I’ve always have a hard time reviewing poetry. The patterns Example: "a,a,b,b,b,a", have always confused me.
I just read your wee poem, Curse of the Setting Moon.
APPEAL:Those who like to read about changelings will like this wee piece.
WHAT I LIKED:First, that you centered it, which gives it a unique shape. Second, I love werewolves and this is a beautiful tribute to them.
TITLE:Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.
FORMAT:This is easy to read and understand.
SETTING:You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.
GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING:My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.
Seems to be alright.
FLOW:This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.
Great job.
My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
I’ve always have a hard time reviewing poetry. The patterns Example: "a,a,b,b,b,a", have always confused me.
I just read your wee poem, The Death of Santa Claus.
APPEAL:Those who like to read about Christmas and Santa will enjoy this tale.
WHAT I LIKED:That you explained what a Terzanelle poem was.
HOW THIS TALE OR POEM MADE ME FEEL:Made me think of how heavy that sleigh really is and those poor wee reindeer pulling all that weight. Glad Santa has a bit of magic to help haul the load.
TITLE:Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.
FORMAT:This is easy to read and understand.
SETTING:You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.
GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING:My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.
Seems to be alright.
FLOW:This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.
Great job.
My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
I’ve always have a hard time reviewing poetry. The patterns Example: "a,a,b,b,b,a", have always confused me.
I just read your wee poem, Love's Majesty.
APPEAL:Those who like to read about bittersweet love will like this.
WHAT I LIKED:It‘s straight to the point and the emotions the words invoke.
TITLE:Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.
FORMAT:This is easy to read and understand.
SETTING:You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.
GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING:My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.
Seems to be alright.
FLOW:This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.
Great job.
My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
I’ve always have a hard time reviewing poetry. The patterns Example: "a,a,b,b,b,a", have always confused me.
I just read your wee poem, Ancient Majesty.
APPEAL:Those who like to read poetry will like this wee piece.
WHAT I LIKED:The images the words make me see in my mind’s eye.
HOW THIS TALE OR POEM MADE ME FEEL:Full of wonder and mystery.
TITLE:Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.
FORMAT:This is easy to read and understand.
SETTING:You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.
GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING:My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.
Seems to be alright.
FLOW:This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.
Great job.
My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
I’ve always have a hard time reviewing poetry. The patterns Example: "a,a,b,b,b,a", have always confused me.
I just read your wee poem, Tanka 1.
APPEAL:Those who like to read poetry will like this wee piece.
WHAT I LIKED:That it‘s short and simple, yet the few words pack a punch.
TITLE:Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.
FORMAT:This is easy to read and understand.
GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING:My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.
Seems to be alright.
FLOW:This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.
Great job.
My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
I’ve always have a hard time reviewing poetry. The patterns Example: "a,a,b,b,b,a", have always confused me.
I just read your wee poem, Fog and Sunrise.
APPEAL:Those who like to read about fog and sunrise will find this an interesting poem to read.
WHAT I LIKED:The images the words created in my mind’s eye.
TITLE:Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.
FORMAT:This is easy to read and understand.
SETTING:You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.
GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING:My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.
Seems to be alright.
FLOW:This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.
Great job.
My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
I’ve always have a hard time reviewing poetry. The patterns Example: "a,a,b,b,b,a", have always confused me.
I just read your wee poem, Creator.
APPEAL:Those who like to read about God and his great wisdom and power will love this.
WHAT I LIKED:The person’s faith in God or whatever name this soul call Him by.
TITLE:Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.
FORMAT:This is easy to read and understand.
SETTING:You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.
GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING:My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.
Seems to be alright.
FLOW:This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.
Great job.
My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
I’ve always have a hard time reviewing poetry. The patterns Example: "a,a,b,b,b,a", have always confused me.
I just read your wee poem, Phoenix.
APPEAL:Those who like to read about getting over lost love will find comfort in this poem.
WHAT I LIKED:The tiny picture of the phoenix up by the title.
HOW THIS TALE OR POEM MADE ME FEEL:Sad, I could hear the heartbreak in the words.
TITLE:Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.
FORMAT:This is easy to read and understand.
SETTING:You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.
GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING:My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.
Seems to be alright.
FLOW:This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.
Great job.
My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
I’ve always have a hard time reviewing poetry. The patterns Example: "a,a,b,b,b,a", have always confused me.
I just read your wee poem, Sunset Song.
APPEAL:Those who like to read about sunsets will like this.
WHAT I LIKED:That I could see the sunset in my mind‘s eye.
TITLE:Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.
FORMAT:This is easy to read and understand.
SETTING:You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.
GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING:My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.
Seems to be alright.
FLOW:This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.
Great job.
