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Review of Journey Home  
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (3.5)
The story depicts how Andrew was attracted by the precious treasure trying to protect and comfort it.The suspense is maintained till the end about the identity of the content of the basket. Even in his dream Andrew is fond of children and takes all the precautions for the security of the baby..But the question in the last paragraph makes the reader doubt about the reality of the event.
Review of We the Readers  
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (4.0)
The poem built in six stanzas has free verse. It is some kind of tribute to writers who use their imagination to create something which will delight and impress the readers.But not always he attains success. With the ups and downs the writer must struggle to present his/her writings.With his pen the he can create miracles and change the world.
Review by Boz
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Your poem built in seven stanzas has very little or no rhyming..The theme is centred around a personality who is wandering about looking for a better life.The love which he tries to express for the girl is hardly visible. his girlfriend seems to have abandoned him to his fate but he isi still searching in vain.The poem needs some clarification about the characters otherwise the presentation is good
Review by Boz
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
The style of writing looks well as it begins from far to narrate the story of the victims of 11th September at the World Trade Centre,.New York City must have undergone terrible shock during the crash of the planes against the world's greatest building.We see the streets of city bustling with activities and how Elizabeth was stressed to reach in time for the meeting not knowing what's in store for her. Fortunately her husband was saved due to his lateness.But who could have predicted this catastrophe?
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (4.0)
A short poem constructed in long stanzas but no rhyming.The description of the travel looks vivid with the projection of various images and activities.You have exposed all that you can see from the train..With different kinds of passengers on board there are many things happening during the course of the voyage.Some persons are sleeping while others are admiring the landscape..However, the reader cannot find any sign of Christmas
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (4.0)
The poem has been constructed in many stanzas most of which have rhyming lines.The theme is well developed and structured beginning from childhood to oldness; form a girl to a grandma. Most of the lines are tainted with nostalgia where the little girl questions herself about her best days. Now that she's alone she misses her husband and family for Christmas.But this is part and parcel of life.It's everyone's wish to go back to childhood
Review of Dear Diary  
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (4.0)
Through the dairy we can learn many secrets about the writer.But here Sandy is moaning over her lot comparing her friend's Michelle situation which is better according to her.She is envious of her and her boyfriend.The diary reveals various traits of her character.She wants to enjoy freedom like her friend.But luck does not smile to all of us.So, it's better not to use the dairy
Review by Boz
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
The poem built in eight stanzas i s well described with consistent rhyming.The mentor figures throughout the poem starting from giving the reader a true picture.He is omnipresent and his odd behaviour is conspicuous.His physical appearance also looks funny which tempts you to say''Is the guy like this all the time or just on the air?''Only at the end we learn about his depression and the sudden death
Review by Boz
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
The story portrays the intimate relationship between two persons who had been so close to each other that they were tempted to express the feelings actively.Indeed, it happens that sometimes an individual gets attracted by a new face without realising what is he or she doing.But human beings have weakness and are infallible.The question of sin only arises from a guilty conscience.
Review of A Solemn Voyage  
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (4.0)
Your voyage looks very exploring and in your adventure to discover the sea and the new island you came across many things and creatures in that particular environment. You have dared to explore the marine life around the island and found out many interesting facets about it. Indeed , you have good descriptive talents which are conspicuous in your writing.
Review by Boz
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
The story depicts how a family who was living happily was haunted by the past of the husband. Brent , his wife and their baby were having a nice time in the family environment .The only thing which affected him was about his baby who resembled an elf. But he was unaware about the worse thing to come when the Brotherhood men came to attack his family.He devotes body and soul to defend them.This is seen upon as a heroic deed.Finally he has no alternative than to kill
Review of How to !!  
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (3.5)
A long poem with eight stanzas .It is obvious that you have respected your own opinion about rhyming.Although there is no hard and fast rule about it yet rhyming contributes much to the beauty of the poem making it flow smoothly .The poet is just like a sculptor carving each word and line scrupulously so that he creates a good image of his writing.But as noting is perfect it's the job of the reviewer to suggest improvement.
Review of Attention Adults  
Review by Boz
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Your poem constructed in six stanzas has rhyming in only a few lines.Form your point of view your are trying to justify the behaviour of today's adults.The problem is that youngsters cannot understand the old generation and vice versa. In fact, many adults endeavour to escape reality by involving in fictitious pleasures.Perhaps they are trying to postpone the real problems.But of course adults need guidance and advice from the elderly.As rightly pointed out by Victor Hugo'' Youth is the light and oldness is the cinder.''
