Review Requests: ON
49 Public Reviews Given 51 Total Reviews Given |
I will not give a very structured review; It will be just me typing out what I think about the piece, generally how well I think it accomplished its goals, what I think the goals are, and also generally a couple of notes on possible minor tweaks to the piece to make it slightly better. |
Reviewing for poetic style and fluency. I'm also good at giving just an overall impression of how the piece will look to readers. For stories, character development and dialogue are my focuses. I tend to analyze for tone and diction as well. |
For stories, I like fantasy, comedy, and philosophy. For poetry, I like anything to do with thoughts or emotion, including love, hate, anger, psychology, philosophy, and experience. I like nature quite a bit. |
There's very few genres I don't like. If you make the writing interesting, I'll enjoy it. |
Poems are my favorite by far, followed by stories, then other static items. I'll happily review forums and In & Outs as well. |
I don't like chapters or whole books. Please, if you do request a chapter, make it the first one. If I enjoy it, I am likely to read the rest of it too |
Chapters in the middle of a book, unless I've read the other chapters already. I review just about everything else. |