Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/freedomlove
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16 Public Reviews Given
17 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review of CHEATERS  Open in new Window.
Review by ReesesCup Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (3.0)
Wow...Well I can understand your point but coming from a girl who at one point did the cheating thing,There are so many more asspects in a relationship that go into someone cheating then just the "Lust" of the situatuation. Not in any way,shape or form am I condoning the act because cheating under any circustance is wrong; but there is always a reason. It is NOT up to us to judge whether or not that reason is good enough. As we dont know what went on in the relationship or what part each played in the betrayal. And to be quite honest if your friends boyfriend is having issues like that (like getting mad at the myspace or things like that) quite frankly he should not be in a relationship. He's obviously been hurt and untill he can work through those experiances in a healthy way he shouldn't be with anyone. OR things like what your friend is going through will happen. He will be suspect, possesive, and paranoid. Those are classic symptoms people go through who have been cheated on. The solution is not putting blame on previous lovers and trying to hit some "rewind" button to change it. It is staring your demons RIGHT in the face and growing as a human being.Knowing that people are different and situations are as well. Your friend deserves someone who is past that point of biterness and at the point he is now He will NEVER fully appreciate the person SHE is and give her his heart completly because he's never put it back together. Just an opinion from someone who has been cheated on and been the cheater. I can understand you needing to vent and let frustrations out ..just keep that in mind when you think of the "Big Pitcure"....

*If You Get a Chance I am a Begingin writer and any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I think you woud like "Hurt but Not Defeated" if you get a chance to stop by my page...Thankyou...Hope I didnt offend you...
Review by ReesesCup Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This story kept me completly ingtrigued and wanting more. As I read word by word it was playing in my head like the begining of a movie. You have a lot of talent that is clearly visable and I look forward to seeing how you put all this together and end it. Hopefully soon...

*I am a beging writer and any help or feedback on my poetry would be greatly appreciated..Thankyou..
Review of The Cheater  Open in new Window.
Review by ReesesCup Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
I typically dont like short poems at all and much less rate them so highly because It's hard for me to see how someone can get a poetic thought across with so few words. However, this poem was creative and expressed very much in very little words. I typically like pointing of my favorite parts when giving an opinion."Crashing into a Forbidden Soul"...Beautiful Line that was expresed perfectly. Job well done. I will be looking more at your work from time to time,I truly enjoy'd reading this.
Review by ReesesCup Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
I loved reading this and typically when giving an opinion I like to point out my favorite parts.
“When we dance she is enfolded in my arms, but engulfed in your quintessence.
I know that, as I sweep her across the floor, she sways with reminiscence of you."
Those lines provided a mental picture that I could feel come to life. What a creative way of saying everything about her is him. The only critic I have is that I my brain wishes it was longer for selfish reasons. I would love to keep reading. Thankyou for feeding my brain with such a beautiful poem. I look forward to reading more of your work.
*I am a beginning writer and any advice or feedback to my poems would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou...
Review of The Other Woman  Open in new Window.
Review by ReesesCup Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
THAT WAS (EXCUSE MY LANGUAGE) f***ING BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I truly did not see that ending coming. In the beginging I put myself in her position (having been there before it wasn't that hard) and could feel every emotion described. The Hurt, The Over analyzing ,The over whelmed feeling you protrayed so perfect. Towards the middle I was sucked in and wondering how the confrontation would play out. At the end tears were filling my eyes falling on a smile. Thankyou for writing something so beautiful and keeping my brain fed. Me and My Boyfriend typically end our nights by each sharing something we've read and enjoy'd (because we both have a writing.com account) and I cant wait to show him this later tonight.I really did enjoy EVERY MINUTE I spent reading this and I will deff be looking for more of your work and reading as often as I can.
*If you get a chance I am a begining writer and any advice or feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Review by ReesesCup Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
"Where sparrows cry and willows weep/Her flooded eyes have drowned rivers deep".. I like to point out my favorite part when I give my opinion. I truly enjoyed reading this.It was beautiful that you could express what your friend probably could not say in a very artistic and creative way. In writing such a awesome poem you were exactly right in saying "She did not love in vain". Keep writing and I will keep reading.

*If you get a chance feel free to read my work and give any feedback,I'm still new to writing.
Review by ReesesCup Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
"You and I are simply not meant to be,our love had endured, but not our destiny" ..Usually when I want to give my opinion I like pointing out my favorite parts...and that line really hit it for me. I can relate to your writing and specifically this poem because of my past relationships,which make it that much more enjoyable.The title couldn't be more accurate. Keep writing and I'll keep reading,I enjoy your work.
Review by ReesesCup Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
"Its Only with heart aches that we learn to love" ....and "Dont Lte anyone ruin your life without your permission"...My 2 Favorite Lines. Very Beautiful and Accurate. I loved reading this so thankyou for keeping me entertained and my brain feed. Feel Free to look at my Page and Comment.
Review by ReesesCup Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
That was inspirational. I truly Love Reading Your Work.
Review of Anger in a Bottle  Open in new Window.
Review by ReesesCup Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Like it, Really Good...
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