Hi! I'm Fivesixer , and it's my pleasure to review your work today. Remember, this is only my opinion, so take whatever you'd like from it...after all, you're the author! The item I'm reviewing is ""Oh, Really, Joey, you can't say that!"" , as part of the package you won in "The Four Seasons Auction and Raffle" ...please, at your earliest convenience, get back to me with the Merit Badge (30DBC Winner or Blog Camping) that you'd like. If I don't hear back within a couple of days or so, I'll pick one and send it out.
First Impression: Hey Joey! Nice to see you back around WDC a little more! Hope all is well . As you probably know I read a lot of blogs each month because of the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS" , but I also try to make a little time for interesting blogs I happen to catch on the newsfeed from time to time, and yours is one of them. Your entries are witty and often packed with a combination of personal anecdotes, humor, and a wealth of information, all served up in a conversational tone that readers can really dig into and hopefully appreciate.
What I Really Liked: Variety! You take prompts from various sources, which shows off your versatility and knowledge. You're not afraid to take on any topic, and you approach it with well-thought out responses without attacking or accusing anyone. You make excellent use of WritingML, and the relevant pictures, videos, and links add flavor to the already well-seasoned and marinated explanations and rationales you cook up.
Spelling And Grammar: I don't normally pay too much attention to this when I'm reviewing blogs (unless it's obvious and/or atrocious) but man, I couldn't get past the title! You're missing a closing quotation mark! Other than that, I really didn't notice too much other than an occasional capitalized word that didn't need it, or a random typo...not a big deal because as you put it in "The Old Question, be hard" , "Blogs are known for their all too casual writing...".
Suggestions: Another category I'm hesitant to judge too precisely when I'm reviewing blogs...because there's no one set formula or criteria, and everyone's different. Blogging is a loose representation of the author, in my opinion, and who am I to tell anyone what or how to write? That said, if I were forced to make one suggestion to you, it'd be MORE!! WDC needs more Joey C.! I understand it's not easy for everyone to constantly churn out blog entries on anything and everything whenever the mood strikes, and you know there's a bunch of different blogging groups that offer daily and weekly prompts...you've got a distinct voice coming through in your entries, your tone is "casual but informed conversation", and that's a combination frankly I don't think there's enough of around WDC.
Final Thoughts: Very much a pleasure to dig in and remind myself that your blog should be destination reading for wide and varied audience. Keep doing what you do...it seems like you're the kind of person who enjoys it, and I hope that others do as well.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to check out your work at WDC! I hope you found this review helpful and encouraging! 
Write on!