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Review of The Journey Home  Open in new Window.
Review by Elle Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
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Hi Dave,

I was interested to read about your experience as I have two friends on Writing.com who have recently had strokes. One has recently returned after recovering, and the other is still in rehab.

*Burstp* GENERAL:
Your item reads clearly and relatively matter-of-factly. I would not have been surprised to find a lot of heavy emotion in such a piece, but that is not here. Regardless, it was impossible not to be caught up in your story.

The biggest issue with your item is the visual appeal. If you put a single line gap between each paragraph, it would be significantly easier to read and more appealing to potential readers. I can't stress this enough. It is a simple fix, but would be a huge improvement.

Because I don't think your piece needs any major rewrites, I'm going to share some minor corrections that I think would improve your piece.

Surely it was just fatigue from typing and trying to finish up a long week of cases I thought at the time.
I think you need at least a comma after cases, but I think the sentence would be stronger if you moved the 'I thought at the time' to the beginning of the sentence.

I knew I was not myself but stubbornly as I often can be, decided to drive either home or to the hospital ER since both were in the same direction and same geographic location to one another.
Stubbornly should be stubborn. I think the last seven words are awkward and redundant. I'd remove them altogether.

As I inched along, I was trying to decide on whether my condition was indeed bad enough to exit to the ER or just head home, collect myself,then make the decision on whether I needed to be hospitalized.
You don't need the 'on' after decide.
You need a space after the third comma.
After decision, 'as to' would work better than 'on'.

This would be the second visit to the hospital this year and my last visit was a two day stay for a pancreatitis condition and blood clot.
I think this would be more correct if you wrote 'for pancreatitis' or 'for a pancreatic condition'. Either would be correct.

I decided there was not much time difference going to the ER or home and found more comfort in my decision to go home and making this decision.
Making should be make.

I don’t know where I heard this but I knew if you were having a heart attack they recommend doing it.
Recommend should be recommended as you're using past tense.

I managed to be able to grasp my cell phone with my left hand and quick dial my best friend at his home.
This sentence will be stronger if you remove the words 'be able to'.

I was nervous that my one chance of getting to the hospital was about to end up as a 911 call but then an all to familiar voice answered “ Alright, who died ? “
'all to familiar' should have two o's in too.
You don't need spaces with the quotation marks. It should be "Alright, who died?" I think it would be stronger if you put a full stop after answered, so that the dialogue is a separate sentence.

This was our greeting that we comically have made over the years of friendship.
I don't think this sentence is necessary. The reader can infer this on their own.

“Me, if you don’t get over here to take me to the ER. I’m having a stroke! “I yelled over the phone.
The second quotation mark should come directly after the exclamation mark without a space.
I think 'over the phone' is redundant and can be removed.

There was a moment of silence, followed by “Are you sure?” questioning my statement.
This would be stronger if you put a full stop after silence and then just had "Are you sure?" without any of the other words.

Do you have a blood pressure tester? ”
You don't need a space before the second quotation mark.

After several seconds the results were present, 222 over 110 was the reading.
This sentence would be stronger if you put a full stop after present and then removed the words 'was the reading'.

I knew this was a high reading and told Marlon the results.
Even if the reader doesn't know that's a high result (and most will), Marlon's response is sufficient. I would just edit this sentence to say 'I told Marlon the results.'

“Your pressure is really high, relax and take it again after a couple of minutes and see if it comes down?” he said.
The question mark makes this a question and yet it doesn't seem like a question, more an instruction, plus you've used the dialogue tag 'said' rather than asked. I would remove the question mark, and you could remove the dialogue tag too.

“I’ll be there as fast as I can” and he hung up the phone.
I'd put a full stop after can, and then instead of saying that he hung up the phone, I'd write how you KNEW that he'd hung up the phone. Did you hear a clunk and then a dial tone? Share that with the reader. This is called 'showing instead of telling' and would be useful here.

I was somewhat relieved that he was coming to help me get to the hospital.
This sentence is redundant and is definitely 'telling' the reader. You could note that you breathed a sigh of relief instead, which would be showing instead of telling. But I don't know that you need anything. The reader can assume you're relieved, and you can move on to the next bit.

I laid there on the bed trying to think about just how bad my stroke was and if the paralysis was going to be a permanent part of my life in the future?
Laid should be lay.
You don't need the word 'there'.
You don't need a question mark - a full stop would be more appropriate.

This thought was a very scary thing and seemingly, was all that I could concentrate on at that moment.
The reader can assume that this is a scary concept, so you don't need to tell us. I think it would be stronger to just say 'This was all I could concentrate on.'

As tough as I thought myself to be, I laid there helpless as a toddler trying to move my right side limbs managing but only the most basic of movements.
Laid should be lay.
You need a comma after limbs.
You don't need the word 'but'.

The fears that my situation was dire had hit me like a knockout punch.
This would be stronger if you removed the words 'that my situation was dire had'.

I laid there motionless, loathing and uncertain of anything.
Time changes differently when certain moments in your life occur.

Laid should be lay.

I nearly fell as he tried to figure out the best way to maneuver my half paralyzed body out of the bedroom.
Maeuver should be manoeuvre.

I told him that I wasn’t able to get a hold of her.
You don't need the 'a'.

Marlon got out and told them that a wheelchair is needed and that I’m having a stroke.
You change tenses in this sentence. 'is' should be 'was' and 'I'm' should be 'I was'.

Blood pressure, heart monitor and several other testing equipment was hooked up to me at a rapid pace.
'Was' should be 'were'.

It’s my nature to joke about things, even the bad stuff, to let people know that humor can make the worst of circumstances a little more bearable.
There's nothing wrong with this sentence per se, but I think the story would be stronger if you left this out. Then the laughter comes as more of a surprise to the reader and they're drawn in.

“Look at my right big toe”.
The full stop should be before the quotation mark.

Marlon responded in a quiet voice,” You have a boner toe.”
The first dialogue tag should be after the space, not before.

I could hear a faint giggle from him and I blurted out the words “Boner Toe”.
You don't need a capital letter on toe.