My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
I just took a peek at your contest page, Haiku and Senryu: A Contest and More.....
APPEAL:Those who like to write in the Japanese poetry forms will like this contest.
WHAT I LIKED:The way you explained this contest.
The rules are easy to read and understand. Due date is clearly posted. Contest states whether or not entry can or can not be edited once posted. States this is a no prompt poem. States old poems may be used. The contest tells the reader how to post her entry. It The use of red on this page gave it some flare.
GRAMMAR AND PUNCTUATION: My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.
Seems to be alright.
FLOW:This poem moves smoothly from beginning to
Great job.
My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
I’ve always have a hard time reviewing poetry. The patterns Example: "a,a,b,b,b,a", have always confused me.
I just read your wee poem, A Lack Of Colour.
APPEAL:Those who like to read about feeling lost after losing someone you love will related to this.
WHAT I LIKED:The way this poem made me feel.
HOW THIS TALE OR POEM MADE ME FEEL:like crying from the heart ache and sadness I hear in these words.
TITLE:Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.
FORMAT:This is easy to read and understand.
SETTING:You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.
GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING:My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.
Seems to be alright.
FLOW:This poem moves smoothly from beginning to
Great job.
My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
I’ve always have a hard time reviewing poetry. The patterns Example: "a,a,b,b,b,a", have always confused me.
I just read your wee poem, BYGONE.
APPEAL:Those who like to read about memories will like this.
WHAT I LIKED:The simplicity of this poem.
TITLE:Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.
FORMAT:This is easy to read and understand.
SETTING:You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.
GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING:My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.
Seems to be alright.
FLOW:This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.
Great job.
My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
I’ve always have a hard time reviewing poetry. The patterns Example: "a,a,b,b,b,a", have always confused me.
I just read your wee poem, Mocha Mountain.
APPEAL:Those who like to read about finding one’s self will like this.
WHAT I LIKED:The images the words painted.
TITLE:Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.
FORMAT:This is easy to read and understand.
SETTING:You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.
GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING:My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.
Seems to be alright.
FLOW:This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.
Great job.
My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
I’ve always have a hard time reviewing poetry. The patterns Example: "a,a,b,b,b,a", have always confused me.
I just read your wee poem, Bathed in Quilted Sorrow .
APPEAL:Those who read about the lost of a child will find this heart breaking and quite sad.
WHAT I LIKED:The friendship that inspired this poem.
HOW THIS TALE OR POEM MADE ME FEEL:Extremely sad. It made me cry. Though I‘ve never lost a child, I watched as my mom grieved the lost of my youngest brother.
TITLE:Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.
FORMAT:This is easy to read and understand.
SETTING:You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.
GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING:My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.
Seems to be alright.
FLOW:This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.
Great job.
My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
I’ve always have a hard time reviewing poetry. The patterns Example: "a,a,b,b,b,a", have always confused me.
I just read your wee poem, They Can't .
APPEAL:Those who read about suicide will find this heart breaking.
WHAT I LIKED:This soul seems comfortable with this decision.
HOW THIS TALE OR POEM MADE ME FEEL:sad that this soul thinks there‘s no hope and suicide is the only answer.
TITLE:Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.
FORMAT:This is easy to read and understand.
SETTING:You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.
GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING:My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.
Seems to be alright.
FLOW:This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.
Great job.
My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
I’ve always have a hard time reviewing poetry. The patterns Example: "a,a,b,b,b,a", have always confused me.
I just read your wee poem, .
APPEAL:Those who read about child abuse will find this heart breaking and sad.
WHAT I LIKED:That the child’s suffering was finally over.
HOW THIS TALE OR POEM MADE ME FEEL:Angry as all get out. I have never understood how a person could brutalize a child.
TITLE:Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.
FORMAT:This is easy to read and understand.
SETTING:You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.
GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING:My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.
Your (You’re) so wrapped in your game.
dieing (dying) alone.
FLOW:This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.
Great job.
My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
APPEAL:Those who like to read about strange encounters will like this.
WHAT I LIKED:The mystery surrounding Mr. Rayne‘s sudden appearance.
TITLE:Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this tale was about.
Characters:Both characters seemed to be alive and breathing.
NAMES:nice names for your characters.
FORMAT:This is easy to read and understand.
SETTING:You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.
GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING:My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.
She could see no one thanas another can flew all the way across the street to the other side, thanthen another, and another, heading in her direction.
She ran into someone's drive way she pounded frantically on there their door, no one seemed to hear her.
She ran back to the street , and every trash can she passed flew into the air.
She rolled into the marble fountain with a hard thud; knocking the wind from her lungs gasping for air she Scrambling scrambled to her feet she, and spun around looking to see if anything was following her.
