Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/guydickie
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65 Public Reviews Given
88 Total Reviews Given
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Review by Port Lariat
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wow, Your opening paragraph was terrific, it was written perfectly. This was a great story, I enjoyed it alot. Thank you!
Review of Human  
Review by Port Lariat
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Awsome story, you really have a talent.
Review of Ride of Life  
Review by Port Lariat
Rated: E | (4.0)
very nicely done!
Review of DARFUR 2007  
Review by Port Lariat
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
The world needs to open it's eyes to tragedies like this. It is an absolute disgrace that all the resources NATO and the United States can employ to end this, yet nothing is done. It makes me sick to hear governments talk about protecting Iraqi civilians or Afghan civilians, and then let nations that have no resources to plunder tear themselves apart. They could stop these atrocities but have let the real needy people of the world down.
Review by Port Lariat
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
A very well put together essay, you have obviously done alot of research before writing this report. I found no spelling or puncuation mistakes and you stated your position very well. I may not agree totally with your analysis but I do understand your argument. I do believe that some marriges are so poisonous that divorce is the only sane choice.
Review by Port Lariat
Rated: E | (4.5)
A very uplifting and sentimental poem, It's so sad that poems just like yours have been written for centuries and will be written long into the future. When will we as a race learn to resolve without war? How many heart breaking stories and inspirational poems have to be written before we have world peace?

May God be with you and your Dad.

Review of Subway  
Review by Port Lariat
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Now Thats how to write a character, I can believe Wendy exists, you did a great job with her.
Review of Untitled  
Review by Port Lariat
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Like an episode of Scoobie Doo.

"Scoobie Doo and the Haunted house meet the Aliens from Planet......" LOL

Again you writng is very good, just your plots that need work. I suspect this is just fooling around for you, maybe exersises in writing skills.
Anyway when you put that skill to a real story like in "Detachment" you really shine.
Review of Burnt Cookies  
Review by Port Lariat
Rated: E | (4.0)
Very well written, I like your straight ahead style of writing, you get to the point and it makes complete sense. You have perfect punctuation and spelling as far as i can tell. I rated the story a 4.0 only on content, as the story itself was a little weak, your writing of the story on the other hand was very skillful.

Keep it up
Review of Detachment  
Review by Port Lariat
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wow, That sounds frighteningly familiar, No way that is fiction. It sounds exactly like my relationship with my wife at times. A real shame when two people that love each other have such a hard time getting throught too one another.

nice piece of work.
Review by Port Lariat
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Spectacular, that was awsome. You truly have a gift for detail.
Review by Port Lariat
Rated: E | (5.0)
Thats beautifull, do not touch it, it is awsome. I hope you get another 38 years and i hope my wife feels the same towards me.
Review of My First Kiss  
Review by Port Lariat
Rated: E | (5.0)
That was a very nice story, Is that really a Mayday tradition? I have never heard of it before. I have heard of mayday but never really knew anything about it. Unfortunatly both my daughters are grown and already passed thier first kisses, and as a father it would be hard for me to condone kissing at such a young age. You know fathers, LOL. If it were up to me, mayday kissing would not take place until your 21st Mayday.
Your story was a pleasure to read, very well written and the progression through the story was flawless.
Good job!
Review of I Will Not Go  
Review by Port Lariat
Rated: E | (4.5)
This poem is very inspirational, As I was reading it I envisioned a soldier standing at his post, unwavering. I hope you the very best in your challenge. As a shop steward on my job site I know the frustration poeple can face when having to stand up for themselves. If truth is on your side then know you will win. It may take time, but be strong and look for support through your union brotherhood.

Good Luck
Review of I Want To Forget  
Review by Port Lariat
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Ouch, that is one tortured soul. Nicely written and flows effortlessly. You have a talent for rythm. keep up the good work.
Review by Port Lariat
Rated: E | (4.5)
Stephen King's skill in writing horror stories is no way comparable to his skill in creating believable characters. "The Green mile" and "Shawshank Redemption"
are not horror stories and I feel they are some of his best works.
Review of Nature Never Told  
Review by Port Lariat
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow, I made my wife read this poem because I thought maybe I'm just a big cry baby, so there we both sat crying. I have awarded only two fives since joining this comunity and am very proud to say you have recieved both. Your story Angels was awsome and deserved a five. I then came to your portfolio and read this poem, Now what? thay don't make a six. You, of course, have been added to my favorites list. I would like to print a copy of your story "Angels" to send to my mom as she doesn't have a computer but i will ask your permission first.
Review of One Last Poem  
Review by Port Lariat
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Terribly sad, My wife and her sister had a simmilar relationship. When my sister in-law died it left a gaping hole in my wife's heart. Ten years after her death my wife is still trying to come to terms with the fact that they left thier relationship on such a bitter level. Witnessing the pain my wife has gone through has made me reconcile my own rift with my brother. I will not allow little problems to stand between my family and myself because of this. very touching and heart felt poem. I feel for the author.
Review by Port Lariat
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very nice poem, With the turmoil of life all around us one must stop and listen to our inner voice for direction.
Review by Port Lariat
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Very haunting and passionate, I would like to hear this song with the music. Is this a song that you wrote? If so how would one go about hearing a recording of the song. Sorry for any confusion but your description doesn't say for sure if it is your work or not.
Review by Port Lariat
Rated: E | (4.5)
A beautiful poem writtem by someone who is obviously deeply in love. We could all hope that after many years together there is a fraction of that still left in us. very nice work Ann. I will gladly look through your portfolio and read more of your work.
Review by Port Lariat
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Judity, I first saw William Petersen in one of my favorite movies of all time, "To Live and die in L.A." I have rooted for him to make it as a star ever since. When CSI became a hit TV show I was pleasantly surprised to see him as it's main character. Not to sure about the sexy part but I do like his acting.I went to your web site and read the bonus chapter of your book, It sounds interesting and I will order it from my local book shop. I'm in a little town in northern Canada so it probably won't be on the shelf but they have been able to order lots of books for me in the past.
Review of Splintered  
Review by Port Lariat
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is one deep poem, I'm sure I'll have to read it a few times to even start figuring it out. I loved the way it was written and the language used even though It is going to take some digging to understand it. Very nice
Review of Help Us Help YOU!  
Review by Port Lariat
Rated: ASR | (3.0)
I am very new to writing.com but find it to be an absolute gem of a site, soon to become my favorite site fore sure. I am totally surprised by the number and quality of authors that are subscribed to this site. I have read a couple of poems that i feel are as good a poem as i have ever read. Whatever I can do to help this site succeed,I am willing to try. Although I am computer illiterate the help pages are extremely well done and make learning how to negotiate the site very easy.
Review of OUR WORLD  
Review by Port Lariat
Rated: E | (3.5)
Nicely written poem, The subject is written about alot but this author has some original thoughts. Line seven " Dear God why in the world we built...." might sound better if you used " Why in this world we built.." A few spelling errors to fix but nothing to serious. All in All a nice piece of work.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/guydickie