Her concerns over my condition was one of trying to understand the nature of what a stroke actually is and offering assistance to making me comfortable in bed.
Concerns is plural but was is singular. I think it would be better to change 'was one' to 'were'.

By morning it was apparently very clear to me that the full damaging effects of the stroke had left my right side of my body paralyzed.
I'm not sure why you have the word 'apparently' here. The sentence would be much stronger without it. Instead of 'my right side' use 'the right side'.

They showed compassion to my state of health but they could not offer the one thing I needed most and that was someone saying I’ll be ok and would make a full recovery.
I'll should be I'd.

Those words never seemed to be spoken by anyone who entered my room.
This sentence would be stronger if you changed 'never seemed to be' to 'were never'.

Being wheeled into the room I was greeted by my roommate Brett with a not so warm “hello” and settled into my bed with curtain drawn between us.
You're missing 'a' before curtain.

I may add that Brett looked to be a late twenties to early 30’s rock band musician covered in tattoos from the neck to both of his entire arms and probably his entire body.
This sentence would be stronger without the words 'I may add' at the beginning.

His shallow “Hello” seemed to be his response and disappointment that he was no longer having a private room to himself.
'his response' is self-explanatory. Instead, I'd change it to 'seemed to be due to his disappointment'.

I learned several life lessons that should be mentioned and met some really dedicated people who I call my heroes.
This sentence would be stronger without 'that should be mentioned'.

These people are not rich nor famous and many of them don’t get credit for how big a role in the comfort of the patients that they care for truth be told, but to me, were more important than the doctors who visited me periodically in my stay at rehab.
This sentence is a little awkward. Try 'These people were not rich or famous, and many of them don't get credit for how big a role they play in the comfort of the patients they care for. To me, they were more important than the doctors who visited me periodically during my stay.'

I repeated stating that there is no humility when staying in rehab or a hospital and for those reasons my gratitude to these workers will never be enough.
This sentence would be stronger without 'I repeated stating that'.

He told me that he fathered eight children of which six were still alive today.
This would be better worded as 'six of whom were still alive today'.

He asked me if he could say grace before eating when we had lunch together of which I never objected to this.
I would put a full stop after together and remove the words 'of which'.

I asked him about this prayer and why didn’t he pray for being healed?
This sentence doesn't need a question mark. Try amending the second half to 'why he didn't pray to be healed'.

“At my age, I’m grateful to have another day to share with my family and friends, isn’t that enough to be grateful for?“ he replied.
Although this is technically fine, I think it would be stronger without the dialogue tag.

There are so many obstacles that I face every day that a child can master in a few minutes that I must overcome.
This sentence would be stronger without 'that I must overcome'. The reader already knows obstacles must be overcome by virtue of them being obstacles.

I’m trying to get an exo-skeleton prostatic that uses a computer to aid in my recovery and give me some functioning use of my right arm/hand but my insurance company won’t pay for this device so I have a lot of time on my hands these days.
I wondered if prostatic should be prosthetic?

*Burstp* FINAL NOTE:
You're very courageous to share your story. I think you'll find some others who can empathise with your situation, but many more like me who can be educated by reading such a piece. It will help us to have more understanding.

The piece as a whole is very readable. As I mentioned above, the biggest (and easiest) improvement would be to add gaps between the paragraphs. The other editing suggestions are merely proofreading. I would be happy to come back and revise my rating once the piece is edited. I think this has the potential to be nominated for a Quill Award here on Writing.com once it's tidied up.

I wish you all the very best with your recovery. I hope things go as well and as smoothly as possible from here on out.

Thanks for sharing your experience,

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Dear Me - 2021  Open in new Window.
Review by Elle Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hi JACE Author Icon,
I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Dear Me: Official WDC ContestOpen in new Window.. Thanks for entering!

*Burstp* GENERAL:
I have to admit, I may have done a bit of a fangirl 'squee' when you mentioned your writing bucket list. It's been a long time since I first encountered your bucket list and it kicked me off into doing my own. I was super excited to see where you letter was going to go after that! *Laugh* What new inspiration would you have for me? No pressure. *Smirk2*

And in your fifth paragraph, you delivered. You're going to write a memoir? *InLove* I started my autobiography last year, and I'm loving it. I've been wishing we had something on Writing.com specifically geared to memoir/autobiography writing, actually. Maybe I should start one? There's others in "Roots & Wings Discussion ForumOpen in new Window. who are also writing theirs, so I know there's a few of us on this site.

Overall your letter had a positive, organised tone, and your goals were clearly set out.

I really liked your use of colour, bolded words and bullet points. These helped to highlight your goals and make them clear to the reader, but also helped to break up the text on the page, improving readability.

I really liked how you established that your creative period is first thing in the morning, and you're not currently utilising that time to your best advantage. That's the sort of realisation that can really set you up for success - making a small change that can be maintained without too much effort. The less effort required to achieve momentum, the more likely we are to keep it up, right?

*Burstp* FINAL NOTE:
I am keen to see how you tackle your memoir. How to organise it, in terms of topics and chapters, was the biggest hurdle for me. But I'm fascinated by the idea of a history of Writing.com. I can't imagine trying to tackle something like that at the same time as a personal memoir, but I appreciate that you've left it open-ended so that you're not putting too much pressure on yourself.

I look forward to seeing what you come up with! Best of luck for all your goals.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Dear Me 2021  Open in new Window.
Review by Elle Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
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Hi 💙 Carly - March into spring Author Icon,
I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Dear Me: Official WDC ContestOpen in new Window.. Thanks for entering!

*Burstp* GENERAL:
Your letter was clear and well-formatted, with your goals easy to identify. Despite your comments at the beginning about how tough it was to push past the 'melodrama' and create the goals, that doesn't come across in your letter. You seem organised and focussed.

I really appreciated the use of colour and bolded fonts. It made your goals stand out and made it much easier for me to identify them. It also broke up the page a little, so I wasn't looking at a swathe of black and white text.

I wasn't really sure where the comments on teaching fit into your goals for 2021. I felt like the letter went off track a little there at the end. There was no goal related to teaching, and while I sympathise with your situation, I couldn't see how it was relevant to the letter.

