Please accept my review of your short story; Just a Little to the Left.
Things can change in an instant, sometimes in ways we can hardly believe.
My review, thoughts and opinion are only to help you - be sure that I am learning from you, from your style, your creativity and from your passion for writing.
Likes: I really, really enjoyed reading your story very, very much. Your writing style is catching, interesting and allows curiosity and attention from the reader. I loved it, congrats. Did you win the Writing Contest - The Writer’s Cramp 5th of February or is it still ongoing? You should have won --- or will!
I was impressed by the idea and how you made the boy/young man live through time, and be in the Twilight Zone, a Stephen King thing but in reality a Noyoki thing, with personality, softness yet strength, like a bolt of lightning. I learnt with you; great work.
Dislikes: Nothing disliked me at all.
Please correct/notice:
1. four year old Gareth = four-year-old or four-year old;
2. electricity shot though him = through
I am sending this review because I really liked your work. Well done! Write on! Thanks for all the fine reviews you do in WDC!
Please accept my review of your short story Pumpkin Eater.
There's something sinister about the pumpkin on the front porch of an abandoned home.
My review, thoughts and opinion are only to help you - be sure that I am learning from you, from your style, your creativity and from your passion for writing.
Likes: Your story was just great for the month of October, for Halloween, for the Horrorum, and for me! I liked it very much. Creative, interesting, and it caught me off guard inn the end, really. Good work Dark One! Your writing style flows easily and the reader --- wants to know more, your details, vivid. I was taken by your story!
Dislikes: Nothing disliked me.
Please correct/notice: It is perfect.
I am sending this review because I really liked your work!
Please accept my review of your 2nd poem-- Relay for life
An encouraging poem I wrote for the Relay for Life to support those who have had cancer.
My review, thoughts and opinion are only to help you - be sure that I am learning from you, from your style, your creativity and from your passion for writing.
Likes: A beautiful cry for help, for stopping cancer. LOVELY. I loved the colors, the words, the message! Creative and imaginative, and sweet. Good work. Why would people complain or ask about the colors? It's lovely and ads grace to your poem.
Dislikes: Good job!
Please correct/notice: N/A
I am sending this review because I really liked your work. Well done! Write on!
Thanks for all the fine reviews you do in WDC!
Christina Daltro
** Image ID #1850366 Unavailable **
Please accept my review of your MY FANTASTIC FANTASY ISLE
a dream of castle
My review, thoughts and opinion are only to help you - be sure that I am learning from you, from your style, your creativity and from your passion for writing.
Likes: That was really a fantastic dream, wasn't it? I liked the way you --- vividly --- described your dream, I could see it too. Great way of working, mastering the words. Good work, Lady Fati.
Dislikes: Nothing disliked me.
Please correct/notice: N/A
I am sending this review because I really liked your work. Well done! Write on!
Thanks for all the fine reviews you do in WDC!
Christina Daltro
** Image ID #1850366 Unavailable **
Please accept my review of your Project Phoenix: Prologue
Prologue to my pair of novels under the umbrella name Jealousy of the sun.
My review, thoughts and opinion are only to help you - be sure that I am learning from you, from your style, your creativity and from your passion for writing.
Likes: EXCELLENT. WHAT A GREAT START. I liked the way you began your Prologue, and it kept my interest, and I wanted to know more. Is there more? What happened to her? Is she Crossing Over? Is she simply dying? What?
Dislikes: Nothing disliked me, on the contrary.
Please correct/notice: N/A
I am sending this review because I really liked your work. Well done! Write on!
Thanks for all the fine reviews you do in WDC!
Christina Daltro
** Image ID #1850366 Unavailable **
Please accept my review of your Contest entry for Submissions.
My review, thoughts and opinion are only to help you - be sure that I am learning from you, from your style, your creativity and from your passion for writing.
Likes: I think it's a great opportunity for serious authors who want their Anthologies published; I would like to know if it's still open as I'd like to submit. I write Short stories from the dark side.
Dislikes: Nothing disliked me. There should be more serious contests as this one.
Please correct/notice: N/A
I am sending this review because I really liked your work. Well done! Write on!
Thanks for all the fine reviews you do in WDC!
Christina Daltro
** Image ID #1850366 Unavailable **
Please accept my review of your campfire creative chapter A Dose of Us,
My review, thoughts and opinion are only to help you - be sure that I am learning from you, from your style, your creativity and from your passion for writing.
