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45 Public Reviews Given
148 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
OMG!!!! this is very funny... If I would improve anything it'd be putting in more details about the actual experience of well putting your dick in a piece of wood... splinters? No? seems highly likely but who knows...never done it myself... anyway...thanks for the read...
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
What I liked: The energy in the dialogue between the girls. I think you've got that interaction down very well. Also I had the perfect image of Kris as the 'merry' friend. Good job.

What I think needs work: Too many descriptive words and too much repetition of ideas. I'd trim some of that.

Misty trailed along behind the footman until he stopped and waved her into a small room. you can remove "along." Also 'waved' doesn't seem quite right expecially since he bows and leaves the room. I think you can make this interaction more meaningful, as a 'scullery girl' or something like that she probably wouldn't get much respect from anyone or maybe she's in a different position in the household all together. Maybe you can change that from bows and waves... to something different, such as "politely gestured" her to go to the room and then he can bow. Or he 'waves' her in and then just 'turns on his heel' and leaves. Anyway, just some thoughts.

Misty smiled and sank down on the bed. She sighed at the luxurious softness of the down-filled mattress and went limp. The same idea of the bed being soft is repeated three times here... I'd remove some of the adjectives... for example... "Misty smiled as she sank into the luxurious down-filled mattress." Then you can talk about her going limp and being exhausted. I think that tightens up the writing a bit... of course, it's only a suggestion.

Her best friend stood there, her merry brown eyes dancing with laughter, her long, straight brown hair caught back in a kerchief. "Merry" and "laughter" are repetition of ideas again.

"Oh, I saw what happened. It was just TOO exciting! He just appeared like that and swept you away from Gorlick. He was soooo handsome and the magic and all.. I just begged Momma to let me off work to come see you!" I'd interrupt this dialogue between some sentences with some arms gestures... or hand gestures... example "He appeared like that..." Misty snapped her fingers "and wisked you away from Gorlick."

"Of course, I am under strict orders to report everything you tell me. The kitchen is buzzing with gossip, and it is all about YOU!" Use some contractions here... "I'm" instead of "I am" and "it's" instead of "it is" this will make the dialogue more conversational.

"Honestly I don't know what he is going to do with me. Use 'he's' instead of "he is"

She paused by the door. "And try not to worry too much, Misty! It is only seven years. I don't thing the "!" is needed...and try "It's" here. There are alot of "!" that seem too much...also try breaking up the dialogue with some 'hand' waves and such.

Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
What I liked:You have a good sense of dialogue and scene development. This seems to come naturally. You provide us conflict and resolution to the scene, but with open-ended issues for continuing plot development. Excellent job. *Smile*

What I think needs work: Overuse of adjectives and adverbs. Try to take out the dramatization of dialogue, just use 'said' or don't use anything at all to described the voice, show it instead of tell it...I'll show you what I mean down below. Try not to use 'that' at all.

Archmage Kaimana strode quickly down the hall, rapidly putting distance between himself and the pretty little halfie girl he'd just managed to acquire. Get rid of 'quickly' and 'rapidly' or at least one or the other. Also might want to take out some other words...try this "Archmage Kaimana strode down the hall, rapidly putting distance between himself and the pretty halfie girl he'd just acquired." Of course, this is only a suggestion *Smile*

There was a distraction he definitely didn't need right now! I take out "!"

He slowed his stride, remembering the heat he'd seen in those sapphire eyes just moments before. I think you can take out "just moments before."

Touching her then had been a mistake. take out 'then' not needed.

like an impulsive boy, he'd rushed to her aid. He'd recklessly ported himself out of the middle of a war council with Baron Powell and jeopardized his whole mission. This confused me...he transported himself before the auction started? right? it sounds like they touched and then he transported himself. I tried to make this sequence of events more linear or clearer.

At 35, while still considered little more than a youth in mage years, he was far too intelligent to act the fool over a pretty young thing! get rid of "!"

He chuckled to himself softly. take out softly...not needed already implied.

On went the smooth smile, the bland mask that gave nothing away of the uncertain young scholar beneath it. this is where you can get rid of "that" for example..."On went the smooth smile, the bland mask giving away nothing of the uncertain young scholar."

His closest advisers fluttered about him, whispering calming words, try to forestall the explosion of the temper their lord was famous for. This is awkward.

Do sit back down! Don't use "!" here not needed.