These sessions could start with as little as 5 minutes and build to 20 or 30 minutes as the year progresses. I want to start small to get myself oriented to doing this.
I really like that you've given yourself room to grow within your goals. Both your yoga and meditation goals have parameters that will enable you to start small and increase as the year goes on. Fabulous!

*Burstp* FINAL NOTE:
Your goals are clear, and I think that you've also managed to cover the 'why' and the 'how' at a sufficient level for this letter. Despite a little bit of trepidation evident at the lingering effects of Covid, I think you're all set for a productive 2021, and I wish you all the best.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Dear Me 2021  Open in new Window.
Review by Elle Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Hi The Puppet Master Author Icon,
I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Dear Me: Official WDC ContestOpen in new Window.. Thanks for entering!

*Burstp* GENERAL:
Your letter was clear and organised. I thought that overall the letter had a tone of calm determination. You came across as someone who knew exactly what needed to be done and you expected to achieve it.

If I don't get in this year it won't be the end of the world, I just will keep trying until it happens.
Generally speaking, it's best not to make goals that are outside of your control, such as 'I will win this contest'. Much better to make goals like 'I will enter this contest' because you have control over that. I did like, though, that you gave yourself an out for the part that was outside your control, but pushed yourself to keep trying and to focus on improving until you had a piece selected. I really like your attitude.

*Burstp* FINAL NOTE:
Your goals are clear, and you seem to know exactly how you'll achieve them and when (Covid-depending, of course). I think you're positioned really well for 2021, and I wish you all the very best.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Dear Me (2021)  Open in new Window.
Review by Elle Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (2.0)
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Hi Rhymer Reisen Author Icon,
I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Dear Me: Official WDC ContestOpen in new Window.. Thanks for entering!

*Burstp* GENERAL:
Despite the seeming normality of your opening paragraph, this was a highly unusual 'Dear Me' letter. I admit that by the end of the second paragraph, I was completely confused. Was the situation fictional or metaphorical? I wasn't sure. The second to last paragraph seemed to infer that it was metaphorical, but... I'm still confused. Were they scenes from your drafted novel? That's my best guess.

Hell (other than when used in a religious context) is not an E-rated word, and neither is dick or damn, so you need to increase the rating on this item to at least ASR immediately.

There were no goals in this letter that I could tell, and the task set out by the contest was 'Write a letter to yourself and tell you what your goals are for 2021'. I can't see where you did that. That's what I felt was missing from your entry.

*Burstp* FINAL NOTE:
This was undoubtedly one of the more creative entries this year, and creativity was definitely one of the judging criteria. I feel that if you had been able to incorporate more clear goals into this, it would have really stood out for the judges. I hope that is of some help for next year. Best of luck with your novel.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Dear Me (2021)  Open in new Window.
Review by Elle Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.5)
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Hi Charity Marie - <3 Author Icon,
I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Dear Me: Official WDC ContestOpen in new Window.. Thanks for entering!

*Burstp* GENERAL:
I loved the attitude that shone through in your letter. It was enthusiastic, optimistic, powerful. It was very clear that you believed in yourself and that you have the support network to achieve whatever you wanted. That's huge. So many people don't have that. It was really inspiring reading your 'can do' attitude.

The first half of the letter was reflection on 2020. At the end of the first paragraph you wrote 'We're not going to spend a lot of time rehashing the past here' and then you spent a further three paragraphs doing just that. I do think it clarified your situation for the reader, although perhaps wasn't entirely necessary in a letter that was intended for yourself (but we all know it's not really just for yourself, but for the intended reader! *Wink*). I felt like not all of it was necessary, and it could have been condensed considerably without losing too much impact.

Even when you move on to your current goals, you still spend time reflecting backwards. Your first goal is to heal, and I can understand why you haven't put a timeframe on that. I would have liked to have seen a little less of the 'You had it in your 20s' and 'The last 21 years have really changed you', and more about how you were going to heal. What is needed for healing? Colouring in? Long showers? Date nights with hubby? Daily journal entries? I would have loved to have known what you were going to utilise to aid your healing. As you can see by my suggestions, I'm totally clueless on that side of things!

Same with building and enjoying life. I'd have liked to have seen more of the potential bullet points that you are going to utilise or explore in order to achieve these. You've got the why covered, but not the how. That's what I was missing when I read through.

Nothing can stop you. NOTHING. But not only that - you were and are often the one thing that can make the difference. You make success happen. Giving up just isn't an option, no matter what you're doing.
This is fabulous. We should all talk to ourselves like this. How empowering and uplifting is this? Awesome!

*Burstp* FINAL NOTE:
While I would have liked to have seen more of the 'how', your letter was very clear on the what and the why. You also had the one of the best attitudes, and I think that will take you a long way. I look forward to seeing what you achieve in 2021.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Dear Me, 2021  Open in new Window.
Review by Elle Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (2.5)
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Hi PureSciFiPlus Author Icon,
I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Dear Me: Official WDC ContestOpen in new Window.. Thanks for entering!

*Burstp* GENERAL:
I felt like your letter to yourself was a little bit negative. You used phrases like 'But I don't know if I will be able to do that' and 'I know that I'm not going to win any'. Then further on, 'I have already messed up that goal'. It didn't feel like you were particularly encouraging yourself, but rather explaining why you didn't achieve your goals last year, and why you might not achieve your goals this year. I would have liked to have seen a more positive, 'can do' attitude, although I know that the global situation has left many of us struggling to find enthusiasm and positivity.

Several times you referred to 'genetic goals'. This should have been 'generic goals', but you already knew that because you did change from genetic to generic. It just needs another read-through to catch the incorrect ones.

You already commented that 'I know I haven't done any goal setting in this letter', so you're already aware that your goals are very generic. And generic is fine if your goals are likely to change, as you mention. But I would have liked to have seen perhaps a starting point. Or a review point. Perhaps 'I will aim to achieve XYZ and review this every two months to see if it still fits'. Or perhaps My goal is to complete XYZ by the end of the year, and I expect to make 50% of the progress by April, and take the remainder of the year to complete the remaining 50%'. It doesn't matter what your goals are, but some structure might help you achieve them. I do feel that even setting dates for reviewing your goals and your progress would be of great benefit.

