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Review by J.D. Brown
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Title: Island of my Heart
Chapter: Unknown, but I’m assuming Chapter One.
Author: Grace
Plot: Oh my gosh, how you do touch hearts with this one! So pact with emotion, many, many readers could relate to this on so many levels. As far as the plot itself, It’s great. You start strong and end with a strong hook. You give just enough intro of the main character’s background to leer in the reader without giving away too much.
Style & Voice: Great use of first person p.o.v.
Referencing: Hmm, n/a for now I think.
Scene & Setting: Great description of the beach and the characters, only I couldn’t quite see the house. What does the house look like?
Characters: A very sympathetic main character. A teenaged mother with a three year old. I have a number of friends who went through that, I can’t imagine the hardship it must be, but I’m sure you’ll have women everywhere flocking to this heartfelt tale. Johnny is intruding. I’m curious to his side of the story and if he knows that his daughter exists. One comment… I don’t remember the MC’s name or if you even mention it…
Grammar: No errors, just a few comments.
My Overall Opinion: Wow Grace, this is great! So different from City of Sin, yet just as well written as any piece I’ve come to expect from you! I’m defiantly hooked and look forward to more.

Line by Line:

Standing in front of the house I grew up in, and holding the hand of the reason I left; I can't believe I'm here. That I came back. It was finally time to bury my past-- along with my mother.
I love this, perfect into to the conflict at hand. Imagine me go “oh” and “ah”.

The sun had almost disappeared beneath the deep blue sea, and the crisp March air was cutting into my bones. I had forgotten how cold Dauphin Island got in the winter. ”Dauphin” sounds a lot like “Dolphin” and I think “Dolphin Island” actually works better, assuming the island is somewhere tropical. Just my opinion though.

So I gave up on them. The day Mama planned on dragging me down to the clinic, I caught a bus for New Orleans and never looked back. At least not until one week ago when I'd gotten the call from my younger sister, Clara (the only person I'd kept in contact with). She gave me the news of Mama's lost battle with cancer, and the date of the funeral. The part I crossed out is unessisary information. It’s pretty safe to assume the reader will know she only kept in touch with her sister since her sister was the one who called. Also, I’m sure we’ll learn more about their relationship and a later chapter.

It was at that moment that Johnny looked up. The music stopped, and I ran inside.
Nail-biting hook, I love it!

Review by J.D. Brown
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
Title: Vampire Vacation
Chapter: Chapter Three
Author: C.J Ellisson
Plot: The guest arrive and Vivian gives them their first taste of the fun they’re going to have while at the hotel. Not a whole lot of plot, pretty short.
Style & Voice: Okay. You already know my stance on present tense. In addition, I felt you could use more dialogue from the guest, especially when they first walk into the hotel. You do have a little, but I think the first half of the chapter could use a lot more. Guest usually have a long list of questions and immediate concerns they’ve thought of on the way to the hotel.
Referencing: N/A
Scene & Setting: You use some really great description here! Why not do this in other chapters? I know you said before you felt it slowed down the flow of the story. I disagree. The way in which you use description can, indeed, slow your story down to a crawl IF all you do is list adjective after adjective. However, if you add action to your description (ex: her chandelier earrings shimmered in the soft light, or, an echo bounced along the cherry wood panels) then the discretion adds life to your scenes and your characters. No description makes the reader blind and feeling like parts of the story are missing (unless that reader has a very avid imagination and doesn’t mind filling in all the blanks). BTW remind me to follow my own advice when you get to reviewing my work. I know I’m guilty of using too many adjectives. *Frown*
Characters: We have some very interesting guest here! You give us a good description of what they look like. Now I’m interested to learn about their personalities! All in good time, I’m sure.
Grammar: You have a couple minor typo’s. I made a lot of comments, as you can see. Of course, these are just my suggestions and opinions for you to use or disregard as you see fit. Enjoy.
My Overall Opinion: Ah where do I start? Well, I’ll admit I’ve never read an erotica before (something about Fabio looking men doesn’t do it for me), so I’m a bit out of my league here. The sex thing does and doesn’t work for you. So far I find it entertaining and I can’t wait to see some action on Third Floor Rooms! Yet there are a few times where the sex seems a little over done and pushy. Vivian comes across as a nymphomaniac to me, and I’m some what more old fashioned and hopeless romantic. Basically, my main concern is that you might loss the plot/story line under all the sex. Then again, I could be very wrong. I’ve only read three chapters so we’ll see. However, by the third chapter, there should be strong evidence of a conflict and plot. So far, I have no idea where you’re going with this story. At first I thought it was the murder, but you already told me that’s not the case, so I don’t know. The good news is that I still like it. So write on!

