Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/debraferguson
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116 Public Reviews Given
124 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
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Review of My Friend  
Review by SISTA D
Rated: E | (4.0)

Quite expressive in your use of descriptions in each line.
I enjoyed it , i only wish that you could have taken us even deeper
into your friends hard life which appears to give her an air of wisdom; with
no regrets only forgiveness..
Review of Petty Youth  
Review by SISTA D
Rated: E | (4.0)

Don't know for sure if it's sow or saw

Otherwise, I feel the emotion felt, as you wrote each word. It
is indeed an instruction model for today's youth. It also allows
one to peek back a tad, and our days of being young will give us tears
as well as peals of laughter.

I enjoyed reading your work. Please continue to share your delightful
Review of MA, DON'T CRY  
Review by SISTA D
Rated: E | (5.0)
The piece speaks in volumes, with the anxiety of today's fighting men and women. Knowing that they may never return, a brave front is assumed; as it stings the heart to see his first teacher so touched. The work flows with the reader, allowing us to share in a well known ritual of the military family. Well written with a flair.
Review by SISTA D
Rated: E | (5.0)
I enjoyed this quiz. It really had my brain on super drive. I found that I am almost as smart as a seventh grader. Well, 10 out of 17's not bad. We need more of these to not only keep our brains alert, but also enhance our social conversations. Upon first glance you say yeah okay,then oh no, but it all boils down to knowing your history.
Review of A Mother's Love  
Review by SISTA D
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a marvelous Mother's Day gift of love, for every day life. The words were written with an intense link to one remembered with such honor, but tinged with that motherly humbleness. Many are blessed to have that solid rock to lean on during this earthly journey. How many wish that if for only a moment they could hear her voice or feel her touch just for one last time. Do continue to share.
Review of The Dance  
Review by SISTA D
Rated: E | (5.0)
The emotionfilled passion oozes like blood from a bleeding heart and mind. I recognized self, and numerous folk, as well as people that have passed along in my life. The loving confused mind still appears to have a glimmer of love and hope beneath the tears. I applaud the fact the writer's not looked upon as a weak victim, but a person with reason; asking why?
Please continue sweeping the dust from beneath the millions of rugs. Been there too long. Thank you.
Review by SISTA D
Rated: E | (5.0)
Marvelous! The words flush with longing, leap from the page to engulf the reader.It speaks for one who has loved hard and deep; yet were left behind to nurse an aching heart. I also found this to be a learning tool. Much information was given to prepare the reader for a course in linguistics. Simply observing the shape of the letters in GHAZAL leads the mind to the beautiful curves of a woman.Do continue to write.
Review of Blanket Man  
Review by SISTA D
Rated: E | (5.0)
Bravo!! Someone finally came up with the right formula in choosing a mate. Each line bought a huge smile to my face, as I have come in contact with a few of these folk. The work flows, taking you along for a ride on a different information highway. Great read. Do continue to write.
Review by SISTA D
Rated: E | (4.5)
The title alone speaks volumes. Each stage of the love dance is described so eloqunetly. Each stanza gives the reader a raw unadulterated saga of hurt, and realization of self. The strong use of explosive adjectives brings it alive. I enjoyed reading this. Keep writing.
Review by SISTA D
Rated: E | (5.0)
A writer after my own heart. This has often been a hot button topic with friends and family. I enjoyed the way you placed the work together, not infusing the piece with preachy judgemental language. I was overwhelmed by your audacity in bringing such a topic to light. With language used, it gave balance to each debate. The words flow easily, not making it for boring reading. Simple, yet allows you to think.
Review by SISTA D
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
What a valid understanding of such a complex creature as woman. You helped clarify my delight in being surrounded by flowers. Your use of the powerfully descriptive love dance again made me look upon self. I rather enjoyed this mind opening missive. Great reading that takes one upon the love rollercoaster, without leaving home.
Review by SISTA D
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Imagine that ! This very topic came up this evening in conversation. My friend completely believes this to be a true fact. I commend your boldness in discussing the issue. The topic was audacious, and straightforward, giving one something to honestly ruminate upon. I am a polictical newshound, so you immediately peaked my interest. I hope to read more from you. Please continue to be so creative.
Review by SISTA D
Rated: E | (5.0)
Why not create what's needed; if so be the case. Upon reading your introduction, I too became excited about your idea. Our society has a tendency to be afraid to peep out of the square, to visualise the reason that life operates. Some may say arrogance. I would rather see this as self confidence in one's art. Continue in your quest. You may have opened the door for someone such as yourself. Good work;excellent idea.
Review by SISTA D