But it will be all that I can do under whatever the circumstances may bring me.
I did like the way you expressed this, that you will do your very best regardless of what life throws at you. We can't do any more than that. *Smile*

*Burstp* FINAL NOTE:
Thank you for sharing your letter. You've already made a start on one of your goals by entering the first official contest for 2021. I hope you manage to enter all twelve of them, and I hope you make progress on your scriptwriting as well. Best of luck.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Gold Mining  Open in new Window.
Review by Elle Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Aundria,
This is a quick review to assist you with polishing this piece to read at your mother's funeral.

I look back at the many things my mother taught me, Her sage advice has often gotten me through the tough times.
I wonder if this should have the word 'When' at the beginning.

IShopping with my mother was always an adventure.
Just need to remove the extra I at the beginning of this sentence.

“These are so cute” she’d say holding up pants the most hideous color of green.
It doesn't matter for reading aloud, but I think this needs a comma after the dialogue.

It’s not the 70’s”
Again, it doesn't matter for reading aloud, but this needs a full stop.

“Okay but these are cute” she said presenting the most horrible pattern I’d ever seen.
Another comma required after the dialogue.

Eww, those are plaid. No way!”
Not necessary for reading aloud, but I think this needs speech marks at the beginning.

So we’d set of to a new store looking for another fleck if gold.
Of should be off, and if should be of.

As walked through the mall, we passed busy shoppers on all sides, barely noticing each other in our rush for that perfect buy.
Missing the word 'we' after As.

Words of encouragement and kindness are the largest and most valuable nuggets of wisdom I own.
Not necessary for reading aloud, but this has an extra space before 'own'.

There bits and flecks everywhere.
This sentence is missing the word 'were' after There.

She sprinkled flakes of them everywhere she went.
Not necessary for reading aloud, but this has an extra space in it.

Aundria, this is an absolutely beautiful tribute to your mother. I am certain you will make people cry if you read this at the funeral. I was touched, and I feel like your mother has reminded me to make more of an effort to tell someone when I notice nice things about them instead of thinking them in my head and keeping them to myself. Truly beautiful, and I hope many people read this and hear this, and become more like your mother. She sounds like she was a truly wonderful woman.


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for entry "Invalid EntryOpen in new Window.
Review by Elle Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
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Hi Brian,
I saw your request for feedback on the newsfeed, and as I typed out a comment I thought I'd be better off putting my thoughts into an actual review. My first in literally a year! Wow, that's pretty sad actually. I guess I should thank you for inspiring me to review again. *Smile*

*Burstp* GENERAL:
This poem has a thoughtful, reflective mood. Almost sad, like a farewell. Words like 'whine', 'stoic' and 'humbling' add to that effect, I think. The line 'you have all been to me' definitely gives a farewell vibe, in the sense of someone who is never returning rather than someone who is only leaving for a while.

You note at the bottom of the poem that it was written to support Lilli, but I'm so out of touch with everyone that I'm not sure what the situation is there. If she has lost a dear friend, then this poem would certainly be appropriate to that occasion. There is a clear sense of loss here and obviously there are a number of words that bring love and feeling into the poem.

The most obvious convention here is the lack of punctuation. I have an instinctive dislike for poems that don't use any punctuation, but that's my personal pet peeve! I think the lack of punctuation makes it difficult for the reader to determine the flow of the poem. For instance, the first stanza seems to consist of one 'sentence' that uses enjambment to flow over the three lines. However, it is much harder for me to determine if the second and third stanzas do the same. Is the first line of the second stanza part of the first stanza in terms of the fall offerings being whisked down aisles of tall men? Or is the gratitude being heaped down aisles of tall men? It's not clear, although I am leaning toward the former. Unfortunately, that lack of clarity means that the reader loses the flow of the poem and a significant portion of the meaning as well. Then the poem just becomes pretty words that make up a jigsaw puzzle that the reader may or may not be able to solve.

It was hard for me to determine if the tall men and the stoic parishioners were metaphors for landmarks or natural features, such as trees, or if they were literal. I was leaning toward metaphors, because it seemed like the narrator was watching autumn harvesting and it didn't seem like literal tall men and parishioners fit into that image. Again, the lack of clarity takes away from the poem. I actually like both lines, but I needed something else in the poem to help me put them into context.

air sucks dry by shiny god
This line doesn't seem to work, and I'm not sure why. It feels like it's missing a word perhaps, or that perhaps there's something wrong with the tense. Like maybe it ought to be 'sucked dry'. It felt very awkward when I read it. I'm not sure exactly how to fix it, other than to change sucks to sucked, but hopefully by bringing it to your attention, you can have a play with it.

you have all been to me
pure poetry like trees

I know I've made a few comments about flow or lack thereof, but these two lines flow beautifully. They are such a pleasure to read. As I mentioned above, I also really like the tall men and parishioner lines too, and I hope if you revise the poem that you keep those lines in.

*Burstp* FINAL NOTE:
Overall, I think you do a good job of imbuing this poem with a sense of sadness and loss, with a real sense of someone saying goodbye to a familiar scene that they'll never see again. It's almost like the poem is a hazy memory where I can still feel the emotions - the loss, the sadness, etc. - but I can't see the details anymore because they've been lost in time. I suspect the reason the poem has been overlooked in contests is the lack of clarity and flow. If you could sharpen the picture for the reader, even just a little, so that they can put the emotion to an image, I think it would be more favourably received.

Thanks for sharing your poem,

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review by Elle Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
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Hi there,
I found your poem a little while back while I was browsing through your portfolio. I saw that you had nominated some items for Quills, and brand new members don't usually do that. When I was going through your port, I found a couple of things of yours that I could nominate in turn, this poem being one of them. I've been meaning to stop by with a review, but I don't do a lot of reviews these days, so it's taken a while (and Shaye's newsfeed challenge!).

*Burstp* GENERAL:
I love the mood of this poem. It feels a bit like detached observation combined with a touch of whimsy. The subject matter seems pretty clear to me - the narrator is literally watching a black beetle scurry around the bathroom floor and personifies its thoughts, intentions and feelings.

