Basics: Some comments on different aspects of your poem.
Imagery: Good imagery. Especially that last stanza. I can picture her wonderfully!
Flow: Flows nicely.
Rhyme: Does not apply.
Mood: The mood is of longing and pain. Portrayed nicely!
Structure: The structure is nice. Good job putting the image in there!
Suggestions: Things in your piece that can be improved to better your piece. Keep in mind, these things are only my opinion.
It feels like it is missing something. It is a good poem, but it lacks a bit of...emotion possibly? I think maybe making it longer and maybe going into when they were in love or maybe how she died might help.
Overall: My overall thoughts.
Overall, a good poem. Thank you for sharing!
Keep up the good work!
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Basics: Some comments on different aspects of your poem.
A catching and emotional title draws the reader in. I like that second line as well. It holds a lot of emotion. I can picture these words rolling off my own tongue as I have voiced them many many times. You write here what I believe many people feel sometime during there life and no doubt more than ones. Though short, it holds an expanse of emotion.
Suggestions: Things in your piece that can be improved to better your piece. Keep in mind, these things are only my opinion.
Overall: My overall thoughts.
Overall, wonderful work! An emotional and heartfelt poem. Thank you for sharing!
Keep up the good work!
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Well, the title was definitely intriguing and I must admit I was not disappointed. What a unique piece to write! You portray your honesty and your "mind" wonderfully before the reading and allow a person to get quite a good handle on your personality! Even among the negative you find the positive and most of all you are happy to be who are you.
Suggestions: Things in your piece that can be improved to better your piece. Keep in mind, these things are only my opinion.
My only suggestion would be to add the link to the contest that this was entered into.
Overall: My overall thoughts.
Overall, great work! Thank you for sharing.
Keep up the good work!
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Basics: Some comments on different aspects of your poem.
Imagery: Great imagery! I like how you explain all the different colors that can be on a pigeon and all the different kinds of birds infesting your back yard.
Flow:Flows nicely.
Mood: The mood is laid back and definitely comical towards the end. I could really picture the male strutting after the female. Haha, definitely a good laugh in that last stanza!
Structure: Great structure!
Suggestions: Things in your piece that can be improved to better your piece. Keep in mind, these things are only my opinion.
Overall: My overall thoughts.
Overall, a very unique and educating poem. Thank you for sharing!
Keep up the good work!
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Basics: Some comments on different aspects of your poem.
Great imagery in this unique poem! I have come to the conclusion that people can and do write about everything! That is by far a good thing! For nothing should be left unwritten. This reminded me of chess players that I always see in scenes of movies. Your descriptions are perfect and the flow is natural, unforced. I love the following lines: stanza 1 - line 2 and 3, 4th stanza - 6th line, 5th stanza - first three lines. Great ending by the way!
Suggestions: Things in your piece that can be improved to better your piece. Keep in mind, these things are only my opinion.
Overall: My overall thoughts.
Overall, a wonderful poem! Your imagery is what strikes me the most. Great vocabulary usage. Thanks for sharing!
Keep up the good work!
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Basics: Some comments on different aspects of your poem.
Imagery: Great imagery throughout these poems. I like your descriptions of the ocean and all the animals that live there.
Flow: Flows alright, but I do find there is a lot of grammar and spelling problems throughout all three poems that detract from the flow and caused me to stumble and have to re-read over several lines to grasp what you were saying. I would re-read this and edit again.
Mood: Mood is great. I can tell that you have a great interest and love for fish and anything in the ocean.
Structure: Structure is nice, but I would consider maybe even making these poems separate from each other.
Suggestions: Things in your piece that can be improved to better your piece. Keep in mind, these things are only my opinion.
There were several grammar/spelling errors. I will try to point out most that I see, but I encourage you to look over these again.
she went to is unknown,
for nobody knows how many stores she went to.
- I would work on re-wording this part. It seems a bit repetitive as you repeat the phrase, "she went to" twice in close conjunction.
In my life everyone has fish
some came from lakes
or stores
or anywhere else alive.