This frivolous behavior does not inspire confidence, Archmage!" Powell growled. take out 'growled' instead 'his face turning red.' is a possibility. Those kinda words make the writing too flowerly and interferes with the general flow. IMHO

If we do not unite, all is lost!" I thought the "!" didn't work here.

Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Title of novel: Hidden Fire
Author: Dawn
Chapter number: 1

What I liked? You are very good with environmental description. Excellent character development. I saw the Mage clearly and his attitude seemed fitting. In general, you have a very smooth and interesting writing style…excellent job. Good job with the plot, I’m interested to see where Misty will be going on her journeys…

What I think needs work? I think some of the adjectives and adverbs might be removed… some work, some do not (in my opinion, of course *Bigsmile*) I like the verbs to do a majority of the action, without additional modifiers. Look for repetition of ideas and words, which interferes with the overall flow and tightening the language well work to keep the reader reading. Try to remove ‘it’ when possible…replacing that word with a subject makes the writing more interesting. I just pointed some places where I thought there could be improvement, but obviously if it interferes with what you consider your writing style, ignore me. *Bigsmile* Personally, wouldn’t use the “!”

Misty wasn’t a ‘bad’ character…but not sure I could relate enough…she almost seemed like she was younger than her 17 years. Probably in the way she acted around everyone…I wanted her to be a little tougher. I like the Archmage a lot…*Bigsmile*

Questions about Plot I was puzzled by the fact that it was such a terrible thing to sleep and have a child with a mage, yet they were soooo powerful and revered within the county… I suppose the ‘mage’ can be considered a kind of ‘freak’ someone to be feared and hated…maybe that could be played up a bit more in the section where he buys Misty. But still with the ‘fear’ aspect I couldn’t imagine there would be laws in the land killing the human woman for sleeping with him…maybe make it that she died in child birth and that was a blessing because she would have been thrown out on her ear once the child was born and the child also.

Overall good job, interested in reading more…so giving this first chapter a 4.0

Some specific suggestions:

She tossed aside the threadbare blanket and hurriedly dressed in her best gown, one of her cousin Mona's old cast offs. It was far too big for her tiny frame, but at least it was not stained and falling to pieces like her work gown. I’d remove the second ‘gown’ and put ‘dress’

Holding up a tiny silver hand mirror, Not really sure you need ‘tiny’ because hand-mirror implies the same…but I did see the image of the mirror clearly in my head.

Her father had passed through the inn some seventeen years earlier and bespelled and bedded the owner's pretty young daughter. not sure if you want to use ‘bespelled’ not really a word…however, kinda interesting alliteration with “bespelled and bedded”

He'd gone on his way, unaware and uncaring that he had planted the seed of that young girl's death, for the birth of a mage's child was death for a human woman. I kinda had a problem with the logic of killing the human woman and not the child also, just something you might try justifying later…

Those, and the clothes on her back, were all she had to show for seventeen years of drudgery. Is she seventeen or how old? Kinda nitpicky but if she 17, she would not be working when she was a baby….you might want to say…. 'mistreatment and drudgery’ so anything she had before she was able to work, would also be counted in those ‘seventeen years’

It looked like her nastiest cousin had drawn the short straw this year and was set to guard duty. Remove “it looked like” not needed. Soooo, is he sitting there looking to prevent her escape or others also?

She had hoped not to have to use her little talent, although she had been practicing all year just for this moment. Kinda awkward… try “She had hoped not to use her little talent, although she had practiced all year for this moment.” This is an example of where I believe you can shorten the sentence and not lose the overall style of your writing…I’m just taking out extra words that really don’t add to the sentence.

Misty was caught up in the steady flow of people heading towards the castle courtyard of the baron of Tiassa. kinda awkward think of taking out some words.

It was early yet and most were street vendors and cookcarts, jostling for the best positions lining the edges of the thoroughfare leading to the castle. this is where you can remove “it” to make a stronger sentence…for example…”Being early, most street vendors and cook carts still jostled for the best positions lining the edges of the thoroughfare leading to the castle.”

And if no one bid, she would be sent off to the Night Guild, home of beggars, whores, and, less officially, thieves and assassins. ooooohhh…’thieves and assassins’ that sounds like an interesting story line…sorry…probably not Misty’s character…

Misty heaved a sigh of relief and almost danced in her place. Yes! Her future was secure. She would never, ever live on her uncle's charity again! I’m not sure she would be that ‘excited’ at this point…you know having such a hard life…and still having that much hope about something that hasn’t happened…I kinda felt it was overdone.