Firstly, I love the personification. Personification has always been one of my favourite tools, but this is a wonderful example. I love the way the beetle 'stalks' and 'marches', the fact that the beetle is so 'resolute' in its search and the indecisiveness is brilliant. *Bigsmile*

Secondly, I love your use of literary similes. 'Like a comma escaped from a half-finished novel'. That is FANTASTIC. That, right there, made this poem for me. Love it. But the canyon gaping like an opening sentence, and the novel determined upon suicide... Just brilliant.

You've obviously chosen deliberately not to use punctuation except for a full stop at the end of each stanza, and a capital letter at the beginning of each line. I understand that is personal choice, and punctuation is always subjective in poetry. Having said that, I'd prefer to see it without the capital letters at the beginning of each line. I feel that would improve the flow. Entirely your choice though.

I feel like the very last two lines of the poem take the whole poem and mock it. I mean, how silly is it to write a poem about a beetlee in a bathroom anyway? Right? And yet, this is a fabulous poem. I would SERIOUSLY suggest you remove those last two lines altogether. I feel they only detract and not add to the poem. It's stronger without them.

Unfortunately, suicide is a non-E word, which means that the whole poem must be rated higher than E. While I understand that this is a light-hearted poem, suicide does have negative connotations. I'm happy to discuss with you what would be a correct rating, and you're always welcome to ask for assistance with such things in "Content Rating SupportOpen in new Window..

My favourite lines were the literary similes, as noted above. I've got to say again, just brilliant. You've personified the literary aspects as well as the beetle itself. A comma escaping from a novel? A suicidal novel? So clever.

*Burstp* FINAL NOTE:
The more I read this poem, the more I enjoy it. It's just wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing it on Writing.com. And best of luck in the Quills!

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review by Elle Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.5)
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Hi Brooke,
I found your poll on the newsfeed. I don't usually review polls, but I was inspired to give some feedback to your comment.

You noted that there were a lot of views but not a lot of responses, and then suggested that while several answers may seem right, a person should pick the one that most stands out to them.

I wonder if the problem is that some of the answers are too similar, and there are not enough answers that seem to be at different ends of the scale.

What is the difference between:
- a review that points out my mistakes
- true critique
- be honest
- a long, detailed review
- be harsh

To me, these are all virtually the same thing. The recipient is looking for honest feedback pointing out any errors or room for improvement, not a fluff review that just tells them they're wonderful.

For myself, I was torn between 'a review that points out my mistakes' and 'a review that inspires me'. But 'a review that inspires me' isn't a fluff review that just says 'Well done, awesome work!' That doesn't inspire me. I can get that from my mum.

A review that inspires me is also usually more detailed. It tells me what the reviewer liked and why. It should be honest. And it can point out some mistakes. I remember getting some like this from a reviewer of my children's fantasy novel a few years back. She pointed out any mistakes I'd made, told me her favourite parts and the parts that didn't work so well, and then told me she couldn't wait for me to revise it and finish it so she could read the whole completed work. The key thing was that the overall tone was positive and encouraging, while still providing valuable feedback.

I guess, in my opinion, the answer you don't have on your poll is 'I just want a fluff review that tells me my writing is good, without pointing out any mistakes'. And then next level up might be 'A review that points out my mistakes in a gentle way while still being positive'. I feel like this poll needs four answers of varying levels, and right now it only has two, but in multiple wordings. I know there are some people who want the harsh critiques, so for them you can have a merge of 'be honest, give me true critique, I can take it even though it's harsh'. And then another merge that says 'Definitely be honest and point out any mistakes, but no need to be mean about it'. Although now that I think about it, that's kind of the same thing as 'points out my mistakes in a gentle way while still being positive'. *Facepalm* Maybe you only need three options? A strictly positive review, feedback provided in a positive and encouraging manner, and 'just the facts, give it to me straight'.

Anyway, those were just my thoughts. It's not that I think you should use my wording instead of yours, obviously, but rather that I feel your current options are too similar and that's why people may be having trouble choosing the one that best fits them. That's how I felt anyway, and I hope that feedback is of some use.

While I'm here, I want to thank you for inspiring a resurgence of polls. It's great to see them on the newsfeed. Too often these items are overlooked, and it's crazy hard to find decent ones to nominate for Quills. I've seen at least one of yours nominated, so I'll pass on my congratulations now too. *Bigsmile*


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Review by Elle Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Ray Scrivener Author Icon,
I found your poem at the Rebel Poetry contest.

*Burstp* GENERAL:
This poem speaks to me about the decline of society, but in particular the damage we are wreaking on our planet. Perhaps that's because I recently witnessed the students protesting against climate change, but that's what it put me in mind of. It has a sort of reprimanding tone, scolding those who are oblivious to the damage or who pretend to be.

I'm not very good at recognising poetic structures, but your poem has an abab rhyme structure. I didn't notice any errors with your rhymes. *Thumbsup*

I liked the use of internal rhyme, such as 'Ever consuming, always polluting'. The long u sounds work well together.

I also liked the use of alliterations, such as with 'It’s always simpler to sedate'.

Eyes blind to countless facts displayed.
Blaming problems on countless youths

You use the word 'countless' twice in two lines here. I don't think the word gains any emphasis from the repetition, so I think the poem would be stronger if you replaced one instance with a different word.

Our debates are antithetic
I'm not sure what you were trying to say here. Aren't debates antithetic by nature? Like saying a punch is violent? Maybe you mean that the debates are contributing to the problem? If so, I'm not sure that's entirely clear.

Blaming problems on countless youths
Inheriting our sins, old debts unpaid.

I really like the way you phrased this, with the youth inheriting our sins. So true, and yet something we so rarely acknowledge.

How pathetic and yet poetic
I love, love, LOVE this line. *Bigsmile*

*Burstp* FINAL NOTE:
This is a fabulous poem. I really enjoyed reading it, and it struck a chord with me. I think it only needs a tiny bit of polishing and it'll be perfect. *Bigsmile* Great work and good luck in the contest!

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Dear Me - 2019  Open in new Window.
Review by Elle Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi there,
I'm reviewing your item as a judge for "Dear Me: Official WDC ContestOpen in new Window..