- I would consider adding a semicolon after the word "fish" in the top line. Also I would change the word "alive" to "they live."
but whee are the fish pictures on here?
- whee should be where
only one cave he choose to be in,
the light hollow tre log,
the favorite place o swimming and non-swimming fish.
- o should be possibly for?
In the middle, camouflaging and mirror fish lives,
be careful not to hit with a submarine.
- These two lines are sort of confusing. Maybe "lives" should be "live" and I would re-word the second line to make it more understandable.
Overall: My overall thoughts.
Overall, a wonderful idea to show where you got your name from, but I would say these three need work. As you say, they are old poems, but I would still fix up the grammar a bit on them. A great read though! Thank you for sharing.
Keep up the good work!
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Basics: Some comments on different aspects of your poem.
Imagery: Imagery is nice in this. My favorite part in this is the last stanza. Great work!
Flow: Flows effortlessly. So simple, yet elegant and natural.
Rhyme: Rhyme is good, but I do notice a few spots where the rhyming is off. It seems like you start off with a rhyme scheme of a/b/a/b but then you lose it throughout the poem, sometimes writing a/b/a/c or a/b/c/b. Just wondering if you meant to have a specific rhyme scheme? I think it would be best if you choose to rhyme to stick to the same rhyme scheme with this poem.
Mood: Mood is strong. Speaks of lost love and a sadness, maybe even regret. Portrayed well!
Structure:Structure is well done. I like the read font
Suggestions: Things in your piece that can be improved to better your piece. Keep in mind, these things are only my opinion.
My only suggestion is to work on the rhyme scheme of this.
Overall: My overall thoughts.
Overall, great poem. Simple, but well done! Thank you for sharing!
Keep up the good work!
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Basics: Some comments on different aspects of your story.
Characters: In such a short story, you portray the main character very well. The love he feels for his grandfather and grandmother, the life that he lived and the trade that he is skilled on all help the reader to understand him. Well done!
Plot: The plot is about the death of a young carpenter's grandfather. You edge the reader on by portrayed such strong emotions.
Beginning/Ending: I like how you start off the story so bluntly. Those first two sentences could not have been more perfect. The ending is wonderful as well. I could picture the carpenter walking down the road thinking of his grandfather. Good job with the italics as well!
Structure: Structure is great. Good grammar throughout your piece and well done with extra spacing between paragraphs.
Suggestions: Things in your story that can be improved to better it. Keep in mind, these things are only my opinion.
Overall: My overall thoughts.
Overall, a beautiful and heartfelt story. A lot of emotion in so few words. Thank you for sharing!
Keep up the good work!
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Basics: Some comments on different aspects of your poem.
Imagery: Another poem with beautiful imagery. I love how in the first stanza, you say all the things that he is to you. The sunshine, the air, the moon!
Flow: Flows fairly well. The following are my suggestions about the flow:
When I look out this window--you are looking with me
into the vast sea--I won't feel alone--nor will you
- I think you could take away some of the dashes that you use. The first one and maybe the second one. It seems like they are used a lot throughout the poem.
God made it to be so--thus it is-you are not alone
I am not alone--we are bonded by a hand so Divine...
- I think this line might flow better written something like this:
God made it to be so, thus it are not alone
I am not alone--we are bonded by a hand so Divine
Mood: The mood is overflowing with love, with hope and happiness. You portray love beautifully in this.
Structure: Structure is great! I like your addition of images in your poetry. I would suggest that the word "alone" be more lighter in the image.
Suggestions: Things in your piece that can be improved to better your piece. Keep in mind, these things are only my opinion.
Just the ones I mentioned above.
Overall: My overall thoughts.
Overall, another great poem with so much feeling. Thank you for sharing!
Keep up the good work!
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Basics: Some comments on different aspects of your poem.
Imagery: Again, another poem with beautiful imagery! The first line sucked me in immediately and the interesting words you use were great. My favorite line is the third line of the first stanza.
Flow: Flows wonderfully!
