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103 Public Reviews Given
105 Total Reviews Given
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*I turned off review requests cause some folks are poorer than field mice...It aint mean no nothing, email me and send what yall can.* Aint yall up to yalls neck with being poked at? Cant get nobody to just appreciate what yall done wrote? Whether yall good enough for government work, or just starting out, we get it. Yall wrote it, and yall got power to keep it. Folks write different, and at times editing smothers creativity and finding yalls own style. We want yall to write in confidence. There go plenty of other reviewers who gone fix yalls grammar, and whatnot. We aint them. Thanks for writing.
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Encouragement and chatting yall up.
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Overly sexual writings.
I will not review...
Sexual writings, but onery will be accepted...Some Christians are so uptight with things...Like its wrong to be ATTRACTED to the opposite sex. We DO promote, support, and follow no sex before marriage on our forum. Also, no religious works- Im gone lean toward Christians and Im trying to give everybody an even playing field. Keep it WISE with requests, as some can be politely rejected: Im a Christian, conservative, as well as Republican...We dont get bullied here.
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Rated: E | (5.0)
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum
Good to know you, Im Bride
The irrepressible, Bride

ir•re•press•i•ble ĭr″ĭ-prĕs′ə-bəl►
adj. Difficult or impossible to control or restrain.
Not repressible; incapable of being repressed, restrained, or kept under control.
adj. Not capable of being repressed, restrained, or controlled

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling."

-Eames, Inception


so you tried to be my lover
as if that could ever work
then you tried to be my mother
as if that could heal the hurt

the inevitable blurring
or the crossing of the line
that delineates our problem
you're so sure you are divine

always take one step too many
never look before you leap
sow more seeds than you are counting
never caring what you'll reap

But you smile when you are hurting
and you care more than you should
can't ignore the plight of others
can't resist just doing good

and you love to say you love me
sad to say I know it's true
our relationship ain't failing
friction works somehow, who knew?


Anything worth having gone be work. Anything worth keeping, in itself, gone be work.

This is a gospel fact that we all know. But what we all aint know or consider, is the type of work and were its needed most. Opposites attract cause we tend to think we can fix others, when the truth is, its the other in a relationship who got what we need to fix ourselves. And in due time, and with work- we fix ourselves to become what the other person needs.


Lets Begin-

so you tried to be my lover
as if that could ever work
then you tried to be my mother
as if that could heal the hurt

Well, the opening line is about as dark as the inside a pocket- that came from nowere. But this is good. Me being a big heaping fan of dark love poetry, I can appreciate different approaches to it. We start off just plain as biscuits admitting things aint working.

This also is a good build up giving the author more avenues to the direction of the writing. The opening is already an attention grabber, as the writing goes on to address a dangerous problem when it comes to the battle of the sexes in relationships.

Both are flawed in their own ways, and I done seen more times than aint guys who want to turn girls into some kind of fantasy, perfect, girl...But I see way too often 'the mothering complex' from girls...

the inevitable blurring
or the crossing of the line
that delineates our problem
you're so sure you are divine

The second blocks builds properly from the 1st, connecting the idea as smooth as a lie from a lawyer. I particularly want to point out the writer mentioning the over reach. I also like the rock thrown in the glass house line: "that delineates our problem, you're so sure you are divine". Another thing I like is the angst in this piece.

always take one step too many
never look before you leap
sow more seeds than you are counting
never caring what you'll reap

The rhyme structure with the driven point is to die for. This is possible my favorite part of the entire writing.

But you smile when you are hurting
and you care more than you should
can't ignore the plight of others
can't resist just doing good

The writing takes a coil here. We see the author being sympathetic toward the subject, and its understandable. Things get messy with matters of the heart.

and you love to say you love me
sad to say I know it's true
our relationship ain't failing
friction works somehow, who knew?

The ending is the kick in the rear. May it aint be too far for me to say that the author is caught in something impossible to get out of, but, Im sure thats the point. We find ourselves wondering if this abuse from the subject actually is the way that they demonstrate their affection; and thats what makes this writing darker than what we see at surface level.

In closing:

I enjoyed this, and I enjoyed even more getting yanked around like Im on The Timber Wolf Rollercoaster (Its a Kansas brand Rollercoaster. Its made of all wood.) The author displayed dang near every emotion possible in this piece showing love is a multi layered experience.

Review Tip #4: Well-rounded reviews include both positive and negative comments.

Thank God I aint ever aim to be one of these "well-rounded" folks any d*mn way...

My reviews are longer than a country mile. If there go a typo, or something seems squirely, its cause half the time I aint proof read them; and h*ll naw if I turn on auto correct. If something aint underlined in red I keep it moving. I read them later on, though- If I catch something dumb as a watermelon I'll let yall know.

Bride, Editor-in-chief
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum/Firebrand Times Newspaper
Review of The Addison Daily  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Review of Loss  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum
Good to know you, Im Bride
The irrepressible, Bride

ir•re•press•i•ble ĭr″ĭ-prĕs′ə-bəl►
adj. Difficult or impossible to control or restrain.
Not repressible; incapable of being repressed, restrained, or kept under control.
adj. Not capable of being repressed, restrained, or controlled

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling."

-Eames, Inception


Eerie moaning echoes through
the chambers of my mind.
Flickering candles
Light the neurons
I’m nervous
With unknown cause.

Deeper down,
In my heart,
A door slammed,
A window closed,
I may have screamed,
My fear took over,
And traveled.

Up a bit,
My lungs rattle like
Creaky stairs
They carry air
To my ticker
And my tricker
My mind
Inside of me

And yet I feel it,
A ghostly whisper
Of who I was
Before I became myself.


Folks aint know the importance of the absolute Word of God. They find themselves out there just turning the way the world go. Aint NOTHING absolute about the world but EVIL. Here go a nugget for yall: Rejection is the soil were unbelief grows- therefore, the potential for DOUBT and unbelief increases. Seeds of rejection produce a harvest of failure, and its quick fast and in a hurry to identity. The WORLD rejects yall...

God doesnt.

But, what do I know. Im just some deplorable, Bible thumping, Christian...


Lets Begin-

Back at it one more time, yall. Aint no short of a pleasure reviewing my lead journalists writings...

Eerie moaning echoes through
the chambers of my mind.
Flickering candles
Light the neurons
I’m nervous
With unknown cause.

Now lets set the tone. There go particulars we need to point at; but we gone get there soon enough. The opening starts off darker than the inside a pocket. What are the eerie moanings saying? Is it of a self design, or the heart condemning ones self? The word picture of the candle sets it up real good, giving the opening block life- like the dang moaning just keeps poking at the girl; on and off like how the flickering candle teases with light. We also see it aint no whisper that the writer aint got the lead on it either. This method is done perfectly through story telling; keeping interest of the reader, and making the author herself aint seem to understand it. Great writing is a trip for ALL involved, aint just for the reader.

Deeper down,
In my heart,
A door slammed,
A window closed,
I may have screamed,
My fear took over,
And traveled

The heart is were issues from life derive from, so I tend to pay close attention at its mentionings. The door is interesting at the same time- a 'door' to the heart is referred to the door of the will and emotions; being the soul: While 'windows' are in place of 'eyes.' If the eye is full of darkness, it contaminates the whole body. Eyes are like a scope.

Yall like: What?!
Trust me...

Up a bit,
My lungs rattle like
Creaky stairs
They carry air
To my ticker
And my tricker
My mind
Inside of me

I LOVE the 'Up a bit,' I dont know why. Its playfully written and contrasts the dark and serious mood. I like the 'lungs rattling,' cause its a clever way to write a breaking in voice, or a broken scream. I also like the broken sentences. Those type be my bread and butter. Writing in complete thought is fine, but if a bigger than south Texas description can be caught in fewer words it shows extreme talent.

And yet I feel it,
A ghostly whisper
Of who I was
Before I became myself.

That ending is so good, its got to be fattening. Im telling yall, I want yall to just mind it over. Its so dang vague, it can twist the ENTIRE meaning of the thing.

In closing:{/u

Always a fan. Miss Loren is by far one of the best writers I done ever seen...

And I aint just saying that cause shes MY best writer.

Review Tip #4: Well-rounded reviews include both positive and negative comments.

Thank God I aint ever aim to be one of these "well-rounded" folks any d*mn way...

My reviews are longer than a country mile. If there go a typo, or something seems squirely, its cause half the time I aint proof read them; and h*ll naw if I turn on auto correct. If something aint underlined in red I keep it moving. I read them later on, though- If I catch something dumb as a watermelon I'll let yall know.

Bride, Editor-in-chief
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum/Firebrand Times Newspaper
Review of Butterflies  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum
Good to know you, Im Bride
The irrepressible, Bride

ir•re•press•i•ble ĭr″ĭ-prĕs′ə-bəl►
adj. Difficult or impossible to control or restrain.
Not repressible; incapable of being repressed, restrained, or kept under control.
adj. Not capable of being repressed, restrained, or controlled

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling."

-Eames, Inception



A friend asked me once what I thought the most
romantic gift a man could give a woman was.
"Would it be flowers?" she asked eagerly. “No,”
I replied. “Flowers are nice but their beauty
does not last.” My friend thought a bit more,
then smiled and asked, “What about jewelry? I
always feel good when a man gives me jewelry.”
“No,” I replied. “Jewelry is okay, but cold metal
cannot keep my heart warm.” “Well…” my friend
answered, “If you want to be warm, what about
lingerie?” With that said, my friend giggled and
winked conspiratorially at me. “No,” I replied.
“Silks and satins feel nice on the outside, but
how can they touch you inside?” My friend, now
thoroughly confused and completely exasperated,
paced the floor, waved her hands frantically and
screamed, “Then WHAT?? If not any of these, what
do you consider the most romantic gift??”
“Butterflies,” I answered quietly. “Because
butterflies spread their joy deep into your soul.”
The words were barely out of my mouth when
something made me smile. I smiled a huge grin
and when I looked up, there was a butterfly
dancing in the light. I smiled some more.
“Ahh…” my friend replied as she sank back
onto the couch cushions ~ smiling.


There go two reasons things get repeated: One, if something gets repeated over and over, folks tend to believe it- yall can see that in the media. And two, its so folks aint forget. I cant stand when folks say chivalry and romance is dead. It aint. I also cant stand when folks try to make up a side eyed excuse and say 'times done changed.' Certain things done changed, yes, but PEOPLE is what changed. Powerful forces dont cease to exist, it just aint so- either folks back burn it, or aint do it at all. What done changed was the ENVIRONMENT. As sure as sunshine, the same as when sin got into the world from the beginning, its the SAME get up. Look at past time periods such as the Renaissance, when chivalry, love letter writing, and courting was just LIFE. Then look at the 'Emo' phase when guys in bands wrote ENTIRE albums about girls, and teens did anything to be together.