Line by Line:

“Welcome to The VV Inn. I’m Vivian, one of the owners. Who’s the other owner, Rafe? I think I missed that detail before…

The first person through the main entrance is a man with no mate on his arm. He’s olive skinned with dark hair and dark eyes, fit of form and tight of body. Dressed in a custom black Italian suit that looks like it was custom made for him. The sentence sounded a little “wordy” before.

This is the drawback to pushing sexual feelings at guests when they walk in the door. Some foolish ones direct it at me instead of the people they came with. But he didn’t come with a mate, right? I can tell he hopes to stir my interest and entice me closer. Yeah, but since I’ve never responded to corny one-liners in my past, I don’t see why I should now. Hahaha

He knows I’m like him, but can’t guess my age. Why not? Why does Vivian have all these powers and the other Vamps don’t?

The man’s look clearly states he hopes to taste my power and see for himself just what my curvy body holds. This won’t be the first guest to have that desire quietly squashed. I see his gaze linger on my pale neck and pale skin.

Antonio will be disappointed - Rafe doesn’t share my body with others and neither do I his. He’s quiet and solid in his confidence, unlike me. I have a bit of a jealous streak. What’s mine is mine and everyone in the room will know it, or else I’m not making a strong enough impression.
I don’t think you need to state this information. The reader already knows enough about Viv to assume that she would never cheat on Rafe or “share”. Also, you already told us that Antionio’s hopes were going to be squashed, so you’re repeating that information in a long drawn out explanation, and it slows down the flow. I suggest deleting this paragraph or at least shorting it to one or two sentences.

That doesn’t mean I don’t share my power through my blood, I do. Blood (The word “blood” is repetitive here.) can be enjoyed in other ways than the mouth on neck route. I’m more generous than most and we serve shots of my blood mixed with alcohol in the bar. What an excellent idea! I like this.

I decide to push a little with my mind and make him see me differently. Not curing him of this interest early means Rafe will, and he isn’t as subtle with his projections yet. Delicately weaving through Antonio’s mind, I persuade him to think that having me as his latest conquest is not worth it. The exchange is a quick one, and completely goes unnoticed by the new guest. Antonio turns to the desk, less concerned with me. The tent in his pants just means he is still aroused without knowing why. Again, what are Viv’s limits? Why can she do this and the others can’t? It’s too convenient and uninteresting. Your story would be far more entertaining if Viv has an annoying stocker and Rafe throws a couple punches at him. It would be more realistic too.

Light sparkles off the twisted glass of the mouth blown chandelier. Well-polished wood banisters gleam in it’s light. Sounds bounce up off the wood floors and are muffled as they rise up into the three story book-lined landings that circle the center of lobby. Great description of the lobby.

I’m not sure how much of the room she is actually seeing anymore. She looks ripe and I’m going to enjoy bringing her to completion. She feels young too, close to Antonio’s age. This could be Joanna. Her black goth attire looks cute on her athletic Barbie figure, but I bet cute wasn’t what she was hoping for when she picked it out this morning. More wonderful description. Good job.

Next, I recognize Liam MacKellan by the prickling of my skin. The electric sensation is strong and unless it’s blocked it could get uncomfortable for me to be in a room with him for any length of time. Why?

Liam may be dressed all in black, but I bet he’d look more at home painted in blue, wearing a kilt and wielding an axe. The era isn’t right for his age, but his demeanor and facial features make me think of it. Perfect imagery, I can see Liam’s rugged Scandinavian-like features in my head. Good.

Liam’s hard face is neutral as he observes his surroundings with intent. I know he is affected by my sexual projections, but he’s just much more controlled than the others. He’ll be a fun one to shake up this week, as it looks like his control is too tight.