She jerked backwards out of his reach and glared. "I have a place ready for me, vulture," she hissed. This is excellent…I like this and wanted more of that aspect of her personality to show.

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Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hello and welcome to writing.com.

This was a funny and interesting opinion piece. You provided a clear thesis at the beginning and supported your theories with everyday examples. The only thing that would make it more persuasive would be hard facts based on research during the 50's and earlier (if possible), i.e. underage pregnancy statistics. This, a few typos and wordiness are why I did not give it a five. Do a spell check as that is not my forte. *Smile* Also, you use "it" a lot, see if you can remove with reformatting your sentences.

Things I liked Very good use of conversational style. I pointed out wordiness and where I thought some of the sentences could be worded differently, but that may interfere with the "style" so take those suggestions or leave them... The flow of the piece was good. Supported your thesis early and graphically. Nothing tripped me up in the language. Kept me interested from beginning to end (probably because it's about sex *Bigsmile*). Excellent job!

Things that need work: Really look hard at your sentences and see if you can't remove words. Don't overstate the same idea.

I couldn't help thinking, there is little else that could be more self-evident.(/c} Try working with this sentence...not sure if it needs a "that" in between "thinking" and "there."

But it was what else the item implied that really caught my attention, that sex among young people today is more pervasive than it has been in the past. Take out some words here..."But the item also implied that sex amoung young people is more pervasive that in the past." Something like this...but still work with in the conversational style which I like.

In those days, there was no pill (although it arrived in that era), and no guy I knew would have had the balls to by condoms. "by" should be "buy"

The fact is, today sex is much more visible. It is more widely a graphically displayed in the movies and more talked about on TV. It is easier to get your hands on provocative material. This is an example of where you use "it" a lot. Try something like this...Today, sex is more visible including graphically displayed in the movies and talked about on TV.

But it is no more previlent. "prevalent"

Now in fairness, we never talked in open public about it, Take out "open" not needed "public" implies the same.

Overall good job, keep on writing...
Review of Hello  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Very good. You have a talent for describing sexual attraction issues at the core.

I found the switching between POVs distracting. At first I was in his head, then at the end hers, I felt it interrupted the flow.

The crackling sound of the tearing of plastic. might want to change that to "plastic tearing" and leave out one "of" but this is great stuff!

Some of the language tripped me up as overused..."pouty lips" "fingers running through hair" and "waves of pleasure."

Good job...
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
Merchant’s Instinct
By Dagonet

         Punctuation and grammar problems: Noted below

         Questions: How is Sen’s personality recorded if he had the chip deactivated? Did Tess record Sen’s personality without him knowing? Sen says he does not want to be a shoulder sitter, but he ends up having conttrol over Alex’s actions in the end. This does not seem right considering as shoulder-sitters are seen as a form of slavery, i.e. the slave is controlling the owner in this instance.

          General comments: Some wordiness which is noted below. Look for removing “had” and “it” from the story. Also look to using more contractions in the dialogue.

          My own personal opinion: Overall, a fun read and very unusual idea. I gave it a 3.5 because the creativity is excellent, but the language could use some work. There are places where Sen’s words do not seem to fit the character. I knew Tess as a distinct personality. Sen I had more problems with… Sen alternates from being a down-to-earth rebel to an intellectual and poet. For example. He has an affinity for drinking and talking like “she pissed me off” then we get “majestically unfold.” I had a problem coming to terms with the contradictions. I liked language like “moving so fast and trying so hard.” To me, this was who Sen was…

The D.V.S. Stellar Charlemagne entered Tau Ceti orbit ten days after we had defeated the Gambit Enterprises attempt at the takeover of our shipping rights on board the Charlemagne. Should be “Gambit Enterprise’s” or “Enterprises’ “ Might take out “had.”

And since I had no more wartime duties, I made a point of being in a position to see the target planet when we arrived. I’ld take out “And”

Call it a merchant’s instinct passed down from out corporate ancestors millennia ago: the urge to size up the customer, especially a customer so rich as Tau Ceti. I think it should be “a millennia” and “as rich as.”