Rhyme: Perfect rhyming.
Mood: The mood feels of awe and inspiration. There is also a curiosity within the words. Neatly done.
Structure: Structure if good, but I would suggest taking away the bold from the poem.
Suggestions: Things in your piece that can be improved to better your piece. Keep in mind, these things are only my opinion.
Overall: My overall thoughts.
Overall, great work! I never heard of this form, but it sounds interesting. Might have to give it a try some time! Thank you for sharing your work!
Keep up the good work!
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Basics: Some comments on different aspects of your poem.
Imagery: Beautiful imagery in this! You most definitely deserved the win! Those last three lines could not be more perfect for an ending!
Flow: Flows exceptionally well. At first glance, though the structure was unique and interesting, I thought it might hinder the flow, but it does the exact opposite of what I thought. If anything, it makes the poem flow even better!
Mood: The mood is thoughtful and almost proud. This poem also holds love and a strong need for the sea.
Structure: The structure is so unique, beautiful!
Suggestions: Things in your piece that can be improved to better your piece. Keep in mind, these things are only my opinion.
Overall: My overall thoughts.
Overall, a wonderful poem! Thank you for sharing!
Keep up the good work!
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Hello, NickiD89
This is a review of your piece, "Homage"
Basics: Some comments on different aspects of your story.
Characters: The personality of Murph shows through exceptionally well! You show his feelings about his home and portray his feelings of foreignness perfectly.
Plot: The plot is well done and pushes a lot of emotion on the reader. You made me think of those like Murph, the people who fight for so much and give their lives.
Beginning/Ending: You start off well, introducing Murph and quickly causing the reader to feel sympathy for this character. Your ending is great as well, leaving it on a good note. I could picture the fireworks perfectly and the men staring up at them. Wonderful work!
Structure: Great structure. Grammar is great and I like the extra spacing between paragraphs and the larger text.
Suggestions: Things in your story that can be improved to better it. Keep in mind, these things are only my opinion.
My only suggestion is when you first describe Nadia you describe her with raven hair and later on, her mother says that she has dark brown hair. I know there is not a whole lot of difference, but to me raven hair is stark black..... only a small little detail.
Overall: My overall thoughts.
Overall, great work! You definitely deserve the ribbon. The story portrays a lot of emotion and you describe Murph so perfectly. Well done!
Keep up the good work!
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Basics: Some comments on different aspects of your story.
You start off very well with this, drawing the reader in. I really like the descriptions of the fire and the relation to it, but I do feel you use the word, "fire" a bit too often and it gets repetitive. The beginning definitely pulled me in though. I could picture the whole scene perfectly and you give the reader a good look into the mind of Logan. The plot sounds interesting. You do not give a whole lot of details, but it is a prologue and it is meant to edge the reader on. This does its job. Good structure throughout. Good spacing and good grammar, though you have a few issues with commas. I am not that educated in the area of commas but I did give you a few suggestions below. If I were you, I would get someone who is more skilled in grammar to edit it. Good work though!
Suggestions: Things in your story that can be improved to better it. Keep in mind, these things are only my opinion.
The snarls, growling, and cheers from the Wolven that formed a large circle around them, every snapped and fractured bone within his body, and there were quite a few of them, all that pain shifted into something else: fire
- I would try to break this sentence into at least two different sentences. I think dividing it up will really help the reader understand what you are saying.
exactly how long he had before one of the injuries finally took over him, and finished the job before he could stop all this.
- that comma after the word him is not needed.
The only regret that stung him now, on what he was sure was the precipice of death, was not being able to say goodbye.
- The word "on" should be "one" and I would also try re-wording this. You repeat the word "was" twice in close conjunction. I would try to find a way around this.
would be the last time, and started the phase.........
- You do not need that many ellipses at the end of this sentence. (...) would be sufficient.
Overall: My overall thoughts.
Overall, an interesting prologue! I like the title as well, Wolven. Thank you for sharing!
Keep up the good work!
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Basics: Some comments on different aspects of your poem.