I assume it is his mate, the lush brunette who has her hand resting in the nook of his arm. She could be Francesca, her coloring reminds me of Italian blood. I know if he were mine I would not allow a mere companion to handle him like that. Maybe it’s just me, but that last sentence is a little confusing and I’m not sure what you’re talking about. What do you mean by ‘if he were mine I wouldn’t let a mere companion handle him like that’? I thought Francesca was his mate, not his companion. And handle like what? How is she handling him?

Tommy’s answering grin is a wicked one; he knows what is in those baskets. We give out samples of all the new toys to the staff when a shipment comes in, great way to make sure they all know intimately how to use them.

Not many vampires have the power to project, and of those who can, none are as powerful as me. I’m the only one of my kind that can use it with such precision, the rest have been hunted down and killed by our own kind. I’m able to affect only those in the room I want to, and not distract the employees from their jobs. Ahh… well that just raises more questions… Why aren’t they hunting her down? Why would the strongest vampire of all be running a hotel and not, say, working as a secrete agent for the government or something? And why Viv?

Focusing again with my mindcomma and Rafe comes back in to view. His mouth is full and wet, as if he has licked his lips remembering our passion from last night
Review by J.D. Brown
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Title: Vampire Vacation
Chapter: Chapter Two
Author: C. J. Ellisson
Plot: There isn’t a whole lot of plot, just Vivian preparing for the new guest, yet it works just fine. The pacing is good, not too slow at all despite the slight lack of action in this chapter. I must say, Viv’s dirty mind is hot. I’m very interested in this sexy blood donating.
Style & Voice: I still hate that you went with present tense. I feel like I’m having a phone conversation instead of reading a book. Other than that, everything is fine.
Referencing: So companions are food in your version, alrighty. (In most cases I know of, companions are equal to mates, so that why I was a little confused before.)
Scene & Setting: More description please. I’d like to know what everything really looks like, from the hotel to the employees. You give a little bit of description and I fill in the rest with my imagination, but I’d rather have a clear picture. So far, I’m imagining the hotel is huge, like a castle, with multiple wings and stories. Yet that doesn’t really tie in with an Alaskan setting. I pretty sure there aren’t any castles in Alaska.
Characters: Vivian sounds like a sex addict, but she’s a vampire, so it’s to be expected. The bit about her real name seems kind of random and think it would be better if just leave her name as Vivian, unless her real name becomes important later in the story.
Grammar: Two things I noticed that you need to watch out for. One, you tend to add tags to your dialogue that make it seem as though the wrong person is speaking. For example, you tend to say “She…” when it should be “I…” or better yet, no tag. Two, you tend to repeat words with in the same paragraph, and sometimes even within the same sentence. Delete or replace repeated words with synonyms. Again, my suggested corrections are in pink or blue, and my comments are in red.
My Overall Opinion: I still LOVE this so far. I want to experience this intimate blood donating, and I can’t wait to see the “show” Vivian puts on for her guest. I do have some questions I’m hoping will get cleared up in the next few chapters. Like, why aren’t the human employees afraid to work there when they know what the vampires are? I’m assuming it’s because they get some fornication as a bonus, but not every employee can see this as a good thing. Vivian puts way too much trust in the humans to allow them to donate directly and have intimate relations with the guest. A million things could go wrong, and Vivian sounds like a smart woman who cares a lot about her job. I don’t think she would risk jeopardizing her hotel like that. That’s just one thought floating in my mind, there are others, but I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume my questions will be answered as I read on.

Line by Line:

“Yes, but also up here for an issue in room six. How long have you been on this floor today?” She looks at me with a question in her eyes, perhaps wondering about the issue I’ve mentioned but answers quickly enough.~15~ When you first read this, it seems like Iona is speaking. I had to re-read it to make sure it was in fact Vivian who spoke. Maybe clear that up by adding something like: I paused, waiting for her response. She looks at me with a question in her eyes…

“I’m just doing a walk through to check that the requested items the MacKellan’s requested are in place.”~20~ ”Requested” sounds repetitive in this sentence. I crossed out the first one, but feel free to edit as you see fit.