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Often asked by many this so called mundane question my friend. During my walk in life, I've continued to treat each person I meet with the respect of Our Lord. Jesus was a simple Man. I've been asked, "How can you hug that dirty homeless man?" My response has never wavered; "he's a child of God also"
We must be careful how we treat others, for we never known when we may be entertaing one of The Most High's angels.This was thought provoking; as many are indeed asking themselves this very question.
Review by SISTA D
Rated: E | (4.0)
How wonderful to take a stroll down memory lane. Some of these, I'd long forgotten. Imagine that.I appreciate your brief stroll into yesteryear.
Review of Baby Monitor  
Review by SISTA D
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
This read is a "can't put down". The story begins with the plot taking the imagination on an investigative voyage.
The suspense keeps you on the edge of the seat, as many persons had the look of a tragedy in the makings. NEVER in my wildest dreams, would I have ever thought that the stress, post partum depression, the role of parenthood, would push another being over the edge in such a manner. I enjoyed the sensation of being placed within the story. Excellent writing; sweet, yet tragic.
Review by SISTA D
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a moving, sensitive and thought provoking piece. My dad made his transition over 23 years ago, but each day, I still feel his presence treading with me during this pilgrim walk of life. You are able to draw the reader into the essence of the emotional pull of your sweet memories of happy times of trust and love. You used the precise adjectives to give a vivid picture of what unconditional love can do to enrich our lives.
Review by SISTA D
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a great idea for avid readers such as myself. You explain clearly who, what and where in a very understandable format. Key buzz words made you want to visit the suggested website for further information. For a lover of the written language, money means nothing, when it comes to access to new reading material. This would indeed be a decadent way of endulging in both pleasures of reading and writing. Continue to keep the literary juices flowing.
Review of An Embedded Poll?  
Review by SISTA D
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a sight where we are able to obtain knowledge, new styles, and important "lil" tips that one wouln't have thought of. I find the "friends" to be quite honest in how we review with love, encouragement, and caring. It is also a pleasure to find others who really do WANT to see us prosper in our works. This is a marelous "work book". I am so grateful for your being here to help.
Review by SISTA D
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is indeed written with the season in mind, instead of so much commercialism. Your words lept from the page to engage us into the spitit of the season. I enjoyed the flow, and the vivid description of the lovely imagine of all of the marvelous awray of a sea of beauty. Please continue to remind us of the real meaning of the holiday season, that should be celebrated each day of the week, instead of one day.
Review by SISTA D
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I enjoyed this spell binding work. I found myself anxiously awaiting the next line, as it is quite intense. You vividly paint the picture, as to include the reader. Raw, unadulterated emotion leaps from the page, allowing us to admit that, we too have walked that same rocky road. Betrayal,screams aloud as each word is read. This is a fabulous job.
Review of Where Were You  
Review by SISTA D
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is great. It shows the raw emotion of hurt, betrayal, and a long deep love that slpped away. The passion leaps from the page to gather the reader into the healing arms of understanding. You find yourself asking that same question, "where were you when I was there for you"? Why did you leave me just when I needed you most. The vivid voice of reclaiming oneself, shouts to the world that, yes I will leap over this hurdle. Keep giving us more of your soulful spirit.
Review by SISTA D
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a beautiful testimony of faith, hope, and love. I like the way that you paint such a vivid picture of losing oneself. As many in today's world have experienced your feelings, not knowing how to express the lonliness and fears thrust upon us. This is well put together, flowing softly as the wind. Great job my friend.
Review of The Sodden Sponge  
Review by SISTA D
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a powerfully passion filled work of dedication and love. You explain so vividly how we tend to take the hurt and woes of others upon our fragile shoulders, and continue to walk, though our spines are bending with the additional burden. Others think that we are "silly", or "too tender hearted". Your poem simply shows us how we were taught to live; do unto others, the Golden Rule. Continue with your acts of kindness. This shows that you are a good will Ambassador for the creator.
Review of Help Us Help YOU!  
Review by SISTA D
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
A wealth of information is given, with several items "thrown in", to make the article an attention grabber. I see no reason for anyone not to have found something useful, or helpful in refining our styles, and aim to become published writers. It shows that you are a thoughtful, dedicated person, with your well researched, and carefully presented data. I appreciate you taking so much of your valuable time, and sharing it so freely with the masses.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/debraferguson