. It is very descriptive, and the mental paintbrush used in this poem definitely has plenty of paint on its tip, and it is well painted. The poet truly has a knack for imagery.
Review of Love Him  
Rated: E | (1.0)
This poem conveys the love that the narrator feels for "him". This poem had a good idea and basis, although there are a few things that may be considered in the revision of this poem. The main thing is the constant repetition of the beginning phrases, which grew more and more annoying as the poem continued.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
A true heart pounder for any and all to read! This poem was amazing! The echoing effect as the word "tsunami" was spelled out fed the reader with fear and intimidation, as well as more than a hint of a foreboding feel being added to the mix. By far one of the most well orchestrated poems that I have read thus far!
Rated: E | (3.5)
This poem describes to the reader how the narrator feels about the woman in his life, and his viewpoints on their relationship. This poem flows quite smoothly, although there is little or no rhyming, which is typical of poems. In this case, however, rhyming is not necessary, as the meaning is conveyed well without it.
Review of Under Her Wing  
Rated: E | (2.0)
This story does indeed have some strong points mentioned. Some revision and editorial changes would definitely positively benefit this story. While it does help to convey the author's personal viewpoints on some key subjects that effect many people, these viewpoints would come across as even stronger if some slight revisions were made to this story.
Review of Caged Bird  
Rated: E | (3.5)
This poem is, in simplest terms, very sad. It well conveys the gloomy mood that the author had intended. The listing effect used helps to show how the events have affected the narrator, and how he/she is truly upset about what has occurred, and is going on about what he/she has been through. The listing also helps to show the narrators scattered, perhaps even nervous, mindset on the topic at hand.
Review of To be alive  
Rated: E | (5.0)
That was a very heart warming poem. I admit, the description was very impressive. You truly made the reader feel that they could picture themselves in the positions you so accurately described. This poem makes people stop and reconsider how they are living life, and how their outward feelings about life are so corrupt, when compared to someone who is robbed of a basic sense such as sight. This poem definitely makes the reader step back and review his or her perception of the way life should be lived.
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