Imagery: Exquisite imagery. I love how the first line and the last line tie in so perfectly together. 'The Weaver of Time' is a good description too!
Flow: The flow is good, though I do feel you repeat the word, "Our" a lot and though repetition is good in some things, I don't feel it fits this poem.
Rhyme: Does not apply.
Mood: I love how the mood switches back and forth between this. From happy, loving and full of hope, to a sadness and then back again to hope at then end and love. I think it was quite neat how you did that.
Structure: Your structure is good!
Suggestions: Things in your piece that can be improved to better your piece. Keep in mind, these things are only my opinion.
None other than the one I mentioned about the repetition.
Overall: My overall thoughts.
Overall, great work! Love the imagery in this! Thank you for sharing.
Keep up the good work!
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Basics: Some comments on different aspects of your story.
I really like how you develop the personality of the narrator so well in such a short time. You go into her past a bit and by her dialogue, the reader gets a good feel for who she is. All the words that you had to use(the ones bold) fit in perfectly and did not seem forced at all. You give the reader a good surprise at the end, though sad. I really do like that quick turn around. Good job explaining the prompt at the end as well. I always like knowing if a story had to be anything specific. Well done!
Suggestions: Things in your story that can be improved to better it. Keep in mind, these things are only my opinion.
I reminded myself why this party was being thrown
- there is an extra space before "why"
“Stop looking at me like that”, I demanded.
- the comma after the word "that" should be inside the quotation marks.
Overall: My overall thoughts.
Overall, great work! Definitely an enjoyable read and quite the surprise at the end. Thanks for sharing!
Keep up the good work!
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Basics: Some comments on different aspects of your story.
You have a good story here, but I do think you need to expand on it more. You bring the reader in immediately in your first sentence which is great! I would like to know more about this young girl and her effort to escape with her father. You leave the reader on a serious cliffhanger. Does she get out? What happens to their place? .... Good grammar tough throughout. Also, good structure!
Suggestions: Things in your story that can be improved to better it. Keep in mind, these things are only my opinion.
fire propelling itself towards us from the paddock behind the house made him stop quick smart.
-"stop quick smart" What does that mean?
Overall: My overall thoughts.
Overall, a good story. Thank you for sharing!
Keep up the good work!
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Basics: Some comments on different aspects of your story.
Hmm, definitely different. I liked it. But it took quite the turn on me at the end. I really wasn't expecting that. I don't actually know what to think. I like it in a way and in another way I think it was too blunt. Though I do realize it is a short story and you really can't go in detail. So taking that into consideration I think you did well with this. Though at first I was thinking of a girlfriend waiting for her boyfriend who broke up with her. Then she mentioned being married to him. I think why the ending was a surprise is because I always figured guardian angels were invisible... but I guess it's really up to the writer. You did well with this. Some good emotion throughout and quite a surprise at the end.
Suggestions: Things in your story that can be improved to better it. Keep in mind, these things are only my opinion.
Overall: My overall thoughts.
Overall, well done! Another good read. Thanks for sharing!
Keep up the good work!
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Basics: Some comments on different aspects of your story.
I can't get over the vast amount of emotion you showed in this flash fiction piece with only dialogue. This is something I never tried and honestly I am scared to. Dialogue is not my strongest point. You however, do a great job with it. You show both the characters personalities in such a short piece and with only dialogue. I love the intense feel I got from it. It actually reminded me of someone close in a way. That first line is definitely an eye catcher. I don't think you could have done better with this!
Suggestions: Things in your story that can be improved to better it. Keep in mind, these things are only my opinion.
My only suggestion is the way you ended this. I think you could have added an extra line. Maybe with Tara saying her goodbye... it just didn't seem the proper end... could be just me though.
Overall: My overall thoughts.
Overall, great work! I really enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing!
Keep up the good work!
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Basics: Some comments on different aspects of your poem.
Imagery: Again, some beautiful imagery in this piece also. I really like the title and the idea of this poem too. My favorite is the fifth stanza, describing the machine. I think this gives it a bit of a darker feel.