Slowly, the planet grew in the massive windows as I watched and sipped a bulb of the finest Martian wine, savoring the profits flowing into my account generated by the defeating the Gambits in that bloody little tête-à-tête almost as much as the fine Elysium Merlot. Confusing sentence… I think you mean “generated by defeating the Gambits” also how is he “savoring” the profits… is he looking at them on his computer screen?

I closed my eyes, savoring the wonderful, rich, dry flavor wash down my throat, reminiscent of the Red Planet itself. “savoring” is used too close together. Not sure I understand “reminiscent of the Red Planet itself” I would probably remove the whole sentence as it is repetitive.

When I opened my eyes, there was a woman sitting in front of me dressed in a severe dark blue suit with a tiny silver “T” at her throat. She looked hurried and harried. “hurried and harried” I like as a possible insight into Sen’s personality…, but probably not necessary as we understand that she is hurried and harried later on…Also just say this is his “boss” here, he would recognize her right away.

she had risen quickly through the ranks of the Terranis Guild with a quick wit and a ruthless razor mind.” I’ld take out “razor” or “ruthless” as they imply the same thing

“Alright, Sen, listen up. I’ve gotten your client list already via the Tau Ceti DowjonesNet and its been forwarded to you secretary, so check it out before you head down. I also arranged for you to be met by Alex and he’ll show you around since he’s from Tau Ceti originally. Now, if there’s nothing else,” Should be “it’s been” and “your secretary” I’d also take out “originally”

“Wait a minute, Li,” I drawled carefully pausing to slow her down, “Why don’t you stay and have a drink. Celebrate,” I grinned winningly, mostly from the fact that I knew I was annoying the hell out of her. Liked this… wanted more of this personality to come through…

I stood for a moment in the main concourse of the terminal, letting my gaze drift over the other people there with the practiced ease of a salesman. I would remove “there”

Anyway, Alex opened the door for me and I got in, sliding easily across the real leather seats. He slid in across from me and punched in a destination for the autopilot. I sat back in the seat and lit a Europan SmoothSea cigarette, savoring the flavor as the scenery of Far Jakarta began to flash by. Alexei and I talked, about business on the Charlemagne and on Tau Ceti and about the Terranis Guild trade in general. Anyway, soon the blurs outside the windows began to coalesce into the solid shapes of buildings as the car reached the programmed destination and hissed to a stop. Take out the first “anyway” I would take out “coalesce” as it doesn’t seem to work as Sen’s point-of-view.

“Hey, Alex, I want you to sat in the car while I do this. Nothing personal, but it’s the way I’ve always worked,” should be “sit”

I explained as I stabbed out my cigarette in the ashtray, “I’ve found that it keeps the customers more at ease with no one else around, considering what they’re buying. You understand, right?” Take out “I explained” not needed and take out “that”

“Oh, sure, Sen, I get it, good luck,” he said sounding a little hurt that I had snubbed him,{ “But what the hell are you selling that’s so sensitive, you’ve never told me,” he said the offending word with a sneer. take out “that I had snubbed him” that is implied… also take out “you’ve never told me” not needed.

I judged him to be about thirty or thirty-five, having a smooth face and blonde hair brushed back conservatively, in keeping with the light blue suit that said upper management, at the least take out “I judged” it’s implied. Also take out “blond” you mention that earlier.

She was tall and imposing, with a sharp nose and a gash of a mouth that looked perpetually turned down at the corners. take out “perpetually”

I appreciate that fact, if its true. should be “it’s"

”However, the data on the personality could also just be some presidential indiscretion, in which case, it is not worth my trouble without compensation.” change “it is” to “it’s”

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#840455 by Not Available.
Review of Oblique  
Rated: E | (5.0)
What can I say, but I loved this... it was funny and clever, two very difficult things in poetry. It also rhymed... wow! Specifically liked the part about the tea.

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Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
THis piece made me want to read more, but I wasn't convinced that Duncan was the narrator...specifically, he speaks differently than the narrator's voice. Try channeling Duncan's voice more...

For example He watched her move away, flaunting the beer to her table of friends, most likely repeating, and embellishing, the conversation. the words "embellishing" and "flaunting" don't go with Hell, this wasn’t even a good local band. His mates were okay guys, as far as it went, but barely third-rate musicians. Try it without some of the more grandiose vocabulary, that way we get to hear Duncan talk. I think the part that starts "Hell..." sounds like his voice...

