Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/genius.robot
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76 Total Reviews Given
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Review of Gone Away  
Review by WordsInBlack
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hahaha! The poem, even if it describes a pain, is actually funny. It draws a smile on the face of the reader. Your style is pretty good. Although the words in your poem are too simple and common, you still have the factor that relates the reader to your writings. Good job! Keep it up! And I'm sorry for your cat! To actually write a poem about it is enough to show that you truly love it!
Review of Cold  
Review by WordsInBlack
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is beautiful. I'm speechless... It's so good that I can't even comment on it! It's beautiful poem! I like the music in your writing. I will tell you that the image you wanted to draw in the heads of you readers is perfectly drawn and completed. You know how to guide your reader. Good for you!!
Review of The Frog  
Review by WordsInBlack
Rated: E | (4.5)
This piece is so creative and attractive. I like that you described something that was rarely described before. Nice topic! I like that you named the described object at the end: " ...We are Frogs." The way you used in your description pulls the reader and makes him think at the end: "Wow, this was actually good!" So good luck, because this piece is awesome! Thank you.
Review of The Change  
Review by WordsInBlack
Rated: E | (4.0)
Nice piece of work. I suggest that you change the color. It's nice, but it's also too bright. Make it a little bit darker. I also suggest to revise the work many times because it needs correction. For example, at the first line of the second paragraph, there's the word "breathe" it should spell "breath" because it's not the verb here, it's the name of the action. So you should take off the "e" at the end. Good Luck. You've got a nice style. Practice more and more! Take care.
Review of Taking flight  
Review by WordsInBlack
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is really special: the theme, the structure, the style... everything! I like the way you described your dream! The end is beautiful. Congratulations for this great work, because you deserve it! Your style is wonderfully appropriate to describe the dream. While reading, you can totally feel like living the dream, or much like drowning in your scattered thoughts. Bravo!
Review by WordsInBlack
Rated: E | (5.0)
The poem is great! You deserve those 5 stars! Awesome work! Keep it up!
Review of Death row  
Review by WordsInBlack
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I like the poem! Good work! But personally, I don't really like poems about Death! But the piece is just beautiful!
Review by WordsInBlack
Rated: E | (4.0)
The poem certainly rhymes. But it needs more than rhyming words to write a poem. You need sense. And I can see in your piece that you delivered great messages. I like it! But since it's an up-lifting piece of work, I honestly didn't like the first line. It's too pessimistic! But the rest is appreciated... Bravo!
Review of Stone  
Review by WordsInBlack
Rated: E | (5.0)
The poem is great!
I love it so much... It couldn't be any deeper and more meaningful!. I love that you are trying through this poem, to show that humans can't be like this stone, they have to change and evolve and still remember the memories of the past. It's a wonderful piece! Thank you.
Review of Dear Dad  
Review by WordsInBlack
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wow! This experience is so touching! I had goosebumps while reading your letter!! But after all, you took the right decision. Donating the body for science was a great idea since this will help others. A funeral is not as necessary as a donating in this case because you can pray for your little angel everyday of your life. Plus, you will be helping science to improve. Amazing! You're a great story-teller and it's shown that the words come from the bottom of your heart! I appreciate it and love it! God bless your angel and your dad! Take care...
Review of Letter from Satan  
Review by WordsInBlack
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello! I like the way you compared the words that Satan might say with the ones that Jesus already said! And I like also the fact that you used your imagination for something good, for help. An I also admire you for having this great way of thinking that is shown in your style. I can say you succeeded in transmitting your message to the world! Good for you! Nice style and great imagination! Yours faithfully,
Review of Writing kingdom  
Review by WordsInBlack
Rated: E | (5.0)
I understand how much writing can be useful and helpful in someone's life. You cannot say everything in your heart out loud! But you can express it all on the papers! It's a magical way to confirm our living and be ourselves. I admire you. I love this sentence so much and I think I will keep it:"Intense feelings found its outlet through words." It's attractive and beautiful. I feel the same thing: the words on our diaries are real, simple and honest! They possess their own beauty different than the one expressed with hard, strong words and metaphoric sentences. In a diary, you don't need all this. But I think when it comes to true love, it will be different, the words of love are much more easy to say than write. That's what I think! But what you mentioned about sending a love letter than confronting the loved one is actually funny! Writing is a kingdom with endless lands, huge fortunes, no timing, and no boundaries where the only ruler is HAPPINESS! Love it! Nobody understands you more than another passionate avid writer!