What happened was folks let their environment say a lie over and over, and folks believed it-

Why I say these things over and over, is so folks aint forget.


Lets Begin-

I appreciate to high Heaven the subject of this piece. Im a romantic, and its generally all I write about, or h*ll, care to write about. The world needs more men of passion and romance, cause its us guys who propel it. Women are more romantically inclined, but when a man initiates romance, its strong as horse radish. I plain love the overall tone of this; its giddy as all get out. And thats what romantics WANT. We want the emotional charge, we dont want to hear no nothing about reasoning making love complicated. Its the rush we thrive on- its like dr*gs to us. Lets look at the opener:

A friend asked me once what I thought the most
romantic gift a man could give a woman was.
"Would it be flowers?" she asked eagerly. “No,”
I replied. “Flowers are nice but their beauty
does not last.” My friend thought a bit more,
then smiled and asked, “What about jewelry?

The author starts with whats expected to be in romance- then shoots it down quicker than a New York minute. She uses a contrast; and ones common as cornbread. The contrast thats the gospel truth is how these things aint matter when it comes to heart strings. These are just expressions, and what the writer is a hunting for is what causes the expressions. Also to mention, putting this in a convo format is also as cute as those little caps they put on newborns.

I always feel good when a man gives me jewelry.”
“No,” I replied. “Jewelry is okay, but cold metal
cannot keep my heart warm.” “Well…” my friend
answered, “If you want to be warm, what about
lingerie?” With that said, my friend giggled and
winked conspiratorially at me. “No,” I replied.
“Silks and satins feel nice on the outside, but
how can they touch you inside?”

THIS is my favorite block for good reason. I like how Miss Jill uses the objects in comparison to true emotion. Another thing thats as scarce as grass around a feeding trough, is the innocence mentioned here. Im gone plain say it: In order for REAL romance to thrive, its got to be grown in an innocent environment. When innocence is present time can be taken slow and seriously, folks get to know each other, and its just more fun. Rushing things puts too much at risk; I remember when I was a teen my ENTIRE day was built around talking to a girl on the phone I had a crush on. Still is. I have girls call me. Text me if you want me to pick up take out or something for you...Im a romantic, I cant be bothered- Its the awkwardness of love thats compelling, like aint being able to talk around them- downright yellow as mustard without the bite scared of them when they come around...All to...Being unable to wait for them to come around. THATS romance, not what yall see TODAY. So the wink by the friend about the lingerie was puppy dog adorable, and I think all girls got an onery friend like this one...

My friend, now
thoroughly confused and completely exasperated,
paced the floor, waved her hands frantically and
screamed, “Then WHAT?? If not any of these, what
do you consider the most romantic gift??”

Interesting breakdown on this here block- Bless the friends heart here; but yall can easily see the difference between the two. By the writers answers here, yall figure the friend would get the lead what shes talking about. But one thing got my attention: Im doubting more than aint, the friend probably aint experienced 'butterflies' before, or, just aint hold it at high regard. But this is written real clever...The ending just shows the friend just needed to be reminded...


In closing:

Butterflies,” I answered quietly. “Because
butterflies spread their joy deep into your soul.”
The words were barely out of my mouth when
something made me smile. I smiled a huge grin
and when I looked up, there was a butterfly
dancing in the light. I smiled some more.
“Ahh…” my friend replied as she sank back
onto the couch cushions ~ smiling.

The ending speaks for itself.

Review Tip #4: Well-rounded reviews include both positive and negative comments.

Thank God I aint ever aim to be one of these "well-rounded" folks any d*mn way...

My reviews are longer than a country mile. If there go a typo, or something seems squirely, its cause half the time I aint proof read them; and h*ll naw if I turn on auto correct. If something aint underlined in red I keep it moving. I read them later on, though- If I catch something dumb as a watermelon I'll let yall know.

Bride, Editor-in-chief
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum/Firebrand Times Newspaper
Review of I'm Sorry  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum
Good to know you, Im Bride
The irrepressible, Bride

ir•re•press•i•ble ĭr″ĭ-prĕs′ə-bəl►
adj. Difficult or impossible to control or restrain.
Not repressible; incapable of being repressed, restrained, or kept under control.
adj. Not capable of being repressed, restrained, or controlled

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling."

-Eames, Inception


I’m sorry,
The words a whisper, a wisp,
A secret buried deep,
A small little wish,

Words engraved into my soul,
Worn in from overuse,
Naturally there,
Each word hits and forms a bruise,

Some may ask why in the beginning,
But when it’s muttered profusely,
They turn away in annoyance,
And in sorrow, I turn as well to flee,

I’ve learned that anything slightly different,
Anything abnormal, unusual,
Are a flaw and a weakness,
A critique increased to be ever so brutal,

I know that most,
Would never be mad,
At the way I truly am,
But even with that fact I feel so sad,

You give me something great,
But in place of thank you, I say sorry,
For the burden of my presence,
The waste of space for my body,

I know thank you is better than an apology,
And sorry ends up not working when used too much,
But I really feel terrible,
Each feeling like a punch,

People tell me that I don’t have to say sorry,
Or thank you so often,
But it’s a habit now since other people's talents and personalities are far better,
And mine nonexistent and awful,

So I thank and apologize,
Hoping to communicate with you,
The wonderful person you can be,
The way you make me feel like I can be someone too,

I’m am sorry,
For my faults, my mistakes,
For you having to do this,
For you having to heal all my breaks.


Folks hurt others in more ways than one. Its like how some tend to think some sins are different in magnitude, when its actually the ROOT that puts them all on the same playing field. Funny how we are; when we gone and prove we aint wise once we done compared ourselves to others... An apology goes a country mile- most just aint want to make the journey. When this done happened, this is when the ROOT is finally understood. Accountability is like a racial slur nowdays: some would rather defame a character just to save face, which, hates the whole body in general...

But what do I know.


Lets Begin-

I do like the way this here is written. Its got a stream flow to it; what that done meant is- water is easily turned, just depends on what obstacle yall gone and put it through. Each block of it serves a different heap of emotion the writer turns the reader with. Look at the opener:

I’m sorry,
The words a whisper, a wisp,
A secret buried deep,
A small little wish,

Words engraved into my soul,
Worn in from overuse,
Naturally there,
Each word hits and forms a bruise,

The words a whisper a wisp...
A secret buried...
A small...

This goes and shows the importance the author puts on the apology. Something so small its frying size, in particulars, is bigger than it seems. The gospel fact that its so small, makes it confusing as to WHY its harder than bricks to come about. When things are played so close to the chest, they end up getting buried deep into the chest- right into the heart. The writing goes on to prove something we tend to ignore: Words got impact, especially to the soul. Words are POWERFUL. They powerful enough to shape destinies. Encourage, or destroy- Its sad enough to bring a tear to a glass eye that man done given such power to other men... (context used as a whole) That when words are used negatively to, or about each other, we GIVE others power of us; this should never be. Throughout the writing its interesting to take heed of the different types of apologies that go mentioned here. The author explains them completely, with aint no lack in emotion. Its quite understood that this IS an apology letter:

Some may ask why in the beginning,
But when it’s muttered profusely,
They turn away in annoyance,
And in sorrow, I turn as well to flee,

Apologies can be as useless as a snake with no slither. Its like when folks just plain reach over yall and say that programmed 'sorry,' with no decency to make it a full sentence. Its a HATED apology, the 'before hand' type:

When its muttered profusely, its worthless like the honesty behind it...

Its turned away in annoyance because it was better kept to yourself...

And in sorrow, we turn as well to flee for the lack of compassion.

Its worth noting the damage done. Its the impact that I done mentioned before of the influence of others. A lack of apology can even get folks to question they own worth. Withholding something as such, makes others compared to yall feel unimportant; or, uncomfortably different. The feeling is as unwelcomed as an outhouse back breeze.

I’ve learned that anything slightly different,
Anything abnormal, unusual,
Are a flaw and a weakness,
A critique increased to be ever so brutal,

This writing is extremely personal. I review alot, and when things get THIS deep, writers get vague...And its okay. We aint all deal with things the same. Some things are either too hard, or personal to say. With this in mind, we aint know what some things mean:

You give me something great,
But in place of thank you, I say sorry,
For the burden of my presence,
The waste of space for my body,

What I DO know is, I encourage the writer to aint be so hard on themselves. You aint the only one to make mistakes. Mistakes done been around since the beginning of the world, we got the bible to prove it. The constant 'thank you,' makes me wonder if the author is using it as a light bulb moment; like by how somebody done reacted it shined light on something...But like I said before, we aint gone ever know...The writing continues on that note. By how its worded, the subject is of a big importance type. I do hope they went on to accept this authors apology.

In closing:

Dang personal. It aint no whisper this was used to get something off the chest.

Review Tip #4: Well-rounded reviews include both positive and negative comments.

Thank God I aint ever aim to be one of these "well-rounded" folks any d*mn way...

Bride, Editor-in-chief
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum/Firebrand Times Newspaper
Review of Not Inferior  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum
Good to know you, Im Bride
The irrepressible, Bride

ir•re•press•i•ble ĭr″ĭ-prĕs′ə-bəl►
adj. Difficult or impossible to control or restrain.
Not repressible; incapable of being repressed, restrained, or kept under control.
adj. Not capable of being repressed, restrained, or controlled

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling."

-Eames, Inception


Man considers himself as a superior gem,
His equal partner, woman, he does condemn.

He wants to establish control over her,
Her life, her breath and her whisper.

Though man is totally free in this world,
Her freedom, he considers to be absurd.

Woman anytime he can maim or kill,
Or, change her thoughts at his free will.

He disdains them as second class citizen,
Considering them only their object of fun.

Remember man, you are fed by one woman,
And another will become your better half human.

Break the walls of disparity in your mind,
Be a real man, treat a woman kind.


Normally, I lean in to avoid reviewing in such ways. I avoid particular writings with good sense, cause as a bonafied reviewer (which I done made myself here on this site,) my job aint to debate nothing, its just to review. It takes a certain something to perk my ears up. So if I got a dog in the fight, which I do in this case, Id be plum disappointed in myself if I aint say nothing. Being from the Church, and in youth ministry, this concerns me- being a man, it continues to concern me. Miss Lurie is one of my favorite folks here, and I get a kick out of her intelligence. So lets get this going- I also avoid political writings, which this do count as one, and Ill explain why...


Lets Begin-

This writing is bold. Bold is good. The opener got some fact to it:

Man considers himself as a superior gem,
His equal partner, woman, he does condemn.