*Burstp* GENERAL:
I loved your goals. It's interesting how much our roles change over our time at Writing.com, isn't it? Mine certainly has, with a very obvious move away from in-depth reviewing, and it sounds like yours has too.

I particularly liked your comment about recording the family stories for posterity. That's a passion of mine, so I wanted to shout "Yes!" *Laugh* You mentioned finding contests to enter your stories into. I'm not sure that there are many (any?) non-fiction contests anymore. Maybe it's time to re-open "Roots & Wings ContestOpen in new Window.!

The letters to your children sound amazing. What sorts of things are you going to say to them? I'm just being nosy now, but I'm intrigued. I've heard of people who write one letter a year to their kids from the child's birth, but I heard of the idea too late to do that one.

that is negative and quite often inaccurate.
'Is' should be 'are' as the words are plural.

You are now the Patriarch of the family clan.
Patriarch doesn't require a capital letter.

one, a Life Story of some facet of your life before children
'life story' doesn't require capital letter, although I appreciate you may be trying to add emphasis.

*Burstp* FINAL NOTE:
This was a wonderfully positive, encouraging letter to yourself. While you mention where you've fallen down in the past or how your journey has deviated from the plan, it's not overly negative, and if I found your letter motivating, I'm sure you did too! Your goals are clear and specific, and you've set deadlines for yourself, so I'm sure you'll achieve what you set out to. I hope you have a fabulous 2019 and I look forward to seeing you (and your reviews and stories) around the site. *Bigsmile*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Dear Me  Open in new Window.
Review by Elle Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi there,
I'm reviewing your item as a judge for "Dear Me: Official WDC ContestOpen in new Window..

*Burstp* GENERAL:
This was such a lovely letter. I'm sorry that you haven't been well, and you're right not to overdo it or put too much pressure on yourself. You've still set some great goals though, and I'm sure you'll have a great year.

You can’t get away with that sort of mind games this time around
This was the only error I found! I think you need make game singular or else say 'those sorts of mind games'.

You need to take things one day at a time and work as you can each day without feeling as if you need to catch up on six weeks of life all in a week or two. You are good, dearest Me, but no one is that good!
I think a lot of people forget that they're still human and can't be perfect. *Wink*

*Burstp* FINAL NOTE:
It sounds like you're doing everything right, and I'm sure you'll have a fantastic 2019. Best of luck!

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Dear Me 2019  Open in new Window.
Review by Elle Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi there,
I'm reviewing your item as a judge for "Dear Me: Official WDC ContestOpen in new Window..

You've done a great job outlining your goals and plans for 2019. You've been specific about what needs to be done and when, and you've made it clear why those goals are important to you.

I didn't notice any typos or grammar errors, and I couldn't think of any suggestions for improvement.

Great job! And thanks for entering "Dear Me: Official WDC ContestOpen in new Window.!

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Review of Dear Me  Open in new Window.
Review by Elle Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi there,
I'm reviewing your item as a judge for "Dear Me: Official WDC ContestOpen in new Window..

*Burstp* GENERAL:
This letter read as a scolding to yourself, which was quite amusing. It wasn't actually negative in tone, despite that. I felt motivated and inspired, and it wasn't even written for me! *Laugh*

Uh Oh !
You don't need the capital letter on 'oh', or the extra space before the exclamation mark.

There are a few places throughout your item where you have a space before a punctuation mark, such as a comma or full stop. I recommend you go through and check them all and remove the unnecessary spaces.

*Burstp* FINAL NOTE:
I'm highly impressed that you've been writing a complete piece each day, let alone submitting it. That's amazing. I definitely couldn't do that. It's a lofty goal to keep that going all the way through 2019, but it'll be superb if you can do it. Best of luck!

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Dear Me, 2019  Open in new Window.
Review by Elle Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
Hi there,
I'm reviewing your item as a judge for "Dear Me: Official WDC ContestOpen in new Window..

*Burstp* GENERAL:
This was a very original entry, and I congratulate you for thinking outside the box! *Bigsmile*

It was a little awkward to read in places where you assumed that certain things were going to happen certain ways, because the 2019 you already knew how they turned out and so you had to say certain things. Man, I've confused myself now! *Laugh* Where you said things like 'I have a feeling' or 'I'm sure', simply because the 2019 you already knows how things turn out. I felt that you could be a bit more uncertain, because the letter was 'written' 51 years ago and therefore you could be more wild and even potentially make mistakes in your assumptions.

I may even try to write some Poetry too.
There will already be a lot of Short Story and Poetry contests.
I wonder if the group or groups have writing Challenges.
I love writing Challenges.

Short story, poetry and challenges don't need capital letters.

I also want to become more with the group or groups.
You seem to be missing a word from this sentence. Maybe more 'active' with the group?

Who knows.
This is not a complete sentence in and of itself. I would change the full stop to a comma and join it to the sentence that comes after it.

At least I probably will for a lot of them. maybe even most of them.
I think the full stop after them was meant to be a comma.

If they don’t exist maybe that’s something new, I can start with the group or groups.
This doesn't need a comma after new. Although it might be good to add a comma after exist.

But what if they both die before then.
This is a question and should end in a question mark.

Another possibility is that what all I have written in this letter isn’t going to happen either.
This sentence sounds like it might be a bit colloquial. Perhaps consider rewording to something like 'Another possibility is that all I have written in this letter isn't going to happen.'

That is how I’m going to end it. I think I have finished this letter. So, it’s time for me to decide how I’m going to end it.
This confused me. You've decided how you're going to end it, it's finished, now it's time to decide how to end it? Um, what? *Confused* I think you need to review that section.

*Burstp* FINAL NOTE:
This was an interesting read, and quite different to most of the other entries. It sounds like you've got a lot going on in 2019 and some great goals to work towards. I wish you the best of luck!

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Dear Me 2019  Open in new Window.
Review by Elle Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi there,
I'm reviewing your item as a judge for "Dear Me: Official WDC ContestOpen in new Window..

*Burstp* GENERAL:
Your letter was so encouraging and positive. There was a perfect balance of striving for achievement and relaxing. You noted all the areas of your life that needed to be remembered and looked after.