“Ah yes, the six-pack of Perrier and the Moet Chandon White Star. That would be in the mini fridge in room seven?” She nods in agreement. “I’ll check for it on my way back.” She hesitates I was about to continue down the hall, but I noticed Iona hesitate like she has something to add.~21~ Again, I know this is Vivian speaking, but it sounds like it’s Iona speaking because after the dialogue you put “she hesitates” and “she nods”. The edit in pink is just a suggestion to give you an idea of what might work better.

She flushes blushes from the acknowledgement. Iona is attractive and the flush blush draws my eye attention to her robust good health. She looks me straight in the eye, a blatant invite in the supernatural community towards a vampire. I draw in my breath, surprised.~23~ First, I replaced “flush” with “blush” because “flush” always makes me think of a toilet and not pretty rosy cheeks. Second, I replaced the first “eye” with “attention” because “eye” sounded reparative. Third, is it just me or is Vivian sexually attracted to every living creature?

My hand makes contact with Iona’s starched uniform shirt and I slip into her mind. It appears that she hopes to be chosen to donate blood. I can see that she is not repulsed or afraid. She is aware of what our guests are and feels a strong family tie to me. In her mind I am like a great aunt, holding a position of respect and kindness in her heart. The desire to experience what some of the others have revealed to her in bits and pieces is at the forefront of her thoughts. In her earlier actions of staring into my eyes, she had innocently offered herself to me, unaware that I do not normally feed from employees.~26~ Hmm, interesting.

“Yes, my great aunt spoke of her very well.” I say, keeping to the ruse that my ‘aunt’ ran it first. The employees have told a tale every fifteen to eighteen years that has kept us safe. After the founder, a niece and her husband ran it, and now it is us. The neice’s daughter along with her husband that run the inn. I’ve inserted this belief with care into all their minds and blurred our images a bit in the old employees so they think they see a family resemblance without seeing we are the same people.~34~ Vivian’s abilities are now bordering on too convenient. I find myself wondering what her limits are, what she can’t do. I’m well aware this is a fictional fantasy, but some things still need to stay realistic.

Gee, no pressure there. Iona throws me a beaming smile and turns to rush back down the hall. Let’s hope the experience is all she hopes for. expects. Maybe I’ll supervise part of her blood donation to make sure it is.~38~ ”Hope” is repetitive.

My real name is Alexandria, or Dria for short. It used to strike me as odd that over the years, no one questioned the same name, but I think they use it not caring if it is my name or not. Just associating the owner with the establishment.~41~ Shouldn’t Rafe at least call her by her real name?

He taps his fingers a few more times, looks up.~49~ This is an example of your use of present tense sounding foreign and stiff. This is only one in a million in your chapter, but I felt the need to point it out simply and clearly. For this specific sentence, I would rewrite it as: He taped his fingers a few more times, looking up. OR He taped his fingers a few more times, and then looked up Unfortunately, you’d have to rewrite your entire novel to keep the tenses the same. Since everything is already in present tense, I’d go with He taps his fingers a few more times, and then looks up. This way you don’t have to rewrite the whole thing.

This is a fairly big vamp party; max we usually see is two. Not many in a seethe choose to vacation with another vamp tagging along. I was glad to see they would need additional sustenance while staying with us. One extra companion for ‘food’ is not nearly enough with two younger vamps in attendance. Staying up around the clock requires additional feedings for the younger set. Even I need a ‘full’ feeding every month with the added strain on my system. Normally, the sips I take from my husband a few times a week would be enough to keep me satisfied, but in the dark winter wilderness I need more.~52~ Aha, so it is winter. I’ll be keeping this very important detail in mind. *Smile*