Review of Shall We Stand  
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (4.0)
The story transposes the reader in a world of mysticism.In quest of his identity through his ancestors the man enters into the realm of the unknown. You have transcended the world of existence and landed into a period of transition with the end of life and the beginning of a new era..But will all the sufferings end with the advent of the new civilisation? Is the theory of reincarnation justified? Indeed we are at the crossroads of life not knowing which is the best and safest way
Review of Knock Knock  
Review by Boz
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
This piece of writing pushes the reader directly into the picture out of nowhere. The characters force themselves in the writing.Without any proper introduction we don't know who is who.Only the dog has a name .From the dialogues it is difficult to differentiate between the interlocutors.The only interesting we learn is that the main character is a writer
Review of Love  
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (4.0)
Your reflections about love give the impression that you were inquisitive about it at that period of life like many persons of your age . But unfortunately you learned about love in the wrong way through research in books and from personal experiences.You wanted to acquire all the knowledge about the subject before embarking upon it.That's your greatest mistake.In fact love is felt and not seen..Probably you have lost the girl because you tried to impress her with your bookish knowledge.
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (3.5)
You have taken a new turn to start your story starting from the introduction of the child who was admiring the toys in the shop. John who was passing by was able to read the mind the child . Just to go back into his childhood he offered the game to the tot.From here on wards the story takes another twist by mentioning about the amnesia of John.However, was it necessary to divert into the world of fiction through the aliens?.Surely, there is another way to celebrate Christmas
Review of Falling  
Review by Boz
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
The story begins slowly by telling about the reflections of the man and giving the reader a retrospective about his life.Throughout his existence
he was involved in wrongful deeds and the element of drug dealing is mentioned many times.At the end of his life he has remorse for his conduct on earth.The only solace comes from his daughter.He is relieved on thinking about her being his only saviour.Indeed, we reap what we sow.
Review of Ocean Moon  
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (3.5)
Written in four stanzas the poem is constructed in free verse.You have tried to illustrate the forces of nature and justify the ebb and tides. The waxing and waning of the moon definitely has an effect on the sea.The word 'Nature's dance is self explanatory. Indeed, the image is well described to convey the message.However, the poem needs some elaboration
Review of Tis the Season  
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (4.0)
The poem ,constructed in seven stanzas, is well written with regular rhyming.Indeed with the approach of the New Year there is a change of mood every where.People start to prepare for celebrations.There is great hustle bustle for the season's greetings. But why should we adopt a new attitude for only one day?After all it is just a change in the calendar.Every thing else remains the same.
Review of Fourthmeal  
Review by Boz
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
A poem written in four stanzas with a free verse style. It looks funny and satirical at the same time.You have pointed out the various menus of a few nations.Starting from Africa, the reader goes to India with a transit in Mexico to finally land in USA.It's an indirect way to express your opinions on controversial issues.But do you think the message will be conveyed.?
Review of Ocean Boy  
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (3.5)
A beautiful poem written in a simple language.Using six stanzas and free verse style you have created a lovely scenery portraying the boy enjoying himself in the company of his friends at the seaside. The elements of happiness, laughter and nature are well portrayed. Most of us have lived those splendid moments during childhood.However, it needs some fine tuning.
Review of Another Year  
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (3.5)
The poem is presented in one stanza with partial rhyming. But the title does not correspond with the poem.The theme is about the coming of the new year. You have mentioned about sufferings and pain which you had to bear during the year. It would be better to talk about the good times which surrounded you.Let's hope in the forthcoming year life will be better.
Review of We live then Die  
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (3.5)
Your poem is written in four stanzas with equal number of lines in each one.Presented in free verse, it has a philosophical connotation.You have questioned about the purpose of life. I would say it is an opportunity to express yourself in terms of achievement.We are here to accomplish a mission.It is a journey full of ups and downs.The question of legacy does not arise because each one has must stand on his own feet.
Review of Autumn Trees  
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (4.0)
The poem is constructed in five stanzas with equal lines in each one.You have preferred to use free verse. The idea of expressing your love in the rainy season in autumn is genial.Indeed, Indeed, it's the appropriate season for such feelings.Using this moment as background for your poem you have painted the environment conducive to love. But don' t you think Spring is the ideal time for it?
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