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Review by Lord Dragon
Rated: E | (4.0)

This was beautiful. It was a little hard to follow at first because I kept wanting it to rhyme. Once I got over that and read it again it had a decent flow.

I really like the symmetry. The way you explained everything was great. I wasn't sure what kind of bird it was at first. In fact I originally thought it was a bat up until you said it dove after the mouse.

Thank you for sharing this.

Review by Lord Dragon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Summer Irons,

This is a great poem. You did a wonderful job explaining how it feels to have depression or anxiety. I like the flow and the way you express the details of how you feel.

I didn't notice any grammar or spelling mistakes. Great use of punctuation too.

Great job.

Keep Writing,

Review of The Lying Game  
Review by Lord Dragon
Rated: E | (3.5)
This story had a great start. It was smooth and easy to read. You did a great job explaining each character and giving us an idea of who they were without going into too much detail.

The ending seemed to be rushed and skipped around a little.

I think a little more detail about how much Robert was messing up and how Jolie saved the presentation would be good.

Something like:

Robert started to speak and quickly stumbled over his words. He seemed unfamiliar with the presentation. The more he tried to cover that up, the worse it got. Soon the clients were squirming in their seats and so was our boss. However, Jolie stepped in and took over presenting the information. She explained the presentation thoroughly and assured the clients that there were a lot more ideas where those came from. Afterward, the clients and our boss had a short conference and all left the conference room very happy.

All-in-all it was a good story, and one that is all too true in a lot of real-life cases. Good job.

Keep writing.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of A Love Poem  
Review by Lord Dragon
Rated: E | (3.0)

This is a decent poem, it did seem a little...obvious though.

There is one small part that I think changes the whole meaning of the last sentence of the third verse.

"Whenever you have troubles in me, you can confide." - To me, this means that whenever the person you're addressing has troubles with you, they can confide in someone.

However: "Whenver you have troubles, in me you can confide." - Says that whenever that person has troubles with anything, they can confide in you.

Over-all, it is a good love poem.
Review by Lord Dragon
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is very nicely written. The drama and suspense was just enough to keep attention while the details of the environment drew a clear picture of what the character was going through.

I didn't see any grammar or spelling mistakes. There was a wonderful use of language too. Nice, strong words, but nothing that made the story sound like it was trying to be above the reader.

The ending was smooth and clear. While there is tremendous potential for this story to grow, there does not seem to be a "need" for it to complete the story.

Good job.
Review of A Hallucination  
Review by Lord Dragon
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Much better flow in this one.

There were a couple places where I would have used different puncuation. For example. "...cars revving-up their engines at me. Like monsters."
I would write "...cars revving-up their engines at me; like monsters."

All in all though it's a wonderful piece. The ending is a little abrupt, maybe you can slow it down a little and have the hallucination end a little more gradually, after all, most people in the state this person was in would go though a dizzy spell in a situation like that.

Good job.

Keep writing,

Review by Lord Dragon
Rated: E | (4.5)

This is very touching, you did a wonderful job expressing what it feels like and what it would do to the people you leave behind.

I think this is something that most teenagers go through at some point. And it's good to have it here for them to see.

There were only a couple verses that...stumbled. But the rest of it flowed nicely and I didn't see any spelling mistakes.

Great job.


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Review of Hard Times in NYC  
Review by Lord Dragon
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

It is easily a good short story, but could also be easily extended into a longer piece with several chapters.

It is a good piece though, I could hear the narator with his Italian accent, describing what happened.

I didn't really see any grammar or puncuation errors and it flowed really nicely.

Good Job.

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Review of Gone  
Review by Lord Dragon
Rated: E | (4.0)

I like this a lot. I see a young person, possibly, holding onto a sweater that was knitted by thier grand-mother, or an aunt and it never did fit right.

They've taken it out of the box in the closet and are remembering times long gone that can never happen again because the person that made it is gone.

So, if that's what you're trying to have the reader see, then you did a wonderful job. If not then my imagination must be getting the best of me again.

Either way, I think it's a wonderful poem, full of great imagry and emotion.

Keep Writing.
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Review of As the Bell Tolls  
Review by Lord Dragon
Rated: E | (3.5)

This is an interiesting take on Halloween. I like the feeling you put into it.

It seems very choppy and non-rhythmic though.

Maybe if you went with a Two-Line phrase instead of four, that might help.

Keep Writing.
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Review by Lord Dragon
Rated: E | (4.5)

Nice story. I've been to New York and that is how the weather is there.

I think the story has a nice flow and is a fun read.

I like the recipe at the end, that was a nice touch.

I don't see any grammar or puncuation mistakes.

Good story.

Keep writing.
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Review by Lord Dragon
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

Interesting story.

I like the way you describe what the character's going through. The way she figured out what was happening and was running through things in her mind. Very nicely done.

I didn't see any grammar or puncuation mistakes.

Keep Writing.