Review by J.D. Brown
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Title: Vampire Vacation
Chapter: Chapter One
Author: C. J. Ellisson
Plot: A murder mystery in a hotel where all the guest are blood drinking creatures of the night. Anyone and everyone could be a suspect here. This is great, so different form your average vampire story. I love it.
Style & Voice: It took me a while to realize this is written in present tense. The sound of present tense is a little odd, but it’s probably just me. I tend to write everything in past tense so that is what I’m used to. Other than that, the narration is great. We really get into Viv’s head.
Referencing: Alaska. I’m wondering if it’s winter or summer. Thirty days of dark verses thirty days of light could make a huge difference here. Also, vampires. Watch out, I’m a expert in this field. You confused me a little with the difference between “food” and a companion. Or are they one in the same?
Scene & Setting: You have just enough description here. I could always go for more, but that’s just my taste.
Characters: Viv and Rafe are great. I like that you’ve taken the more human approach with your vampires. Viv sounds like she’s married to her job, yet she still has time to fantasize about he husband. This makes her personality more rounded and believable. One thing I’m not sure of, how can Rafe have vampire blood in him and still be human?
Grammar: A couple minor things. My suggested corrections are in pink and my comments are in red. I sometimes make a lot of comments. They’re mostly just random thoughts that pop into my head as I read, to let you know what I’m thinking from a reader’s perspective.
My Overall Opinion: I’m already hooked. Not only do I love vampires, but I love your approach and the fact that you make it totally your own thing. The sexuality, so far, is funny and entertaining, though I’m not sure it’s necessary. It kind of distracts from the murder plot in a few places. I like the way you end the chapter as well. You make it seem as though Viv does a lot more than just clean rooms and situate guest. Right now, I’m thinking she might run an underground whore house too? Guess we’ll see.

Line by Line:

Whoever this poor stiff may be, he’s dead. Left with his earthly remains and guests arriving within the hour explains my lack of passion. Good thing I caught this on a final walk through and not instead of one of the maidsperiod. The screams from last time were a devil to calm down. ~6~ Sounds like this sort of thing happens a lot in her house.

This guy might have a family somewhere, and yes, I should have some sympathy. I just don’t. If he’s at this inn they probably haven’t been on his list of priorities for a while. My husband and I run an exclusive destination resort in the barren wilds of Northern Alaska catering to the undead. Undead, meaning creatures of the night, nosferatu, vampyre, vampires - whatever you’d like to call them. ~7~ Oh my god, I love this already!

That one seems like my only viable option. Oh, and drag my Rock in this with me, misery does love company. Focusing my thoughts to my human husband, glad for the mind connection we share through our mated bond. ~14~ That last sentence sounds a little incomplete. Maybe try something like: Focusing my thoughts to my human husband, I was glad for the mind connection we share through out mated bond.

His definite human scent, with no trace of vampire taint to mark him mixed in, means he’d need to have some protection from the elements once he steps outside. The shoes are not native Alaskan wear for going outside, so he must have some things stashed somewhere else in the resort. Could he be an employee I don’t know?~20~ ”Outside” sounds repetitive in this paragraph. I crossed out the second one, but feel free to edit how you see fit.

Tip toeing over to the upholstered bench at the end of the bed, I gently lower down to sit. I fiddled for a moment, searching and patting, until it dawns on me the black clingy dress has no pockets. Dammit, knew I forgot something.~28~

I don’t function without lists and schedules, too much to juggle in this big place. I have a few obsessive compulsive quirks, sue me, I was human once. Self-analysis should never be underrated. To be aware of your own strengths and weaknesses puts you a step ahead of an enemy that would study and kill you. I’ve survived this long for a reason - I always have a plan and a back up one too. ~31~ Oh jeez, she sounds like my mom. Haha.

Review of Chapter 1-3  
Review by J.D. Brown
Rated: E | (2.5)
Title: The Adventures of Marty Mask
Chapter: Chapter One
Author: Micaiah the Slayer
Plot: David gets a new roommate who I think is a detective? Anyways, Marty the roommate captures a murderer named Ernie.
Style & Voice: Very straight forward and simply written. Your style suggest a children’s book, but I can see that’s not really the case.
Referencing: N/A
Scene/Setting: You could use more description. And show, don’t tell. Telling = this was pink and that was tall. Showing = She had too arch her face to the sky to take in the whole of the pink sky scraper (for example).
Characters: Why oh why are your characters animals? This is my biggest issue out of everything. I don’t mean to be rude, but the whole animal thing was so foreign and so jarring that it kept distracting me from the overall story. I had to keep rereading this because my mind kept going back to “A raccoon? Really?” The last time I read a book with animal characters, I was 5 years old. Unless you’re writing a manga (Japanese comic book, in which case I would like to the artwork that goes with this), I STRONGLY suggest you use human characters.
Grammar: Lots of typos. I pointed them all out in the “line by line section.” My corrections are in pink and my comments are in red. Please don’t be offended. You don’t have to use any of my suggestions if you don’t want to, it’s just there to be helpful.
Overview: Well jeez, I don’t want to be mean, but this really isn’t my cup of tea, you know? The animal thing just really ruined for me. Had they been humans than it would’ve been fine, but still not my usual genera. Your writing style is the another problem. Your chapter’s short and not much going on at all. I mean, you have a whole month go by in one chapter and very little description, very little dialogue, and very little action. The only thing that was half decent was the ending. *Frown* Sorry.