Yall know what? IM even disappointed in men. It can be easily said thats why things go south. Men were created to be honest leaders. Examples. Now yall look around, and we can easily see the effect of poor leadership. The author makes this an interesting point; and its valid. When men refuse to be MEN, other than s*xual immorality, its a fast as a prairie fire way to a decaying society. Thats why a lack of fathers in households can easily be attributed to crimes, etc. I REALLY like the fact that the writer states women are equal to men...Cause...THEY ARE. God created man and woman EQUAL, but with differences: Men are stronger physically, women are stronger emotionally; but there aint no superiority, just DIFFERENCES. Man and woman are supposed to work together, supplying what other traits the other is lacking- this is a Divine purpose. So yes, the writer is correct as far as the view society tries to project- this is a fact... But Truth and fact aint the same. The author points this out from the porch; its in KNOWING this, that sets this writer ahead of most women empowerment authors. Most start off in a horn tossing mood about the issue, but aint ever place THEMSELVES equal to men. They can talk a storm up about things being unfair, but they aint ever mention being equal themselves; its either oppression or FAR feminism. Its like sharing the gospel: If YOU aint believe it, how you figure others gone believe it? Just saying. In the opening piece, the writer mentions men condemn women...This is also fact- Just to gone and get this out the way, SOME men do (I had to mention that.) These are the same 'men' who aint lead right. It says alot about a man who gets yellow about strong women...It proves they are weak men. That ego that some men got is concerning.
The next block:

He wants to establish control over her,
Her life, her breath and her whisper.

Is also a fact, but aint so much as in foreign countries. Even though America got some jerk men, some other countries REALLY view women as property. This done always been a HUMAN thing...God aint EVER intend for it to be. If folks look at the Old Testament, ISRAEL added laws, and folks always want to mention a certain scripture in the New Testament...We ALL know it- That was written for church order, cause that particular church had ALOT of problems. I hate how the view of things in life is fed to folks. Even current issues are fed through politics. What they do is, they target the youth cause they are more tending to emotions. It harder than p*ssing up a rope getting the truth to most youth cause they done got fed this stuff, and most of their thought life is filtered through it. As I was reading, I couldnt help giving Miss Lurie credit...Shes alot smarter than most adults I know...

The writer takes the fight to us, and that aint EVER wrong. Its good to have opinions; its bad to aint respect them. I got fullblown respect for this writer as a whole, so aint no need of mentioning it. What I hope is that obviously Miss Lurie notices flaws in society; and aims to be above, and aint sucked into it. The bullet points in this writing are impressive. Its almost like she took it all on at once. The follow ups to each problem gets stronger. The author brings up this interesting point:

Though man is totally free in this world,
Her freedom, he considers to be absurd.

Its interesting, cause I see the angle, but I had to wonder just HOW free men are if they go treating women like this...Its the truth that sets people free, and if men are going around with THIS mentality, they aint free at all.

Miss Lurie just 'went for it' in this block:

He disdains them as second class citizen,
Considering them only their object of fun.

Ah, yes...The age old problem of men s*xualizing women. Aint no REAL man do this, but once again, the writer makes a valid point. This goes on more than aint; and if men aint do this to women, WOMEN do this to themselves. Its funny how we got some 'Hollyweak' (Hollywood) women out there who PROMOTE selling themselves, and aint nobody say no nothing. With this out here, Im mad that more men AINT against this stuff. Can yall IMAGINE the impact that would happen if MEN took over the prolife movement? Or if men would openly condemn things like 'Playboy' and 'Victorias Secret?' THATS how men are suppose to use their power. Read that again, Ill bold it for yall- Men are suppose to protect women and children. Most folks aint say nothing about 'Vicky Secrets,' but I do...Its just soft core p*rn...

Back to creation:
God made women awesome- Ask Him: I LITERALLY think woman is His greatest creation. Men are visually 'turned on,' while with women theres more to it. Women are 'turned on' by communication, character, sacrificial leadership, etc...But just cause women are physically attractive, aint mean for men to treat them as objects. That s*xual view is suppose to be aimed at mens wives; not as a object thing, but when the woman has completed the man in marriage. If men aint s*xually attracted to their wives, something done gone wrong. How important is this?: Thats why if men take in p*rnographic images, that picture stays with them. It enters a part of the brain thats set aside for wives in marriage. Men watch p*rn and go to strip clubs cause they are misusing that part of the brain- Its an EVIL use. Women are intelligent things; and they got a whole gaggle of other qualities other than appearance. Got a problem? Go ask a woman. Men dont communicate so good about personal stuff, which, is ANOTHER problem we need to fix amongst ourselves- But its funny, though...Men will 'open up' their feelings to women, but not to other men...INTERESTING how God set that into motion...Hmmm...One of the powers of women...Told yall we equal, we just got different power.

This is my favorite block:

Remember man, you are fed by one woman,
And another will become your better half human.

Enough said.
It ends with yet ANOTHER fact:

Break the walls of disparity in your mind,
Be a real man, treat a woman kind.

I tell teens this ALL the time. I want young men to be MEN, and the young ladies to be respectful of themselves. I dont tolerate the bull. Its one of my most SERIOUS times, other than these times, teens tend to just treat me like a smart teen, which is nice. I set an example; everything I tell THEM, I DO. I promote certain dating guidelines that I keep at the same time. Young men are to be decent, respectful, and be strong, compassionate leaders. Young ladies are to be decent in how they carry themselves, and aint to settle for a guy UNLESS he respects them. I tell the girls to set the respect bar for themselves, and to demand respect in dating. While those who aint want to do nothing but blame 'society' or how times done changed, I took the clock and rewinded it back to were results were seen. I brought back tradition, and the teens LOVE it cause its new to them and aint taught nomore. My mom is from the traditional south, and they dont play with these things.

In closing:

Always fun reading this writers posts on the feed, and reading her works. Shes intelligent, strong, and opinionated- Each point brought up was fact, so it aint seem as just some rant, and I appreciated it. When there aint no facts, and its all feelings, there aint no point to it. This was a passionate writing, and I understood each point-these ARE problems women face. I encourage the writer to date wisely, if she is; and aint settle for the same subject she wrote about- Somebody this smart should only date a young man with intentions on being a REAL man.

Review Tip #4: Well-rounded reviews include both positive and negative comments.

Thank God I aint ever aim to be one of these "well-rounded" folks any d*mn way...

Bride, Editor-in-chief
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum/Firebrand Times Newspaper
Review of Forgiveness  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum
Good to know you, Im Bride
The irrepressible, Bride

ir•re•press•i•ble ĭr″ĭ-prĕs′ə-bəl►
adj. Difficult or impossible to control or restrain.
Not repressible; incapable of being repressed, restrained, or kept under control.
adj. Not capable of being repressed, restrained, or controlled

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling."

-Eames, Inception


For years on end, I've held onto my anger.
For years on end, I've simmered in my resentment.
Never truly letting go, the past becomes a poison shackle.
How to be free when I am the one chaining myself?
I claimed to have let go, to have moved on from what happened.
But the truth is one thing that always gets revealed in the end.
The truth is, I never moved on.
The truth is I never let it go.
All the pain and suffering I experienced at your hands left a scar.
A scar so deep and profound, that I forgot how to forgive.
Now, after so many years have passed, I sit alone in the place it all happened.
I sit and ponder the past as I gaze at pictures from that time.
Why did you do it all?
Why did you act as you did?
I will never know because death has already claimed you as His own.
I know that you must have had your reasons, but it is not for me to know what those reasons were.
As time goes on, I begin to realize that the past is the past.
It is set in stone and cannot be changed.
But the future is vast and unknown.
So full of possibilities and opportunities
You hurt me badly, but I now know that I also hurt you.
It is time to let it all go.
So, I will give you the one thing I never thought I would.
I give my forgiveness.
I forgive you for the pain you caused.
I forgive you for all the hurt and abuse.
I forgive you the times you neglected me and the times you punished me for things I never did.
And I forgive myself.
I forgive myself for hurting those around me.
For they did not deserve it.
I forgive myself for the trouble I caused, never taking others into consideration.
On this day, I let go of what happened.
On this day, I release all my anger, pain, and resentment.
On this day, I forgive it all.
I will never forget what happened.
The scars run much too deep to forget.
But I will forgive and, thus, move on with my life.
Life is too short to hold onto the past.
One can never truly heal so long as they keep themselves shackled by it.
And so, I release it. I banish the poison I laced in my life by holding on to the negative side.
I release myself from these self-made shackles and take my leave of my self-imposed imprisonment.
I forgive.
I forgive it all.


Forgiveness aint for the other person, its for US. When all that resentment get to building up, it aint nothing but something for the devil to work with- for where envying and strife is, there is confusion and EVERY evil work. After taking consideration, the most damage is done to self. There go a saying; the thing escapes me, but something like: 'While yall all out there mad as a wet hen, yalls enemy is out dancing'... Something to that effect. At the same time, even in the midst of a feud, others get caught in the crossfire, and bullets aint got no names...


Lets Begin-

Well, SOMEBODY done got a load of the chest. I gone a give credit were credit is due- this aint easy as pie forgiving folks. The writer takes yall on a DEEP trip of obstacles folks face in the journey. How it opens with 'For years on end,' goes to show how long unforgiveness can fester. The fact the author done held on to this THIS long says a heapfull. We see how from that point, it continues to go south- Lines like: 'A scar so deep and profound, I forgot how to forgive,' at the same time: 'I would give you the one thing I never thought I would' shows how DEEP the pain is. The author does a great job of 'putting it all out there' which is mighty brave, cause when folks are hurt this bad the LAST thing they fixing to do is talk about it. I was reading this writing like: 'Dang. this is just concentrated emotion'...

The strength that stands out the most in this writer is honesty. We writers got gifts to turn emotions of folks easily with our pieces; but when we do it whole heartedly, its a whole other type of storm. I enjoyed the fact the author wasnt at a loss for feeling or words in particulars to this. Each line was as heart breaking as the last, which for those who appreciate writings of substance, this aint disappoint.

In closing:

Maybe the most honest thing I done read here...I mean, yall can shoot dice over the phone with the writer if need be. The whole vibe here was just a release, and Im happier than a de*d pig in the sunshine they got it.

Review Tip #4: Well-rounded reviews include both positive and negative comments.

Thank God I aint ever aim to be one of these "well-rounded" folks any d*mn way...

Bride, Editor-in-chief
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum/Firebrand Times Newspaper
Review of Soul's Windows  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
...'Unforgiven' is one of my favorite movies of all dang time...Its right after 'Rocky'...
Review of Soul's Windows  Open in new Window.
for entry "Softball PitcherOpen in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum
Good to know you, Im Bride
The irrepressible, Bride

ir•re•press•i•ble ĭr″ĭ-prĕs′ə-bəl►
adj. Difficult or impossible to control or restrain.
Not repressible; incapable of being repressed, restrained, or kept under control.
adj. Not capable of being repressed, restrained, or controlled

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling."

