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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.5)

I'm here to review your poem.

*Snow1*First Impression:A song on Christmas, what better way to sing along, so I hopped in! The audio was unavailable, which was kind of let-down because I wanted to hear the tune.

*BalloonV*Form & Flow:Free style song. The flow is obstructed at quite a few places and I wondered how it could have sung with a flow. Another place where audio could have helped but I guess that's the site's fault, not yours.

*Snow2*Imagery & Emotion:Emotion is right there, the love, the happiness, the excitement in the air, the peace and helping everyone out.

*LeafR* What I liked the most: The place where you mention seeing through the eyes of the child. It was very familiar, I could identify with it and it made so much sense.

*Snow3*Suggestions & Typos:
          Not capitalizing every first word of line would have certainly helped in reading. In third stanza, too much repetition of "It's time to" made it stale and flow less. 5th stanza, first line, 'In' is capitalized, shouldn't be. Fifth stanza, last line, end with full stop.

*FlowerV*Overall Thoughts & Rating:Good concept and theme. You have put it nicely. But to sing it, it needs more flow and less obstructions.

*RainbowL*Write On!*Thumbsup*


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Review of Precious Breath  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.5)

Welcome to WDC!! I'm here to review your poem.

*Snow1*First Impression:I saw the long lines and wondered about the poetic bit. Loved the title though and so I barged in.

*BalloonV*Form & Flow:It's free style poem. The flow is not there due to length of lines. It appears more like prose than poetry. Alliteration is sued in selfish/sorrows, I/inhale etc.

*Snow2*Imagery & Emotion:Emotion is the center point of this writing. The pain is deeply felt and experienced. The way someone hurt the writer feels like being stabbed, flooded and scarred. You have clearly and expressively narrated the emotions the writer is going through. Not much use for imagery in here.

*LeafR* What I liked the most: The emotions that you depict, the expressiveness of your words.

*Snow3*Suggestions & Typos:I wish you could tone down the line length a bit, keep up the flow. You would have to tweak it quite a lot for that. example- I see the disbelief in their eyes.
It stabs like daggers,
but I know it is only skin deep.

Darker wounds stand in my path to recovery
as I have tried to bandage myself again.

Soon I know it will flood me
as rushing water does.

You swim in your selfish sorrows
until currents take you under.

Suddenly I know I am not dreaming,
all my horrors are real.

Invisible bruises scar my jagged memory,
and lies keep my head above water
no longer...

Knowing at any time I could sleep and not awake,
I inhale slowly as each breath becomes more and more precious.

This is just an example of pressing "Enter" more often but you will have to work at the flow.

*FlowerV*Overall Thoughts & Rating:Great subject, content and expression. Just some tweaking on the flow bit required.

*RainbowL*Write On!*Thumbsup*


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Review of Lighthouse  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

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You will be provided with three in-depth poetry reviews. This is the last. Enjoy!

*Snow1*First Impression:Loved the pic, the font color, the contrast. It was all so beautiful, I couldn't resist and am I glad!!! *Bigsmile* My, my, my, I am hypnotized with your words, still under hypnosis! *Wink*

*BalloonV*Form & Flow:Rhyming is aabb. Some non rhymes (thereof/love, go/glows, implore/yours) are there. These are assonance rather than rhymes.

*Snow2*Imagery & Emotion:IMAGERY!!!! I LOVED it. Ok, sorry, I would stop acting so bedazzled if it weren't for the imagery! Because it was beautiful and entwined with the picture, ahh, blissful. Tapestries of gold..castle of stone..miles of haze..beautiful!

Emotion of love is well reflected in the hard work of sweat and blood, protecting her, being her prisoner, kneeling, adoring..ahh, what rosy pictures it brings to mind.

*LeafR* What I liked the most: Your expressions- tapestries of gold (I'm blinded by the image of gold), aloft in her tower, beacon of refuge, fog of doubt (wow!), shrine to my Lass (it gets better and better), miles of haze (umm..). Simply astounding, mesmerizing!

*Snow3*Suggestions & Typos:
         If anything can be done about the non rhyme? Also, not capitalizing each starting word helps a lot in reading and flow.

*FlowerV*Overall Thoughts & Rating:Beautiful heartfelt poem, full of original, innovative expressions. Amazing! I am in love with the way you express yourself! *Blush*

*RainbowL*Write On!*Thumbsup*


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Review of Furry Philosophy  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with Rising Stars of WdC  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)

I'm here to review your poem.

*Snow1*First Impression:I was about to go away when I saw the poem was lengthy, but I read the first line and I was hooked. Glad to be. *Bigsmile* Never knew a poem about a kitten can teach so much about life.

*BalloonV*Form & Flow:Free form. The flow is alright.