Review of The moon....  
Review by WordsInBlack
Rated: E | (5.0)
This dialogue is so inspiring! I can't find another more beautiful way to tell you that I adore this piece. It's so influential and attractive. It's wise and smart and true. All the good qualities is in this piece of work! I think I will keep it saved on my computer! Because i love it! Keep up the good creative work!
Review of journey of life  
Review by WordsInBlack
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Experiencing a new horizon of Life: a big sentence, a deep one that I liked so much! It's smart! Thank you for the exercise. After all, sharing is caring. So how about beautiful memories of childhood, and great experience in one's life?! Excellent job!
Review of Just Say No!  
Review by WordsInBlack
Rated: E | (5.0)
I rarely rate a work with 5 stars, but I did it here! Because I'm so impressed with your style! It's so realistic and honest! I like your encouragement for parents. And your solutions. And i agree with you on everything: I guess we're on the same page you and I! Hahaha I like the last sentence! It's so important to turn good things into habits worth-keeping! I love it! Good job!
Review by WordsInBlack
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
WOW! It's a great poem! I just can't say anything, it's adorable! I like the scene described, it entered my mind so easily in a charming way!
Review by WordsInBlack
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like this small piece of writing! It's encouraging and beautiful. I love the way you described the rain as the heavenly shower! It's a beautiful phrase! But I would like to point out on a word you misspelled in your text and it's "you". It should be "your", you just forgot to type the "r" at the end. It's the sixth word in the eighth line. Anyway, I like your style and your sweet description that reaches every heart out there!
Review of The Barrenesses  
Review by WordsInBlack
Rated: E | (5.0)
You really leave me speechless after I read your work! It's more than amazing You're a real life winner! I love your English and your words! Strong vocabulary, sensitive heart-speaking words, amazing style, a creative sense, and powerful meanings... Extremely good! I learned a lot just by reading one short poem! That's POWER itself! Thank you.
Review by WordsInBlack
Rated: E | (4.5)
OMG! It's a great piece! I like the title more than anything! You know, the title is the first thing to attract the reader, and you did a great job there!! Congratulations for your winning and thanks for everything: u brightened my dayy!! Great!!
Review of A Reason To Live  
Review by WordsInBlack
Rated: E | (4.5)
I admire your style! I really like the way you start your poem, and the way you end it. You give it a magical frame that obliges the reader to enter your writing kingdom and to leave it with happiness in the mind and a smile on the face. I like your portfolio by the way, I'm impressed by the quantity and and the quality of your work! Good job!
Review by WordsInBlack
Rated: E | (4.5)
The poem is really deep. And the great thing about it is the way you expressed your feelings. But I think if it rhymed a bit, it would have been a lot more beautiful, but it's good! A poem doesn't have to rhyme. I definitely like the strong words you used, it embraces the reader and take it to another world of your creation. Thank you. Keep up the great work! You can definitely be an inspiration!
Review of Was it wise  
Review by WordsInBlack
Rated: E | (5.0)
I LOVE IT! And I won't add another single word... Because I love it...
Review of Old Hero  
Review by WordsInBlack
Rated: E | (4.5)
The worst adjective I can give to this piece is: GOOD! I love it! I liked the last two lines... Pure geniality! Good for u!
But I want you to correct the first word in the last line of the second paragraph, it's typed "on" but I think it should be "own"... am I right? Thank you! Bye...
Review of If I Could Be  
Review by WordsInBlack
Rated: E | (5.0)
This poem is really emotional! It almost made me cry! I love it! GENIUS!! ;) keep it up! tc
Review of A Lost Muse  
Review by WordsInBlack
Rated: E | (5.0)
Woooowww... even though i haven't understood a word, i can feel this piece is far greater than the world thinks!! I love it! ;) keep it up! you are really good in English! Are you American or a foreigner?? 'cause you seem really proficient and acquainted with the language!
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