-Eames, Inception


She strides toward the rubber,
checking release point,
and starts.

Her arm becomes a whirlwind,
yellow highlighting the end,
and she lets go.

It's out of her control now,
nothing left to do but


and pray.

It all comes down to this. Will it be on target?
The sphere slaps into her catcher's mitt,
the Umpire affirms what she hoped.


She smiles.


This is becoming habit- I got a rule, yall - I do my level best to aint review folks more than once, at least. For multiple reasons: 1: Im trying to cover more ground than grass. I done obnoxiously made myself a bonafied reviewer...Two, I try to avoid being biased...But when it comes to this writer, its gone be as useless as a snake with no slither as I done said before...Im a FAN. Aint no reason this much talent is cramped into one youth...


Lets Begin-

Its ALWAYS underlying tones with this one. It aint what it looks like with this writer. A softball theme is used in this- Maybe it could be the 'image' of what softball is, or the fact of sport imitating life as a whole-

Yall aint see that?



Point is, its a dang challenge. It opens with the subject up to bat, which could also be a double en- double entendr-


'She strides toward the rubber, checking release point'...

Now, what I like is the 'release point.' What thats yelling at me is, its HOW something is done - this here requires TIMING...

Im CRUSHING this review...

With things gone require timing. Timing makes up over half the fight. With timing, its HOW its done. Its dumb as a post to fail when wisdom is AVAILABLE...That went over some folks heads like a 747...What I appreciate the MOST in this style is the OBVIOUS fact this got a deeper meaning. It tickles the senses; full of enjoyment at the same time as getting yalls mouths ready for the TRUE meaning. This is key in writing, to be able to appeal to a whole field of folks at the same time. I done noticed that this writer writes in 'expressions ' if thats even a thing to say- theyre short burst of thought communicated in real time - It seems authentic, as it appears often in her writings. It leads one to mind over if she REALLY thinks in this certain pattern, which is unique and adorable. This writing is worth a gander at- if this was one of those times folks struggle with writers block, it aint seen. This is written second nature kind. The ending is done just right- its when yall end up rooting for the character in the piece, therefore, giving yall hope as well...Nice execution. Whats this REALLY about? Iownno. But its possible its SUPPOSE to be that way...Never let anybody know how smart yall REALLY are...

In closing:

Always a good time putting on my sitting britches and walking around in this small head (that aint no insult, the girl seems so small she frying size, lol) But size aint no nevermind- its the power within that finishes the race, and this kids got the goods to finish strong.

Review Tip #4: Well-rounded reviews include both positive and negative comments.

Thank God I aint ever aim to be one of these "well-rounded" folks any d*mn way...

Bride, Editor-in-chief
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum/Firebrand Times Newspaper
Review of empty room  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum
Good to know you, Im Bride
The irrepressible, Bride

ir•re•press•i•ble ĭr″ĭ-prĕs′ə-bəl►
adj. Difficult or impossible to control or restrain.
Not repressible; incapable of being repressed, restrained, or kept under control.
adj. Not capable of being repressed, restrained, or controlled

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling."

-Eames, Inception


The silence of the world
comes in the wee hours of the night
when i am reminded of how it all was before;
how we sat on the floor,
surrounded by store-bought food,
with time flowing by unnoticed
while we basked in each other's company.

ecstatic and free.
bearing wide smiles
and carefree laughter.
all whilst thinking
that all will be well
and we will still be

but a year later
what do we find?

a quiet room,
lacking the warmth we once shared,
bearing an air of melancholy
quite alien to the senses.
along with it is the crippling feeling of harrowed


I cant express enough how important the little things are in relationships. Nowadays, folks stay so busy with nonsense, yall think these folks got twins- the damage in the end is missing out on the steps that build foundations for strong relationships.


Lets Begin-

That opener got me good and ready. I KNOW that silence - I done came up with good thinking at those times; but its the bad times with a serrated heart... Thats what done happened here- the writer walks yall through a painful, romantic memory. 'how we sat on the floor, surrounded by store-bought foods' starts out strong in my sayings. I complain more than aint that when authors write stuff that make me wimper,how bothers me...

SUCH a great line, that is...

The poem builds around that SPECIFIC time. It aint so much WHATS happening, its focus is on WHOS it happening with. Whats even better, is how the writer goes on with the thought- thinking 'that all will be well and we will still be together.' This takes a detour as the SAME silence turns a beautiful memory into sorrow by the spoonful. The same 'quiet room lacking the warmth we once shared,' is the painful silence quiet enough to hear a heartbreak.

In closing:

It hurt a little, but thats fine.
Broken heart poetry is suppose to do that. This writer done wrote this from the 'hurt place,' were only real romantics can understand.

Review Tip #4: Well-rounded reviews include both positive and negative comments.

Thank God I aint ever aim to be one of these "well-rounded" folks any d*mn way...

Bride, Editor-in-chief
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum/Firebrand Times Newspaper
Review of "bed"  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum
Good to know you, Im Bride
The irrepressible, Bride

ir•re•press•i•ble ĭr″ĭ-prĕs′ə-bəl►
adj. Difficult or impossible to control or restrain.
Not repressible; incapable of being repressed, restrained, or kept under control.
adj. Not capable of being repressed, restrained, or controlled

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling."

-Eames, Inception


I wake up slowly, enjoying the light slanting through my window. My back arches and curls, becoming limber with movement. I’m lost in the feel of sheets against skin. I let myself float in the large house’s silence, only broken by the birds greeting spring.
There’s a beautiful sensuality in the mornings. Feel is not right or wrong. It’s just feeling. I lay here, my hair splayed against the pillow. I run my fingers through it, the dark giving it a rusted hue. I should get up and check on the cat I’m here to watch. Instead, I let my thumb rub against my sternum, down my belly. He’s inside and indoors, I remind myself. No need to rush.
I stay in bed, trying to hold onto this moment. I make constellations with my freckles. I root myself in the body, in hair and skin and sensory softness. I need a space before society comes crashing in with all its messages of who I’m supposed to be. If I stay in this queen size bed with too many pillows, I have a few more moments with my own radical truth: this body is made to feel and enjoy.
Despite thick blinds, the sun gets brighter. I get up slowly, walking to the bathroom. My eyes travel down, enjoying the warm light against my pale skin. My breasts hang a bit, swaying with my motion. At the mirror, my fingers trace the creases along my thighs, the only evidence of my restless night.
Once I’m done, I turn back, facing the large bed again. I should get up, do an inspection of the house, bring in the newspaper. But the bed is the right balance of firm and soft. The thick covers are a siren call. I could nestle in, and read a book.
For a moment, I’m torn, until I realize my legs are already climbing back into bed. There’s time enough to look for the cat. For now, there are simple pleasures waiting for me between the sheets.


Here go something I appreciate...Something I appreciate ALOT-
Yall gone see what I mean in the review...THIS was written dead to rights...


Lets Begin-

BESIDES how good this was written with detail; especially with the clever way the writer talks to herself, the author says A HEAPS full without saying it. Now, yall got to have mind this review is written from a guys perspective, so it might go over some heads what Im fixing to say in this thing. The writer describes the peacefulness of mornings and the things folks take for granted. I LOVE mornings, h*ll, Im a morning person. Some folks get to running around like a chicken with their heads cut off, getting into the hustle of it- cant wait good to get the day started- I, aint one of those...I view mornings as 'the day waits for ME.' I get how folks got families, businesses and all; but if yall cant even get the morning in edgewise in peace, thats the tone of yalls life...No time to enjoy.

Thats just me, though.

But while reading this here, I felt like the writer felt the same. How she picks out everything beautiful in the morning is impressive. She starts off this way- both in this beauty, and the beauty Im fixing to describe...Remember what I done said earlier...

I wake up slowly, enjoying the light slanting through my window. My back arches and curls...

It takes a certain eye to pick out this small morning pleasure. The light coming through the window is written like a greeting. To some this aint seen like that, some folks dread mornings. I figure it comes from an over complicated life. Just cause theres alot in life, aint make it complicated. Folks count chickens before they hatch, and get mad if the thing lays more eggs... It depends on whats focused on. This author focuses on the simple pleasure of waking up. This line is in the description at the same time. I got her description of herself in red, cause Im REALLY thorough in reviews. If yall familiar with my review style, I aint give a diced mice turd about grammar, punctuation, or none of that- I aint that kind of reviewer. It aint the writing Im reading...Its the person. And this girls description of herself is written a kind of way thats...


Moving on. Well come back to this.

The writer LOVES the bed. This aint no whisper. She writes of how the sheet feels against her skin, which most might chalk this up to the physical feeling of the sheets, but I figure its more- I reckon its the security of the bed she really enjoys. Ill explain this later too. My reviews are usually long but, this review gone be like long division...A whole bunch of steps to get to a simple syrup answer. What? Im chatty...Its part of my charm.

There aint nothing like the sound of birds in the morning as the author writes on, with the description of a quiet house. This writing got some, um...*blush* Let me explain:

There’s a beautiful sensuality in the mornings. Feel is not right or wrong. It’s just feeling. I lay here, my hair splayed against the pillow. I run my fingers through it, the dark giving it a rusted hue. I should get up and check on the cat I’m here to watch. Instead, I let my thumb rub against my sternum, down my belly. He’s inside and indoors, I remind myself. No need to rush...

Geez...How the h*ll am I gone say...

This whole writing is written at an angle. Yall just aint see it, but I DO. Right in red, the author sets the pace for this. Theres two sensualities going at the same time: The morning and HER. She mentions the way a calm morning seduces, but SHE steals the show. Just hide and watch, Ill explain. The mention of the cat is funny. How its in the background just shows how the morning got her full attention. Its okay, though...The cats inside, lol.

I stay in bed, trying to hold onto this moment. I make constellations with my freckles. I root myself in the body, in hair and skin and sensory softness. I need a space before society comes crashing in with all its messages of who I’m supposed to be. If I stay in this queen size bed with too many pillows, I have a few more moments with my own radical truth: this body is made to feel and enjoy.

As I mentioned, I figured the bed was more of a security. How she writes about staying in bed, holding on the moment, and society points that out. She goes on with her love for her bed and mornings. Now, Im gone say it:

Hopefully, yall reading the red. The description of herself is hot.
THIS is why:

I consider myself a gentleman of sorts, at the same time as seeing girls as beautiful CREATIONS, not objects. God created women with a certain appeal to guys. Problems start when guys are horn dogs. The hottest thing on this planet is when a girl can be 'sensual' and classy at the same time. This writer does this effectively. Society aint ever gone get a handle on these factors, cause society is ALWAYS wrong. Society only gives out perverted views- it can never, and wont ever, tell the truth. Thats why they force the idea of women being sexualized EVERYWERE- they say its people, but its an agenda like everything else. They gone keep problems going and folks 'oppressed' to stay in power- otherwise, folks lose jobs. Thats why a girl who aint 'put out' or is conservative, aint get the time of day, while society PROJECTS women as objects to yall.