Your life, your journey, your success. and even your failure is God-breathed.
You've got a full stop after success when it should be a comma.

There were very few specifics and timeframes to your goals. They were lofty goals, but not broken down into specific tasks that needed to be done by specific deadlines. Generally speaking, goals are more likely to be achieved if they're specific, time-bound and measurable. I wonder if it would be worth taking the time to note some initial steps to get you underway and building the habits you want to create.

You may not have achieved as much as you might have liked to in the first half of your life but there is nothing written that says the second half cannot be spectacular.
Yes! I love this line. So positive and encouraging. *Bigsmile*

Relax, smile and enjoy the process.
This is something that can too often be forgotten.

Most of all, remember to be fabulous and shine among the stars.
Perfectly said!

*Burstp* FINAL NOTE:
As I noted at the beginning, your entry was wonderfully encouraging. I'm sure you'll have no problem motivating yourself again by re-reading this letter if you should start to lose focus. I have yet to finish a tertiary qualification, so I can understand your drive to complete yours. Best of luck, and I hope you have a fantastic 2019.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Dear Me 2019  Open in new Window.
Review by Elle Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hi there,
I'm reviewing your item as a judge for "Dear Me: Official WDC ContestOpen in new Window..

*Burstp* GENERAL:
Overall, your goals are well thought out and specific. You have designated a certain number of times that you need to do a task, or how often a task should be performed. You also expand on the reasoning behind each goal and why you should be motivated to move forward with it, which will help you if you find yourself losing motivation or focus further down the track.

no each day
You probably need a comma after 'no'.

Your first goal is to 'ground yourself in your faith'. You mention some concepts such as forgiving yourself and others, but I thought it might be beneficial to expand this goal into specific steps. How do you go about forgiveness? How does one 'take out the trash inside your spirit'? I just felt that some clear steps could be outlined that would make this goal more achievable for you. You did it for the other goals, so I think it would be beneficial for this topic too.

Do not procrastinate or expect perfection—this thinking paralyzes you.
Oh yes, I'm very familiar with that concept! That's me to a tee - either procrastinating or expecting perfection. *Facepalm* Well done on recognising that in yourself and making it clear that this will be hurdle you will face but aren't prepared to let it stop you.

I loved your idea of contacting people you've neglected and baking cookies for the woman across the street. I should incorporate some goals like that for myself.

*Burstp* FINAL NOTE:
This was a really positive, encouraging entry. I feel sure that you're going to have a great 2019. It feels like you've got improvements planned for each facet of your life, and I wish you the very best of luck with it all.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Dear Me  Open in new Window.
Review by Elle Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi there,
I'm reviewing your item as a judge for "Dear Me: Official WDC ContestOpen in new Window..

*Burstp* GENERAL:
Your letter had a lovely conversational style that was easy to read, but made it feel a little like I was overhearing something I shouldn't. *Laugh* Your obscure references to things only you know about heightened that sense. I'm not saying it was bad, as actually I think it added a sense of personality to your letter. *Smile*

Or a form of writing that was not in you comfort zone?
Just missing the r on 'your'.

I noted that your three primary goals were to continue with I Write and the Contest Challenge, and draft a 'big project'. Other than that, I didn't note any specifics. If you had any other goals hidden in there (perhaps in terms of your reviewing), you probably need to make them more specific. On the flip side, I do understand that those contests are challenge enough!

In fact, see if you can rewrite a story in a different voice! Double dog dare ya.
This made me laugh. *Smile* So, have you done it yet??

*Burstp* FINAL NOTE:
You've set yourself up with some major goals that should see you through 2019. I know from experience how tricky some of those are! I Write is no easy challenge. There were occasions you got a wee bit negative towards yourself and your own skills, but overall the tone was positive, encouraging and supportive. I'm sure you'll have a great 2019. Best of luck!

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Dear Me 2019  Open in new Window.
Review by Elle Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (3.0)
Hi there,
I'm reviewing your item as a judge for "Dear Me: Official WDC ContestOpen in new Window..

*Burstp* GENERAL:
Wow, you've really set yourself a challenge for 2019, haven't you? At first I thought that your goal was too vague and too over-reaching to achieve. You stated that you need to 'discontinue behaviour', 'practice holiness' and 'put off sin', and I was thinking 'That's great, but how?' Then further down, you specify exactly what you need to do in order to make progress on your goal. Great work!

That said, the steps you've outlined have a deadline of January 10. So you've got the start of the journey mapped out, but what comes after that? I hope you've got plans so that you can make progress on your goal.

Yet you "can do all things through Jesus Christ who gives you strength, Philippians 4:13.
You start quotation marks, but don't close them. You need the closing one after 'strength'.

I want to require you to
You don't need both want and require at the beginning of this sentence. Either will do.

In your fifth paragraph, you use exclamation marks six times. The more you use an exclamation mark, the less impact it has. Maybe consider if each of these sentences really requires such emphasis, or if the emphasis would be greater if you only used one or two.

Most of your item was balanced, with reminders that you have support and that your goals are achievable. I did feel like it ended quite negatively, and that it would have been nicer to end on a positive, encouraging note.

You may as well be flipping God the bird that doesn't fly as your attitude is one of outright rebellion!
I couldn't help but smile at this imagery. It's very visual, but also gives the reader a good idea of how you feel your behaviour disrespects God.

*Burstp* FINAL NOTE:
I think you made a start on sharing your faith with the community with this entry, but I hope you also look back on 2019 and feel you made progress with your more personal goals. Best of luck to you.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Dear Me  Open in new Window.
Review by Elle Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hi there,
I'm reviewing your item as a judge for "Dear Me: Official WDC ContestOpen in new Window..

*Burstp* GENERAL:
This item had a great blend of seriousness and humour. Sometimes I thought 'Ooh, that's a wee bit negative' but then you balanced it with the positive, the humour, the enthusiasm and encouragement. Great work.

Some of your goals could stand to be a little more specific. I was a bit gobsmacked when I read your line about reading every bit of fiction that crossed your path (that's a LOT of fiction!!) but then you specified that the goal was 52 books in 2019. However, most of your other goals weren't broken down into specifics. Your goal of getting up earlier, for example, or your hobbies goal. Research shows that we're more likely to achieve a goal if it's specific and measurable, so while your goals are definitely worthy ones, it might be of benefit to make them a little more specific.