Line by Line:

The story begins in the humble dwelling of David Wilkins the cat, who lived on the sixth floor of an apartment building which was set in the very heart of the booming metropolis Geltempo City. David’s back was black and with a grey striped coat. His front side was white which ran up along his body until it ended in a splash between his eyes. Start a new paragraph here Geltempo City was divided into two sections. These sections were not divided all on land but rather vertically, from top to bottom. There was Upper-Level Geltempo which began about seven hundred feet up and was mostly dominated by birds and other flying beast. Metal sidewalks with guardrails stretched out from building to building forming complex lattice throughout Upper-Level for those who were too tired to, or couldn't fly. Under Upper-Level was Ground-Level Geltempo were all the land bound creatures, such as David, dwelled. Most of the creatures in Geltempo kept to their own respective levels (though cats, who were very fond of high places, often visited, went on vacation to, or lived in Upper-level) allowing all the inhabitants to coexist, for the most part, peacefully.
Okay this is a lot of “telling” and not so much “showing” but because the main character is a cat, I’m making the assumption that this is a children’s story, in which case, your first paragraph is ok. However, if by some odd chance, you are writing this for adults, or even older children, than I would suggest you rework this paragraph. You usually don’t want to start with “The story begins here and this is what everything looks like” right off the bat. Show detail through character interaction. But like I said, assuming it’s a kids book, you’re fine. *Bigsmile*

Today was not David's day. His girlfriend no longer able to put up with his unemployment had recently broken up with him. Also, he was barely able to scrape by on his rent this month. Okay now, see, this makes me think you’re writing for a more mature audience, either young adults or adults now. Hmm.

David gave him a quick tour of the apartment. So what does the apartment look like? You don’t say, other than messy.

David commented on his enormous wardrobe. Marty's only responded by saying that he needed a wide variety of clothes to choose from in his line of work. Actual dialogue would be nicer.

"Well if that's what you're so worked up about then I have some good news and not so good news for you, The good news is I found out all I needed to know and I will not be anywhere near your filthy house again. So you can rest easyperiod But The not so good news is you'll only be able to rest easy for a few hours because pretty soon you'll probably be arrested for the murder of Gregory Slithers."

As the dog let go of him to frantically wipe his face, he made one last desperate dash for the door, but he never made it past Anya who brought the butt of her gun down hard on Ernie's head.
Review by J.D. Brown
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Title: City of Sin
Chapter: Chapter Six
Author: Gracelin crys
Plot: Style & Voice: Great plot. Mostly a set up for a bank robbery (exciting!) and much longed for detail on Joseph.
Referencing: The New Orleans’ Mafia, very cool. Well written so far.
Scene/Setting: I think you already know how much I love your description.
Characters: Ahh so Joseph is in the Mob, and not just any Mob, but the most powerful one in New Orleans. I’m so glad we get to hear more about Joseph, finally! His troubled past and dangerous “profession”. And yet, Joseph all so alluring. What is it about the bad boys that make them so romantic? I already like him better then that scum Charles.
Grammar: A couple minor typo’s nothing big.
Just My Personal Opinion: Wow this chapter is great. I love that you continued in Joseph’s point of view and give some insight to his life (quite the opposite of Crystal’s!). This is a great set up for a forbidden love and a romantic tragedy (though I’m hoping for a ‘happily ever after’ ending). The chemistry between Crystal and Joseph is great. I love the way Crystal seems to instantly relax when she’s with Joseph yet she still doesn’t blurt out the truth to him. Joseph’s dream is well written, not too much detail, yet the important points are there. I can’t help but notice that both of them seem to die in each other’s dream (if I remember Crystal’s dream correctly)… I’m thinking it’s a foreshadowing of a tragic ‘Romeo and Juliet’ type ending, yet both seem very intent on keeping the other one alive, so we’ll see. This is a wonderful story so far, and so well written! I can’t wait for the next Chapter. Keep up the good work.