Think about it.

Cardi B is WIDELY accepted, when common sense tells yall shes being used as a s*xual object.

But what do I know. I wrote all of that to point out how the author writes of herself. Its s*xy and respectable.

Despite thick blinds, the sun gets brighter. I get up slowly, walking to the bathroom. My eyes travel down, enjoying the warm light against my pale skin. My breasts hang a bit, swaying with my motion. At the mirror, my fingers trace the creases along my thighs, the only evidence of my restless night.

This seems to be a perfect morning. I also enjoyed the repeating lines about the sun. The sun up makes all a different morning. No, I aint gone highlight the 'breast' line...


Another thing I noticed is, I wonder if shes implying something? Cause if you read the above block of her in the mirror, it insinuates she sleeps...



And why was her night restless?

Once I’m done, I turn back, facing the large bed again. I should get up, do an inspection of the house, bring in the newspaper. But the bed is the right balance of firm and soft. The thick covers are a siren call. I could nestle in, and read a book.
For a moment, I’m torn, until I realize my legs are already climbing back into bed. There’s time enough to look for the cat. For now, there are simple pleasures waiting for me between the sheets.

It ends with, well, the cat is SOMEWERE- and she returns to the security of her bed. I aint gone lie, this was the most interesting review I done ever wrote.

In closing:


Review Tip #4: Well-rounded reviews include both positive and negative comments.

Thank God I aint ever aim to be one of these "well-rounded" folks any d*mn way...

Bride, Editor-in-chief
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum/Firebrand Times Newspaper
Review of a silent love  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum
Good to know you, Im Bride
The irrepressible, Bride

ir•re•press•i•ble ĭr″ĭ-prĕs′ə-bəl►
adj. Difficult or impossible to control or restrain.
Not repressible; incapable of being repressed, restrained, or kept under control.
adj. Not capable of being repressed, restrained, or controlled

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling."

-Eames, Inception


only in silence will you fail love’s test,
but I have no tongue
to sing love words,
no mouth to shout them
to the sky, no instrument
to strum beneath your window
until you open it and smile down at me,
no hope.

what use a voice? words cannot
pick you up when you fall
or smile or kiss or light a lantern
to guide your way home. what words
can birth a child or bathe a
fevered brow or hold a dying hand?

my silence holds a constant heart,
and an agile mind, and strength
unadorned by pretty words,
and I wish—how I wish—
for you to block your ears and see me.

my face is not loud
enough to catch your eye.
my small deeds only whisper my love.
your ear is tuned to shouting.


Actions speak louder than words. If I told somebody I loved them but acted contrary, its in void. The best times is when love is demonstrated - when somebody aint got to question the source. This love brings security. Love is an action, it aint no emotion- love is an ACTION, it aint cease to circumstances or reciprocation- love is an ACTION, its ongoing and moves forward through anything...



Lets Begin-

"Only is silence will you fail love's test" ...

The writer mentions 'having no tongue to sing love words, no mouth to shout them to the sky.'
I like this. What I done got from it is, everybody aint the same, and we aint no matter how many folks try to say we are. Folks aint express things the same and we make grave mistakes expecting otherwise - the BEST thing about being different is being DIFFERENT.

Yall got to REALLY READ this- the 'instrument strum beneath the windows' is another example of how the writer aint like all people...Its also could be a mention of attempted numerous tries that ain't work due to the authors unique way of expressing love. The writing continues on with other examples which aint in comparison to actions. The standout here would be 'my silence holds a constant heart,' which is the main focus of this- being the love is expressed from the heart, rather than words.

In closing:

Nice piece. It's what AINT said, that says the most.

Review Tip #4: Well-rounded reviews include both positive and negative comments.

Thank God I aint ever aim to be one of these "well-rounded" folks any d*mn way...

Bride, Editor-in-chief
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum/Firebrand Times Newspaper
Review of If You Were  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum
Good to know you, Im Bride
The irrepressible, Bride

ir•re•press•i•ble ĭr″ĭ-prĕs′ə-bəl►
adj. Difficult or impossible to control or restrain.
Not repressible; incapable of being repressed, restrained, or kept under control.
adj. Not capable of being repressed, restrained, or controlled

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling."

-Eames, Inception


If you were lying on the beach,
I’d gather up the sand.
And save each grain like memories,
My queen bestows her land.

If you were walking down the hall,
I’d linger by the door.
As beating in my chest does rise,
A quiet lion’s roar.

If you were here before me now,
I’d wonder if I dream.
Blue eyes captured by an Angel,
By loveliness esteem.

If you were only with me now,
I’d smother you with charms.
We’d laugh, and kiss, and reminisce,
You’d press within my arms.

But now, alone I wait for you,
Last night I spent with thee.
Recalling, wanting more than thoughts,
To share sunrise with me.


When love aint based off emotion but based off choice; in good and bad- in prosperity or poverty, or any other kind of storm life got in its stable- then and ONLY then, is it true love that got enough strength to show rainbows...


Lets Begin-

If you were lying on the beach,
I’d gather up the sand.
And save each grain like memories,
My queen bestows her land.

Dangit, this is possibly the most romantic line I done seen by far. AMAZING. It takes real admiration for somebody to write something like this. Its a FLOORING metaphor...The writer got line after line of simple, yet POWERFUL lines like this. The fact that the author would 'linger by the doors' while she walks down a hallway is breathtaking. 'If only you were with me now,' is the main theme- I like how the writer 'longs' for her, and how everything stops at the thought of her. This writing is scripted in TRUE romantic fashion, were the subject is presented on display for all to appreciate...But none appreciates her more than this author.

In closing:

Wonderful. It mixes romance, heartbreak, the need for; and the pain without. Author demonstrates a number of emotions well, placing each one at the appropriate time in the writing. This is important so it aint all just tossed to and fro, and aint jumble what the writer is actually saying. The reader is taken through all these emotions WITH the writer.

Review Tip #4: Well-rounded reviews include both positive and negative comments.

Thank God I aint ever aim to be one of these "well-rounded" folks any d*mn way...

Bride, Editor-in-chief
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum/Firebrand Times Newspaper
Rated: E | (5.0)
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum
Good to know you, Im Bride
The irrepressible, Bride

ir•re•press•i•ble ĭr″ĭ-prĕs′ə-bəl►
adj. Difficult or impossible to control or restrain.
Not repressible; incapable of being repressed, restrained, or kept under control.
adj. Not capable of being repressed, restrained, or controlled

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling."

-Eames, Inception


My favorite time of the day,
Falls between evening and night.
When the mountains are but silhouettes,
And the stars begin twinkling bright.

The nighthawk takes over the sky,
As the meadowlark nestles in bed.
A coyote serenades me,
And a bright full moon shines overhead.

The chirping of crickets begins,
And the flexuous bats fly with ease.
The apple tree leaves slightly rustle,
Stirred up by the cool evening breeze.

As dusk slowly fades into darkness,
The world disappears, so it seems.
But I wander inside to my bed,
To relive it again in my dreams


All of creation screams of God, but we busier than a funeral home fan in July to appreciate it. Aint something so beautiful aint got no creator; when we shut up and just LOOK at what Hes formed, we see HIS beauty...


Lets Begin-

This writer is full blown in tune with nature. The indepth descriptions, the words used, the scene painted - Here go somebody who looks beyond what the normal eye looking at. The opening about their 'favorite time of day' is familiar...This time is prettier than a field full of pregnant hogs (its a saying.) The writing shows the 'wind down ' of a day, were at times, hectic things happen.

'A coyote serenades me,' is possibly my favorite line. What sound like noise to others, this writer turns to music. From 'chirping crickets' to 'the apple trees leaving slight rustled,' continues to show the beauty of nature boldly to the reader. It ends with so much love for this 'favorite time of day' in anticipation to do it all over again.

In closing:

Rare as hens teeth, we see art shown as ART. This was a wonderful scene from the mind of a wonderful writer.

Review Tip #4: Well-rounded reviews include both positive and negative comments.

Thank God I aint ever aim to be one of these "well-rounded" folks any d*mn way...

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Bride, Editor-in-chief
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum/Firebrand Times Newspaper
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum
Good to know you, Im Bride
The irrepressible, Bride

ir•re•press•i•ble ĭr″ĭ-prĕs′ə-bəl►
adj. Difficult or impossible to control or restrain.
Not repressible; incapable of being repressed, restrained, or kept under control.
adj. Not capable of being repressed, restrained, or controlled

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling."

-Eames, Inception


I can see that you are there,
in that place where I can't follow
You have my support right here,
but to you my words ring hollow

In your innermost mind sphere
the thick walls curve tight around you
It's an echo that you hear
My real words they cannot get through

I know my voice
it turns to noise
Let me get through
I'll be with you

Your isolation's hard to bear
For you the distance seems too wide
Until I can hold you near,
I will wait right here by your side.


God aint create us to be alone, and aint nobody no island. Thats the problem with the world system, its on support beams of "dog eat dog" tactics, and "I aint need nobody" philosophies. This is what further divides us, and keeps us at a negative slope-human value done dropped, and now we dealing with the overall property value of the world at decline...


Lets Begin-

That opening, that opening- bout an earful, aint it? When folks write something thats just too honest to read. It aint nothing to overlook, when clouds get to stewing most than aint, we go looking for shelter alone.

"I can see you are there, in that place where I can't follow" is about the loneliest place anybody can be. This leads yall to the fact this is scripted for somebody dear to heart- the open invite to help is extended but rejected. When folks get hurt deep real good, they react like animals at times: ANYBODY with decent schooling would tell yall NEVER tamper with a hurt animal...Humans are completely different, and far more advanced than animals, but pain is universal physically and emotionally...

Pain is to kill, steal, and destroy.

This writing is well rounded; covering the subject all the way- when the writer mentions their "real words" aint able to get through the "innermost mind sphere" of the subject makes all too much sense. It just goes to illustrate the deeper than a well pain of rejecting a way out to go on dealing alone. These are the bad times, them times we WATCH the self destruction of the folks we care about. The author makes something different here: "I know my voice it turns to noise," goes to gather self blame when we cant fix things easier than duct tape. This could be another rejection the writer done rustled up; we aint know- but the gospel fact staring at us in the face is, ALL help from folks to hurt ones turns to be noise. It ends with continuing support for the hurt, which at sometimes is all we can do...There go some folks who aint learn no other way than by the school of hard knocks.

In closing:

Incredibly passionate writing. Its heartfelt and shows- Anything signed by a dang neon light at night, gone show itself in the morning. This is written well, and deserves the attention.

Review Tip #4: Well-rounded reviews include both positive and negative comments.

