Hello Liam ! I hope you are having a wonderful day, my friend. 
I am reviewing your poem, "Why Am I?" .
You were kind enough to drop by my portfolio to review my Quill Award winning poem, and here I am returning the favor to review your Quill Award winning poem. CONGRATULATIONS on your well-deserved win! You know I am a huge fan of yours, so I was thrilled to see this poem win for "Best Medium Poem-Structured". I am truly honored that I received the Honorable Mention in this category, considering all of the outstanding poets like yourself that were nominated. I am so happy for you, and quite proud of you, Liam! 
By the way, did you know that this poem was listed as one of the "Editor's Picks" in one of the newsletters on Wednesday? Here is a link for you just in case you missed it, "Romance/Love Newsletter (February 29, 2012)" . Way to go, Liam! 
I wanted to stand up an applaud after reading this poem! You have given a poetic voice to a something many of us struggle with. Personally, I am a religious person, but being a scientific-minded individual, I do ... question, for lack of a better way to put it. Let's face it, evolution has been scientifically-proven, so where does that leave the theory of creationism? That is an internal conflict that I try to come to terms with regularly. I choose to take the path of least resistance, by trying to keep church and science separate. Your poem really hit home with me, Liam. All of your points and questions that you have creatively outlined are the same/similar to my thoughts, feelings and emotions on this subject. As far as reaching your target audience, you nailed it with this poem, my friend! 
Ahhh, you already know me well so you are aware of my love Traditional poetry! While I enjoy all poetic forms, Traditional (rhyming) poetry has always held a special place within my heart. In my opinion, the rhythmic feel leaves one with a sense of peace and harmony when reading through such a melodic piece. Rhyming enhances the rhythm and overall flow of a piece, which is why I admire this particular form so much. I enjoyed your abaab rhyme scheme throughout this item. Sometimes it is difficult to write rhymes that don't feel as if they have been forced. You did a wonderful job of ensuring that the rhymes feel natural. This poem is a truly brilliant display of your incredible poetic talent. I found nothing that gave me pause while reading it. The meter of your piece is fantastic! Your use of enjambment throughout the piece is remarkable and fits the poem well. 
I am not even sure why I have this section. I do not need it when reviewing one of your items. Your spelling and grammar are impeccable! You take pride in your work, Liam, and it shows. Well done, my friend! 
"You speak a tongue that none can hear
and wear a face we cannot see.
And even though You may be near
Your message isn't always clear,
What is it that You want from me?"
I enjoyed the entire poem, but this stanza is the one that I could relate to the most. I read it several times and just thought to myself, "Wow, that's how I feel!"
This is another section that I could have simply removed. There is a reason I am giving this poem 5     s, and that is because it is a poem far superior to many I have read. I will leave you with something that isn't actually a suggestion, it's more advice than anything else. It's one of the greatest pieces of literary guidance I have ever received. That advice is that you should never consider a piece truly finished. Every so often you should revisit the item and make minor adjustments here and there.
I hope you don't mind. I mean no offense by the recommendation above. As a writer and reviewer yourself, you know that any suggestions I may have are given with the best intentions. 
You have given our community the gift of your writing. With a piece like this, you have posed questions we all ask, coupled with the emotions and thoughts that plague many as we ponder our existence, as well as the way(s) in which we were created. Well done, Liam! 
Thanks so much for sharing and keep up the good work! WRITE ON!! 
NOTE: Please remember that the above comments and suggestions are only one person's opinion. Take what you can use but never be shy about discarding what you cannot. Most important of all, keep writing, improving, and contributing to our wonderful community!
My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .
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