Hello Darkscape Entertainment 
Below is my review of your piece Chapter 10 as requested by your Review Request submission.
Please bear in mind that these are only suggestions on how I myself would edit it, if it were mine. It's your choice whether you decide to take my comments on board or not. Direct quotes from your piece are light blue, my suggestions are lilac, and anything that isn't needed is in red and crossed out.
Gut Reaction
As I have not read the previous nine chapters, it's not entirely clear what is happening, though this chapter is just one scene, so I will review it at face value.
It's an intriguing storyline, though not many clues are given throughout this chapter. I think the writers voice could do with some work; there are a lot of unnecessary words used which blocks the flow of the story for the reader. There are also a number of bigger words which don't quite work with the sentences - like the author has looked at a thesaurus, but not used the words in the right context.
Sentence Structure
My main take away from reading this chapter is that the author needs to work on sentence structure. As I've said above, words are used in places unnecessarily, which interrupt the story telling. I've added a number of examples below with my comments.
The first paragraph covers a number of topics in quick succession - I would advise separating these events or thoughts out into different paragraphs or perhaps rephrasing.
It is therefore, he observed while undergraduates gathered along the walkways of the institute's notorious gardens: Hyde Park. This sentence doesn't make sense if you read it out loud. I can't make a suggestion as I'm not sure what you're trying to say I'm afraid.
Though, aAs he daydreamed, his father's reply came.
Alex chuckled and adjusted.
"Far too long." - If Alex is saying this, these can be on the same line. There are a few more instances of this throughout the chapter.
Of course, he laughed. We don't need the 'of course'.
By the same token, it's the exact reason he'd altered his way of thinking. In the same manner, their parent's ideologies were beliefs each valued, and due to their continual practice, they'd become second nature. This paragraph seems clunky. Are we talking about Luis here? you've said more or less the same phrase twice, which doesn't help the flow.
the morning remained rambunctious - I don't think this descriptive word fits, it's usually used to describe a person. It also can't remain rambunctious as it hasn't been so far.
More significant, Alex often acted jittery and somewhat engrossed. - Is Luis noting this strange behaviour? Alex is engrossed in what? Or do you mean more unfocused or lost in thought?
so as the boys accessed the front desk, excitement flourished. - 'reached' instead of 'accessed' would work better here.
"I'll speak with the administrator." Luis said, retreating. - Where is Luis retreating to? Haven't they just reached the front desk after queuing behind lots of people? Why would he now not speak to the people at the desk? Or do you mean Luis steps forward, leaving Alex behind?
Directly, the boys marched. - The word directly isn't necessary. And where are they marching too? They're already in front of the councilman they're speaking to.
Squinting, Luis nodded as he stepped into the hall, seemingly reserved. Although, thereafter, he'd return, trembling. - Why is Luis squinting, aren't they inside a building? Isn't Luis already in the hall? Or is Alex exiting the hall to take a call? Who is reserved? Again, this word seems misplaced. The next sentence doesn't make sense - it doesn't give enough information to the reader and uses too many words to say nothing.
The plot in general is intriguing, and there's a sense of build up throughout with Alex's nervous behaviour, with the reader trying to guess what will happen. The chapter ends on a cliff hanger, introducing some new names and characters which our protagonist Luis seems to not like. This invites the reader to read on.
The second paragraph makes it seem Luis is waiting for Alex in Hyde park, perhaps sitting on a bench observing the students. A few paragraphs down, he's suddenly in a car. At first I thought this was a mistake, but re-reading, I think some time has passed. Perhaps the formatting could be changed slightly to show the scene/time change?
In this regard, Luis occupied the curb, beaming as Alex loomed. In what regard? Also, a few paragraphs up, they've already parked. Or do you mean this time Luis exits the car onto the pavement? And why is Alex looming? Is he much taller than Luis?
"Why do you think I'm going to the beach?" Luis answered.
Without haste, Alex twisted.
"Sounds like a fabulous idea."
Instantly, Luis glared.
"Why not come along?"
"You don't have to ask twice; I'm there." Again, this exchange is odd. Are they joking around? Because if so, you could make this more obvious to the reader by adding in some character expressions or movement, such as 'Alex grinned in response' to make it more of a light-hearted exchange. Also, if they are messing around, why does Luis instantly glare? If they're actually going to the beach, I'm extremely confused!
Writer's Voice
The writer's voice, to me, appears quite distant. This is perhaps due to a number of, what I would deem, unnecessary words, which are pulling the reader away from the moment. Two examples below, though there are numerous more in this chapter:
By some chance, they'd become pressed for time, - You don't need the 'by some chance' as it interrupts the flow of the story.
Readily, Alex nodded, and together, they trudged to the admissions building. - You don't need the 'readily'.
Final thoughts
I think this novel has good potential - the characters and plot appear interesting and do make me want to read more. The writer needs to re-edit to improve the flow of the storyline and draw the reader in more.
Keep writing!