Likes: I liked the idea, the poem-like structure and the meaning. I really liked it. Is it complete? Will there be more? My favorite part:
"someday,someone,somewhere will DISCOVER the FORTUNE in my CHEST"
Dislikes: Nothing disliked me. I just dropped by your Port and saw this, and liked it. Write on!
Please correct/notice: N/A
I am sending this review because I really liked your work. Well done!
Thanks for all the fine reviews you do in WDC!
Christina Daltro
** Image ID #1850366 Unavailable **
Please accept my review of your poem: A Life Unlived
See folder for entire rant. This is a piece of poetry I wrote when I was a teen.
My review, thoughts and opinion are only to help you - be sure that I am learning from you, from your style, your creativity and from your passion for writing.
Likes: You wrote this deep, beautiful, sad but lovely poem when you were a teen? WOW! Continue writing on, dear Cat, you have the power within you. I loved it. My best part:
As lives are told
secrets begin to mold.
Dislikes: Simply ... great!
Please correct/notice: N/A
I am sending this review because I really liked your work. Well done! Write on!
Thanks for all the fine reviews you do in WDC!
Christina Daltro
** Image ID #1850366 Unavailable **
Please accept my review of your Muslims feel stigmatised in French vote
Muslims are not terrorists ... Terrorists are not muslims
My review, thoughts and opinion are only to help you - be sure that I am learning from you, from your style, your creativity and from your passion for writing.
Likes: Well done, truePath, with your critique, cultural item. All must be seen, all must be said so that the world will change and evolve and not become hard and blindfold. I liked your story because it not only tells 'a truth' but it disclaims that we should not see people as religion or nationality but as souls of one world and one planet. Good work.
Dislikes: N/A
Please correct/notice: N/A
I am sending this review because I really liked your work. Well done! Write on!
Thanks for all the fine reviews you do in WDC!
Christina Daltro
** Image ID #1850366 Unavailable **
Please accept my review of your The World Around Us
A collection of three short poems.
My review, thoughts and opinion are only to help you - be sure that I am learning from you, from your style, your creativity and from your passion for writing.
Likes: I enjoyed reading your three poems. They are light, sweet, maybe somehow sad ... but full of wishes and dreams. Well done. You rite well and the stanzas and rhyming is very, very good.
Dislikes: Nothing disliked me.
Please correct/notice: N/A
I am sending this review because I really liked your work. Well done! Write on!
Thanks for all the fine reviews you do in WDC!
Christina Daltro
** Image ID #1850366 Unavailable **
Please accept my review of your poem: Surprise Gift
A gift described in Swap quatrain. The unexpected always delights.
My review, thoughts and opinion are only to help you - be sure that I am learning from you, from your style, your creativity and from your passion for writing.
Likes: How nicely (I know it's not easy) you wrote this poem! It is full oif joy and happiness. You made it sound real. I loved it. Good work. I love birthday parties, especially when it is about children. You did a good job here.
Dislikes: Nothing disliked me.
Please correct/notice:
I am sending this review because I really liked your work. Well done! Write on!
Thanks for all the fine reviews you do in WDC!
Please accept my review of your poem: Seven Years
A man and his wife on their seventh wedding anniversary.
My review, thoughts and opinion are only to help you - be sure that I am learning from you, from your style, your creativity and from your passion for writing.
Likes: Emotional and full of love, tenderness and reality. I was deeply moved by your words, feelings and poem. Thank you for sharing.
Dislikes: Perfect and emotional. Nothing disliked me.
Please correct/notice: N/A
I am sending this review because I really liked your work. Well done! Write on!
Thanks for all the fine reviews you do in WDC!
Please accept my review of your poem: MY MOTHER, MY ANGEL
A Birthday dedication to my beloved mother
My review, thoughts and opinion are only to help you - be sure that I am learning from you, from your style, your creativity and from your passion for writing.
Likes: Dear Sherri, what a tender, loving and longing poem. I loved it. It made me cry but a cry of love, acceptance and understanding. It will take me some time to recover...
Dislikes: Nothing disliked me - lovely poem.
Please correct/notice: N/A
I am sending this review because I really liked your work. Well done! Write on!
Thanks for all the fine reviews you do in WDC!
Dear Itchy Water,
Please accept my review of your poem: A Memorable Birthday
A free verse poem about a birthday party.
My review, thoughts and opinion are only to help you - be sure that I am learning from you, from your style, your creativity and from your passion for writing.
Likes: Lovely! The poem, the stanzas, rhymes, tastes and noises. It was as if I was right there, and I wanted a piece of cake and a balloon. So nice!