Thank God I aint ever aim to be one of these "well-rounded" folks any d*mn way...

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Bride, Editor-in-chief
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum/Firebrand Times Newspaper
Rated: E | (5.0)
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum
Good to know you, Im Bride
The irrepressible, Bride

ir•re•press•i•ble ĭr″ĭ-prĕs′ə-bəl►
adj. Difficult or impossible to control or restrain.
Not repressible; incapable of being repressed, restrained, or kept under control.
adj. Not capable of being repressed, restrained, or controlled

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling."

-Eames, Inception


Private Detective Morgan stared at the barely open window when she heard the rain start, just like the weather forecast predicted. The soft, soothing sound of the rain knocking on the window calmed her mind from all troubles and fears. She listened with her eyes closed and felt the weight of her body sink into her old office chair she got years ago at a cheap garage sale. When she awoke from her trance, she saw on the clock -- that was hanging on the wall directly in front of her -- that 2 hours had passed.


The things we learn as youngins are critical, even down to WHATs happening to us- We grow literally and figuratively, and we learn practice. There aint noway we just hop on a bike and ride the d*mn thing, we keep at it and adjust...We even get training wheels- We learn to ride just fine as long as we aint quit...Its when we quit we wonder why, and what it wouldve been like to 'ride'...


Lets Begin-

Private Detective Morgan stared at the barely open window when she heard the rain start, just like the weather forecast predicted. The soft, soothing sound of the rain knocking on the window calmed her mind from all troubles and fears.

I like the scene. The writer did great with this detail cause she put herself in it. Im like the ONLY person that looks at folks profiles and all- The author says she loves rain, and it shows. Painting a picture in folks head is KEY. Reading is an escape, or it SHOULD be. How the writer builds on to the rain calming Morgans troubles and fears, adds nicely to the scene:

She listened with her eyes closed and felt the weight of her body sink into her old office chair

The writer describes, but aint drown it. Meaning, there aint too much description making it look like the author is trying too hard. It looks like the story writes itself, and that makes for easy reading.

In closing:

Well this was shorter than my mamas patience with me when I was a youngin. Theres alot of potential here, and I think this writer could write an entertaining story.

Review Tip #4: Well-rounded reviews include both positive and negative comments.

Thank God I aint ever aim to be one of these "well-rounded" folks any d*mn way...

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Bride, Editor-in-chief
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum/Firebrand Times Newspaper
Review of Ides of March  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum
Good to know you, Im Bride
The irrepressible, Bride

ir•re•press•i•ble ĭr″ĭ-prĕs′ə-bəl►
adj. Difficult or impossible to control or restrain.
Not repressible; incapable of being repressed, restrained, or kept under control.
adj. Not capable of being repressed, restrained, or controlled

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling."

-Eames, Inception


Ides of March
The Sequel to March 1st, 2056


I hate like the desert hates rain coming to this girls port-
Okay, dislike...Alright, not even-
I sit up and I review folks minds, it aint necessarily the writings. The writings just shows me their mind, thats all. I got a great deal of love and appreciation for people, were nowadays, nobody gives people their proper place in life. People aint something we deal with in existence, they are to be seen as, and treated as what they are- they are Gods greatest creation. So everytime I come to this d*n port, Im reminded how brilliant and talented this writer is- I aint write like this at her age, h*ll, I dont write like this NOW. But something needs to be said about this author; yall just hide and watch: If shes this good NOW, yall gone have a problem in the future...I know more than aint when it comes to these things...


Lets Begin-

If yall aint read the previous, I recommend it. The first had a strong talent of story telling, this here is the same. Out of aint wanting to insult the author no further, Im gone refrain from mentioning age- It overshadows the work, plus, I hated that sh*t when folks did that to me when I was a youngin...Like I was automatically suppose to be dumb enough to chase a roadrunner around a desert, without the know how of ordering take out from the same company I bought the malfunctioning catapult from-

By I digress-

The writers ability to tell a full blown, shockingly detailed story just aint real. Its written so well it can be SEEN; its a dang old movie. I like how the author writes from personal perspective in complete thoughts, meaning, the thoughts explain themselves in the statement. This makes the thing easier than Sunday morning to read. Okay, LAST time:

The controlled angst is scripted in this to be believable, cause well, shes THAT age. The thing about teen angst is, its concentrate, and its HONEST...It also at some point, comes with the territory. 'Smells like teen spirit,' from one of my favorite bands 'Nirvana' swept teens cause the words and emotions were just TOO real. The author writes from an angle of disgust about lies. Whats scary is, shes the REAL version of 'woke,' as in, she done spotted the wolves in sheeps clothing.

I try not to think about it, but my father says I’m too bright to let things pass me by and too dumb not to point them out. I generally take that as condescending, but not untrue. I do need to learn to hold my tongue.

I also got a hoot out of how this is written from the authors view of 'taking it all in' in real time. We take the journey WITH the main character, and aint read about the main character. Theres hidden 'Easter eggs' all through this writing, with one being:

The date is March 3rd, the news is on. My mother sits in front of it, staring into the lights on the T.V long after they’ve lost meaning. I can’t stand the news, or the slave my mother has turned into when it’s on. It’s the same junk over and over again. I reach over her and turn the television off. She glares at me, another example of stellar parenting.

Thats impressive.

If yall wondering why I aint talking about the summary of the story itself, its cause its worth reading. I will gone and make jabs at it here or there, but the overall subject is one of strong opinions, ESPECIALLY now. Im more on the side of the author, and plus, it keeps me from ranting- I got opinions strong enough yall can hang yalls wash on.

I like the importance that was put on by 'hiding' the book. Being the subject of this matter, and the cards dealt, the summary leads yall to think the rest are being LIED TO, and the truth is dangerous. Which is EXACTLY...

Yall pay me no mind, yall... Almost lost it there...Lets move on to the next paragraph.
Im switching back and forth reading each block as I review-
Gives this a real dang feel.

Bride, Shotgun Wedding Reviews gets down to the...
D*mnit...Like I need ANOTHER shameless ad.
Shut up, Bride.

So far in reading, I done noticed the writer got good 'crowd control.' Excitement and the capture of attention aint went nowere- This is actually a pleasure to read. Depending on how much yall pay mind to things, Miss Loren points out ALOT of refreshing facts:

She thinks it’s time to truly teach us about the real world. I for one think they should have started doing that years ago, but no one ever asked me.

Another wonderful thing about this story is how its written LITERALLY in the future. Its 2056 here, and Christopher Nolan is mentioned. Hes considered a directing genius, but it makes yall wonder entertainingly if he really IS, cause his works is fixing to be played in a school. The hallway scene was interesting, as its well described. The principal is described to basically be EVERY principal yall had in life. That tickled me. The emotion of the main character was spot on, too. When yall get in compromising situations, notice how yall tend to talk to yourself...Thats why this was good.

Join Bride in the next paragraph.
Keep hands and feet inside the ride at all times-
Im a traveling carnival, and I aint got insurance. Yall get injured, Ill
pack up faster than small town gossip and leave.

The next paragraph, a notebook is returned. Read the story to find out what Im talking about.
As we continue, we meet 'Daniel,' who is introduced a hollers way back. What got me was this guys chivalry. Im BIG on chivalry. Im also a romantic sucker, aint jumping the gun here cause Im reading as I go along, it was kind of romantic. How she 'leans against the wind' and he offers his jacket- to opening the door for her, and offering her food...I like this kid. He even called her mama 'maam'... Its NICE to see folks write morality into works. This is why I do the same, its to keep them alive. When something aint taught nomore, how else do other folk learn. Its also a personal opinion here:
Being that you done wrote about how this boy acts, it shows you are aware, and thats how you MAKE boys act...If they aint do this, KEEP MOVING AND DONT WASTE YOUR TIME.

The blocks continue shorter, which mixes things up- I like it. It frustrates me in a good way, cause Im reeled in.
I left off with her eating the sandwich, and them minding over how to spread the info. What info?
READ THE STORY. A mention of the uselessness of using the internet to spread the truth is here too...

Clever girl, this writer.

Hold please, Im fixing to finish the story-

*Elevator music*

Okay. Sorry, Im ending the review here. It got more twists and turns than a barrel of snakes, and I aint gone ruin it.

By the way, I wouldve shot the guy too. Considering the situation, youd be shocked to high Heaven how quick Id get over it- interestingly, I KNEW thats what happened before I read it. Im saying this BEFORE, or if, the writer decides to
change Daniel to a maniac or something at a later date. He thinks like me- There was NO way I wouldve let her walk home alone, case closed.

In closing:

Wonderful writing. I want the writer to collect these things or something and publish them. Its written professionally.and I was impressed. Its thought provoking, which is what yall want in a writing. This author is a TRUE writer.

Review Tip #4: Well-rounded reviews include both positive and negative comments.

Thank God I aint ever aim to be one of these "well-rounded" folks any d*mn way...

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Bride, Editor-in-chief
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum/Firebrand Times Newspaper
Review of Dark River Spirit  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum
Good to know you, Im Bride
The irrepressible, Bride

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling."

-Eames, Inception


I will dare leap to where
the misty clouds mark
the very depth
of the black river
where the very land
is molded
and shaped

I must dare leap
so I may become
a creature with true depth
of being
and full Soul

My leap will complete me
though the fall will tear me apart
I know

I see
an angry light above me which
makes me but a shadow
a thing that moves on ropes once pulled
and I can stand it no more

While standing on this bridge gazing down
I remove my hair and let it float
to the thunderous roar grounded in certainty

I scream
I cry
My clothes go to the river wet
while I stand naked for the world to see

My breasts are gone and I am CANCER free
but my soul has tangled with a cancer
that has taken my breath away.

I expected to fall for eternity but not quite
and was surprised to find kindness
in a soaking turned far
far from the light

Moments of madness do come
with shame
but I can imagine death and an end to pain
but I swim to shore where I can imagine life with pain


Are we scared of our true potential, or programmed by the world to be potentially scared? Its common as cornbread to blame or FEEL defeated, cause thats what the world projects- Little by little, it conforms folks into its image. It aint no set person, the world itself got something against yall...Because it knows well who yall were created to be, and it aint gone stop at nothing until it stunts growth, or devours yall...