Line by Line

The street below him a low was hum of voices, punctuated once in a while by drunken shouting and piercing laughter.

He would take her hand and with a flash of light he would be standing in a bright emptiness and he held her close in his arms.

Review by J.D. Brown
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Title: City of Sin
Chapter: Chapter Five
Author: Gracelin crys
Plot: Style & Voice: Perfect, no complaints, everything is well written.
Referencing: The opera? Not much to comment on, opera is opera.
Scene/Setting: I love your use of description. You paint a picture perfect image in my imagination with every chapter. I feel like I’m right there at the scene of the story. Excellent.
Characters: Who’s Philip again? Sorry, I forget. We get some clues about Joseph’s character that are very exiting (I’m thinking thief or assassin maybe? Something troublesome like that).
Grammar: Minor typos.
Just My Personal Opinion: Wow, Oh my god!! Such a GREAT chapter!! It started out slow with Crystal still crying over her dilemma, but FINALLY she does something about it and goes after Joseph. The ending was brilliant and strong and had me jumping with excitement. I love the way you end with Joseph’s point of view, and he’s been dreaming of Crystal this whole time, wow. I like where this is going and I’m going to read Chapter Six immediately. Keep up the great work! *Bigsmile*

Line by Line

Right now Crystal needed something to remind her of simpler times, times when life wasn’t so confusing. I love this sentence, everyone feels this way at one time or another and it makes your character very “real” and relatable. Good work

Maybe there was a such a thing as soul mates.

It was a peaceful place, this garden, in the soothing light of twilight it had a mystical feel. The sound of the splashing fountain calmed her frazzled nervous. She breathed in the sweet smell of the magnolia blossoms that grew abundantly upon the trees; neatly kept flagstone paths wound around tidy flowerbeds and disappeared from view behind giant banana trees, an adventure waiting for a child to find. Wow, amazing description!

She just let her cry, and that’s what Crystal needed most right now then (or “right at that moment” etc.}, someone to hold her while she cried.

His stride was twice as long as hers and he already had at least a hundred feet on her, making in it nearly impossible to keep up.

He turned at the next block onto St. Phillip Street and she followed.
Review by J.D. Brown
Rated: E | (4.0)
Title: City of Sin
Chapter: Chapter Four
Author: Gracelin crys
Plot: Very suspenseful with that voodoo woman and the “man” on the bell tower. However, I’m hoping we get to see a lot more of Joseph soon! Other wise your story will drag…
Style & Voice: Narration is still well written.
Scene/Setting: Wonderful use of description.
Characters: Love the voodoo woman! Dawn and Rose seemed to switch roles in this chapter (I thought Rose was suppose to be the immature one? Dawn comes across as immature the way she ventured out of the carriage and went exploring). Check this and make sure it is what you intend it to be.
Grammar: Minor word confusion listed below.
Just My Personal Opinion: While the chapter was full of suspense, your story is beginning to drag. We need to add some action with our mystery man, Joseph, before your reader losses interest in your story!! So far, all you’ve given in the last two chapters is Crystal’s inner thoughts and self conflict and its beginning to sound fake and over done since she’s only interacted with the guy once in all of four chapters… I’m hoping chapter five gives me something that makes me jump out of my seat again…

Line by Line

there was little hope of getting anywhere’s quickly in a carriage. …Anywhere’s should be anywhere.