*Snow2*Imagery & Emotion:The imagery is vivid. I think I can see your house from inside *Wink* - all those nooks and crannies the kitten gets into. Emotion is felt- your love for the kitten and the fact that you learn from observing it.

*LeafR* What I liked the most: The innovative and original concept, the way you have treated it- the content and the amazing idea behind it all. In all, the way you have spelled out BLISS in the smallest of things. Ahh! *Bigsmile*

*Snow3*Suggestions & Typos:The only thing that kept pestering me was the use of word 'one' so many times. I think your poem can do without it at most of the places. It would be perfect (for me) then.

*FlowerV*Overall Thoughts & Rating:A lovely read, insightful as well as refreshing.

*RainbowL*Write On!*Thumbsup*


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Review of Silence  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with Rising Stars of WdC  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

I'm here to review your poem.

*Snow1*First Impression:"Silence isn't always golden" pulled me in. I read the poem twice to understand and get its full impact.

*BalloonV*Form & Flow:Rhythm of 'aabb'. Flow is good except for the 6 stanza, second line- 'the cow mews but DOES refuse', the word DOES seems out of place and broke the flow for me.

*Snow2*Imagery & Emotion:
The imagery is very vivid- the woodsman, the goodwife, the milkmaid, the miner, the alleys... I could see everything. And more than seeing, I FELT it all. The silence- grave and profound, the silence of death. Emotion is deep and real. The poem dark.

*LeafR* What I liked the most: The depth your poem contains, its innovative concept and the manner in which you have produced the content.

*Snow3*Suggestions & Typos:None.

*FlowerV*Overall Thoughts & Rating:Made for a sad read, though it has made me think. Thank you for the thought and reality.

*RainbowL*Write On!*Thumbsup*


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Review of Sidney's Poetry  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with Rising Stars of WdC  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

I'm here to review your poem.
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*Snow1*First Impression:Wow! This is completely breathtaking and I, for one, can hardly believe a 9 year old wrote that!!!

*BalloonV*Form & Flow:Free form but the flow is perfect!

*Snow2*Imagery & Emotion: I am astounded by the imagery and emotion she has put in. Lovely. Such different adjectives and noun brought together..makes one wonder at the depth and creativity of Sidney- laughable daffodil, sad apple. ahh!

*LeafR* What I liked the most: The concept and depth of the poems touched me the most. Her deep thought and the beautiful way she has put it shows a lot about her. Mesmerizing!

*Snow3*Suggestions & Typos:None

*FlowerV*Overall Thoughts & Rating:Lovely poems, deep, reflective, beautiful!

*RainbowL*Write On!*Thumbsup*


Review of I Will Know  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with Rising Stars of WdC  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

I'm here to review your poem.

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*Snow1*First Impression: I liked the topic and ventured in to read when is it that one knows *Wink*

*BalloonV*Form & Flow:I did not find a particular rhyme or meter. I believe it is a free flow poem. The flow is fine.

*Snow2*Imagery & Emotion: Imagery is done well..the nature- sun and the moondance, climbing the window. You have used imagery in connection with the emotion...it is beautiful- wading through your absence, trace the silhouette...

*LeafR* What I liked the most: The way you paint pictures with your words, taking in both emotion and imagery and making a beautiful painting to look at. It is simply amazing.

*Snow3*Suggestions & Typos: No suggestions that I can think of. The flow is a little impeded since it is a free form poem but I love your words.

*FlowerV*Overall Thoughts & Rating: Lovely poem, and great concept. I love the way you have answered the ever elusive question.

*RainbowL*Write On!*Thumbsup*


Review of Nocturne  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with Poetic Exploration  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow!! What an amazing poem, Ken~

Such deep thoughts..makes one ponder...

Hmm...I am still wondering.. *Bigsmile*

I particularly like the sound of the first line...drifting..I can feel it.. ahh!

And the quintessential question makes one think back one one's life... ahh! Wonderful!

Thank you for this thought-provoking, in a way, tantalizing poem! *Wink*


In affiliation with Poetic Exploration  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow, Jace!!

Amazing Quinzaine! You have written a great poem on poetry itself.

Loved all three stanzas, together as well as alone. The concept is amazing. And I like the way they can be taken together or by themselves. Magic!

Thank you for a lovely read, this sunday morning!

Review of Markers  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with Rising Stars of WdC  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

I'm here to review your poem.
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*Snow1*First Impression:The tagline held me and pushed me in *Wink*even though the title was unclear to me.

*BalloonV*Form & Flow:Free form poem with abcb rhyme. The flow is perfect!

*Snow2*Imagery & Emotion:The imagery is used when one talks of the highway and the path but the major part is played by the emotions in here. The love, the apprehension is talked about and even though they are not seen as emotions per se, they are tangled in the message you are getting across.

