Hi, ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy !
Honestly, I feel nervous in giving review to the first person who had reviewed my first item in WdC. However, I promised to myself that one day I would give time and effort to you when I can understand (at least) how creative writing is crafted. So, here I am.
I chose to review "TWO DREAMERS---TWO DREAMS" simply because of my interest in playing piano. 
When I read your note at the end of the story that this one was your third short story when you started writing, I browsed again on your port to read more recent items. Your writing have indeed improved! I am impressed and inspired .
I hesitated to continue on this review, but then I thought that I'd like to contribute for this story. I've tried to analyze your presentation and extracted three parts from it. Here's what I've got and my suggestions.
The first part is about Mrs. Schuster, her achievements, and her health issue.
The line “unique style for teaching piano without touching the keys” piqued my interest. How I wished you have described more on how she does it. I also thought that maybe you could have described first the unique style on the earlier part of the story, and then showed to us the condition of her hands. The reason behind her unique style.
The second part is about Brett Kensington, his determination to be like his teacher, and his achievements through the help of Mrs. Schuster.
On this part is the best way in revealing more who Mrs. Schuster was through the admiration of Brett. So, I thought that stating the international performances of the teacher on the first part can be omitted. Else, as it was presented, it sounded redundant.
The third part is about the realization of the dreams of the two dreamers.
The sentence that started with “He wrote a letter to Mrs. Schuster” could mean that Brett informed his teacher on every detail of his musical journey. I thought that it would be better if this would be rewritten in another way or the word detail (or any relevant word) be used as a keyword since this shows the depth of a relationship formed between the two dreamers. (This is just a suggestion, though.)
The sending of letters and recordings appeals the most. The resignation of Mrs. Schuster from teaching while her protégé was on his way to success made me thought of sunrise and sunset. I love this hidden message.
The information that performing at Carnegie Hall as the pinnacle excited me. The wearing of the gown, and then the closing of teacher’s eyes (for eternal rest) along with the end of the recorded music showed the best drama for me.
At the end of my analysis, I imagined the story of having it presented through the voice of Brett rather than the narrator’s voice. This idea came up because of the line music as a healer of the soul from Brett's valedictory address. If he's the one telling the story, then maybe this line could have more power as a sub-theme rather than being a line simply narrated. I also thought that it would be great to listen from the story of Brett about her teacher since it could give more emotional impact and personal connection which would certainly glue the interest of the reader. I also noticed that several times I stopped reading and tried to weave the connections of some parts, and so, Brett's narration may also slow down the pacing of the story.
Hmmm... What do you think, ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy ?
My final thoughts
For me, a good story leaves an inspiration and something to ponder on. Aside from crying at the end of this moving story, it reminded me of my Mathematics teacher who chose me to receive an in-depth math lesson from her. I am also thankful to her for she had helped me recognize my learning ability which would have been impossible without her guidance. Like Brett, this event in my life had left an important landmark along my life’s road map.
I admired Mrs. Schuster’s determination in continuing passing on piano skills despite her arthritic hands. I also admired Brett for his gratitude to his teacher and his continued connection with her.
With all these impressions, your story is truly inspirational. This deserves your editing attention which I am certain that would turn great with what you have now.
I really thank you for sharing this story with us. I'm dreaming that this be seen published. 
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