OTHER THINGS OUT OF PLACE:There are many more errors in this tale. central park and mark should be capitalized. Knows should be knew, etc.
WHAT I DIDN’T LIKE:The print font and size. It made this short piece hard to read.
FLOW:This story is told in a logical order. You didn’t overload this tale with a lot of foreign words and used a variety of sentence lengths.
Great job.
My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
I’ve always have a hard time reviewing poetry. The patterns Example: "a,a,b,b,b,a", have always confused me.
I just read your wee poem, Grief Displaced.
APPEAL:Those who have read about 911 will find this heart breaking and sad.
WHAT I LIKED:That this person feels sad about the lost of a friend.
HOW THIS TALE OR POEM MADE ME FEEL:Like crying my heart out.
TITLE:Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.
FORMAT:This is easy to read and understand.
SETTING:You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.
GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING:My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.
Seems to be alright.
FLOW:This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.
Great job.
My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
I’ve always have a hard time reviewing poetry. The patterns Example: "a,a,b,b,b,a", have always confused me.
I just read your wee poem, Speak soft my name.
APPEAL:Those who like to read about weather will find this interesting.
WHAT I LIKED:I was caught off guard when I learn what the name was.
TITLE:Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.
FORMAT:This is easy to read and understand.
SETTING:You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.
GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING:My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.
Seems to be alright.
FLOW:This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.
Great job.
My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
I’ve always have a hard time reviewing poetry. The patterns Example: "a,a,b,b,b,a", have always confused me.
I just read your wee poem, The Luring.
APPEAL:Those who like to read poems that make their skin crawl will love this.
WHAT I LIKED:The images the words created.
TITLE:Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.
FORMAT:This is easy to read and understand.
SETTING:You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.
GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING:My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.
Seems to be alright.
FLOW:This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.
Great job.
My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
APPEAL:Those who like to read about losing one’s self will find this interesting.
WHAT I LIKED:The unexpected twist at the end.
TITLE:Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this tale was about.
Characters:This character seem quite real and alive.
NAMES:I wish you had given this powerful character a name.
FORMAT:This is easy to read and understand.
SETTING:You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.
GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING:My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.
Seems to be alright.
POINT OF VIEW:I know who's point of view the story is being told from.
FLOW:This story is told in a logical order. You didn’t overload this tale with a lot of foreign words and used a variety of sentence lengths.
Great job.
My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
I’ve always have a hard time reviewing poetry. The patterns Example: "a,a,b,b,b,a", have always confused me.
I just read your wee poem, Mirrors of My Soul.
APPEAL:Those who like to read about a trouble soul finding peace will like this.
WHAT I LIKED:The images the words created.
TITLE:Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.
FORMAT:This is easy to read and understand.
SETTING:You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.
GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING:My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.
I think you may want to add some punctuation. The poem goes on without a pause of any kind.
FLOW:This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.
Great job.
My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
I’ve always have a hard time reviewing poetry. The patterns Example: "a,a,b,b,b,a", have always confused me.
I just read your wee poem, The Secret Door.
APPEAL:Those who like to read about secret places to hide away from the world will like this.
WHAT I LIKED:It made me stop and wonder what I would hide behind a secret door.
TITLE:Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.
FORMAT:This is easy to read and understand.
SETTING:You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.
GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING:My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.
Seems to be alright.
FLOW:This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.
Great job.
My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
APPEAL:Those who like to read about losing your true love and getting that person back will love this tiny tale.
WHAT I LIKED:That Andean was willing to give her life so her true love, Lek could live.
HOW THIS TALE MADE ME FEEL:full of happiness and love.
TITLE:Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this tale was about.
NAMES:I like the names you used. They are quite unique.
FORMAT:This is easy to read and understand.
SETTING:You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.
GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING:My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.
The whole run hear (here) I had been foolishly thinking that if I could just reach him in time everything would be fine.
DIALOGUE:The dialogue sounds natural. I know who is speaking without the overuse of dialogue tags.
POINT OF VIEW:I know who's point of view the story is being told from.
FLOW:This story is told in a logical order. You didn’t overload this tale with a lot of foreign words and used a variety of sentence lengths.
Great job.
My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
I’ve always have a hard time reviewing poetry. The patterns Example: "a,a,b,b,b,a", have always confused me.
I just read your wee poem, Apocalypse .
APPEAL:Those who like to read about losing someone you love will like this.
WHAT I LIKED:The emotions the words creat.
HOW THIS TALE OR POEM MADE ME FEEL:Heart broken and sad as I remember those I love that have passed on.
TITLE:Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.
FORMAT:This is easy to read and understand.
SETTING:You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.
GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING:My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.
Seems to be alright.
FLOW:This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.
Great job.
My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
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