*LeafR* What I liked the most: The concept of the poem - real and insightful. I love poems that make me think and this one did it! *Smile* Though I have heard various quotes on the same, I really liked this poem as poem takes more effort than a quote and lets you in, in the story of why.

The content is done brilliantly. The words are perfect, the flow is amazing, the message is well reflected and you have used great incidents to get across your point.*Thumbsup*

*Snow3*Suggestions & Typos:
         Not capitalizing every sentence' first word really helps the reader. It's easy on the eyes too.

Third stanza, third line- I believe it should be "fellow MEN"

*FlowerV*Overall Thoughts & Rating:Great poem! Loved it! It made me think!

*RainbowL*Write On!*Thumbsup*


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Review of Writing in Snow  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with Poetic Exploration  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

I found this form pretty difficult and it was more difficult to make it make some sense.

You have done a good job with it. The concept fits in the form easily and makes sense! Bravo!!

The syllable count is perfect too. Something I have tough time with.

Somehow your poem reminded me of chocolate..and my mouth is watering right now..hardest, darkest...yumm!! *Wink*

Great Easter poem! *Smile*

In affiliation with Rising Stars of WdC  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
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I'm here to review your poem.

*Snow1*First Impression:
I wondered and laughed at the read slowly line, until I ventured in deeper.

*BalloonV*Form & Flow:
Free form but the flow is good enough.

*Snow2*Imagery & Emotion:
Emotion is amazing..from love to lies to hardship..you tell it all beautifully.

Imagery is good too, especially in second stanza.

*LeafR* What I liked the most:
The concept of the poem, so real, true and enlightening. Very impressive and amazing!

The way you have chosen to tell it, without seeming commanding ot forcing..very subtle way to give an important lesson/message.

*Snow3*Suggestions & Typos:

*FlowerV*Overall Thoughts & Rating:
Lovely poem to be savored though time...

*RainbowL*Write On!*Thumbsup*


In affiliation with Rising Stars of WdC  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)

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I'm here to review your poem.

*Snow1*First Impression:
Short,but full of feelings and imagery

*BalloonV*Form & Flow:
Free form, flow is good.

*Snow2*Imagery & Emotion:
Great imagery...mirrors, laughter, the empty room next door.
Emotions - deep, distraught, lonely.

*LeafR* What I liked the most:
The feelings you have depicted..that of still, silent and empty.. Very deep. I liked the use and connotation of 'mirrors', the bubbly laugher gives one an insight into the poet's mind and makes one hear the laughter. The simile of empty mind was great

*Snow3*Suggestions & Typos:
         Punctuation could help in reading.

*FlowerV*Overall Thoughts & Rating:
In all, deep..short but meaningful

*RainbowL*Write On!*Thumbsup*


In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

I'm here to review your poem.

*Snow1*First Impression:Wow! Never heard of this form. Though I would step in!

*BalloonV*Form & Flow:Nice form. Rhyme is well done. It flows smoothly.

*Snow2*Imagery & Emotion:Didn't see much of imagery but emotions are there..

*LeafR* What I liked the most: The concept. Very nice and relevant. I loved the line about live, act and mime. How lovely! I also loved the expression of shadows of time, so beautiful!
"Moments tick by as slippery as slime" Ahh!!

*Snow3*Suggestions & Typos:None

*FlowerV*Overall Thoughts & Rating:You have got an amazing talent!!!

*RainbowL*Write On!*Thumbsup*


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Review of Shine On Me  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with Rising Stars of WdC  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

I'm here to review your poem.

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*Snow1*First Impression:Peaceful, blissful poem giving me a sense of relief and knowledge that the light is there and it will shine on me.

*BalloonV*Form & Flow:Free form. Great flow. Rhyme is nice.

*Snow2*Imagery & Emotion:Imagery is good, though it is not used much- light saving from the fearful night. Emotions displayed are well reflected and real. The prayer, as it seems to me, is powerful and tells about your faith and trust in Him.

*LeafR* What I liked the most: The concept, the expression and the flow.

*Snow3*Suggestions & Typos:

*FlowerV*Overall Thoughts & Rating:Great poem and prayer. Humbling experience.

*RainbowL*Write On!*Thumbsup*


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Review of Without You  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

I'm here to review your poem.

*Snow1*First Impression:I noticed the short font size, wished it was bigger, making it easy on the eyes.

*BalloonV*Form & Flow:Free form. Rhyme is done really well, the flow is great.

*Snow2*Imagery & Emotion:Imagery is nicely done. The use of seasons is done well for the imagery. Emotions are reflected nicely - from happiness to pain to a sense of freedom.