Flow: Flows well. A few suggestions for you below.
Rhyme: Does not apply.
Mood: The mood is full of love and need. Yet there is also a sense of confusion at why these emotions are so strong.
Structure: Good structure.
Suggestions: Things in your piece that can be improved to better your piece. Keep in mind, these things are only my opinion.
Can only survive in
Your hands.
My heart is in your hands.
- Because of the repetition of the word "hands" I would reconsider changing the first two lines to something like this:
Can only survive in
Your embrace.
- Maybe not that word, but something different than hands to avoid that repetition.
Overall: My overall thoughts.
Overall, a very good poem. Again, lots of emotion and love. Simple, yet well done. Thank you for sharing!
Keep up the good work!
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Basics: Some comments on different aspects of your story.
Characters: You build your characters well and show their stories in great detail. You gave me a good insight to who Willie is and how he came to be in the predicament that he is in.
As well, I like how you also show the life of the couple you talk about in the second chapter. The reader can already see how the story is lining up and how Willie and this couple will meet.
Plot: The plot is definitely interesting. I have never read anything like this though I have heard of churches only working for money. I like the way you explain how the church is to "sell forgiveness". The world is in a poor place today and many people would actually stoop to that level.
Beginning/Ending: The problem I had with this story is that it did not draw me in quick enough. I know you wanted to set it up, but I think you should start of with something more exciting and then go into the background of the characters, the church, etc. Some kind of action at the first maybe. You ended each chapter off good.
Structure:Good structure.
Suggestions: Things in your story that can be improved to better it. Keep in mind, these things are only my opinion.
with only his faith in God to sustains him!
- sustain does not need to be plural.
The Church of the Most Holy Named Saint was built on a hill over looking
- over looking should be one word, I believe in this case.
Willie in the back as he was directed and they were off to - to - - - Willie didn't know where they were going.
- This part made me stumble a bit. I think you should re-word this. Just a personal opinion though.
The driver pounded on one of the doors with the huge gargoyle shaped door knocker which was attached to the door for just such a purpose.
- I think you would be better off to take away this part of the sentence: "which was attached to the door for just such a purpose. " To me, it sounds better without it.
In a cackling voice he welcomed "Come in, Mr. Willie Wilson. The Bishop has been waiting for you! Please walk this way."
- Comma after "welcomed"
After a few minutes wait, a muffled "Come in." could faintly be heard behind the thick door.
- The sentence should, in my opinion read something like this: After a few minutes wait, a voice faintly muffled, "Come in" behind the thick door.
The fat man finally spoke "We've been waiting for you, REVEREND Wilson." (He put extra emphasis on the word "reverend", as if he were saying it in sarcasm.)
- You shouldn't have to point this out to your reader, rather you should build the sentence in a way that this is obvious. Maybe italicize the word reverend instead of capitalizing.
The teacher made such a fuss about her suspicions that he had copied form a girl next to him
- form should be from
Now, if we come to God through the way Gos provided (by accepting Jesus as Lord of our lives) we can be acceptable to God.
- Gos should be God
(Willie wouldn't use drugs in any case, whether they were free or not. He had seen what drugs had done to his mother and father and other people with whom he had come in contact in his neighborhood. He was smart enough to see the results which drugs had always caused.)
- This does not need to be in brackets.
delivering blows in places especially chosen to inflect great pain without causing unconsciousness or death.
- inflect should be inflict
Overall: My overall thoughts.
Overall, a good start to a story. You have an interesting plot and you develop you characters well. Be careful not to overuse description and try to draw the reader in more quickly at the first. As well, watch out for grammatical errors. There were quite a few spots and I only outlined a few. You also tend to use brackets a lot and I don't think this is needed the majority of the time. Take another read through your story and see what you can improve. One description I wanted to point out to you was this:It made a sound like the cry of a lost soul who had just been condemned to hell. Very good description! Overall, a good story. Thank you for sharing!
Keep up the good work!
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