Lets Begin-

The writer uses the word 'dare' often. This is a good tool. Most aint even attempt, let alone DARE. The writing opens with the view of entering an obstacle which others faint still at:

I will dare leap to where
the misty clouds mark
the very depth
of the black
where the very land
is molded
and shaped

This is my favorite line:

I must dare leap
so I may become
a creature with true depth
of being

The author is showing without guts, aint no glory. The way this line is worded is bright as a new penny. How the words are arranged makes this statement stand out in the entire piece. It also says its show better to attempt and fail, then fail without even trying. This gorgeous block is followed up by another beaut:

My leap will complete me
though the fall will tear me apart
I know

Its the passion, drive, and courage that propels this writing. A sense of fear is sniffed, but the author uses that same fear as courage and strength. The challenge alone is worth it to the writer, at the same time, the desire for change. The writer carefully minds over how dangerous 'change' can be, it aint all the time for the best- but this 'leap' into this dark place shows the author is fed up with this SAME place, and well, challenged it. I also like the fact that they done counted casualties...Nobody goes to war and aint think this over. This writing is darker than the inside of a pocket, as I would love to interpret it, the feeling of possibly being wronger than left hand scissors keeps me at bay. There go alot of references that lead my mind to a certain view, but its too serious to be wrong- I pay REAL close attention to words, phrases, descriptions, and all kinds of stuff. On the darker end, this thing delivers. Despair is all over the place which is what the writer wants to communicate, but its the survival that the writer SAYS. It goes on with what HAPPENS in the leap; 'cry' and 'scream' are used, which are potent descriptive words. It illustrates how unpleasant this leap really is, also, it appears the author goes at it alone as there aint no mention of help. This is understandable, cause its a thing for us humans to try to 'box out' others when something is so personal.

"I am CANCER free
but my soul has tangled with a cancer"

Might go over heads. The fact of being emotionally scared from the wound is stated. It ends with a dark ending, maybe adjusting to the pain was the writers true fight, and this was an attempt to conquer. We dont know- What we do know is this is from an indepth writer who been at writing for many moons and it shows.

Moments of madness do come
with shame
but I can imagine death and an end to pain
but I swim to shore where I can imagine life with pain

In closing:

Dang this was dark, but the talent of the author shines bright. Its vague, and I like that- I like to wonder. When we first meet folks, we aint ask for everything with both barrels. As vague as it is, it makes folks curious about other writings from this person, and if theyre anything like this one, the writer aint disappoint.

Review Tip #4: Well-rounded reviews include both positive and negative comments.

Thank God I aint ever aim to be one of these "well-rounded" folks any d*mn way...

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Bride, Editor-in-chief
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum/Firebrand Times Newspaper
Review of Sarcasm  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum
Good to know you, Im Bride
The irrepressible, Bride

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling."

-Eames, Inception


Cold laughter splinters into shards.
Sarcasm drips off the tongue.
The winter of discontent has begun.


Words. They build or destroy. Create or kill. Folks aint got NO kind of mind how powerful words are. Harsh words over youngins in growing stages can alter that kids life forever. Harsh words in relationships break hearts and folks will to continue on in these relationships- EACH day with these harsh words, callous the heart. If words are strong enough to bring the world into existence, maybe we should figure that. I done found that folks who aint believe in creation, are more subjected to tossing words to and fro, cause evolution was invented to undermine God. So, lets say the world wasnt spoken into existence by words from God...Everything "evolved" from nothing...So it aint matter, NOTHING matters...Humans are basically orphans without a loving creator/Father. Yalls purpose, authority, sex, or nothing matters...

And neither do words.


Lets Begin-

This is short, but its to be looked at. I wiggled through this writers port to get a grip on the writers style; we all got a "style." There go alot of stuff I go on considering before I just invite myself to supper. The author is real gifted in this short style- Im sure its called SOMETHING, but I aint know what its called. Cass writes in short powerful bursts, but yall really got to pay mind to WHAT the writer is saying, not HOW. I know, I know- Theres a gaggle of ways to say this; but what Im getting at is, this is written from a females perspective (obviously.) Females are wired certain kind of ways. Females mention whats wrong ALL the time in relationships, they just aint direct like we men are. I'll prove it-

Cold laughter splinters into shards.

We aint know which end this is from, it could be both- But common mind says its from the other end by WHAT Cass says. The descriptive word 'cold' aint a word tossed around like a horseshoe, especially in the context this is used. A more 'juvenile' word wouldve been used if these words aint have impact. Next, 'laughter'...Women LOVE to laugh, this is just a plain gospel fact- A good sense of humor could dang near get any guy married. 'Splinters,' shows its done been this way for awhile, while it 'shards,' proves it to be a consistent behavior. Also, splinters get under the skin...

Let me work, yall...Let me work-

Abusive words are on either end of the sexes. We see this often. But its different with women. See, women were actually created to respond to POSITIVE words from men- Like how plants grow, so do women. Harsh words from men to women break women, while harsh words from women to men harden mens hearts. Its a complete violation of laws. Men long to be respected, while women long to be loved.

See what Im getting at?

Try this: Take a man and woman, and have them BOTH compliment a womans new haircut...
Which opinion matters most to the woman?

Sarcasm drips off the tongue.

This was a painful line to read. I also paid mind to the description 'the feeling in a long relationship'...
Like I said, this is written from a female perspective, and guys aint know WHAT this really means. How do I know?

Godly wisdom.

Cass feels underappreciated. Women got this same demand. When we guys first try to get yalls hand, we pull out ALL the stops. We wouldnt DARE say something harsh. We watch how we drive, talk, smell, the whole nine. Then, when most guys GET the girl, they slack. Women do this too, but Ive noticed guys do it MORE. The 'sense of humor' I mentioned that is gold for guys, done reversed to harsh sarcasm. This guy was probably a really funny guy in the beginning. Cass done noticed ALL the stuff this guy did before STOPPED cold after time.

The winter of discontent has begun.

We all know what winter is, and the more hog killing weather cold it IS, the LONGER it is. It makes it more unbearable.
What is Cass saying in this painful ending?

She feels trapped.

In closing:
Im a bigger than a boarding house cat fan of Cass here. She seems to be sweet enough to give yall a cavity. Her writing is strong, and filled with the right dose of angst and heartbreak. She balances it well, which makes her broken hearted poetry effective. I done seen an eye full of folks write in this short style, but Cass is more tuned in to it. She writes from the heart, and is able to do this unconsciously. This writing is a cry for all women who done ended up in these sad relationships. I just hope she gets to the fixing part, cause aint no girl who is mean as a badger is able to write from an angle of pain like this.

Review Tip #4: Well-rounded reviews include both positive and negative comments.

Thank God I aint ever aim to be one of these "well-rounded" folks any d*mn way...

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Bride, Editor-in-chief
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum/Firebrand Times Newspaper
Review of ARE YOU A TEEN?  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum
Good to know you, Im Bride
The irrepressible, Bride

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling."

-Eames, Inception

Are you a teen?
You must be very mean.
Stupid and impulsive
Always being destructive.

Are you a teen?
Always going unseen.
Not too much talkative
Always being conservative.

Are you a teen?
Consuming morphine.
Spending life on drugs
Drinking alcoholic mugs.

Are you a teen?
Afraid of canteen.
The seniors will bully you
Make you stand in their queue.

Are you a teen?
Studying about gene.
Making books your relative
To do something productive.

Are you a teen?
Shy but keen.
Desire of travelling around the world
Or want of having your hair curled.

Are you a teen?
With thoughts so clean.
Always being mama's boy
Still playing with plastic toys.

If, yes, you are a teen
You'll often face these questions between.
Then please don't hesitate to reply
"You were too, once a teenage guy."

Life is a long going race
Teenage is it's cheerful phase.
'Thirteen' lads enter it so pure and young
To learn and grow and climb a rung.
They learn so fast in their routine
The beauty of it and leave at 'nineteen'.


Am I a teen? Was... Kind of-
I STILL listen to Emo, I STILL make mistakes, Im STILL learning.
Im in a perpetual state in this, and the FIRST mistake folks make when being adults, is being ADULTS.
Take this here with a grain of salt, but it aint ever cease to amaze me how folks are soon to forget. A worker gets a promotion, they get all high and mighty, and slipped mind on what it was like working for a boss thats harder than a d*mn brick. The world does things to folks, and aint nobody pay mind to it- When yall go about losing self and being dictated to- questioning yall own self; shutting up that voice in yall for whats "trending," then yea, its hard being a teen nowadays. Its a learning experience. H*ll, there aint no map to yall doing worse than I did, I give folks hope in Heaven. I invented ways to burn things down...But I learned. The hard way. As "adults," we should keep this in mind and steer youngins from making our same mistakes, NOT act like we aint do the same. As "teens" be easy with the adults- Learn from the respectable ones, pattern after ones with best results, and respectfully remind some of these adults to:
Lighten up...


Lets Begin-

This is an interesting topic. I mean, the frustration is heard like the sh*t heard around the world. The tone aint bent out of shape, but the tone aint seen too good with the naked eye. The author is communicating putting all yalls eggs in one basket, their saying-

Oh, h*ll, nevermind... Im hollering down a well-
Just LOOK:

Are you a teen?
You must be very mean.
Stupid and impulsive
Always being destructive.

Its the prejudice. For yall that aint know the difference, PREJUDICE is prejudging, RACIST is race related.
Not all teen are this way, but I can see the common tunnel vision folks got toward it. This author alone disproves this mindset based on the writing. The writer got smarts. The next angle the writer takes on, IS a major problem going on now:

Are you a teen?
Always going unseen.
Not too much talkative
Always being conservative.

Yall leave it up to folks, being conservative is devil talk. Im a conservative. Nobody got power to question me about it.
I like what the author is doing here- its the angle of MANY different teen types, and dealing with problems they go facing. In this writing everything is getting called out like an umpire, even teen addiction. The reason this goes so fluent, is cause a teen wrote it in real time events. I appreciate the fact yall can shoot dice over the phone with this writer, on grounds of them being so honest. Another topic that is mentioned is the age old one, bullying:

Are you a teen?
Afraid of canteen.
The seniors will bully you
Make you stand in their queue.

Aint nobody REALLY want to call this problem for what it is. Parenting can EASILY be brought up as the reason this goes on. I was learned by mama NOT to bully, so...


I find it even funnier that adults are SO against school bullying, but we ALL sit up and watch full blown adults bully other adults on social media.


...Thought so.

So much is in this writing. The author communicates the pressures of "teendom" well, picking out points very accurately, at the same time keeping it at a digestable level. Everything is written in a light to were normal stuff is just getting attacked, which is were we are now. Dang sad. Frustration with it all is ever present, as each idea is scripted to get full attention. This thing got a "wake up" feel to it, and its desperately needed. It ends in hopes, even paying mind to its just an awkward as h*ll stage, and keep on keeping on.

In closing:

Take as directed for other teens.
For once, the medicine aint got no side effects.
Use as directed.

Review Tip #4: Well-rounded reviews include both positive and negative comments.

Thank God I aint ever aim to be one of these "well-rounded" folks any d*mn way...

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Bride, Editor-in-chief
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum/Firebrand Times Newspaper
Review of The Pull  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum
Good to know you, Im Bride
The irrepressible, Bride

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling."

