Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/cjandmuse
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14 Public Reviews Given
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Review of The New Age Way  Open in new Window.
Review by CJ and Muse Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi, found this folder doing a search for "crystal healing". Thought I'd see if there was anyone else on WdC with the same intrests *Smile* Can only see the folder intro, so I'm guessing it's group restricted. I'm about to start a Reiki practitioner course followed by a Crystal Reiki course (sounded too interesting to pass up!)

Is your group active/open to new members?

Thanks for your time and consideration!
Review by CJ and Muse Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Never been to Sydney myself.. well that's a lie - on a school trip to Mt Perisher (ski trip) we drove through the outskirts of Sydney *Wink*

Most the places you mentioned are what I'd visit myself if I ever found myself down Sydney way, though I hear the shopping down in Melbourne is much, much better (it's on my 'to visit' list)

It's strange to hear Flying Foxes are a tourist "Must See" - where I am in Queensland they are generally considered a pest (as are their batty cousins) despite being on the protected list.

I'm not sure about the Markets in Sydney but in Brisbane there are several on from Thurs-Sun that aren't the Flea Market variety but, as with most things, it can be hit and miss just a matter of asking around the local shops to find decent markets, I would assume that Sydney would be the same.

Thanks for sharing your experiences, always nice to see the world through another's eyes (even if said 'world' is my own backyard *Wink*)

*Shamrock* Ravyn
Review by CJ and Muse Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Jill,

This is beautifully written, I loved it. I'm not usually a fan of haiku, but this spoke to me. A touching dedication to your father *Heart*

Live it. Breathe it. Be it.
*Shamrock* Ravyn
Review by CJ and Muse Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
I came across this through the Random Read feature of the site

The picture you've painted of the USA is completely different to how you see it in the media and heard from some people I know that live over there. I know a couple of people who never leave their apartments, work from home and get everything they need delivered because crime rates are so high where they live.

It's nice to hear that it isn't like that everywhere over there, thanks for sharing your experiences I enjoyed the read *Smile*

Live it. Breathe it. Be it.
*Shamrock* Ravyn
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