It was only moments before Crystal and Rose forgot their doubts of moments before Suggestion: delete the second “of moments before”. The repetition sounds odd.
Review by J.D. Brown
Rated: E | (4.5)
Title: City of Sin
Chapter: Chapter Three
Author: Gracelin crys
Plot: A little bit slow, yet so full of information! Again, most of the plot is the main character’s inner conflict, which is well written and has me hooked!
Style & Voice: Excellent narrating skills. Crystal seems to be developing well.
Referencing: Referencing/description of New Orleans is well done (I’ve been there once before)
Scene/Setting: Beautiful use of description, as always.
Characters: Wow, Charles is evil!!! Wonderful job giving a glimpse into the mind of this creep…
Grammar: Only one minor mishap below.
Just My Personal Opinion: Another excellent chapter, your writing keeps me on the edge on my set the whole time I’m reading! It’s easy to sympathize with Crystal, I keep wanting to jump up and yell “NO DON’T MARRY CHARLES!!!” Also, I kept waiting to see more of our mysterious green eyed Joseph! I was almost disappointed until I saw that you very cleverly snuck him into the last few paragraphs like a tease! Such an excellent way to keep the reader drooling for more! My only complaint: Crystal’s parents should be called “Mom and Dad” at least 90% of the time and not Katherine and James. With all the minor characters you have floating about, it’s becoming difficult to remember who Katherine and James are. In my opinion, mom and dad should only called by their names when being addressed by other characters.

Line by Line

Their mother was not one to drown you with compliments. …Her mother…
Review by J.D. Brown
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Title: City of Sin
Chapter: Chapter Two
Author: Gracelin crys
Plot: Other then the dream, not much plot. Most of the chapter is the main character’s thoughts and eternal battles over things to come. This is fine by me, but I will tell you one thing…I have received a number of reviews on my own work stating complaints about too much back story an inner conflict. Maybe I just didn’t write it as well as you? I don’t know, but it’s something to consider. I personally enjoy it.
Style & Voice: Great narrating skills again. Our damsel in distress becomes more three-dimensional as we get inside her head in this chapter.
Scene/Setting: Your use of description remains strong and beautifully written. I love the “picking out the dress” scene, it reminds me of my sisters and I when shopping. Cute!
Characters: The sisters are well formed very believable. June is also very well developed, though not someone I would want to hang out with…
Grammar: A minor mistake listed below.
Just My Personal Opinion: Another very good chapter, I’m really enjoying the story so far. One thing I have to note is the dream… It’s a little bit too long and too detailed for a dream… also, I’m wondering how much of the story you gave away in her dream. I think that part would work better to your advantage if you shortened it. The length tends to steal away the mysteriousness of it (which I’m assuming was your intent?) and makes the reader feel as though you just told us a summery of the whole story (even if you really didn’t, even if it is abstract, this is the feeling I got). In my opinion, the dream should have ended at the first sight of the dead woman in the crying man’s arms. Other then that, the chapter was wonderful. I can’t wait to read chapter three!!

Line by Line

it was to much for her to take in at once. …the first “to” in that sentence should be “too”

Her mind was racing, thoughts jumping in and out of her head like frogs, and she was unable to catch any of them. …I love this line, amazing imagery !!
Review by J.D. Brown
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Title: City of Sin
Chapter: Chapter One
Author: Gracelin crys
Plot: Excellent plot points, lots of subtle action and emotion.
Style & Voice: The narrating is beautifully done! I feel like I know the main character on a personal level, excellent work.
Scene/Setting: New Orleans, Louisiana 1846. Besides being clearly stated above the chapter, the setting is beautifully worked into the plot and your use of description is very well done. I could picture it all in my mind very clearly and I personally love it when a writer can paint an image in the reader’s mind. Very good job.
Characters: Your characters are a little bit two-dimensional and clichéd in my opinion, yet their individual personalities are well formed and stay coherent throughout the chapter. The main character is adorable. Usually a main character that cries a lot annoys me, but Crystal’s dramatic feminism works for her and makes her seem sympathetic instead of weak. Good job.
Grammar: Only a few minor mistakes that I noted below.
Just My Personal Opinion: I’m already hooked !! I usually don’t go for sappy romances placed in the 1800’s, but I love your writing. Your use of description is brilliant, I almost feel like I’m watching the story on a TV screen in my head! Wonderful ! Flows well and is an fun read.

Line By Line

he stumbled forewards. …forewards should be forewords.

“You’re the man in woods! …in the woods.

realizing she was being staring …Not quite sure what that sentence means, consider revising, maybe it’s just me…
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