*LeafR* What I liked the most: The story in the poem, the realness of it, the feelings expressed, the emotions so consuming.

*Snow3*Suggestions & Typos:
         The lack of punctuation caught my eye. The font size can be increased a little.

Fourth stanza, first line -"Spring came with all things anew"

Sixth stanza, last line- "Yet I couldn't, I left a lot unsaid"

Third last stanza, last line-"Would you come back to me?"

Last stanza, third line ends with a question mark.

*FlowerV*Overall Thoughts & Rating:Well written poem, just needs a bit sprucing up, here and there.

*RainbowL*Write On!*Thumbsup*


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In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

I'm here to review your poem.

*Snow1*First Impression:Heart warming poetry there.

*BalloonV*Form & Flow:Free style form. The flow is fine except for the first line which I think is a little long than it should be. It obstructs in reading it out aloud.

*Snow2*Imagery & Emotion:Imagery is good and the emotions depicted are exceptional. I ended up imagining the sky and seeing eyes of the same color. I can visualize the stare. The feeling of dark and cold is expressed very we, bringing home the point of sadness and loneliness.

*LeafR* What I liked the most: The emotions you have portrayed..mesmerizing! The expression of 'frozen dreams'. Wow! Innovative and well expressed. The ending is nice.

*Snow3*Suggestions & Typos:
         I wonder at the absence of punctuation. The first line can be broken into two- Eyes blue like the sky
on a warm summer's day

*FlowerV*Overall Thoughts & Rating:Nice poem. Good depiction. Great emotions. Just needs a bit of work on the flow.

*RainbowL*Write On!*Thumbsup*


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Review of Life's Cycle  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)

What a beautiful poem there, Jace!

Wow! Life's cycle. Oh so right!

You have summed up your life so mesmerizingly.

This sends me back down memory lane, reflecting at my own life.

What an innovative idea for a garland Cinquain! Really well written.

Your idea suits the poem's form very well.

Write on!


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In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Such a beautiful memory, dear and you were just eight!! Much past your years, huh!

Wow! This was really heart-touching and amazing! *Smile*

Loved your descriptions. I could see your home really vividly and clearly. Well done!

Enjoyed your style of writing!

Keep writing!


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In affiliation with Rising Stars of WdC  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)

Wow! This was truly breathtaking! Can't believe a to-do list can be so amazing, rhyming and lovely!

This was hilarious as well as poetic. What an amazing attempt.

Just adored it.

I have a query though :- why are some lines in italics? I tried to understand, I thought some of them were what you wondered aloud. But it doesn't seem so everywhere. Can you shed some light on the mystery?


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Review of Foundation  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)

Wow! Memories! It's almost like I can smell it all. The dust, the sunlight, yellowed envelopes! *sigh*

You paint a beautiful picture and I can see it all in my mind's eye.

I just feel like going through my memories right now.. ohh... nostalgia.

Thank you Ken!

I have enjoyed myself through your poems. Each with a different mood evoking so many emotions within me. *Smile*

I have enjoyed my stay in your port.

And with that I finish the 6 reviews I owed you from PDG Image Auction.

Oh, by the way, which one's you in the pic?


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Review of Bête Noire  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with Smile~Worldwide  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

Oh my God, this is unbelievable!

I loved this. And all the while I was thinking who are you talking about? The mirror just took me by surprise!

Your words are so true for each of us. We make so mistakes, wrong so many people and even then at the end of the day, we are concerned about things that don't really matter or may be they do, in some minuscule way in our lives. How atrocious! You have nailed it.

Way to go, Ken! I love you. *Heart*


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Review of Admonitions  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with JUST BECAUSE I WANT TO FORUM T...  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)

Oh yes, Ken, you said everything and more that my brain says inside of me.

I agree with you wholeheartedly.

It's time we woke up and become aware of what's happening around us and change it all in order to survive.

Your poem emphasizes it all at the correct places.

I wish more people thought like that. World would certainly be a better place, then.


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Review of Unencumbered  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Nice poem. *Smile*

How about leaving the word 'of' from the second line?

The rhyme is great even though I secretly wish you weren't bound by rhyme. Because I like your poems much better when they are free verse. As you tend to bring some sort of rhyme and flow even then. *Smile*

The essence of the poem as dictated by the prompt is clear and stark.

The utilization of prompt is well done.

Keep writing.


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Review of Colors of Fall  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)

What a beautiful poem there, Ken!

You have described the fall so amazingly!

The picture is just perfect and so are your words.

Though, I must admit that difficult or rather long words make me stop and I don't like to look in a dictionary when I am enjoying a poem. So I just kept on reading and made up the meanings for myself as were evident to me by the sentences.

Beautiful vision and essence.. *Bigsmile*


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