Please stick with them this time, as the last list made a lousy cat box liner.
This made me laugh. *Bigsmile*

Read every piece of great and terrible fiction that crosses your path.
Yes! Because we don't just learn from reading 'great' works of writing, we also learn from the bad. But not only that, sometimes it's nicer to read something less intellectual and we can just read and enjoy for fun, you know?

Digest it, mull it over, swish it around and breath in the floral bouquet of every pretty word.
Loved how poetic this line was.

Invest in memories, not things.
Oh, well said. I'm 100% in agreement with that. *Thumbsup*

*Burstp* FINAL NOTE:
I really loved that paragraph about making memories with your kids. That finished the entry off on a really powerful, encouraging note, backed up with your 'embrace spontaneity' sentence that followed. If you do nothing else in 2019, I hope you take that paragraph onboard and make some truly wonderful memories with your kids. And I shall endeavour to do the same. That way, we'll both be awesome parents. *Laugh*

Thanks for entering "Dear Me: Official WDC ContestOpen in new Window.! It was a pleasure reading your entry.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review by Elle Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hi there,
I'm reviewing your item as a judge for "Dear Me: Official WDC ContestOpen in new Window..

*Burstp* GENERAL:
I love the snarky way you start. It built anticipation, because I was sure something was coming that was going to make me smile, in true Sonali fashion. *Smile*

Nice side-effect.
Side effect is two words and doesn't need a hyphen.

The 'matter', as it turns out, is that you're finally breaking free of the phrases -- 'I can't' and 'but I'm not'.
You don't need the dashes in this sentence. You can say 'breaking free of the phrases 'I can't' and 'but I'm not'.'

Write better to earn more GPs on WDC.
While this is a good thing to aspire to, it's probably not specific enough or measurable enough to truly aid you in achieving it. Goals are more likely to be accomplished if they're clear and specific. So how are you going to 'write better'? What are the steps you're going to take so that you can write better? As an example, a specific goal might be 'enter every official WDC writing contest in 2019'. See, it's specific, it has a deadline and that makes it measurable. You'll know 100% if you've achieved it or not by the end of the year. How will you know if you 'wrote better'?

Another important thing to consider is how much of the goal is in your control. Writing entries is in your control. Entering contests is in your control. Winning is not. So make the goal to be learning, practicing or entering, but not winning, because that's not something you have control over. Does that make sense?

Your health goal starts off much clearer, with remembering to take your medications, and it probably wouldn't have taken much to add the amounts of exercise and water you need each day, but then it regresses to 'stuff like that' and 'listen to your body'. Which is all well and good, but not specific or measurable, and therefore research shows that you're less likely to achieve the goal.

So tell them, already!
This was the finale of the anticipation building that you started right at the beginning, and it made it feel like I was standing there listening to you talk to yourself. It came across so natural. Loved it!

I loved hearing about your photography exhibition, and I particularly loved the encouraging style and enthusiasm all the way through.

*Burstp* FINAL NOTE:
This was a really positive entry, looking at the awesome stuff you have coming up, focussing on the positives in your life and how you can sustain and increase them. Great work!

Thanks for entering "Dear Me: Official WDC ContestOpen in new Window.! It was a pleasure reading your entry.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Dear Me  Open in new Window.
Review by Elle Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi there,
I'm reviewing your item as a judge for "Dear Me: Official WDC ContestOpen in new Window..

*Burstp* GENERAL:
First off, I gotta say, this letter is hilarious. *Bigsmile* It made me smile from the very beginning until the very end.

A good suggestion for goals is to make them specific and measurable. Your goals are a little bit vague on details. Don't get me wrong, I think your goals are worthwhile, but generally speaking, you're more likely to achieve your goals if they're specific and measurable. Be very clear about what you'll achieve and by when, so that you can look back on them and say unequivocally whether you achieved them or not.

The first paragraph was my favourite. It grabbed my attention, made me laugh, and then you kept me smiling all the way through your item.

The way you phrased that Psychedelic Furs quote was funny too.

*Burstp* FINAL NOTE:
It's easy for the Dear Me entries to have a sense of sameness. I know that I've written entries for this contest before, and struggled to make them stand out of the crowd. Your entry, however, stood out, and was wonderfully unique.

Thanks for entering "Dear Me: Official WDC ContestOpen in new Window.! It was a pleasure reading your entry.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Dear Me 2019  Open in new Window.
Review by Elle Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hi Charity,
I saw you post this on the newsfeed and couldn't resist giving it a read. *Smile*

*Burstp* GENERAL:
Well done! What a fabulous letter to yourself. Positive, uplifting and encouraging. Everything a Dear Me letter should be.

I didn't notice any spelling errors, so that's awesome. There were a few words you'd capitalised that I didn't think need capital letters though...

You're a tremendous Mom of two special needs kids, even if you don't quite believe it yourself.
Mom definitely doesn't need a capital letter in this context. You're saying that you're a mother, rather than using a name as a proper noun.

You are a gifted, passionate Realtor and an exceptional Paralegal.
With the job titles, if you're saying that your job title is Realtor or Paralegal, they would have capital letters. Like, Managing Director or CEO. But if you're saying that you work as a manager, as a realtor, as a paralegal, then they don't have capitals. I think in this instance they don't need capitals.

You're being authentically, gloriously you.
Yes! Love this line! We should all be authentically, gloriously ourselves. *Bigsmile*

Detractors will find your work. Ignore them. Stand strong. Accept it as part of a worthwhile process and never lose track of your goals.
I love this too. You're so right. You will have people that say or write negative things about your work. Everyone does. Even bestsellers do. And you're bound to have some other parents of children with mental illness that have had very different experiences and they will disagree with what you've said. The important thing is to accept that this is inevitable and not a reflection on your work or the importance of what you're doing.

*Burstp* FINAL NOTE:
This is such an awesome letter to yourself. I love it. I wish you the very best not only for the contest but for 2019. *Smile*


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