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Review of Mean So Much  
Review by Lord Dragon
Rated: E | (4.5)

Nice poem. Anyone who's a parent should read this one.

The flow is nice and the message is wonderful, I almost cried, seriously.

I only saw one mistake "Their growing up so fast,"
I think you meant "They're growing up so fast,"

Otherwise, nicely done.

Keep writing.

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Review of The Fire Within  
Review by Lord Dragon
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

Very intense. Definately worth the read. You symbology was wonderfully chosen and very nicely described the intense feelings surrounding this piece.

The descriptions of the events is also wonderfully put together.

I didn't see any grammar or punctuation mistakes, and I really can't think of a way to improve the piece.

Even the layout is nice, not the typical layout expected for a poem, but it adds flavor to this one.

Keep Writing.

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Review by Lord Dragon
Rated: E | (4.5)

Very touching, very sad.

The description of how you feel is touching and wonderfully written.

The feeling of love and despair all rolled into one is wonderfully put together.

The only mistake I found was "Some would call me a foul,"
I think you meant "Some would call me a fool."

Otherwise, very nice poem.

Keep writing.

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Review of What Will Come?  
Review by Lord Dragon
Rated: E | (4.5)

Very nicely written. I like the flow and the message.

The feeling of wonder about a relationship, it pretty much sums up how most have felt at one point in thier lives.

Wonderful poem.

Keep writing.

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Review of You and I  
Review by Lord Dragon
Rated: E | (4.0)

Very touching, nicely written and nice flow.

I don't see anything wrong with the grammar or puncuation.

Nicely done.

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Review of Robo-ma-who-zit  
Review by Lord Dragon
Rated: E | (4.0)

This is pretty good. It's a little confusing as to what "It" is, but then you read it again and realize what "it" is.

Good poem.

Review by Lord Dragon
Rated: E | (4.5)

Nicely written. Very imaginative. A definate must read.

Enough quotes from New York Times.

Really though, I like this a lot. It's got a wonderful message and is really nicely written to portray that.

I didn't see any gramar or puncuation mistakes.

Great story.

Review of Bedside Thoughts  
Review by Lord Dragon
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

You said you wanted some help perfecting this, but I think it is already there. You did a wonderful job explaining what it's like to sit in the hospital with a loved one and not being able to do anything except sit there and hold their hand.

I have been there too many times and couldn't read this without crying as I remembered all the times I was in your place. What you were feeling and thinking was exactly what I was going though.

I didn't see anything wrong with this at all, your grammer, spelling, punctuation, all of it was perfect.

You've got a wonderful grasp on writing.

Review by Lord Dragon
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

This is exactly what some of my teachers were like (the ones I felt were good).

And it's what I did when I was an instructor in the military, and will do when I become an instructor for my new "civilian" career.

You might want to add a line 20

20. Repeat steps 1-19 as needed.

I think you'd be a good teacher if you can follow these guidelines.

Good Luck.

Review of a lover's mourn  
Review by Lord Dragon
Rated: E | (4.0)

This is funny. (I hope that's what you were going for).

The only part I had a problem with was:
"But suddenly a bright flash of white blinds me through the window,
I say, 'Romeo, Romeo....wherefore art thou?'
Your face, impenetrable, confronts me darkly."

I'm not sure here if the white you're talking about is from the computer or the actual window. If you're refering to the lightning then you might want to say that.
Also the second line there seems completely...unrelated. Unless "Romeo" is the name of your computer.

I understand why you put those lines in there and they do make sense, they just through me for a loop when I first read it. They through off the rythm a little.

Good poem though.


Review of What's it Like?  
Review by Lord Dragon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dark Sharkie,

This is very moving. I don't really know what to say about the poem's content and message, except it reminded me of how I felt when my mom died.

As for the grammer, I can't see anything gramatically wrong, but I did notice that you capitalized the first letter of every line even if it's not the beginning of a sentence.

If you did this on purpose, then why? I don't see it adding to the poem. However if you didn't do it on purpose and you used Microsoft Word to type your poem you can do the following to correct that from happening.

On the Tools menu, click AutoCorrect Options.
On the Auto Correct tab, uncheck the "Capitalize the first letter of sentences" box.

If you're not using Microsoft Word then I'm afraid I can't help you correct the problem.

Either way, it's a wonderful poem.

Keep writing.

Review of Prey  
Review by Lord Dragon
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

This is nicely written, it is a wonderful symbology of how we as humans need to feel wanted, so we do whatever we can to be noticed by others. Only to feel anxious and nervous the entire time as we hope not to be noticed in the wrong way.

I don't see any gramatical errors, and couldn't see anything I would write differently.

Great job.

Keep writing.

Review of Dante's Prayer  
Review by Lord Dragon
Rated: E | (4.5)

This is a great story. I would love to read more of it.

I only saw one small mistake in the grammer. "Luce was the nearly the exact copy of her mother," There's one too many of the word "the".

Otherwise great story.

Keep writing.
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