Also not sure if he would be the type to talk so specifically about the appearance about this guy he just met... It sounds more like a "woman" description... I am sure I sound gender biased, but that is the way it sounded to me...

Keep up the good work...
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Critic,
This is a timely topic and a well-written essay. Here are some suggestions...

The sentence that starts out..."My father started sharing his views on the business of being in business when I was still... and the subsequent sentences I would delete this part, it distracts from the overall theme. Don't get me wrong, I like it, but this part could be the beginning of whole other essay...

While fast food chains, medical conglomerates, and massive insurance companies may be partners in this crime that fact should only bolster our collective resolve to chose a much different reason to ask the question “What’s for dinner?”
This sentence is a little long also hard to understand.

I liked your menu at the end... makes me hungry... think I'll go have a supersize Bic Mac and fries... just kidding.

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#840455 by Not Available.
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello Jennifer,
         You have a promising story here, but there are too many questions left unanswered.  As you have requested constructive criticism of your tale, here are my suggestions for improvement. 

         I love surprise endings, but your end seems to be the beginning of the story.  A short story reader needs to feel that they received a revelation, a conclusion, a reason to read a story (being well written is sometimes reason enough).

         The end has her "son" dying sometime in the past and somehow there is a connection between that and the horoscope perdiction. I need more information about how/why/where that connection exists. Personnally, I would start with the death of the son. How did it happen? Why did it happen? Maybe have some opening dialogue on the third floor, then launch into the career track of the secretary and how that affects her work.

A relationship with her boss is also introduced and has no explanation (again, how, why, where and when did this start) and does not seem to further the story.

"Or at least I never used to be;" I would change ";" to "..."

I was working as a secretary in a big office block.. Remove a "."

It wasn’t a bad job and the pay was reasonable, so it suited me fine. The job wasn’t permanent, (I was really interested in P.R.), just helping to pay the bills while I sorted out my life. After my break up with Bill I needed to get back on my feet quickly, with as little pain as possible. But I won’t go into that now.

"I suppose you could describe me as a typical secretary. Mind you, secretaries are often misunderstood." I would leave this out... you provide a very vivid description of the woman which works to let the reader draw their conclusion (more show - less tell} Also, you've already mentioned being a secretary. Try not to repeat ideas, words and themes in your writing.

"That was over a year ago. A lot has happened in the space of that year. I am now Mrs Clarkson, married to none other that my old boss. I am joint director of the company and enjoying every minute of it. And I now realise what my third floor office symbolised. It was the same floor that my son was killed on, ten years ago." This is a story in itself. I would build around the horescope prediction, but make everything more clear through more show (and a little tell). I hope this helps you. Please let me read it again when you have built on the basis of the story.

Review of The Battle Within  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Very creative, just a few suggestions.

I would break up the first paragraph.

"The heat of the day faded leaving the chill of night for those who dared to go abroad. A sickening dampness settled in the air as dusk fell and darkness arose like coming of war, both fearful and mysterious. It was terrifying enough to cut the courage of a man to the core leaving him defenseless against what is to come. You are saying the same thing three times in a different way. If you are trying to say something different, I would clarify these sentences. I would avoid repetition in your writing, which will keep the reader's interest.

         "She stared for a few moments as the room grew even darker... It seemed devoid of light. Black was its theme." Three times about the room being dark.

          Paragraph that starts..."The night came on gradually, sneaking in like a cobra poised to attack..." Most of this has already been said in the first paragraph. I would edit much of this...

I am interested to see where this is heading, but I would watch the repitition, I found it difficult to concentrate on the prologue to the end.
Review of Siren's Song  
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Although the story line has potential, I know I have read this story before. Because of this, I want more from the writing. Make it original.

Examples of old ideas are the following...
"I’ve noticed the ocean tastes of tears. Perhaps that is what it truly is: God’s own pool of weeping, sorrow and lament; or maybe it’s simply the teardrops of forlorn lovers, gathered and compiled in this one place since the very beginning of time."

Its salt water of course it tastes like tears -don't insult the reader. Make the words sing, sweat and work. Maybe... "the ocean tide brings tear drops to land, merging forlorn lover and God's weeping amongst the tides." just an idea

"I felt dizzy and unsettled, stumbling around as if drugged -- a million different thoughts spinning through my head at once."

Again, work with the words, "My mind filled with to many thoughts, a pressure cooker on crack." probably not your style... but I think you get the gist of what I am trying to say.
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