Dislikes: Nothing disliked me, on the contrary.
Please correct/notice: N/A
I am sending this review because I really liked your work. Well done! Write on!
Thanks for all the fine reviews you do in WDC!
Please accept my review of your article: Spectacular Birthdays!
It's all about special Birthdays.
My review, thoughts and opinion are only to help you - be sure that I am learning from you, from your style, your creativity and from your passion for writing.
Likes: I loved reading the stories about your sixteenth birthday and the cube corsage and about your fifty-fifth birthday. I both liked them and enjoyed them, wondering and imagining the situations, places, people, noises, surprises. Really vivid and lovely, good writing.
Dislikes: Nothing disliked me.
Please correct/notice: N/A
I am sending this review because I really liked your work. Well done! Write on!
Thanks for all the fine reviews you do in WDC!
Please accept my review of your poem: LOve so True
Love comes from within; a preferred fruit of the spirit
My review, thoughts and opinion are only to help you - be sure that I am learning from you, from your style, your creativity and from your passion for writing.
Likes: Perfect. A lovely, sincere love poem full of truth and ... passion. And that is what a poem should be about and have: love and passion. You did it it your poem, Teach. I liked it a lot.
Dislikes: Nothing disliked me.
Please correct/notice: No grammar mistakes or punctuation mistakes, stanzas well written, good flow, great read.
I am sending this review because I really liked your work. Well done! Write on!
Thanks for all the fine reviews you do in WDC!
Please accept my review of your poem: Three Completely Strangers
You and I make three persons
My review, thoughts and opinion are only to help you - be sure that I am learning from you, from your style, your creativity and from your passion for writing.
Likes: I simply loved your poem. I read the feelings and sadness in your words and felt it inside my heart. So true, when two aren't two but ... three. NIce way of putting it. Intelligent and creative. I kind of read your words, or feelings, and remembered my latest (sad) poem Slowly. It says the same... but not as intensely as yours. Great work!
Dislikes: Nothing disliked me. Lovely!
Please correct/notice: N/A
I am sending this review because I really liked your poem. Well done! Write on!
Thanks for all the fine reviews you do in WDC!
Please accept my review of your poem: Scars
Getting stronger from the Past.
My review, thoughts and opinion are only to help you - be sure that I am learning from you, from your style, your creativity and from your passion for writing.
Likes: Your poem is sincere, sad, and full of wisdom. I liked it very much, Adrian.
Dislikes: Nothing disliked me.
Please correct/notice: I think that it would be easier to read if you made it into two stanzas by giving a space after each period, therefore, with the paragraph beginning with Once again, it will be a third stanza, but shorter, and sttill a nice ending with two lines. A really nice piece of art, my dear WDC friend as to write a poem is not that easy - you place all tour feelings into words; and sometimes words are difficult to express sadness and hurt. If you read my latest poem, Slowly, you'll see how I expressed my sadness, just as yiu did, with advice and wisdom, able to endeavor ahead. Good work!
I am sending this review because I really liked your poem. Well done! Write on!
Thanks for all the fine reviews you do in WDC!
Dear Misty Crade,
I read your Chapter 1 (Anger Issues: Ryan) and liked it very, very much. You have a good, mysterious plot and I feel that you are working out (based on Chapter One) the mystery involving the twin Werewolves - separated at birth, so tragically. I will follow your story: SAVAGED and think that you are doing a great work.
Your friend,
Christina Daltro
There seems to be a word missing in both sentences below:
1. Ryan turned over and saw this small, little girl sticking her chest out about as threading as a kitten.
2. Now he was I a real cage and they were closing in all too quickly.
I read your Prologue for Savaged as per your request (I was wondering why you trusted me with my review and opinion but was honored by it), and I must tell you that I enjoyed it very much. I was taken by the story and felt sorry for Daniella and her twins... but was curious about her life, her kidnapping and her naive acceptance of her fate. But, by becoming bold and decisive, she escaped only to be doomed by her courageous decision. Good plot, creative and interesting; mysterious. I am thinking now about baby number 1, hidden in a tree trunk and wondering what will happen to baby number 2. Good work, Misty Crade, you caught my attention here.
Please correct the following:
1. She did not stop though. She could not stop, even though her muscles ached and cried out for even a brief reprieve. >>> Two though, in the same line;
2. He raised his gu as she ran and took a shot.>>> gun;
3. Samson, never even looking into the rear-view mirror.{/left} >>> remove the.{/left.
Apart from this, excellent job. I will read Chapter one as soon as I can.
Christina Daltro
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