-Eames, Inception


Being childish and in love is possibly the best thing this side of sliced bread. This love aint weighed down with the pressures that ruin relationships. Love can be fun, as it should be. What ruins it all, is when the beginning slips mind- how the first interaction felt, and when yall aint know no nothing about this person, but just had to have them. Never forget this, and guard this in the heart, as this is what keeps the love flowing.


Lets Begin-

Me too

We show each other ourselves
A Flower
A Spire
Where do we intersect?

The path
Strewn with Possibilities
Lit with Harmony
Is your way mine?

Leave your mask at the door
Show me You
I want to see
Just where we connect

This opens fun. The writer uses few words to say what a mouthful cant. "Interested?
Me too," says it all. I was reading this thinking: Why cant it just STAY this simple? Why cant love just be THIS most of the time? The most childish letter in the world meant the most to us as kids:

I like you
Do you like me?

Perceptive," is the feeling of this. Im loving how the writer just "says it" in this. The limited use of words aint drowning the writing, but floats it on to the top. This was delivered on d*mn time, as the author snatches us back to what it is we here needing. Another thing about this I like is, the questions. The questions keep it light hearted and exciting. Folks can easily imagine just getting caught in the moment like this. In more times than aint, I pick a focus point of the writing, and here it go: "The path
Strewn with Possibilities
Lit with Harmony
Is your way mine?" Two cant walk together if they aint agreed, and its nice somebody knows it. How this goes on with the author being free on this journey, opens up for the subject to join. Sometimes, folks just insists on their own way, killing the life thereof.
Now my FAVORITE line: "Leave your mask at the door
Show me You
I want to see
Just where we connect," is excellent cause this is what we all want. We want to be loved for ourselves. This writing focused on so much in so little time, but its direct. This felt really good reading, and its nice to know there go folks still who love this way.

In closing:
Pass this around like life depends on it, this was dang refreshing. A joy to read at the same time something to think about.

Review Tip #4: Well-rounded reviews include both positive and negative comments.

Thank God I aint ever aim to be one of these "well-rounded" folks any d*mn way...

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Bride, Editor-in-chief
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum/Firebrand Times Newspaper
Review of False hopes  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum
Good to know you, Im Bride
The irrepressible, Bride

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling."

-Eames, Inception


There aint nothing like a good fit. Problems get kicked up when we force a fit. Some things just "are," and we do best if we let them just "be." Why we just so adamant about folks being perfect is beyond me. What matters is, is if you really love me for being myself, and in this very moment, THAT makes YOU perfect to ME. When we embrace folks for who they are, and aint focus on what they aint, we are able to fall in love...


Lets Begin-

The sensation of touch when hands were held
Filled my heart with assurances
No dark can come near as I am in your arms
Noone will inspect me top to bottom if I am fit for them
You will be first and last face in the morning in front of eyes
We will have fights over towel and leftovers
I will be queen of your heart
And that heart going to be my forever address
Wasn't aware it was a miraz
It broke leaving nothing behind
Like some tyfoon paased ashore

I aint gone lie, this dang near ended my career. This is SO romantic, and I hate sometimes romance is a core of who I am.
Ill explain why at the end of this review. "The sensation of touch when hands are held
Filled my heart with assurances," is a gospel fact with girls. I done mentioned this before, girls are "touchy" things. Non s*xual touch is SO important to girls, its another way of communication to them, just as communication itself is...These two are the SAME to them. This is were guys, aint me, I got learned on the subject, miss it. Girls aint "turned on" quicker than a sneeze through a screen door like us guys are.

Hopefully, one day, guys learn this.

This is were this line comes in: "Filled my heart with assurances"...They always need to be affirmed. Not in a needy way, but in a way like they are more than what yall gawking at. Girls are on a deeper level in relationships than guys.
"No dark can come near as I am in your arms," is a wonderful, well placed line. The writer done trusted the subject to the point she is lost in him. Another fact, if we can get passed all the political b*lls*** and feminists, girls like to feel protected by guys- This is a physical, as well as an emotional protection. The only problem is WHEN to pull the trigger...Its actually more of a SUPPORT thing. Learn to listen, they dont want us just to fix EVERYTHING. While I was reading in on this, my heart just continued to throb. The thing about the author is her sincerity- Able to be honest, and just "go with it." This here is rare trait to have with writers, me being one, cause we ALL a little finnicky- We just put our hearts out there, and its tough being a writer. We mean what we mostly say, and with matters of heart strings, things can get squirrely. I love how this writer scripts this in a "runaway love" way, as she just wears her beautiful heart on her sleeve. "You will be first and last face in the morning in front of eyes"...

I...I cant, with this line...

Lord, honey...SO romantic...

"We will have fights over towel and leftovers
I will be queen of your heart"...Is another wonderful tie in. I like how she aint paying no mind to useless things; things that done divided folks, and keeps her focus. She knows something real good too: THIS is how girls GET us guys. This is support, dedication, willing to deal with our sh*t, and maintain the dominance of our hearts in a romantic relationship. We gone fall for this EVERYTIME.
"And that heart going to be my forever address," builds good on the previous line. This writer is EXACT in writing romance. With each line she is more and more heartfelt, as the lines dig deep, it makes the reader even wonder is she REALLY exists- To understand and appreciate romance; the genre of, folks got to flow blood from the heart through pen, to paper. Romance writing can be spotted a trips away if it aint the real deal.
"Wasn't aware it was a miraz
It broke leaving nothing behind
Like some tyfoon paased ashore"...
As it ends, this was what I was talking about before- Heart driven folks are just a certain way, and we get crushed at times. We always willing to believe, sacrifice, and are selfless when it comes to folks...But, it aint worth changing over to be in love like this. When yall in over yalls heads, and cant nobody tell yall nothing, the rush feels perfect at the time.

In closing:


Review Tip #4: Well-rounded reviews include both positive and negative comments.

Thank God I aint ever aim to be one of these "well-rounded" folks any d*mn way...

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Bride, Editor-in-chief
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum/Firebrand Times Newspaper
Rated: E | (5.0)
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum
Good to know you, Im Bride
The irrepressible, Bride

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling."

-Eames, Inception

The worst thing on EARTH a person can do is go out into the world to "find themselves" ...It makes as much sense as a snake with no slither. Folks overlook the fact who yall ARE comes from the place yall hailed from. Family, tradition, memories - All these core values get tossed like a cowboy off a bull, and folks got nerve to question their current state. Its VITAL to hold on to these things- cause once yall go poking around in that world out there looking for answers, yall fixing to get left with a lot of painful, unanswered questions. What the BIG hurt is, is when what yall find changes who yall are for the worst.

Lets Begin-

I travelled far to find myself
But I only took eight steps
The distance that I put behind me, it seems
Was only in my head.

I like how this is written in a journey tone. The writer sets out far, but it seems they aint quite sure. The distance refers to being held back by self. This happens more than aint, and folks can only go as far as they see themselves going.

Good statement, Bride...
Thanky, Bride...

I like: "I glued together the broken pieces of my heart," giving this here writing an inspirational tone. Something for yall to pay heed to, is the line: "And though my lungs were filled with water The stones tied to my back only made me stronger," is undoubtedly the center piece of this here shindig, setting the tone of this achievement piece. The ending is stronger than horse radish with thoughts of uncertainty, as well as the stones to carry on. This piece lets off a more of a "searching" tone than anything, but couples good with having the courage TO search.

In closing:

Nice free thought poem, it's filled with hope, at the same time as the will of survival FOR have hope.

Review Tip #4: Well-rounded reviews include both positive and negative comments.

Thank God I aint ever aim to be one of these "well-rounded" folks any d*mn way...

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Bride, Editor-in-chief
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum/Firebrand Times Newspaper
Rated: E | (5.0)
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum
Good to know you, Im Bride
The irrepressible, Bride

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling."

-Eames, Inception


We about a strange folk, aint we? How we view protecting folks we care about? Aint playing off the saying that folks done beat to d*ath, saying: "If yall truly love something, set it free"- instead, "if yall TRULY love something, either let it go on being free, or free it WITH unconditional love. Its funny, we can learn a lot from the Divine when we follow HIS steps, cause once we done REALLY got mind of what love truly IS, we are desperate to get captured...

Lets Begin-

i cannot let you fly free,
i cannot let the world be your home -
i fear for your safety,
my little golden bird

First, I like the little things, things that are different. The lower case "i's" say something good to me...They say that the writer done demoted herself for the sake of the bird. After all, thats what love boils down to is putting somebody before self- Thats ALWAYS gone be the foundation of love. The writer goes on with a heap of admiration for the bird. The line: "I cannot let the world be your home," speaks on the fact the world would contaminate the birds soft melodies. Whats worth paying attention to is, the author makes the point that the bird is too good for the world, as mentioning taking the bird from the previous skies. Jealousy of others seeing the beauty of the bird is seen as well, maybe on grounds of fear others aint appreciate the beauty of the bird and its worth. The writer makes more points about the view of the bird from her eyes; putting the bird in a cage of the "finest silver," pointing yall at the fact she can treat the bird better than others, at the same time making the cage comfortable. The writing goes on with regret of the cage- smothering the bird with too much affection and aint letting the bird grace the world, as it was truly intended.

In closing:

Beautiful thing this is. Its a dang fine view point, and written d*mn fine. It tugs on the heart just enough and leaves yall with a soft awe.

Review Tip #4: Well-rounded reviews include both positive and negative comments.

Thank God I aint ever aim to be one of these "well-rounded" folks any d*mn way...

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Bride, Editor-in-chief
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum/Firebrand Times Newspaper
Review of Carolina's Curls  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum
Good to know you, Im Bride
The irrepressible, Bride

"You mustnt be afraid to dream a little bigger darling."

-Eames, Inception

Views. Views determine a lot, and everything is how yall see it. What one hates, another would wish to have- whats trash to one, is a treasure to another. Life aint bad cause bad stuff happens in it. Dont ever let nobody steal all yall got inside...

Lets Begin-
The day Carolina’s Hair came off, she yelled “FINE!”
This is about as adorable as a little girls Easter dress. I got to admit this was a fun read. The imagination on the writer alone is something to gossip about. What I liked the most was the spirit of the main character- the defiant attitude, and refusal to be licked even when down. The author does a bang up job of catching the essence of a kid, which makes this even better. My favorite part was the characters ability to sell the idea. The story is hopeful, and showing the encouragement of the teacher seals the deal.

In closing:

This needs to get published if it aint already. A lot of kids dealing with this same issue could use this. I really think with the thinker the author got, kids books could be a good field to jump in to.

Review Tip #4: Well-rounded reviews include both positive and negative comments.

Thank God I aint ever aim to be one of these "well-rounded" folks any d*mn way...

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Bride, Editor-in-chief
Shotgun Wedding Review Forum/Firebrand Times Newspaper
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