I reached this item for review, as though I was guided by divine intervention. With that, allow me to play a little, and perhaps, I can give you a little bigger or brighter smile. I feel you are happy, yet, you have concern. I do want to hear about “this”. All of it.
I would not ever look for a way to be rid of you. Not knowing that you’re in love with me. You describe a feeling of my slipping away. Past your eyes, and through your very fingers. You may very well be wrong, and perhaps you are still dealing with unlearning things, or battling an internal struggle.
That can’t ever feel well, now about the beginning. You say you were bored? OK, I will agree with that, however, you were more than bored. You were hollow. What you call a “Hi”, I call a form of acknowledgment. I am pleased that you like my being open and straightforward with you. I felt you were excited on some level, my heart, began to flutter.
You and I did connect instantly, and you are aware why. I can tell you, ever and always, we share these feelings for only one another. We both changed our ‘routines’ and basic ways of life, to accommodate each other.
There is not a night, morning, or a single moment in between, that you are not on my mind. While there were several times, we seemed less than “adult” in the ways some things were handled. I still everyday smile and dream of ways to ‘keep you on your toes’. With a smile as you enjoy, and a knowing of belonging.
I too, want to scream, shout, and carry on about how well you make me feel. As for how many ways, I can tell but one story, I enjoy this, and even more so, for you. As you laugh, you smile, and at times, you are aware, I do it for you.
You say stereo typed you, I feel as though I called you out. I seen your game, and you are no stranger to the evil that men do. You must be aware by now, what we share, is not only uncommon, we are powerful. You and I alone, are intimidating, not to each other. To anyone who may know us.
I did laugh at your “blu tooth” pairing analogy, however, we must teach. You know I enjoy teaching, as well as learning.
You fell? While I am not for certain, when specifically, you fell. I knew you were done. You fell hard, I know this, as I too, fell hard. Some days, I can hardly breath, you take my breath away. Even with only a smile, I know what’s behind those smiles.
Without comparing as I have known no comparison. It is true, every day and night, I am with you. You speak of a short time of misery, My Love, Life is short. What is misery, but a lifetime of pain. We have felt it enough, and when it comes to insecurities. These are some of our tests I spoke of. We don’t do it consciously. There’s a reason for that.
For example, every time, I see a code, or even a kind gesture between people, and animals. I see you, in everything I do. My Love, I could litterly write a romance novel on us alone, and you are the star, in the center of my universe.
My Delight, this planet, it in itself, is hopeless. The people knowing it or not, need us. We are One, and We learn together. Babygirl, you are my family, this is no fantasy. It is scary, and we have the courage to overcome any obstacle, and the love needed to do anything we desire.
I do so love to carry on and think about you and want so baldly to talk to my friends and family about you, and how good you are for me. I want to boast about how I plan years in advance on ways to make you understand, I am always in love with you. Once I was guided to you, I knew from that day, you had to make a choice. You got to see, and feel me, for yourself. As I felt, and feel you, from anywhere in the Universe.
I will tell you now, you are mine forever, always and ever, and in every life time. There are things I want to do with you, and our families, the lists are really endless.
Baby, don’t ever think I would ever give up on you or us. I have at times, pulled away, so you could think, and feel for yourself. Times like this, are some of the hardest moments in my life.
I feel pain inside when we are not together, and I am fully aware, we belong to each other.
I gave you my word once, I told you, I saved the best of who I am for you. Only you, as I see you as my wife. You will kiss me, and we will embrace each other, and we may not ever let go of any given hug. I am yours, My Love. I lack ‘words’, however, I know who I am and what I am capable of.
Thank you for this letter. It’s beyond words, how you touch me, and how we make love. I love you My Angel, every breath I breath, I see you in my minds eye. I told you once, when you are ready, you will know. I hope you are having a good day. May my words, bring you a smile, and perhaps a tear or two of Joy. You are My Life, and I want to see you, and never leave you. I am beyond words at the moment.
I want to hold you. I hope this helps you My Love.